Page name: Cinnamon Spice 2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-10-14 16:01:25
Last author: Estantia
Owner: Estantia
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Estantia's Stories

Cinnamon Spice 2

Part 2 of cinnamon spice, I may re-arrange the weighting of the parts, I think a chunk of this should be in 1...

Estantia's Stories
Cinnamon Spice
Cinnamon Spice 1
Cinnamon Spice 3


The computer screen bleeped as a message came in the next morning. Tails looked up with a jerk, he hadn’t even realised that he’d fallen asleep on his keyboard until then and rubbed the back of his neck with a wince. He then opened the message and saw it was from Knuckles and remembered Sonic saying something about that. He read it with interest.

Hi guys, where were you yesterday? You were lucky the alarm was mostly false, otherwise we’d have had a major problem on our hands. Even as is we’ve lost track of some of the emeralds, they were stolen yesterday, that’s what the alarm was about. Strange thing is that they didn’t take all of them, I can only hope they don’t know about the others.
Any chance that Tails can track them? He managed to get a fix on them before so I wondered if it would work again. I’m coming over in the morning to ask anyway, so think of this as advance warning.


Tails nodded and sent a reply in the affirmative about the tracking device and that he’d make breakfast. He then looked at the clock on the computer, too early to get up and too late to sleep... Tails blinked slowly and went to look for more information on extreme gear to wake himself up. He also tarted up the tracking device, interested to see that the traces indicated the city they were going to anyway...

Eventually Tails went to the kitchen with a yawn and a rub of his eyes and soon after the hissing and smell of frying spread through the house. Shadow was the first to emerge from hibernation to sink into a chair at the table and Tails silently pushed a plate across to him. Shadow fell on the food, eating quickly and waking up as he went, mobile enough most of the way through to flip open some junk mail and start reading as he finished.

Sonic’s arrival to the kitchen was slower than his counterpart’s, and he ended up nearly dozing off on the table, nose twitching at the smell of cooking. Tails again slid a plate towards the hedgehog silently before loading a third plate and putting it to keep warm on the top of the oven. Only after that did he sit and eat his own breakfast. Shadow pointed at the waiting plate of food as a question.

“Knux is coming, some of the emeralds were taken yesterday but not the master. I’ve tracked the traces to metal city already.”

“That’s handy,” Shadow’s words were only slightly slurred with sleep, but he’d lived with the two too long for them not to notice it, well, one, Sonic was concentrating on eating.

It didn’t take too long for the echidna to show up and eat his own plate of food as if it happened every day. Sonic then had to explain the day before’s events to Tails and Knuckles as he had only described the girl to Shadow, who ended up filling in the blanks.

“Sounds strange, and riding one of those things well you say? I think I saw some jet trails like that from the thieves, could she be one of them?” Sonic stared at him.

“No way! If she was a thief why would she save me?”

“Sonic the timing fits, if she was as fast as you say she could do the distance in the time,” Tails said calmly, “We can’t rule her out of this.” Sonic was still protesting until Shadow raised one eyebrow slightly and he shut up. The black and red hedgehog had a knack of being able to guess  accurately, and right now he didn’t like the look of what he was thinking.

However when the quieter hedgehog spoke it was an impassive statement as normal, “Let’s move then.”


Shadow looked up as the others sped off, how had he managed to fall over a chunk of stuff from the bird’s exit from the building he didn’t know. He scowled and stood before getting ready to run when another figure flew out of the building above him, leaving the orange trail behind it as the board landed.

Shadow sped into a run across the street and started to slowly catch up, though he suspected she was slowing down. The figure on the board turned it’s head briefly and moved into a wide circle, drawing up next to him with a grin. “Need a lift?”

“As long as I’m alive at the end of it...” Shadow smiled as the strange creature laughed and held out a hand. “Trust me?” Shadow hesitated a little longer than Sonic, than saw the daredevil twinkle in her eyes. “Sure,” Shadow jumped onto the board and it suddenly sped up, trail brightening behind it as the shot forwards. The spikes on her head rippled in the wind they were making as there was another burst of seed, the wind they were leaving almost solid. She seemed unperturbed by this as she wove around cars and suddenly whipped the tail end of the board round to slide round a corner, her spikes truly whipping behind her in the wind now.

Shadow grinned, loving this as he leant with her, fumbling a little but her firm hand on his shoulder stopped him from going flying, “We’re lucky we haven’t got any jumps,” Shadow said, “you managed to scare Sonic with your stunts yesterday.”

“Seriously?” The rider’s head was still focussed on the road as the straightened up but Shadow could hear the surprise and see the raised eyebrow before she grinned, “I rock.”

She grinned further as Shadow laughed and then jumped with the board, spinning it round to land facing front again. The hedgehog holding on shook his head slightly to remove the dizziness as they shot out of the tunnel.

Shadow had just spotted the others as their board was once again pushed into a slide to curve sharply and draw up next to the group.

“Hi,” the girl said brightly, “What’s up?” She seemed oblivious to the people staring at her as Shadow got off the board and she jumped off, sending the board tilting upwards to catch it in one hand and lean on it with one end against the ground. Both of the hedgehogs were staring as she calmly acted like she hadn’t been chasing the birds a few moments ago. Knuckles seemed as oblivious to the hedgehogs as Tails, though he was also oblivious to the rider of the board whereas Knuckles was frowning harshly, “Are you one of the thieves?” The hedgehogs stared at their friend, how could he think that?

The girl herself flinched in a mixture of shock and disgust, “Hell no!”

“Prove it,” Knuckles’ eyes were narrowed.

“Sheesh calm down, I was chasing those birds but it’s really none of your business!” The fiery copper coloured eyes met Knuckles stare for stare until something tapped her on the arm. She looked down at the fox who indicated the board.
“Hey! Aren’t you Tails?” she let him take the board and put it on the ground, “I think I can trust you with your reputation, just don’t take her apart ok?” There was a murmured assent as the fox bent over it, absorbed,

“It’s lovely.”

“I know, isn’t it?” She was interrupted by Knuckles, who growled slightly,

“Why should we take your word for it you aren’t a thief?” This sentence earned the echidna three glares, which he returned, “Come on guys she could be faking it to get more emeralds! We can’t trust her!”

“Sure we can,”

“We already have,”

The girl in question coughed and said, “Err... What emeralds?” This caused a silence as everyone stared at her, Sonic spoke first,


“What emeralds?” There was a silence as even Tails looked up, “What? Did I just say something stupid?”

“Pretty much,”

“Oh...” she trailed off and Tails looked at Knuckles with a grin, “I think we can clear her of being the thief then.”

Knuckles glared at the small fox as he returned the board. The hedgehogs smirked at Knuckle’s annoyance until they managed to say, “You seriously don’t know about the chaos emeralds?”

“Chaos emeralds? I though they were just an urban legend!”

Sonic shook his head, “They’re real.”

“And all the stories surrounding them?”

“Yup, though some have been blown out of proportion.” Sonic watched anxiously as the person absorbed this, nodding slowly.

“Nice one.” Again the three standing stared at her, how many could take those stories as true so calmly? Shadow then spoke,

“So who are you anyway?”

“Me?” The creature raised an eyebrow, “I haven’t told you yet?” Her mouth flashed into a grin that was a shade too innocent, “Oops.”

“Get on with it...” This made her laugh again,

“Cinnamon, nice to meet ya.”

“You know our names.”

“Yeah, Sonic, Tails and you must be Knuckles, no wonder you were so annoyed about the emeralds.” The echidna nodded as the cinnamon figure turned to the black and red hedgehog, “and you’re Shadow.”

“I am.”

“Nice.” She lapsed into silence for a moment before saying, “Cya round then,” she looked back over her shoulder for an instant, tossing her spikes out the way, “By the way, nice boarding Sonic.” She chucked the board into the air and jumped to land on it, shooting off before the others could reply, leaving Sonic and Shadow speechlessly staring in her wake, Sonic grinning at the compliment as Shadow smiled to himself
about something.

Tails nudged Knuckles’ side and whispered in his ear, “Now that’s impressive.”


Estantia's Stories
Cinnamon Spice
Cinnamon Spice 1
Cinnamon Spice 3

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