Page name: Crazy people united [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-12-28 19:04:41
Last author: wreckless
Owner: Katie love Casey
# of watchers: 19
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Welcome to CrAzY people united!


This is for all you people out there who belong in an insane asylum, but aren't yet. I am the craziest of the crazies. Please allow me to rub your cheesy feet. SPOOT!


Wiki Owner: [Katie love Casey]
Co-Owner: [Zacks Pixie Bitch]

Wiki Members:
1. [Katie love Casey]
2. [Zacks Pixie Bitch]i have something to put here just not at the moment
3. [Brookes Sexy Juggalo]yea wohoooo imma crazy as any ma fuka can be
4. [Crazy Cassandra!!!] hmmmm. . . i want 1 of those white jackets then i can pretend i am a evil scientist MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
5. [Smoking angel that tweaks]la la la la la!!!!


6. [de_matteo] hey!. hiya, how r u?? im gud thx u?? im fine 2!
7. [InvaderZIMfan] The oddly placed moo-juice is yellow and crusty.
8. [crazycrypt21] If I picked a pepper would you lick my feet?
9. [krystan]you can call me Bernyce for short! i<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> love </a>you crazy mofo's!!!!!!!!! power to da apes...and to my homies!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10.[RiddleRose] They're coming to take me away hee hee, to the funny farm, where life is beautiful, all the time, and I'll be happy to see those fine young men in their clean white coats, they're coming to take me away.....!


11.[lostinspace]hey those guys in the white coats they came for my cousin a week ago
13.[Indigo Butterfly]
14.[swabloo] *twich* anyone got *twich* suger?*twichtwichtwich*
15.[purpledaisy]SHHH!!can u hear them?


16.[moonshiner] OW!
17.[That Fuzz] One by one the penguins steal my sanity...
18.[soul_collecter]hello im not happy crazy im sadistic homicidel crazy and i will devour the souls of all jackasses
20.[i like] u'll never take me alive copers!!!!hahahaha


21.[Le Monstre Dans Le Gateau] O_O Imma crazy and quite proud! I<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> love </a>this wikiness!
22. [Claireabella] VERY VERY HYPED UP!!! whee whee whee, too much sugar!!!
23. [giadriana] Well... ::twitch:: The monkey will now leave my body alone for weeks...
24.[Ancient Shadow]schusy muosy!!!meepity meep!
25.[..Nightmare..] I have 3 personality traits meet Charles, Charles: Hi im charles and i am part of the SAAA, Sex and alchys anonomous, id like to start by saying hi, Now introducing...finished in the<a onMouseOver="window.status='' ; return true;" onMouseOut="window.status='';" oncontextmenu="window.status=''; return true;" onclick="location.href='';return false;" href="" TITLE="More Info..."> chat </a>area...


26.[Ana] mwahahha mwahahahahaha mwahahahahha*cough* ha...ha..oiy
27. [Dark Blood Child] haha! we have joined!
28. [sam ^-,,-^]
29. [dreamer10164] hello
30. [stone roses] Today i ha-... g2g- the men in the white jackets are here to take me back to the Happy hotel


31. [#9437] Ha! I've been declared LEGALLY crazy by a psychiatrist! So I got all of you who just PRETEND to be crazy BEAT!...Should I be proud of that?
32. [meow-Sarah] i wish i was a cat
33. [bobbina] I see the white coated ppl, how often? ALL THE TIME!!
34.[JacquliynnElaine]...i belong in the assylum...they just havnt found me yet..**hides in corner**
35.[fighting the demons] the men in white are cumin coz i said dat da voices in my head are evil


36. [The Assassin] Make the voices in my head stop argueing!!!!
37. [*~Wondering What This Life Can Bring~*] you havent seen crazy till you seen me!
38. [i_love_misfits17]
40. [R0s3tt3 Chr1st0ph3r] hehe, y'all think you're crazy... hehe, you haven't seen crazy... hehe, until you meet me... hehe


42.[a faerie tale] Hehehehehe.....chess......pretty colours smell good.
Crazy links:
Crazy badges
43.[beneb2005]I dont have issues!!!
44.[jumpydrummer]*laughing manically*


46.[DaniDarkHeart]Maybe a year of therapy wasn't enough... :/
47.[penguin overlord]FEAR ME!!! for the penguin of the arctic has fortold that I shall rule the world!!!! someday.
[xBrokenXHeartedx] i live in my straight jacket...its quite comfy actually....*struggles*


48.[Anduraja]................................i see white walls............i see white jacket.......
49. [nemo finder] yeah I am cool
50. [*Eternity*]
51. [Nemasis Unicorn] I control you all with my mind powers! OOO!!
52. [Corpse_Bride] looks into space............
Please enjoy the crazy people united. Twould make the cupcake very delighted...
54.[Stitched Up Dolly]What was that, dillon? they can't see you? Excellent. You can preform my evil biddings. Laughs evily
55. [hot_ass_me (Jazzy)]i see dead cocks! oh no! wait, nevermind, they're just winnies... *slaps heself on da head*
56. [Ally Yo!]
57.[This Profile No Longer Exists!]
59.[Special Dave] they think im crazy im not crazy they're crazy hehe hehe hehe
60.[xnight_shadex]i see dead people...


61. [Krista.] I'm crazy, Ur crazy, We're all crazy, The dead girl in the corner is crazy, We're pretty much all crazy..............*stares into dark corner rocking in rocking chair*....................
62. [Pink_Pixie] the voices are talking again. they say he's close. *looks around scared* He is here I can here him laughing. shh they say he's in the main hall way *Sneaks around the corner looks both ways then takes of runnindown the hall and *SLAM* her room door shuts behind her.
63. [SBRLexa]
64. [{.*..Liz..*.} {.*Miron*.} {.*Perrine*.}]
65. [Holic] Okay, I admit it! I have problems! *hides behind pc*
66. [armyseal]
67. [lonely but loved]
68. [x. J?§u¯5 ??s Å Sˇ???z?..]
69.[~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]hehe ..69... *curled up in a fettle position in the corner of my room in the darkness* why would u ask if I were crazy!


70. [Madame de la Nuit] colours you can eat but the banana takes over!
71.[Jugga jigga] cant wait till i am locked away
72.[fighting the demons] he he they whaven't got me ...YET !
73. [~*IrIsH FrEaKiN PrIdE*~] hahahaha i am a crazy, yet i scare myself, who likes cheese?? haahahaaha!!! irisj pride for the crazy!!
74.[POG]WHAAH!!!!! I ATE MY GREAT AUNT AND SHE TURNED INTO A RAISIN!!!!! someone call the fire department±!
75. [LiLMissTiny]
76. [skfheihaa] those guys in the white jackets cant catch me!!! hahahaha.
77. [~lil cutie~] heheheheh i am very crazy
78. [fungyew]im insane GOT THAT RIGHT shut the fuck up im talking U SHUT UP "ALFRED HITCHCOCK" ooooh thats it im gonna kick your ass HA U WISH IVE ALREADY SHOT U MUTIPLE TIMES oh my god im dyeing!! U SPELLED THAT WRONG FRENCHIE shut up................I THINK HES DEAD wrong suckapunch!!!(as in the punch not my name)
79. [speakyourwords] This is definitely the wiki for me... PH33R my craziness!!!! ..... I get told to calm down a lot
80.[Fall Out Boy lover]cute but psyco-things even out
81.[~*lil'loststar*~] heheheheheeeeeeeeee i am C-R-A-Z-Y! well i think so! hehe
82.[suki IN LOVE]
84.[666th_poison] crazy.. me... no..not me.. *wicked laugh*
85.[alli.DEADFAYCE.] Insain crazy!!! That's me! *eye twicks repeatly*
86. [sequeena_rae] I am a pet orange Mt. Everest is my alter-ego and I have a pumpkin call Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde but I'm not crazy no sir, just clinically insane :D
87. [LeriSuccubus]
88. [Crossno] I'm the king of vampires... every knee shall bow lol i'm crazy
89. [clownsies] wanna meet Sheep? my kinky purple monkey? MOOT
90. [always messing the good things up] ...... RANDOM DOTS RULE EVERYONE! ....
91. [newgroundman1234] im crazzy with the muffins and the spoons!!!!!!111
92. [Bring The Synth] crazy people rock and anyone who objects DIES!!!!!!
93. [Breakin Hearts Like They Were Glowsticks]
94.[Charity Mariah "Willow" Garcia] Te people in the white coats tell me I'm just special enough to have a cool white jacket without arm holes!
95.[I'm leaving Et for eva]
96.[Breakin Hearts Like They Were Glowsticks]I'm only a little bit crazy. Ok maybe a lot but keep that our little secret.
97. [I'm off elftown now!]

Username (or number or email):


2006-01-21 [always messing the good things up]: lol i want to jump off my roof 0.0

2006-01-22 [babycheechee]: hi l was wonder can l join this wiki

2006-01-23 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: my cat fell off my roof once... i wanted to the other day

2006-01-24 [babycheechee]: damn l'm sorry

2006-01-25 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: thrry fer what?

2006-01-29 [CR deleted]: For that cat falling on your head and rippin' your thinking organ out. Some of you silly humans only have one, and need it to survive.

2006-01-31 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: umm right

2006-02-05 [always messing the good things up]: are you talking about a brain cause if you are i dont even have one

2006-02-06 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: same same@!

2006-02-06 [always messing the good things up]: guys i m really hyper right now

2006-02-19 [*redtears*]: i would love to join this wiki it sound like my kind of people *laughs* stop tickeling me *laughs* ohh god the voices, THE VOICES, make them stop please ohh wait its just my cat talking again "SHUT THE FUCK UP FUR FACE IM TRYING TO TYPE HERE" *laughs*

2006-02-24 [always messing the good things up]: and i thought i was hyper*laughs*

2006-02-27 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: HEHEHE SO DI I! *pulls out my air* doom dom doom doom ! *bounces of walls* hjahahahah!

2006-03-05 [Aer-L]: [Aer-L] I wanna join cause cause i'm phyco and crazy and just run around screamin WOAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so sos os beat that MWUAHAHAAHAHAHA! oh yeah and i'm phyco did i say so???????

2006-03-22 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: yeah more members!!! *happy jig*

2006-08-17 [clownsies]: *hides* Does anyone remember meh? Probably not....but hello anyways

2006-09-03 [always messing the good things up]: hello im bored and hyper did you guys know that could kill you?

2006-09-05 [clownsies]: ..........really?

2006-11-01 [~Dark Wolf Under The Moon~]: scary shit

2006-11-14 [bobbina]: u cant kill me!! no one can kill me.....except the vodka! lol

2007-01-04 [clownsies]: Oh dear. I should be dead then. *wonders* I had a freakin disgusting zombie dream last night Ö.Ö

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