Page name: Disciples of Soth III [Exported view] [RSS]
2012-08-29 00:31:58
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Disciples of Soth II

A short while later Sarah awoke to the sound of Galin sleeping behind her and his arm holding her close. It was after noon and one could feel the heat just outside the house. His words about taking out into the city floated to the front of her mind. A small card slipped under the door and she heard footsteps padding away. Galin moved a little and grazed his fingers down her stomach lightly and moved his head breathing lightly on her neck.

Sarah sighed ever so softly, afraid to wake Galin, wondering if he still wanted to take her out into the city. She would love to see the city, she had been inside this house since they had come and while it was very beautiful she wanted to see what life waas like here in Shadazaar. She thought for another minute or two while she felt the throbbig of her lower body letting her know that what they had done ws just a few hours ago. She didn't wnt to wake Galin, he rarely slept in.

He did not sleep much longer before opening his eyes and pulled her a little closer, "Sarah, are you awake little dove?" Begining to gently stroke her body until she responded to him, he still wished to talk her out into the city. He didn't want to cage his little muse, and besides the more time she spent inside here she would begin to get lethargic. They would go to the markets and perhaps even to several of the temples and watch another group of dancers preform. Maybe even try some local food not prepared by their host's cooks.

"Yes Lord Galin... I am. I didn't mean to wake you I didn't did I?" Sarah asked softly turning on her back to look up at him , hoping she hadn't awoken him, she really did wish to go out. She wondered if he had plans he would be disrupting, but she wouldn't mention anything it was his will not her's, and she would do anything he asked if she could. He was the kind of man any woman would be glad to help or should at least.

He pressed his lips to hers and gently placed his hand against her breast, "Dear little dove, you did not. I remember telling you that we were going into the city to look around and do a little shopping. So, where does my most loyal lady wish to go first after we clean up here?" Her skin was soft and the intermingled smell of sweat and exotic flowers flooded his nostrils and made him smile. He would smell the flowers of all the world from her skin in the form of oils or lotions, and take her in those countries accordingly.

"I wouldn't now where to begin... Mm Master Galin should decide, I will be overwhlemed I know it." Sarah moaned softly at his touches, she was still sensitive even after the rest from their earlier play. she new once they were out of the house everything new and different would catch her eyes and she really wished that she might be a little more ready for it. But she would do her best not to embaress Galin, or Soth while they were out and about.

"No, I prefer to let my dove chart our course today. Now we should get cleaned up before I decide to claim your body again." He smiled and kissed her again letting his hand lightly squeeze her. Sarah could arouse him with that innocent desire to make him happy and her single minded devotion to him. "I have a question for you first my little dove, why do you follow me and allow me to have your body at my whims?" he asked. How she would answer intrigued him to no end, leaning down he gently licked her neck.

"You are a brilliant man.... smart and kind, a great leader. You inspire people... you inspired me. You are handsome and skilled and everyone knows of your greatness, sometimes you might have been led down the wrong path but everyone can see that you are meant for great things. I am just so fortunate to have been picked by you to serve someone with a destiny so great." Sarah says softly blushing brightly as she spoke, it was embaressing to tell the idol you adore all this but at the same time she was releived and pleased he was asking.

Her answer pleased him and later she would reap the reward for her answer. "Come little dove, it is time we washed up and set out for the city." he said taking another lick of her neck. He stood and filled a basin with water and began to wash himself off and beckoned for her to come do the same. Once done he went to the wardrobe and removed some lighter clothes that would not be so hot. She was right though, he was meant for great things, things no one could ever think possible.

Sarah did as told and quickly washed herself clean, one clean and dry she put on the clothing that would best suit what Galin had chosen for himself. She hoped it wouldn't make him angry that she took such liberty to do so. She was however very excited to be going out in public and get to see this world that she had been in and yet not a part of, not yet. Now she would be able to and she was very excited though trying to contain it and remain calm and composed shewas having difficulty doing so.

Once done he led her out of their hosts home and through the streets looking at the buildings and people. After a long walk they arrived at the market area, it stretched as far as Sara could see and contained many little shops and stands. "Come dove, let us find somethings for us to remember your trip here." he said taking her hand. There were stands selling food of all types and drinks and such. A couple shops nearby she had seen had clothes and jewelery, it was all a little awe-inspiring.

Sara was amazed looking around her with wonder and trying to keep her mouth closed as she looked at all the splendid and amazing things. It was strange to see all these things and how similar they all were as compared to her small hometown. While very different it was eerily familiar as well. Holding onto Galin or rather Soth's arm she was trying to do her best to stay behaved.

Galin took her arm and they began to walk looking at anything that piqued Sarah's interests. Performers sat playing music while little monkies tethered to them collected money, others tumbled and did acrobactics for coins. Noting a shop that his host had told him about, he would have to make a little time to visit it and buy something for Sarah. "Here Sarah, give some of the preformers some coins so that they may provide for their families." he said placing a handful of coppers into her hands. The money meant little and would be replaced by the end of the day, what was more important was the spies the Caliph sent reported that the Master of the guild was being generous in his kingdom.

Sarah walked over and handed the coins into the woven baskets. She smiled at the people before going back to Galin. He was so generous thinking about the small peasants and the people who worked. Like she once was, before she met Galin that was of course. Now she lived a life filled with blissful days wehre she did good in the world and helped a great being.

He smiled and watched the people smile at her and incline their heads to the generosity. He noted a little ways away that there was a pavillion with music and dancers, it looked like an outside tavern and that appealed to him. "Come Sarah, let us go and watch the dancers while we get something to releave this heat." he said taking her in that direction. The pillared area had awnings to keep out the harshest of the rays of sunlight around short tables were pillows and servers brought not only drink but fresh fruits and meat to patrons. Several women moved about the center of the room and danced in much the same fashion as Mazla had been teaching Sarah.

Sarah waved to the people before joining Galin and then staring at the dancers, it was interesting and very similar to what Mazla taught. "They are very good aren't they lord Soth?" Sarah asked softly going to her knees before reclining on the pillows where Galin lead them. Sarah was looking around the entire area trying to see everything and how everyone was sitting so she could emulate them.

"Yes, but I prefer your dancing litte dove." he answered back making a movement to bring a server near. They would spend sometime here and then move back out amognst the people and shops. "So, where would you like to begin shopping little dove? I have heard of an alchemist that can provide us with something to help build your stamina while we share pleasures." He knew that she had worried that she could not keep up with his appetites for her body and he wanted to put those fears away.

"If you think we need it then I would use it. But there are so many fine things here how could I possibly choose just one!" Sarah said with a smile before she partook some of the fruit. "MM! This is delicious!" Sarah said with a smile licking the juice from her fingers. This was some of the strangest food she had ever eaten. She didn't really know what it was or what it was called but it was delicious.

Galin picked up a fig and took a bite, "Then choose more than one, but remember we will have to carry it all back to our hosts home by ourselves." He smiled at her, she truly always tried her best to make him happy with her. "I believe we shall try the alchemical solution and see how we both like it, then decide if we will continue. I would not command you to take something you did not like." He then took a sip of the drink they had been offered, a little tart, but it took the edge off his thirst.

"This drink is very delicious as well... quite sweet!" Sarah smiled brightly at Galin. While she didn't want to use chemicals if it was what he wanted she would do it. Other then for injuries and ailments Sarah had never gone to an apothacaries before. She was sure Galin would never let anything happen to her however. He must care for her somewhat. He just had to she knew that.

Once they had enjoyed the hospitality and paid, they left to go investigate the market more. Galin stopped and went inside the apothicary and came back out with two small vials and proceeded to walk around. "Dove, why not go and find something you wish to wear inside the store, I will return shortly." Even as they were being watched by the Caliph's men more Disciples were watching the spies. He needed to meeet with one of his aides before stopping to get something else that had caught his eye.

Sarah did as he requested and was happy to do so,new clothing was for special occasions for someone like her and this was deffinetly one of those times. So she purchased a dancing skirt and matching top and some lounge wear as well, nothing too expensive but well worth it and in Galin's colors of the guild so she would please him more. She did know there were men keeping an eye on them but they had made no contact or seemed to want to harm them and Galin had done nothing about their presence so Sarah basically kept an eye on them but ignored them, not letting them ruin her fun of the day.

Going around the nearest corner Galin spoke to the mind of his aide and understood exactly what was happening. He then made a small number of stops before heading back to Sarah to see what she had picked out. "My little dove I see you have put much thought into your shopping." Ignoring the salespeople and running his hands down her sides to enjoy her body. One of the merchants brought over a bill of sale and Galin motioned him away, money was of very little concern right now it was Sarah's happiness.

Sarah smiled happily and leaned against Galin's chest. "I hope it pleases you." She said softly her body thrilling at the sensation of his hands over the material of her outfit. She didn't know when she would get to wear it once they got back to their home but at least when she danced or entertained Galin she would wear it. It was very comfertable after all. She wondered where they would go next or what they would do.

Leaning to whisper in her ear Galin told her, "I think after the next meeting here we are going to visit Thuria and the guildhouse being built there. The days and night's will be colder so we'll have to keep close to keep each other warm." To puncuate his point he let his hand come to rest on her bottom and squeezed. "You will have to tell Mazla we will be leaving soon in case she needs to teach you anything special. You may only have three or four more lessons, I know the two of you have grown rather close."

"Thuria? How wonderful! Your dream of helping the world is coming to fruition!" Sarah said happily hugging Galin about the chest, she didn't want to seem so forward but she was so happy for Galin and the cause going to so many places to help so many different people she simply couldn't help it. Though she would be sad to say goodbye to Mazla, it was not Sarah's place to say when they stayed somewhere and Mazla knew that. In fact Mazla had already mentioned their departure once.

He felt her breasts against him and he leaned down and kissed her neck, in truth her comment about everything coming to fruition was very true. "So, my little dove where shall we go next before we head back to our hosts. Perhaps you should endevour to speak with Mazla and see what last kernels of knowledge she may impart." Once he paid for her purchases they walked back out into the martket and needed to plot their next direction. Momentarily he stopped before he smiled, Sildea had done as he expected, and Alehial had nowhere else to run.

"I don't know where we have been and where we haven't to be honest." Sarah said with a light laugh, Galin was in such good spirits it lifted her own as well and let her relax a little more around him showing her own self a bit more. Sarah would miss Mazla but she would be more excited to see more wonders from around the world. She didn't know what truths her words held or what was going on in her home land but none of that really mattered to her now.

He echoed the laugh and led her on the trail back to the host's house carrying her packages. With the house in view Galin stopped as three men stepped into the street in front of them. "Dove, stay behind me and if they are looking for a fight you will run to the house without looking back." he explained to her stressing the seriouness of his words. All three men carried shortswords and were eyeing Galin as they had been waiting for him to come this way. Even without his sword Lord Soth was not without ways to defend himself and a smile crossed Galin's face three more to further his plans, the men shouted and pulled weapons the girl didn't matter it was all Galin Ravenwood.

Sarah gasped in fright before nodding her understanding. When they ran at Galin she ran for the house. She would do exactly as Galin told her always. She knew lord Galin was the strongest and smartest of all fighters and would have no problem defeating these men. However she also knew she was only get in the way and so she ran to the house and rushed into the door to enter it. She was shaking and in her head she remembered the man who had taken liberties from her and how he had died. But she knew Galin wouldn't die, but still this violence frightened her.

Behind the door Sarah could hear the sounds of battle and cries of pain and surprise. It began to bring people from all over the house to see what the racket was, and when the host and his men appeared the noises stopped. He sent the men outside and stood near Sarah a little concerned that Lord Ravenwood had died trying to fight outnumbered and without a weapon. Shortly after they had left a man returned carrying Sarah's bundles looking rather dire at what he had seen. Behind him several steps came Galin his right sleeve bloody at the shoulder, but otherwise unharmed.

"Master!!" Sarah cried out in fright at his arm. She ran forward and with great worry in her eyes looked at his arm carefully. She would get him a healing potion and pamper him more then likely, also she would see about keeping maybe a dagger on her person for him whenever they were together. In case anything like this happened again he could grab the weapon she carried at least.

He had not been prepared for her to rush him so quickly, "I am fine Sarah it is only a scratch. Enough to remind me though I should be vigilant even when in a friendly city." The men had been foolish and as he beat them soundly he used the relic and claimed three more. It had been a trade off, them for a little blood and as an upside Sarah showed much concern. "We should retire to our chambers and let Sarah care for this woulnd as I'm sure she wants."

Sarah trembled softly at seeing the great Galin so injured, even if he said it was only a scratch it was enough to make Sarah afraid. "Please do let me Master." Sarah said softly worry filling her face as she had no bandages to dab the wound with at the moment. Sarah didn't know what he had done with the men nor what would become of them. Just that Galin had won and yet he was injured and she wanted to tend to his wound and clean him up as soon as possible.

They went back down to their room and Galin removed his cloak and shirt. "Ah, still not much of a wound, I have had worse little dove." he said ruefully. Sitting on the bed he motioned to her to come and minister aid to him, more than likely the host would bring them a healing draught, but he wanted to relileve some of Sarah's fear. "However, I do not want you to get my blood on your dress so remove it before you nurse me back to health." With a small smirk he watched to see if Sarah would order him to quit being foolish and set to binding his wounds.

"That's silly... but if it get's your mind off of it." Sarah said softly, if it was any other man she would probably smack the back of his head and call him a child for such immiturity. for Galin she thought it endearing and silly. She stripped even so and grabbed a wrag and clothe and wash basin. Setting the items on the desk she wet the wrag and quickly set about cleaning the skin to see the extent of the wound, without a healing potion he would have needed to heal for weaks and need stitches, that much Sarah was certain of. Careful to not pull on the tender flesh but just clean it Sarah was getting impatient how long it was taking for a servant to arrive with said potion.

Galin took advantage of her nearness and with his good arm squeezed Sarah's backside. The wound didn't even hurt much and he knew none of the blades had been posioned so he was unconcerned. Looking up at her he smiled at how easily it had been to get her to drop her clothes for him. A knock at the door broke his focus, "I believe that is the healing potion healer dove." When she went to get it he reached over and took hold of his sword, just in case.

Sarah grabbed her robe and pulled it on tying the sash before going to the door. She opened it just enough so she could see who it was, "Yes may I help you?" she asked cautiously, just because of what happened it had made her nervous again, though Galin never made her nervous not really. She just didn't want him to be bothered if it was unneccesary, she would always do all that she could in her power for him. No matter what the task that she might be able to handle.

It was the healer with a potion bottle she noted the disciples pin and that he was one of them. "I have this for Lord Soth does he require me to look at his wounds?" Galin sat on the bed and relaxed his grip on the sword, "His name is Lorne and he is safe Dove. No Lorne she is handling my wounds." He knew the men that attacked knew part of the truth and he needed to make sure the group was gone before they found his whelp brother and advised him of what was happening. He contacted Caliban and wordlessly informed him to dispatch someone to handle the situation.

"Thank you for bringing this to Lord Soth so quickly Healer Lorne." Sarah said softly bowing a little to him, she opened the door wider so as to not be rude and held out her hands for the potion. "If I might take the potion to finish tending to my lord?" She asks politely and softly. If Soth said Lorne was safe Sarah beleived him. But she wanted Soth healed and taken care of before anything else had a chance of happening no matter what it was.

Lorne handed the potion off then bowed before leaving them alone. Galin was awaiting when she returned with a slight smile, "Have you something for me little dove, other than you that is." Already he was standing and moving in her direction more interested in her than the potion to be truthful. Sildea was a nice place to visit and he found it awakened something in Sarah and he wanted to indulge that. "The servants will need to bring you the packages we purchased while in the market."

"y-yes." Sarah said softly a soft pink covering her cheeks. She held the potion up for Galin and she watched him walk towards her. She closed the door with one of her legs, since she was busy and didn't want to turn away from her lord. This country even with it's heat and deserts and strange people was simply amazing... It made Master Galin so happy with Sarah, and made him undulge in her pleasure a lot. Sarah simply couldn't get any happier she was positive about it.

He took the potion and swallowed the contents then pulled the sash to let her robe open again. His hand carressed her stomach and began to travel up until her encoutnered her breasts and played gently with them. "Sweet little dove I feel better already." he whispered then pressed her against the door and kissed her neck. It seemed that whenever he used the artifact he began to desire Sarah more and with an insistant hunger. And after those three he felt like fire was coursing through his veins.

Sarah couldn't help but tremble at his touch and gasp at the hot wetness of his mouth on her skin. She let the robe fall and gave him full access to her flesh. "M-master! Uuuhhh..." She gasped before groaning softly in pleasure, it was just like when he went away and left her for work... He almost always came back with this hunger for flesh. She was all to willing to comply however and to do what she could for him. The door was rough behind her but she paid no mind to it and could only really concentrate on her master before her. She brought her hands up to his shoulders and let them glide up to his neck then into his hair. She was getting to the point where she didn't like to be idle during his advances.

He hefted her naked form into his hands and carried her to the bed and laid her on her side and smiled. "I find myself very hungery for you Sarah, I believe I'm going to devour you now." he whispered low. Climbing in to lay facing her he began to lick and suck at her sex. His hands began to rub and stroke her skin and squeezing her bottom. Galan began to lick harder then lightly across her little nub.

Sarah squirmed before almost screaming in pleasure as he devoured her. She grabbed the sheets and gripped them tightly, he was rough and yet gentle and he was so talented it litterally made Sarah's head spin with pleasure as she climaxed quickly from his ministrations. She couldn't fight off the pleasure and she was soon dripping wet from his actions on her body. He was always rather vicious after taking care of business but this time he had been injured in a fight and it made her wonder... was it when he left... or because he killed that made him so hungry for sex.

Galin soon tired of this and entered her and began to thrust into Sarah, after he had cast while she recovered. The wetness of her sex made it ever so easy to thrust deep and with whatever speed he desired. Tomorrow they would leave and his plans would go further, so close to what he wanted. Leaning over her kissed Sarah before taking her nipple into his mouth and sucking hungirly at it. She would not be able to keep up much longer and after they finished he would let her sleep and review his next plans.

Sarah cried out at therough entry and the demanding pace Galin set for them, he took what he wanted and it gave Sarah such pleasure to be of need to him like this. However it didn't take long for another climax to overcome her and another and finally when she could hold out no more the final orgasm that made her scream before falling back onto the bed completely relaxed and passed out from the roughness of his taking of her flesh. She would never tell him no and she would never refuse him her body, and so she lay on the bed like before worn out from their coupling.

Galin felt the mingling of their lovemaking as he pulled out of Sarah, truly she did all for her master. He fetched a towel and wiped her clean before covering her up and settling beside her to read then take a nap. He didn't bother dressing either of them, for perhaps he would use her again when they woke up. "Oh, Sarah. I should really give long thought to blessing your womb with the son I always should have had, perhaps I will. I wonder if my son has done enough with Lyriel to make me a grandfather, or if I should visit Alehial and see if she wishes another baby soon." he smiled and set the scroll down before going to sleep.

When Sarah awoke her hiped ached and yet she put that aside. She looked around to see if Galin was still in the bed or not and whether he required further attentions or if she was to start getting their things together for their departure. SHe was a little sad to return but she was eager to get home as well. Perhaps have time to properly rest for a day if Galin would indulge her with one anyways. SHe did wonder how his plans were going and how the greatness of his followers were spreading his goodness.

He was asleep beside her and under the covers he was as naked as she was, his manhood looked as it ever did. Galin had told her when they arrived others would unpack and pack for them, she was no longer a maid, she was his consort. They would go back to the complex for a time and then would move to the next place and he would work to spread the guild and its use throughout the world.

Sarah quietly got up and washed herself quickly before dressing in some of her newer clothing. She began to brush her hair and put it up out of the way for when they needed to leave. She also pulled out clothing for Galin, two sets one formal one that he more usually prefurred to wear. She wanted to cover the bases and she wanted to let him rest. Once her hair was up, well she couldn't really sit idle so she began to tidy up... not clean neccesarily but make it easier for others to pack for them. All the while trying to be quiet so Galin could sleep.

A good while later Galin awoke and noted she was already awake. "Good Morning Sarah, I see you still wish to pack somethings on your own." he chuckled and got out of bed and padded to the wash basin. He made sure he was clean then proceeded back to see what she had set out for him, picking the formal even though he detested the outfit. It was an official function though, and then he went to his desk to review his papers. "Will you be going to visit your teacher, Mazla one last time this visit? We do have the time." he asked looking up at her.

"If you have no orders or intructions for me... I would like to give my regards Master Soth. But if you'd wish me to oversee the packing... or do any other tasks then I will do as you ask of me." Sarah said helping him dress before leaving him be and waiting for his descision. SHe was after all well was a prior maid so she wasn't sure what a lady was really supposed to do to keep busy... she was still very new about all of this.

"I believe it would be rude to leave without seeing her one last time andperhaps she may have parting lessons for you. You have my leave to go and if not dance with her again to grace her bed and show her how much has been learned from your lessons." He said nothing else and begins to read the reports and made notes on a piece of parchment. Honestly, he wondered what Mazla might impart during their last meeting and found himself a little aroused by the thought. In his mind he thought, what I might want to be a fly on that wall.

Disciples of Soth IV

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2012-08-13 [Sheamus Finn]: I posted last

2012-08-28 [Nuktae-tal]: okay that was creepy... I am now right now seriously stumped after reading what Galin told his sleeping lover.

2012-08-28 [Sheamus Finn]: Sorry....But remember he is CREEPY....

2012-08-28 [Nuktae-tal]: he is soo creppy.... I did forget a little by being Sarah I suppose.

2012-08-28 [Sheamus Finn]: happens...Alehial would remember in a snap

2012-08-28 [Nuktae-tal]: Alehial still won't put her gaurd down around him... but Sarah... is kind of special in the head for Galin

2012-08-28 [Sheamus Finn]: Kinda like Harlequin and the Joker? lol

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