Page name: Chapter 12: Rika's full demon form [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-03-25 22:45:41
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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Then the soul carriers came together, then burst up and out like a fountain. They dropped down on opposite sides of the ring. There were 6 total. Then, pinkish swirling portals opened. The team stared astonishingly. Then, white wolf paws came up from the portals. Followed by the wolf themselves. The wolves were pure white with turquoise eyes. More and more emerged from the portals. Finally after a while, and with many wolves, the portals closed. The wolves were spread all over the stadium. Then, they turned into black flaming wolves with red eyes. Then more soul carriers started to come from the sky and down into the pile of badrie were Rika was. But the didn't land or hit it. Then the top of the pile rose up. Rika stood there.

She was in her demon form. Her blue phoenix wings hung down. Her kitsune ears, back against her head. her claws, fangs, and tail shown. But her eyes were shadowed. Strangely she had four light blue lines on her cheeks. Two on each side, parallel to each other in a horizontal way. Her clothes were kind tattered.

The soul carriers came down and swirled around her. Twisting and twining around her waist, stomach, legs and arms. Then they flew away. She started to walk forward while saying, "All this time I've been so hollow inside." She stopped and pointed at Atamis and opened her eyes. They were pure red where the white areas of the eyes normally were. She had cat-like blue pupils with a black pupil in the middle of the blue. The wolves charged at him and started to attack him. Leaping and biting him, biting his legs. Practically his whole body, then they jumped back and Atamis was on fire, darkness flame fire. He yelled in pain, then he managed to shake it off. He looked limp with his head and arms hanging down. Then he looked up dizzily and painfully at Rika. She stood with her arms like an X. Here eyes were closed again. But the wolves attacked him again.

Kurama and the others ran up to her. But she then blasted in a blast of darkness flame fire that grew bigger and forced them to back away, fast. She then re-opened her eyes with a wicked smile on her face. Her energy was unbelievable. She then took flight and stopped about medium high in the air. As her energy grew it started to overthrow her and she curled in a ball with her arms holding around her stomach.

Atamis continued to throw off the wolves and hit them away. But they stopped and he looked up at Rika. As did the others. "What's happening to her?" Yuniko asked over the heavy wind. "Her energy. It's increasing beyond-" Kurama stopped, feeling a demon heartbeat.

[JSYK-Just So You Know- Demons don't have heartbeats. Even though they are alive. So what I mean by Kurama had a demon heartbeat is that he can feel his demon self coming in him. It's like.....a single pound of energy going through you like a heartbeat.]

Kurama felt another, then another. Yuniko ran over to him, "Kurama? KURAMA!? Kurama, what's wrong!?" "Go......" He said with his hand to his head and the other around his stomach. "What!?" Then she felt his 'demon heartbeats' and understood. Then slowly backed away. Smoke swirled around him. When it cleared, he stood tall in his Youko form. Yuniko jolted back and her hands up to her mouth in shock. She had never seen his demon form before. He stared at Rika. This was her full demon form, his full sister.

She flailed her arms and legs back and a giant black portal began to open in the clouds. It grew and grew and grew. Everyone was too stunned to move, talk, or do anything. Even Atamis. Kurama, or rather, Youko, just looked with a wicked, pleasing grin on his face. Hiei took a few steps forward, thinking that he might have known what it was exactly.
He had read it in one of Rika's books. From a book in the BACK of the room, where she kept her strongest books. He read about a giant demon portal that could transport powerful, giant demons to a different world of the users choosing. But that required a lot of power to open it.

Just as the hole became increasingly huge, a giant black flaming claw with large nails, grabbed the edges of the portal. It had gold streaks of light tied around it's claw. Hiei suspected net demons. Demons that tried to sustain and hold back the strongest of demons with golden, sacred, rope. Then a giant head of a flaming dragon come out. It's head was massive with large, red, beaming eyes and giant teeth. Then the other claw grabbed hold of the other side of the portal. The creature had the gold ropes around it like a net. It pulled out and plopped down on the ground. It's long badly lead up still in the portal, not moving out though. Now you could actually see the demons holding the net ropes. Some in the air, some on the ground. Lightning struck and the ground beyond the stadium crumbled. The dragon sat for a minuet before flinging itself high into the air so it could stand on it's feet. The rope demons, along with the golden ropes, dissolved and the dragon roared so loudly that the whole stadium shook. By this time, the demons in the stands were going crazy, some were leaving though. Most of them remained.

[Probably waiting for their death. Hehehe!^^]

This is the creature-like dragon. It has horns coming from it's head though, and wings.

The flames that had surrounded Rika had disappeared. The others were shock beyond belief. Atamis back up to the wall. The others back up too, but not to the wall.

Rika then moved her hands in a half circular way, ending with them aiming at Atamis. The dragon followed her hands and flew at him. It dove into him with it's mouth wide open. It shook in the dirt wildly, making sure it was ripping him apart.

Rika laughed softly for a second with an evil, pleasing, crazy, look on her face. But the dragon was taking long, and her evil look went to a frown. The dragon took his head away for a moment. Then opened his mouth and dove at were Atamis was again.

>> Chapter 13: Not yet dead

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