Page name: Disciples of Soth II [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-08-02 06:48:16
Last author: Nuktae-tal
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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The Andorian Chronicles
Disciples of Soth
Disciples of Soth I

Galin's evil is more insedious then others might think, gaining more equipment and more allies with each passing day the threat of Galin's armies parading in the name of peace and world equality, he was sweeping through the world on a ruse, giving himself a foothold in every country. This is the continued story of Galin Ravenwood, and his lover Sarah.

"I'm sure Mazla will be waiting to help you bathe and possibly pleasure you at the same time. I'd enjoy much of the same I suppose." he said lowering his other hand to her nethers. Rubbing lightly he brought her to him kissing her lightly. Galin became excited a little more at the hitching of her breath. Sarah was seductive in her own way, and he needed to get his desire out before he left for Pachucca for the day.

"I... I could stay a little longer... and tend to your..." She licked her lips and spoke breathily the next word. "Needs." She no longer tried to keep her gaze on his face. His hand rubbing her, though she was sore still felt amazing. Reaching down she wrapped her hands around his flesh and stroked him, he was already almost completely ready. his stamina was incredable.

He smiled and rubbed a little harder, not wanting to make her to sore for Mazla to share. "How will you satisfy those needs dear Sarah?" he asked becoming fully erect. Galin knew that Sarah practically worshipped him and he enjoyed it. The concubine was teaching her well and he smiled at her, perhaps he would have to think about how much Alehial meant. "I will be gone the whole day today, so you will have to entertain yourself Sarah."

"I understand Master Galin. I wish to... I wish to taste you again." Sarah said softly, a small blush covering her cheeks as she spoke such bold words. She was back to looking up at Galin's face, she loved this man so much and yet sometimes it felt like his mind was elsewhere when he was with her. Like the other night when he had taken her so viciously and asked her to fight him while coupling. She got to her knees after taking the robe off and putting it under her to cushion her against the hard floor.

"Very well Sarah, I would deny you nothing as far as this." he whispered. Galin found her interest in tasting him very agreeable. The robe remained on but opened and his legs spread to allow Sarah complete access to his manhood. "So, I will recieve the attentions which I appreciate from you dearest." He was looking forward to her fantastic attentions.

Sarah wasted no time and once he was near her she leaned down and swallowed him down. Burying her nose in his hair, and swallowing thickly around him. Even just hte smell of him was wonderful. SHe hoped to hurry though because MAzla was waiting. But she couldn't leave him with a need like this. So she worked hard and her hands cupped and rolled his balls in her hand while she worked her tongue against the underside of his flesh.

He could have purred at her treatment of him, his hand rubbed the side of her face. "Oh, Sarah, you are very good to me. And I look forward to giving you what you wish." Apparently she took to her lessons in the elven arts from Mazla very well. "Sometime you will need to tell me how you learned to do this so well." Galin was so happy that his servant was very happy to taste his seed.

Sarah pulled back a little so she could rub her tongue against his tip. And around the head, and down the underside and then gentle nibble his tip before swallowing him all the way down once again. Her hands never left his body, moving up his manhood or staying on his balls to gently squeeze and roll them. Mazla had taught her to turn and trist her tongue around his flesh in the way that would best drive him crazy. She had listened with apt attention to learn everything she could do for Galin. She probably would have made an amazing concubine at this point.

Galin groaned as he felt her perform on him, it was amazing the talents she showed. "Amazing Sarah, you are a wonderful study in this area." he moaned low. He planned when he returned later he would give her special attentions. It was wonderful the insistent contact of her tongue on his flesh. He felt his climax start, that building surge as his seed rushed into her mouth.

Sarah moaned around him and swallowed him deeply into her throat, swallowing thickly around the warm seed spilling down her throat. she held onto his thighs to concentrate on swallowing his load, she didn't want a mess and he was long enough that she had to concentrate while swallowing while his tip was down her throat. She was moaning around him though, the taste was good what little of it she did taste. With him so deep in her mouth most of it went straight down her throat.

He gripped the arms of the chair and almost growled with pleasure, "Fantastic Sarah." Running his hands through her hair and down her cheek lovingly. She truly served her master well, and later she would be rewarded for that dedication. "When I return tonight, I want you to dance for me after dinner. Will you do that for me, little dove, I wish to see how you have learned from Mazla."

Sarah cleaned him of any remaining mess and sat back licking her lips and swallowing the last of it. "Yes My lord, I hope I please you with my performance tonight." Sarah says softly blushing. Such praise and gentle touches from her beloved Master Galin. She wished that one day... he would have only her... and allow her to give him... a proper son. A family maybe even. But that was only if she was a good girl and served him faithfully and with all of her strength and love.

When she finished cleaning him and spoke her smiled down at his servant. "You always do an admirable job with me Sarah. Now go I'm sure Mazla wishes to bathe with you and possibly taste you once or twice befor tonight when I have you to myself." Once she would be gone he needed to dress in his armor and weapon to go visit a couple of old friends. Galin reached down and stroked her nipples with either thumb.

Sarah moaned softly as her nipples hardened from the contact. She slowly got to her feet and retrieved her robe pulling it back on. Debating with herself for a moment she quickly leaned forward and chastely gave him a quick soft kiss on the lips before she turned and ran out the door headed to the baths hopefully before he could chastise her if he hadn't liked what she had done. He had also though told her to hurry more then once. So she quickly made her way to the bathing area.

Once she was gone Galin stood and opened his wardrobe after cleaning himself. Pulling on his normal clothes and then his armor, he secured his sword belt then retrived his helm. His meeting in Pachuca wouldn't take long then he had something else to deal with. He summoned a servant and left instructions for a meal later that evening and handed them the clothes he would change into when he returned. Then he went and used the gate to send him for his meeting.

Sarah never slowed down and within moments was already inside the room and was slipping out of the robe the moment she was in the doors. Setting the robe on the pegs that held them she turned around ready to get into the hot water and let her poor sore body relax and recouperate from the morning she had had so far.

Mazla was already in the water and soaking the experience away, she opened her eyes and smiled at Sarah. "I have never enjoyed entering the bed of a couple more than today." She held out a hand to Sarah and smiled again, looking at her student in a new light. "You have my compliments, any concubine would barely do any better than you have." Everything was very comfortable here, and she hoped Sarah wanted to learn more.

Sarah smiled softly at the compliments. "Thank you Miss Mazla... I admit I was very embaressed and had no idea of what to do. I would like you to teach me um... a dance this afternoon... Lord Galin requested I dance for him this evening." Sarah said softly scooting over to sit beside Mazla. She hoped the other woman didn't want to do anything else because Sarah needed to let the heat and water soak away her soreness. She did though need to learn a dance to please Galin this afternoon.

"Is this to be a dance of seduction, because I know one that will have him ache to take you into his bed and please you until the morning light. I will teach you, but we will also have to get the needed supplies." SHe wrapped an arm around Sarah's waist and drew her close. She closed her eyes for a bit and imagined what Sarah would need to do the dance. After a few minutes she entwined her leg with Sarah's, "Would you like to learn that?"

"I... I don't think it has to be a adnce of seduction. I think... any dance will do Miss Mazla, but if that's the dance you think I should use... I just hope he doesn't get too tired of having sex so often or too tired just... from exersion." Sarah says softly blushing brightly, she was getting to the point where she was very tired anytime she was not having sex eating washing or lessons. Sarah snuggled close against Mazla's body.

"When a man wishes a dance usually he wants to see something amazingly seductive. I think I will get the phallus so you will understand how it will affect him. Would you prefer I show it to you before you learn it?" she asked. Mazla nuzzled back enjoying Sarah's scent and heat of her body, bringing her hand up to palm her breast. Had they not spent so much time in bed with Galin she would be pleasuring Sarah right now.

"If you could go over the steps with me and teach me so I will know it to be able to practice properly then... yes please." Sarah said softly, her breasts swelled and her nipples hardened a little at the touches of Mazla's hands on them carressing and fondling them. Sarah was very glad Mazla was not returning with them otherwise she might just die from over pleasureing her. BEtween Mazla and Galin Sarah was already getting worn out, and already they had to use a potion from too much sex.

"Then we should bathe and get everything together before we practice. You will need to bathe again and most likely soak until almost time for dinner." She teased Sarah's breasts a little longer then released her so they could clean up. She stood after and cupped the water in her hands and poured it down her body. Mazla would make Sarah so enticing to Galin he might decide to impregnate her without a second thought.

"I will follow all the advice you have to give me Miss Mazla." Sarah said softly letting the other woman help her bathe. She too would help Mazla and much as she was ever helped. She would follow all of Mazla's advice and do all she was told to do tonight. If there was any time Galin was to fall in love with Sarah it was the time she was here with MAzla as her teacher and mentor and advisor. Sarah was depending on MAzla a lot while she was here and was trying to learn as much as possible.

They climbed out and dried off quickly before Mazla had them dress and head to the hall where they had used the phallus before. "Now the moves are simple just do as I do for this part, then we will move on to other parts before I put it all together while you watch." The moves weren't very complex but Mazla explained there was movements with the hand that dealt with what she would be wearing. After she finished she opened her bag and removed several scarves in many colors two belts and the phallus. Turning she said, "Well, open your clothes so that I might have you attach this."

"Y-yes Mazla." Sarah said softly and opened her clothes. She would wait for Mazla to do all she needed and she would take note though she was sure when she danced Mazla would correct her. She wasn't worried about that at all though, MAzla was an excellent teacher and Sarah trusted her explicitly. Why Sarah needed the phallus she didn't know or understand though. But she would go on with what Mazla wanted though.

Mazla attached it to her and went to change leaving her with instructions, "Sit and do not make yourself excited." She then went and changed from her robe into her outfit, then activated a musical box she used when dasncing for clients. She exited from behind the screen in a garment made of several silken veils, moving with the movements she taught Sarah previously, she began a very slow version of the dance. Getting no closer then a few feet before Sarah and moving with the beat of the music. Untying a scarf and dancing with it letting it finally slide silkenly down her body to pool on the ground at her feet. She continued the dance and removed another veil using it for a few new moves in the dance she had yet to teach Sarah.

Sarah watched intently and the attatched penis really didn't react. She was focusing so hard on the dance and how she would do the dance and trying herbest to memorize it that she wasn't letting herself be so distracted with well... the feminenty. Sarah thought Mazla was beautiful But Sarah didn't want to have sex with Mazla or fool around with her all the time. Sarah loved Master Galin... and while Mazla was teaching her things and they were nice... she only wanted to be really close to Galin. So she was doing her best to learn the dance so she could preform it, if not well at least in order.

After she finished it she redressed and removed the phalus, since it more than likely was distracting Sarah. "Now, did you see how the moves are deliberate and how they add to the seduction?" She helped Sarah to her feet and began to check at how long some of the veils would need to be. "You know there is a chance that he will not let you get very far before taking you." Lord Galin did not seem like the kind of person who would sit by instead of taking what he wanted.

"I saw... you might have to work with me all afternoon but... Master Galin specifically requested this dance of me... and... even if he stops me halfway through I... I want to do my best for him." Sarah said softly standing still as MAzla took the measurements for the veils. She was excited to do a new dance and nervous because Galin requested it so specifically. It was the first thing he'd ever really asked of her... for real outside of sex and it was exciting and making her nervous all at the same time. But she was confident in Mazla's ability to teach her and determind to do her very best for Galin.

"I will help where I can, you will have to make sure you do not get flustered if you make a mistake. Part of the seductive nature is in the confidence you show the one who watches. So, we will start slow and before long you will add the veils and show me the entire dance." Mazla returned to the music box and reset it, then returned and started to go through the motions again. By the time Sarah left Shadizar she would have most of Mazla's secrets, and hopefully she would make her master happy with them.

Sarah spent the rest of the afternoon learning the dance, and soon she had it down pat. She could do almost everyhting though the quick shimmy where she seemed to just almost vribrate with her hips she couldn't figure out still. So she skipped it. If she couldn't do it... then she couldn't no need to try and mess up. She was working hard on being sexy and alluring because this was a dance specifically for sexual tension. So by the time evening was growing to an end like they always did at the end of lessons Sarah was confident in the dance and how she would do.

Mazla then led her to the baths to clean up for her performance for Galin that evening. "Is he arranging for dinner for the two of you tonight?" she asked as she helped by scrubbing Sarah's back. The servants were making sure the veils would be avaiable when they were done. She had laughed and wished there was an easy way to show Sarah how to shimmy like she could. Maybe it was just something that Sarah could not do, it had taken a little while to get the regular dance moves down.

"I beleive so... He has done so every night since we first arrived here anyways. I do hope I please him... I just can't figure out how you do that shimmy thing." Sarah sighs heavily. She was getting everything else. While not the best at it she was working hard and deffinetly getting some of it down and was able to learn a good amount. She wasn't a proffesional, or close to that level but she was learning fast and picking it up as well as she could. Sarah was scrubbing her arms while Mazla did her back, it was nice to have a partner while bathing to get the harder to reach placed on the body.

Mazla came around and put Sarah's hands on her hips and began to shimmy her hips. "Like this, do you feel the muscles I am using to do this." she explained. She didn't mind Sarah's hands upon her body and hoped she might get a better understanding. For a long time she continued her movements and encouraged Sarah to try mimicing her. "I hope this might help you learn this, the dance becomes so much more with it."

Sarah frowned and then she let go put her hands up in the air over her head and tried. It helped when using her stomach muscles solely. But the most she got was a jiggle. Not the almost vibraty things Mazla was doing. It wasn't a real hip shimmy because Sarah could shimmy her hips. It was... different and beyond Sarah apparently. "I can't! It won't... it won't move like yours." She sighs heavily still trying frowning hard looking down at her stomach.

Mazla placed her hands on Sarah's hips and tried to direct her a little. "Don't try to force it, let it happen naturally and you will do it." She smiled at Sarah and left her hands still to feel her muscles move. The warm water was relaxing and after the bath they climbed out to dry off. "If you wish I will help you put on lotions to make your skin soft and fragrant."

"Thank you that would be helpful." Sarah smiled softly, she thought it was a little weird because well earlier Mazla had almost attatcked her... this morning Mazla was almost ravenous with lust for her. it was weird how calm she was now... Sarah suddenly had a strange thought... Mazla hadn't been that way before had she? "Mazla?" Sarah asks tentatively, she was just wondering for a moment if Mazla had waited for that one moment to do it.

Mazla turned and regarded Sarah for a moment, "You had a question Sarah?" Once on the cooler marble she grabbed a towel and dried herself and handed another to Sarah. All concerned it was an excellent training and Lord Galin should be pleased with the results. As she finished drying she opened a container of lotion and began rubbing it into her skin, it was lightly scented with lavender. The one she got for Sarah was scented with vanilla bean, probably the best scent for her.

"This morning, I wasn't aware you... lusted after women... I thought you told me you prefured men." Sarah said softly getting out of the water and also toweling dry. She sat close and got some of the lotion on her own to do her legs. She was still covered by the delapitory spell so there was no need for, her to shave or even take the time tending things. She just needed the lotions.

"I have been with men and with women, sometimes it isn't the sex of a person, it is the person. Your innocence & hunger when it pertains to sexual encounters. And of course Galin's power and commanding presence in all things." Mazla took some lotion and went over Sarah's elbows and shoulders. She hadn't been as ardent or lustful in bed for sometime, but being with Sarah and Galin for some reason made her almost crazed with lust.

"Oh... I don't really understand but... I will take your word for it Mazla. I only know how much I care for Galin and that you as my teacher have brought me pleasure and good feelings. Thank you for helping me with the lotion." Sarah says softly as she lotioned her front, her breasts and thighs and lower abdomen. She was thoughtful still about it but the explaination was good enough for her not that she really understood it.

Mazla smiled and wiped a little errant lotion from under Sarah's breast. She would miss Sarah when they left Shadizar, but still she had sometime to teach her student. "Once you are done then we will begin to dress you in the veils. Remember, they will untie with a simple pull, just keep track of how often you remove one. Although, I'm sure Galin would not mind you nude all that much quicker."

"I think I'm going to miss you too Mazla... though not the hard pace you put me through with all the training." Sarah giggles softly, she didn't mind how Mazla touched her especially with the lotioning happening. "I will try to remember not to keep the veils on too long and not to get rid of them too quickly." Sarah said softly, with a bright smile looking over her shoulder at Mazla.

Mazla grabbed the veils and began to help Sarah afix them in place. Her fingers were talented in tieing those knots that she would need. Taking a little enjoyment of grazing her fingers across Sarah's body. "I will send along the music box. You will get good use of it tonight, any questions before we depart back for your chambers."

"No I think... I think I've got it all. If he's not there though... I should wait for him right? How? And then how do I begin? Wait until he tells me?" Sarah asks softly, she was a little worried about this part. What if she was done before he was and had to wait. If he was there waiting for her all she had to do was show up and dance and whatever else he wanted her to do for them. But she wanted Mazla's advice on it all first, that way, she had options and some good one's, because Mazla was a proffesional.

She wrapped the robe about her shoulders and smiled, "Wait until after dinner, and advise him you have something to make dessert better. Then stand and start the music box and shed the robe behind the dressing screen." She laughed and tied the sash at Sarah's waist snugly before taking her hands. "Just remember you need to show confidence that you are a seductive creautre, a nymph if ou need an example." Mazla than moved her over to add a little color to her lips and cheeks.

"I understand. Thank you for the advice and for the extra attention at the lessons." Sarah said softly, she actually was thankful that Mazla took so much time over her and helped her so much even when she had a lot of questions. She just needed to remain confident in front of Galin that was all. If she could do that she could pull this off and she could deffinetly give it her best shot then maybe Galin might... obsess more about her instead.

Galin was not in their chambers when Sarah returned from her lessons and bath. Another servant waited to explain that Lord Ravenwood was called away and would return within the hour. "Dinner will be here minutes after his return." he explained. Maids had already entered and cleaned the entire chambers and remade the bed as well. One maid waited in case Sarah wanted anything while she waited for Galin's return.

Sarah got the robe like Mazla had suggested and turned to ask themaid to bring a glass of some light wine. She thought she would need it to help her remain... confident when Galin returned so that she could dance for him. Though she would have to eat lightly. Such a dance like this took a lot of energy and the movements would show if she had eaten a lot and swollen her belly or bloated herself with food. She was getting a little more nervous the longer she waited but she knew he had very good reason for not being there. Galin was busy and she was spoiled by the time he was spending with her anyways she knew that.

The maid brought her the wine and informed her Master Ravenwood had returned and was bathing before he came to her. Sarah did not have to wait long for her master, he arrived without armor dressed in a red shirt and dark pants. "Have you been waiting long for me little dove?" he asked taking a glass of wine and sitting down. Letting his eyes slide over Sarah's body, noting the color added to her face and the robe. He was curious to what was underneath, the meeting had not been to his liking and something to sooth his ego was called for.

"No not long at all Master Galin, I was told Dinner will arrive momentarily. WE can eat and then... I'll dance for you..." Sarah blushed softly, taking another drink from her own wine glass. She didn't want to be drunk just have something in her to help boost her confdence. The confidance she needed for him to really enjoy the dance he had asked of her. But she would eat dinner first and then after that when he had gotten comfertable she would be ready to dance for him and he would love it and she... well anything that happened after that was up to chance.

He nodded and stood walking directly to her and untieing the sash, exposing her to his gaze. "I find gazing at your body to have a calming effect." he commented placing his hand upon her shoulder. Thinking back this was how he first seduced her, his hand came about and cupped one if her breasts. "Your breasts are always so responsive to my attentions." he whispered as he drug his fingers across the fabric. Fighting back the urge to strip and claim her before and probably after the meal, he refilled their glasses and sat back down.

Sarah trembled under his warm broad hands and her nipples hardened immedietly at his touch. She sank to her seat her body twitching and covered in goosebumps from his contact. She took another drink of wine to help steady herself a little this time. She left the robe untied and in fact took it off. If he spoke of it then he wished it to be and she would comply. If he wanted to look at her in this outfit while they ate she would sit there and eat in the outfit, uncovered.

Dinner arrived and they ate in silence, Galin though did in time to time looking at her outfit. Once it was over he got up and moved to the sofa and sat waiting for Sarah to begin. His old friend in Pachuca had met him with some hostility and several soldiers. Having dispatched them easliy and reminding her what he was capable of, he returned to get cleaned up. "I am ready to see your performance dear Sarah."

Sarah finished her glass and stood. Gathering her little music box and setting it down before opening it up. Letting the little intro play before she got into position. BAck arched head back and hips pushed forward with her legs one behind to support her and the other arched out in front, she stood so he got a side view of her body stretched and poised like that before the dance actually started. Slowly raising up to stand fully she started off with a few hips drops that moved into hip thrusts as she walked around a little. Getting closer to him slowly. Swaying her hips and moving sensually, the outfit was daring to say the least and by the time she pulled off the first veil she was deffiently getting into the dance.

Watching her he began to forget the anger he felt in Pachuca, Kit was trying to hold her little kingdom. And he in no uncertain terms told her if she tried to disobey him again the Disciples & Guild would run her streets red with blood. The first veil came off and he felt a smile spread across his face, Sarah had been practicing to do well for him. Once she no longer had her outfit he would stroke her body until he decided to take her. Then her cries of adoration would echo in his ears until she was spent.

Moving her hips in little twists and circles as she moved around, using the veil to gently trail over her body in a soft caress. Before letitng it drop and grabbing the second, this one she ran from her outer thighs up her flat stomach over her breasts to hold over the bottem half of her face while she smiled and did some more twisting and thrusting with her hips. She danced until finally she was down to the last veil and only three feet away from him. Dropping the last veil the dance ended with one leg bent as she laid on the ground beneath her and the other straight out forward as she laid out as if bowing to him. Her hair flung forward to expose the back of her neck and show all the skin of her back and the strings that kept the only pale veil that covered her rear and precious place on.

Galin watched the spectacle a little slack mouthed, she had placed a great deal of time in being seductive and his excitement showed. Standing quietly he moved around to stand behind her, and reached out to slide two fingers from her neck grazing her skin all the way down. Bringing his palm to rest on her rear he curled his fingers to touch her precious place, gently rubbing it. He had yet to say anything, letting his hands begin to roam her body, he knelt on one knee and using his other hand lightly pulled on her nipple. For once he wasn't thinking about Alehial, touching her body again or imaging her dancing like this, Sarah deserved his attentions this night, and she would recieve them in spades.

Sarah gasped and her back arched at his touch down her spine, then she cried out softly as he instantly began to please her with his fingers. Her nipples hardened almost instantly at his touch, well used to the slight harsh treatment he usually gave her that she loved so much from him. Still in the partially laying down bowed position she couldn't really move without making him stop so she trembled slightly at the wonderful feelings he was giving her, no doubt her reward. One she was eager to receive as he was hopefully as eager to give her.

Pressing his fingers harder against her precious place and rubbed slowly. His other hand released her breast and untied the veil, then began to graze her stomach. She had cried out at his first contacts, it would be the first of many cries this night. Swiftly her picked her up and deposited her on the couch and removing the veil to expose her body. Looking her directly in the eye as he spread them, then moved formard and nipping her nethers.

Sarah blushed a deep red at the eye contact but then her eyes widened considerably as she cried out again her hands going to his shoulder and his hair. She knew not to grab to roughly, if he wasn't in the mood for it he got angry. Thanks to all this training with Mazla though when he spread her legs she spread them with enough room he didn't have to put her legs over his shoulders. She could keep them open wide on the couch for him now. though she jerked and trembled at his skill and how he well... kissed her down there.

He continued to taste Sarah probing her body with his fingers and his tongue. Her cries always emboldened him and as he pleasured her his other hand began to massage her breast. His earlier disappointments and violence began to fade, replaced by her cries of desire. It would be a very long night for Sarah, he was going to please her enough to cause himself pleasure. Looking up into her eyes he growled as he redoubled his attentions to her clit.

Sarah cried out. "Ma-MAster!! AAH! Gah-Alin!" She cries as her body tightened around his finger inside of her and her juices soaked her thighs and his fingers. HEr chest arching forward at the sudden climax caught her off guard, it felt so good to be touched and teased so sweetly and gently like this. It was an odd break for once for him not to be violent in bed or near violent anyways. Though she was used to it and even enjoyed it now.

He withdrew his finger, but continued to run his tongue over her clit with firm pressure. Galin massaged her breast and teasingly pulled her nipple until it was erect then focused on the other one. There was nothing but time and Sarah would beg for him , plead for him to thrust inside of her. Perhaps the couch would be the spot they remained on or he would lay her across the table. But, with so much time perhaps he would lay her on any horizontal surface and make her climax there.

Sarah panted and moaned, falling back into the couch once again, her body still twitching and her hips thrusting at he continued to please her without a pause. HEr nipples tight hard buds by the time he was finished and aching just slightly for more. She still held onto him by shoulder and hair carefully, her eyes darkened and hazy with lust, her hair sticking to her body slightly as she was worked up a sweat between dancing for him and their activities now.

Galin knew she would never deny him access to her and he enjoyed that most of all. Keeping his tongue wiggling to send her to higher states of desire for him. His hands rolled her nipples in his fingers then stroked her thighs. This was how he preffered it, just Sarah and himself no others to get in the way. Growling lightly he increased the pressure even more on her clit.

Once again Sarah arched from the couch and her hips pushed up against Galin's mouth. "MA-Aster!" She cried out gasping almost as it brought pleasure to her and yet he continued to use his tongue and tease her body with light touches. Her Nethers throbbed with need of more, something more, her nipples ached to be gripped fully or touched harder. "Ga-lin... Please... Master please!" she begs in a breathy voice panting in between almost every word as her body was kept on the edge of climax thanks to Galin's talent.

She wanted his attention increased, so he would indulege her whim. Licking harder against the little bundle of nerves as his hands fully grabbed and massaged her breasts. He was erect and waiting to thrust into Sarah's inviting body, to have her envelope him. But, he at least wanted her climax to arrive. Then he would move her to a new location and claim her body as many times as he wished to.
His hands slid down her legs to grasp near her ankles, and as he pushed her over the edge to climax he reared up. Swiftly Galin enetered her, thrusting deeply into her warm depths. "Oh, little dove what a wonderful sensation." he said before lowering his mouth to her nipple. For a second he felt the tingle of magic alerting him that someone was inside Flint's house. Sarah would need to be used until she passed into sleep, then he would go check on who was inside.

Sarah screamed in ecstasy. HEr climax doubling as he entered her hard and fast. She writhed beneath him and trembled at the force of the pleasure she was feeling. Crying out at his teasing bites to her aching breasts and raising her hips, she was completely and totally addicted to the harsh almost beastial sex Galin had with her. He spared almost nothing and it made her feel everything. After dancing and the prolonged pleasure and her final climax, she hoped she could keep up with his desires fully, already she was panting for breath rapidly and squeezing down on his member still.

Galin felt her body rythmically squeeze his member as she climaxed. His own was still far off and he thrust watching her face. Releasing her nipple he pressed his lips to her's and kissed her hard. Her moans and cries echoed insde his mouth as he continued to thrust against her. So much time he allowed his plans to grow and develope just by sating his sexual hunger on this girl.

Her breasts heaving Sarah as always could only react and feel what he was doing to her. Never in her mind was what his plans or what his actual work was. She just served him and did as he asked and right now... right now he asked that she lay beneath him and accept him into her body. The pain and pleasure mix of it all as he continued to thrust roughly into her she tried to convey in the kiss but she was still a novice at that. The only real things she had learned was muscle control to make things feel better for them both. She was fully and completely in love with Galin and was willing to serve him no matter what.

He slowed and allowed her to recover, thrusting to maintain his arousal but not as rough. Releasing her mouth he nipped at her skin and released her legs. Sarah was under his spell, she would do anything and everything he ever asked her to. Wrapping his hands underneath her, he surged upwards lifting her from the couch and carrying her towards the bed. However, stopping he pressed her against the wardrobe and thrust several times into her.

Sarah wrapped her arms around him tightly, not that she thought he would ever drop her but more she didn't want to fall out of his arms or something. But then when he pushed her against the wardrobe and thrust up into her she cried out with each thrust. A fresh surge of pleasure overwhelming her as she climaxed round him once again. unable to contain the pleasure of him thrusting so forcfully inside of her and hitting her womb. She had learned tht his forcefulness brought pleasure and that pain too sometimes gave her a climax if there was pleasure and Galin with it. Her nails raked over his back as she screamed her climax, breath heaving. She wouldn't last too much longer, she was already holding onto him gentler, her legs loosening their grip just slightly enough for him to notice the weariness she was begining to show from their passions together and her dancing earlier and her lessons even before that.

He carried her to bed still holding off his climax, but this would be her last tonight. Bending to lay her on her back her continued to thrust at an even pace. Galin kissed her deeply then drug his lips along her neck and the front of her shoulder. There was so much starting soon, so many people needed moved into place. As he thought about his completion of his plan he began to feel his climax arrive.

Sarah cried out aagain as her body tightened around him one last time and her legs tightened around him waist. Her nails raking down his shoulders and her body arching sharply. Then in the same moments she fell back onto the bed her eyes lost focus her heavy panting and then her legs fell away from his body and so did her arms. Her head fell back on the pillows and her eyes lost focus before closing and her panting became heavy even breathing as she past out. Simply too much for her body to handle she fell asleep.

As she climaxed, so to did Galin achieve his end and lowered her down to the bed. He waited for his climax to subside and gently stroked Sarah's cheek, "Such willingness to accept my seed." Gently he kissed her lips then enjoyed her chest before pulling free from her warmth. Galin stood and dressed quickly and prepared to make his way to Baerlon. As he arrived inside Flint's house to hear Alehial he wondered if he should be so good as to give her what she wanted?

Sarah moaned softly as she turned on her side. Her body ached at her hips and her lower back. Slowly opening her eyes she frowns, she was alone again. Half the time she was with Galin he was gone by the time she awoke. today however it saddened her that he was not there with her after their time together... after he requested the dance from her and treated her so well afterwards. It seemed far more lonesome then she had before and Sarah couldn't really figure out why.

There was a soft knock on the door and she could her Mazla's voice. "Master Galin, Mistress Sarah, may I enter?" She had heard that Galin left in a hurry and was curious what was going on. Knowing better than to open the door and enter without permission. Inwardly she feared that Sarah's dance did not please Galin and he had harmed her.

"Come in Miss Mazla." Sarah says softly, sitting up holding the sheet over her chest. There were marks... and there were bruises. From the desk and the wardrobe... and how tightly and ferociously he had gone at it the night previously with her. Now she felt a little lonely and happy that Mazla had come... at least... she would have someone to talk to. She hoped Galin didn;t come back and become angryu for that.

Mazla entered and smiled at her student-friend, then noticing the look on her face came to the bed. "Sarah what is wrong?" she asked gently reaching out to stroke her hair. There was no sign of Galin anywhere, she mused if perhaps Sarah had angered him or was it possible that something drew him away while she was asleep. "You look hungry and in need of a bath, why don't I summon maids to bring a bath and light breakfast and tidy the room up? And I will show you something that has nothing to do with sexual persuits, but will feel amazing non the less."

"That all sounds amazing miss Mazla... thank you. I'm sorry this is just... I'm not used to waking up alone... not when I don't go to bed that way at least." Sarah says softly blushing just lightly as she let the sheet drop and pulled on the silk robe. She didn't even think of the bruises. They really didn;'t hurt much at all. Besides with Mazla here now she felt much better about herself and now she wasn't alone left to worry why or anything either.

Mazla summoned maids and set them to task and brought a small vial to Sarah. "Here it is a mild healing draught, it will make the bruises fade and the hot water will ease any discomfort." Of course the maids were quick in changing the linens and straightening up the room. Several footmen brought water and filled the tub for Lady Sarah then left promptly. Mazla ushered her to the tub and waited for Sarah to get into the steamy water.

"they don't really hurt... He just gets... fervent." Sarah says softly with smile, that clearly told MAzla Sarah was completely smitten with Galin. She took the drought as she was bid and slowly with a sigh of comfort sank into the hot water. It was so wonderful being treated as a lady, it was something she was going to sorely miss once going back to the guild. Sarah didn't miond the people at all quite used to being them it was a little odd letting them do all the work as it was.

Mazla took up the rag and began to wash her student, as she did the first day they met. "Has he always been so fervent in sating his hunger?" she asked quietly. If Galin returned it would be best that he didn't hear discueeions about his activity in the bedroom. "Once you are done I will rub you down with scented oils and lotion to keep your skin soft and fragant." Smiling she gently pulled the rag across Sarah's back and lathered her skin.

"No not always but usually yes. I don't mind though. He was very carefully with me when he took my innosence, and truthfully I enjoy what he does. Though sometimes it is hard for my body to keep up with his. But I don't know what sets him off at those times. Thank you so much for all you've done Mazla... especially teaching me to dance and please Lord Galin." Sarah said softly leaning forward in the tub to let Mazla get all of her back.

"I will say I will always remember your face when you wore the phalus and I showed you the finer points of the elvish arts." She smiled as she continued to scrub Sarah's back and then moved around to her front. "You will only gain endurance by sating his and your hungers. I am glad that he doesn't mistreat you. I think you need some of my special lotion it will make you irrestiable to Lord Galin."

"I don't know Mazla it seems to me like he might like to rest, and probably not have to deal with me too much more, I feel I may be interupting his work." Sarah says softly, she blushed at the comment of the phallus but other then tht she was shy and meager once more like she had been in the begining when she had first come to the castle. She didn't want to take up to much of his time because he had a cause to fight for and he had a lot to do she knew that. She didn't want to seem as if she were pining for his attentions either.

She stood and picked up a towel and motioned to Sarah to stand and exit the tub. "Well, I think it would be best to keep yourself available to him even as he fights to his cause. A man should keep everything into balance." she waited to see if Sarah wanted the towel or would except help in drying off. "Has Master Galin told you where you will be going next?" her tone was a little sullen. Mazla would miss Sarah, she never felt closer to a student before until this Andorian.

Sarah stepped out and into the towel with a smile at Mazla, "No... I supposed I just assumed we'd be going back... He has other business to attend to and he can't take me with him. I'm only very useful in a serving mnner." Sarah says with a slight blush to her face as she admitted the truth outloud, She served him as a servant and as his mistress. There was no other need for her she supposed from his point of view. "Maybe you could teach me how to massage or something not quite so sexual today?" Sarah hoped to be of more use and get to have more time with Galin if she could.

"I would be happy to, you only ever need to ask, go and lay down right over there on the bed." She felt a lot better that she still had something useful to offer her favorite student. Grabbing her bag and opening it to grasp her lotion and oil. "You'll probably wish to get something more masculine smelling for Master Galin, however." She smiled brightly at Sarah and handed her the bottles to look at.

"I think Lavender and spring water would be a little girly for MAster Galin." Sarah giggled looking at the bottles and sniffing them, they smelled lovely though, and Sarah looked at all the bottles carefully before laying down as she was instructed. She was glad Mazla had so much time to teach her things and help her learn what Galin desired Sarah to know. It was a little nerve wracking to have a man demand knowledge from someone when you were born lowclass.

"Perhaps you should ask Galin what scents he likes, then we can get something tailored to him. Now I will instruct you as I preform the massage to relieve stress especially the shoulders and back. Then I will show general techniques for every muscle in the body." She then began to rub and knead Sarah and explain exactly how to replicate it and with how much pressure to use. "I would probably suggest at some point you perform this upon him without clothes, many of my clients prefer it that way after a hot bath."

"I oooohh understaaaaannd." Sarah moans softly taking in as much information as she could as her body was slowly turned to mush. She knew though that Galin liked the scent of oak... he was always going outside the castle and into the gardens to take deep breaths. Not that she was spying she had just noticed a few times. She didn't know why he liked the smell of it, but she could try out doorsy smells and when he complimented one particularly then that was what she would use. IF she could figure this out without drifting off to sleep.

Mazla pinched her just hard enough to keep her awake while she taught her the finer points. "Almost anything can work just as long as the scent appeals to him." She continued down her back and then down her legs to her feet. "You can do this for yourself, I rub my feet like this all the time to relieve stress. So, do you have any questions for me dear Sarah?" she smiled and pinched Sarah's bottom to make sure she was still awake.

Sarah grumbled at the pinches but paid attention. "A man's body is different isn't it? Will there be much of a difference to how I massage say you versus him?" Sarah yawned she was still tired from being worn out last night and the massage was doing wonders for the sores she had from being with galin. Healing vials healed the demadge but mostly left a feeling of soreness.

"Well other than the erotic parts, no the muscles are the same." she gentled pinched Sarah's bottom again. Once she got done with the feet she stood and ordered, "Flip over now." Reaching over she added more lotion to her hands, and prepared to show more techniques. If she had bothered to look back they would have noticed Galin slip back into the room. He had been gone for hours and had cleaned up after returning from his little trips.

"But obviously mmm I'm more sensitive in certain area's, I want to relax him not just arouse him Miss Mazla." Sarah said softly moaning into the touches of the other woman. It all felt so good, she felt like a puddle of goo on the bed, relaxed and calm. "sometimes he's very tense and I just want to take that tenseness away, I don't want him to think I only want to serve his body hysically with pleasure."

"A man is sensitive in other spots, it is all in how you handle him. If he becomes aroused then so be it, sexual release can be as much a nice part of a massage." She began to rub down Sarah's shoulders and down to her fingers and then down her sides. Galin moved far from either of them to notice him and set to listening. It was obvious that he might be the subject of Sarah's conversation.

"Would it be alright to practive on you after you've finished and I wake up my body... I wanna make sure I'm doing things right before I try it on Galin... I dont want him dissapinted in me after bringing me here with him all the way from home." Sarah said softly a slight nervousness in her voice as she spoke. She was always worrie Galin might tire of ehr or something. IT made her want to work harder become a better companion.

"I don't see why not, as long as Galin doesn't arrive and have me leave." she answered. She then continued to work on her Sarah and talk about the proper amount of strengtth one should use. Behind the changing screen Galin sat and listened to the talk. Pleased to hear that Sarah hadn't said anything he would consider a betryal. He would have to reward her as long as she held his confidence paramount.

"thank you for helping me to learn how to better serve Lord Galin Mazla... it really has been a very big help. I feel he is much happier with me now then he was before. He has so much work he does I just want him to be able to be comfertable around me." Sarah says listening to Mazla's words and trying to memorize them so she could use them upon Galin perhaaps tonight. She didn't want to just be a sexual release for him but... ultimately that was what usually almost always happened.

"It has been my pleasure, on more than one occasion." she said with a coy smile. Continuing to rub and knead Sarah for some time before asking, "Feel like trying it my dear?" Mazla got up and began removing her clothes while waiting for Sarah to change positions. "Remember this is always the best after a long soak in a hot springs. Will make anyone relaxed and melt away stresses."

"Alright I'll try my best then and with you here to guide me I'm sure I'll learn quickly." Sarah said getting off the table and stretching her body felt wonderful now. Putting on a robe she put oils on her hands and a few small dribbles on Mazla's back and began from the top like Mazla had with her. She hoped she was doing a good job and that it felt good. She wasn't using much pressure though and she was more rubbing everything and then a few specific places.

"Umm, wonderful Sarah, just a little more pressure don't be afraid I will tell you if it is too much. And encourage Lord Galin to do the same, now press with your thumbs just in the small of my back lightly at first." And she groaned and giggled as Sarah was quickly becoming very adept at this. Mazla very much enjoyed when others were pampering her, in fact one client paid handsomely just to take care of her wants and needs. So, she knew that sooner or later Galin would reward Sarah for taking such good care of him.

Sarah did her best as instructed but she really didn't kno much about muscles and things like this. So she just followed almost exactly what Mazla had done on her and added more pressure when mazla said something about it. She was trying hard to do this correctly but she wasn't sure if she was getting it right or not but the moans of Mazla were helpng her learn a little bit about the good spots anyways.

"Now some men prefer not to have their feet touched, hence why I didn't spend very long on yours. Shoulders, back, and hands sometimes are the best my dear and on occasion legs. Especially if they have a sprain or a sore muscle." She cast her arms out wide and moaned a little more in response to Sarah's hands. "I have another gift for you as far as your stamina issue with Lord Galin." she whispered hoping to bring about Sarah's interest.

"You can?!" Sarah asked leaning down close to hear Mazla's words. HEr hands moved to Mazla's shoulders and neck still rubbing and putting pressure on the muscles under her hands. Filing more of the information Mazla was giving her for use on Galin later. She wondered... if he was ticklish on his feet like she was Maybe during a massage she could find out. That was a delightful thought. At best it would make him feel good at worst well... he might throw her down and spank her which wasn't so bad.

"Yes there is a small vial in my bag that helps extend the amount of time you can last with Lord Galin. It is yours if you so wish, ohhh, that is very good." She groaned and even stretched out her fingers loving the feelings Sarah was invoking in her. They had learned so much from each other and she had the chance to enjoy Lord Galin as well. "I hope to have a chance to spend time again the two of us before you leave, or even if we can visit at some point later."

"No... I think it best if... if I build my stamina with Galin on my own... thank you so much Mazla for all you've taught me if it's possible I'd love to visit again someday." Sarah says softly before finishing the massage her hands were begining to ache a little. And she hugged mazla tightly. She doubted she would ever get to see the other woman again. It was very highly unlikely at any rate.

Galin left his spot and went back to the door opening it loudly so the women would assume he just arrived. "Well, what a nice sight to see, Sarah are you broadening your horizons with mistress Mazla again?" He walked right up to both women and gently slid his hand inside Sarah's robe. He had his sexual hunger taken care of earlier, not that he would tell Sarah. Sildea was a wonderful country, and now he knew what his father saw in full blood elves.

Sarah blushed brightly. "She was teaching me how to massage so if... you needed to relax I could... massage your tension away. I was just thanking her." Sarah said softly her face still pink. Her robe loosening with his hand and arm going inside of it. She didn't know where he'd been only that he had been working. He had told her she didn't want to know what he did and so she understood.

"I look forward to your attentions after while and I will repay in kind, little bird." His fingers grazed her nethers and lightly massaged her, noting Mazla watching from her stomach on the table. "Is the lesson over or shall I return after a bath unless you ladies wish to enjoy one another again, then I may watch." Bringing his finger up he tasted Sarah and began to wish that Mazla would leave so he may get his fill of her. However, he crossed to the desk and began to wait for news, he hadn't been completely successful in Sildea, but Lord Soth made his mark.

Sarah shuddered at his attentions to her body. "Miss Mazla?" Sarah asked not knowing the answer to any of the questions considering Mazla was the teacher and she the student. She didn't want to disturb him if he was going to work but had had asked to watch... but Sarah didn't think one girl massaging another was that... interesting to watch really. Unless Mazla began to do what they had done the morning earlier.

"With all due respect Master Galin, shall we dance for you?" She sat up not really bothering to cover herself from his gaze. Her bag sat nearby and she could use the small box to play music for them. Mazla did bring Sarah close and loosened her robe further, turning her back to face Galin. Exposing her body to her master who watched from his desk.

"That sounds like a wonderful idea as long as Sarah agrees." Galin thought it might be delightful way to celebrate his minor victory. "Will you be redressing or staying nude, for I find the current view rather enjoyable." Galin noticed the special parchment on his desk began to glow lightly. His contacts were preparing reports about what the fallout was in Sildea.

"If it would please you Lord Galin... then... I suppose nude would be fine... after all we've done." Sarah says softly blushing brightly looking at Mazla's face for confirmation or declination. She didn't see the glow of the parchment she didn't notice anything strange at all. But she was for some reason nervous to dance for Galin nude. It seemed much more intimate.

Mazla let Sarah's robe drop to the floor before going to her bag for the magic box. Then after setting it on table she smiled and opened the lid and began to move to the music. "Just follow my lead with our third dance and add some playful touches." she explained running her hand across Sarah's stomach. Watching Galin she could see his interest was already peaked in the entertainment he was about to see. And while she could not remain long, she could ensure Sarah had a wonderful evening with her master.

Sarah followed Mazla's example because they hadn't rehearsed a dance for two. But the third dance was something she had been drilled on and she did what she could to contribute to the danse like her teacher was doing. Sarah didn't honestly know how many days a woman or man could have sex without being worn out but she certainly was feeling the strain between dancning and sating Lord Galins ferocious appetite in the sexual manners.

The dance wasn't long and as it ended, Galin applauded the performance. "Thank you it was very stimulating, Mazla if you don't mind I wish to spend sometime alone with Sarah. And you come I want you to sit right here." He moved his papers and patted his desk right in front of him. While he may not take Sarah, he wished to reward her with some attention, the thought made him smile knowing Sarah would only worship him more.

Sarah blushed brightly but followed his orders obiediently. Sitting up on the desk a bright red stain across her cheeks as she sat on the cold wood of his desk. She didn't know what he was going to do. But it was obviouse he didn't want any attention ot tending to in any way. So Sarah pondered as Maza gathered her things and dressed before leaving what Lord Galin was going to do.

Galin began to stroke her skin starting with her legs and thighs. He watched her eyes as he began to stroke he back and bottom. "You have done a very good job at making me happy." he whispered low. Then his hands travelled up touching her breasts. Wanting to surprise Sarah he leaned over and kissed her leg.

Sarah moved at his gentle touches not keeping her legs tightly together any longer and then gasped at the breasts and the hot kiss on her leg. She moaned softly and was pleased to hear his words he was so kind to her and gentle and loving. Surely he must feel it too... a connection between them happening. His deep voice so low made her blush spread more and her legs ease open with more relaxed a position.

He knew that she was finding those touches seductive and he thrilled knowing she was giving in to him. Grazing his finger tips down her thighs and alternated kisses to her legs and a teasing lick to her thigh. "I must also commend you, some serving girls brought into a master's bed let themselves quiescent. You have strove to keep if not improve your beauty and talent all in hopes of keeping me interested in your charms." Galin pulled her closer and began to kiss her stomach as his fingers kept lightly stroking her, like a fire.

"Your mission is a galliant one my lord and if I can serve or" Gasp! "Serve you in any way please let me know and I shall do it." Sarah says her voice breathy with rising desire and deep from being tightened from anticipation. What was he going to do? she didn't fully register what he had said but she would have argued she only wished to serve him, and that she loved his mission and all he stood for very much.

He slipped his hands around her hips and half stood lavishing her chest with attention. Galin had been upset that the attempt to capture Orissa Ravenwood had failed. Between the little girls magic and the elf maiden he had been foiled. Except he may have turned this into a victory of sorts, those who served him would make sure that Sildea was no longer available to Alehial or her children. The future would tell him if he would win, he pushed it all aside as he began kissing and licking Sarah's neck.

Sarah's breath hitched yet again as he licked over her pulse in her neck. The thing he did to her body drove her wild with lust and she prayed she would forever be able to satisfy his needs and wants. Something had happened that was for sure but his gentleness with her let her know he was rewarding her right now. Her mind was not on much else but the thought of her love tending to her and solely her in this fashion, Her chest was filled with love for this amazing leader and talented man. Why anyone would hate him or find fault in him Sarah didn't know but she was always support him no matter what.

He decided to further reward her and slid his tongue deeply into her nethers, rasping it along her sensitive nub. Perhaps he needed a new perspective on how to best handle the Ravenwoods, maybe smaller victories would cause a rift between Alehial and the whelp. Smiling Galin nipped lightly on her little nub and sucked hard upon it. Everyone had said the children were always a weakness for them, and now with little grand children running about it made it worse. Making a mental note to speak with the guildmaster of Acheron about this he began to alternate licks and nips upon Sarah.

Sarah moaned and squealed, this was torture surely. The slow maddening pleasure he was giving her, she couldn't think other then to hold herself up and to keep her legs open to give him access to her very core. Whatever he might be thinking she was not privvy to and she probably wouldn't understand. Right now all she could do was breath and feel and she trembled at his skillful touch.

He liked hearing her noises and the longer he lavished her body with attention the more he began to form new plans and how best to start them. Sarah's excitment on his tongue was tempering those plans into the best possible. Not stopping, for concern that the plans would float away from him not caring how many times she climaxed. Galin had decided that he needed to convince Alehial that his plan was the best and her only option. Wanting to get more from his little muse, he pressed against her shoving his tongue further into her wetness.

Sarah cried out as yet another climax assaulted her and she fell against the desk her arms unable to hold her up any longer. Her thighs quivered and twitched beneath his ministrations. She panted heavily if he kept this up she would soon pass out unable to handle all that he was forcing her to feel. Her sensitivity kept her twitched at his touch and her breaths came with moans almost constant now. completely unaware that while he was pleasing her he was also plotting.

Galin stopped after drinking her like fine wine and moved up to lay beside her and stroked her body. "My little dove so vocal today as I tasted you, did you enjoy yourself? I must admit I now know what to do when I must think about my directions in this world. Only I fear you might not be able to every wear clothes again." he smiled and pulled lightly on her nipple. After she recovered he would couple with her and give her more pleasure. "Do you have a lesson with Mazla today little one, or do I have you all to myself" he asked.

"No lessons today" Sarah panted whimpering softly at the touches he still laid upon her body. It was wonderful however the attention he was giving her and if it was his wish she would gladly stay in his chambers denude of clothing. It warmed her to think she really was his muse, if it wasn't flattery which she fervently hoped it was not. He was such an ardent lover how could any female deny this man surely that woman must be crazy.

He sat up and suddenly looked off like someone was speaking with him, errantly his hand kept kneading her breast. Then a triumphtant smile crossed his face, his plan worked and even in a small defeat a victory was attained. Looking at Sarah the light of lust was renewed in his eyes and reaching over cast block the seed upon himself. Lifting and flipping Sarah onto her hands and knees, he took position behind her and in one long movement slid inside her. Smiling Galin Ravenwood began to slowly slip in and out of her velvety heat, enjoying the sensations of her body.

Sarah let out a startled squeak that turned into a lust filled groan as he quickly began a rythem. She clutched the edge, and tried to meet him but her legs were already trembling from before. She would do her best to keep up with him and help him sate his desire but in this position she could only do so much. Though when he went in deep she couldn't hold the unbidden scream of pleasure that tore through her as he hit her very core. Her body tightened reflexivly around him.

He stopped and held her to him, not moving or creating any friction. Wanting to prolong this enjoyment and hopefully let her recover some. "Oh, dear little Sarah tell me how do I feel tell me what is happening inside your body." Wanting to hear her tell him about her pleasure and he would slowly thrust during it. With no lesson today he would take her slowly over a great length of time.

"Oh gods!" Sarah trembled at his questions, at his demands. "you are bigger now then I have ever felt... deeper then you've ever been inside of me... I never felt like this before..." Srah gasped out her body still quivering as he lay against her very center, a place she had never felt him before a place that made him feel even bigger. Her chest was heaving for breath as she spoke and she almost wanted to cry from how good that one thrust had felt.

He began to thrust as she was talking then when she fell silent he'd stop. This was a fun little game he devised, reaching around he gently pulled her nipple and smiled again. Making her moan and gasp and cry was his mission this morning and most likely would be tonight as well, unless he had other engagements. "Today is a good thing Sarah, we are one step closer to fulfilling the mission. So, today we shall do something you would like to do, just name it, little dove."

"What more could... I possibly want... ah! I am proud to... be of help to you... my lord!" Sarah spoke and breathed and gasped, he ws cruel to make her think and speak during such an act, there was no greater thing she could ask for however then what they had together. To be praised and to be called his muse and be of service to him and be loved was all she hoped for in life.

He pushed in deeply and felt the end of her, he truly could go no further and he loved the feeling from base to tip. "Maybe we should stay like this for a little while, how does this make you feel dove?" He made a couple short thrusts to remind her how deep inside he was. He would take her out into the city after they finished and got cleaned up. Perhaps he would even pickup an alchemical helper to increase her stamina.

Sarah saw stars almost litterally she screamed as her body bucked, tightening around him like a vise and twitching as she closed her eyes, the pleasure to intense for her to hold onto for a moment, it was so good and his continued smaller thrusts only ground his erection deep against her. She dropped her head onto the bed and writhed against him as she continued to orgasm, any movement at the moment seemed to make her scream again as more pleasure rolled through her like a horde of orcs.

The sudden tightness made him began to push almost harder, his climax was begining and he picked up his speed. As it began Galin knew he was gping to be depositing his seed directly into her womb and that made him groan lightly. Perhaps one day he would allow her to carry a child for him, perhaps she would deserve this for the long times that he used her body for pleasure. As he finished emptying his seed he slowly reached around and stroked his fingers along her side. Sarah belonged to him, mind and body lived to serve him; he would never find a more devote follower and all she asked for in return was to be filled with his seed.

During his finishing rush Sarah fell quiet as she fell unconcious, the pleasure/pain of his rough taking and filling of her proving to be all too much for her, even after she had been doing well to keep up with him this time. The new angle of entry was too sharp for her to be able to handle. Even so she sighed ever so softly s he stroked her skin. She was sweaty but glowing and her body was soft from the oils she had been using and the lotions. She smelled of clean soap and her face was still red even in sleep from what they had done.

Galin turned her onto her back and watched her for a long second before removing himself from her and getting a towel to clean the mess. He then laid beside her and gently stroked her skin before pulling her closer to 'snuggle' with him. Reaching over her gently kneaded the flesh of her breast and continued to muse on his plans against his brother. It was amazing that all he ever needed to succeed was find an outlet for his baser animalistic urges. He had sent members of the guild to watch over Flint's house, just another block in his plans, another brick to lay between Alehial and Altiar, he fell into sleep a while later.

Sarah woke and gently removed herself from his person to releive her bodies needs. she then crawled back into the bed and lay at his side once more. HEr hips and lower back ached fiercly, and she only hoped it would go away entirely without the aide of anything. She was incredably tired and she needed more rest. She hoped she didn't disturb him but she had to take that chance. She had had to releive herself.

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2011-03-24 [Nuktae-tal]: ...what a weird laugh what's that mean?

2011-03-24 [Sheamus Finn]: No not ah hahaha, more like Ah ha! (I got it)

2011-03-24 [Nuktae-tal]: oh alright then.. I get it lol

2011-03-29 [Nuktae-tal]: why does Sarah need to have the magic penis on her?

2011-03-29 [Nuktae-tal]: Or does Mazla just want more from her?

2011-03-29 [Sheamus Finn]: I was heading for so that Sarah could understand the power that the dance can convey.

2011-03-29 [Nuktae-tal]: ...that's weird

2011-03-29 [Sheamus Finn]: So, would you like me to remove it?

2011-04-28 [Sheamus Finn]: comment comment lol

2011-04-28 [Nuktae-tal]: hhmmm why wouldn't it pop up for postings I wonder...

2011-04-28 [Sheamus Finn]: lol

2011-04-30 [Sheamus Finn]: Um, nothing popped up....

2011-06-26 [Sheamus Finn]: you can wake her up, she'd be alone and covered up.

2012-05-30 [Nuktae-tal]: and next?

2012-05-30 [Sheamus Finn]: Disciples of Soth

2012-05-30 [Nuktae-tal]: want me to make it? and how are we starting it?

2012-05-30 [Sheamus Finn]: You should have gotten the invite....

2012-05-30 [Nuktae-tal]: nope

2012-05-30 [Sheamus Finn]: I resend then

2012-05-30 [Nuktae-tal]: it came through!

2012-08-02 [Sheamus Finn]: Um, we on Disciples of Soth III

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