Page name: Dracology [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-01-10 16:00:17
Last author: Hedda
Owner: ArchangelGabriel
# of watchers: 48
D20: 8
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Hi, I'm [ArchangelGabriel] and welcome to Dracology, a page devoted to the study of Dragons. The entire page has just gone through an ultimate revamp so there may be a few broken links. Make your self at home and feel free to look around.

We were one of the 'Top Fifteen Wiki-pages for the Months of September and October'

We have adopted a dragon called Dimbooyill!!!

New features are marked with <img:stuff/wiki_pixeldiamondrainbow1.JPG.jpg>


<img13*0:> Dragon Handbook - Everything you want to know about Dragons

<img13*0:> Dracologists - click here to add your name to the list of people who support this page

<img13*0:> Dragons Riddles - Riddle competition, updated every week

<img13*0:> Dragon Quotes - Interesting quotes with dragons in

<img13*0:> Dragons in the Field - A guided tour a round several dragon habitats !coming soon!Not yet operational

<img13*0:> Dracology FAQs - Questions and Answers about Dragons

<img13*0:> Dragon Gallery - Good Pics from Elfwood and Members

<img13*0:> Dracology polls - Voting here may make some real difference to this site <img:stuff/wiki_pixeldiamondrainbow1.JPG.jpg>

<img13*0:> Dracology Comments - Go here and add comments privately   <img:stuff/wiki_pixeldiamondrainbow1.JPG.jpg>

<img13*0:> Dracology Bibliography - Books to do with Dracology

<img13*0:> Dragon Links - Links to other Dragon pages


Dracology Admin:



I am back, i'm ontop of my homework and other stuff so I should be around a lot more. If you have any dragon questions you can contact me. ~[ArchangelGabriel]~

I've started some new sections to Dracology including an entry on the Hydra (may not be fully tested) thanks to the help of [Erestor] and the Dracology polls.
Also I would like to know if any one is intrested in helping with a few articles. If you are contact [ArchangelGabriel].

I am proud to anounce that the Dracology Test is finaly open for the use of all members.

I'd like to really clean up the wiki.I'm looking for five people who are prepared to give up some of their time to help rewrite many of the articles and improve what we already have.
You don't have to be a reporter to help, you could donate art, suggest useful refrence sites or just give opions. I hope many of you will help in this update.
~ [ArchangelGabriel]


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.: Dracology :.

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2008-09-04 [The Monochrome Rainbow]: life's a roller coaster - up, and down, and up again. You?

2008-09-08 [Nani Nene]: same. Just super busy now that Im back to going to ASU! And plus trying to find another job!

2008-09-08 [The Monochrome Rainbow]: Yeah, paying bills means having two jobs for me, and still doesn't quite do the job.

2008-09-11 [Nani Nene]: stupid bills

2008-09-12 [The Monochrome Rainbow]: yeah. I moved down here last year, and my general opinion has been, job is nice, company is nice, but neither one pays the bills. (moved down here to be with BF/husband)

2008-09-13 [Nani Nene]: where do you live now? and where did you move from?

2008-09-14 [The Monochrome Rainbow]: Live in Florida now, from Michigan

2008-09-16 [Nani Nene]: how do you like it?

2008-09-16 [The Monochrome Rainbow]: Michigan was much better. Florida is too warm, too sticky, and the people here are lunatics.

2008-09-19 [Aura Darklight]: i kind of liked living in flordia probably because i was near the beach however i agree about it being hot down there bet it is a big change over michigan

2008-09-19 [The Monochrome Rainbow]: yeah, I miss the cold north, the snow and freezing.

2008-10-01 [Nani Nene]: Ive never been to either. . . .

2008-10-02 [The Monochrome Rainbow]: You aren't missing much in Florida unless you like plagues of mosquitoes, intermitten flooding, hurricanes, high humidity, cockroaches, expensive car insurance, and disgustingly hot weather. I honestly don't know why people ever decided to settle this swamp...

2008-10-02 [Nani Nene]: Ya-- doesnt sound like to much fun. considering im from hawaii and now living in arizona

2008-10-03 [The Monochrome Rainbow]: I'm not sure Hawaii would be any better. Never been there. At least Arizona would be dry heat, not this stifling humid stuff.

2008-10-06 [Nani Nene]: lol. Its starting to get cold in Arizona. and Hawaii is beautiful. :)

2009-01-26 [Ukia]: Hawaii was settled long before Europeans came to the Americas. Their knowledge of the local sharks is amazing. 

2009-02-18 [Nani Nene]: very true

2009-05-04 [Aura Darklight]: I've never been to Hawaii or Arizona though my Uncle likes visiting them both

2009-07-28 [Ukia]: A constant traveller, eh? 

2010-01-26 [Aura Darklight]: I wo9uld prefer humid heat otherwise i can not breathe

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