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2006-05-01 12:45:19
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<img:> Dragon Quotes <img:>


If you have any *real* dragon quotes please list them and where they come from.

Also see Dracologists Quotes

              More Quotes (BlackDragon)

***Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons!***

"I can't think of the last time I held dragon vomit in my hand. Why, never, in fact. There are no such things as dragons. Need I also point out that there are no such things as living glass dragons?"
---Tamora Pierce, Shatterglass
Notes:the vomit is glass flames, the poor people there don't have dragons. -[Estantia]

An exclamation one might say if one were to meet a dragon:
'Strectus, Strectus, Strectus. Mortimus Sum'
Shit, Shit, Shit. I'm going to die
---Terry Prattchet, Discworld

"But we are dragons. We are supposed to be cruel, cunning, heartless and terrible. But this much I can tell you, you ape... we never burned and tortured and ripped one another apart and called it morality."
---Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards! (Discworld)
It's what a dragon said when it got a glimps into human history.

“It’d be interesting to see how the great dragonslayers of the past stood up to a big dragon. Armour? Best not to wear it. It’d be the same in any case, and at least your ashes wouldn’t come packaged in their own foil."
---Terry Pratchett, Guards! Guards! (Discworld)

"Do not offend dragons for you are crunchy and taste good with catsup." ---Bumper sticker Unknown Author.

"Knowledge comes but Wisdom lingers"
---Alfred Lord Tennyson


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2004-07-30 [ArchangelGabriel]: with the power to muck anything up

2004-07-31 [Elvish Dragon Fire]: YAY!

2004-09-03 [Dragonite]: So good dragon quotes

2004-09-03 [ArchangelGabriel]: thanks, i'm glad my wiki's are apreciated. Would you like to become one of the Dracologists?

2004-10-19 [Ukia]: Can anyone add a new dragon quote?

2004-10-19 [ArchangelGabriel]: Why yes they can, if you made it up can you out it in the Dracologists Quotes section

2004-10-19 [Ukia]: OK.

2004-11-13 [Estantia]: hello ukia, how did i guess i'd find you round here... are humourous quotes ok?

2004-11-13 [Ukia]: I should think so.

2004-11-14 [Estantia]: yay!

2004-11-14 [ArchangelGabriel]: so long as they're in the right part

2004-11-21 [Estantia]: they are.

2004-11-22 [nunt]: well, I was reading through the lovely quotes, thinking how good they are, very philosophical, then I read the last one... and burst out laughing hehehehehe

2004-11-22 [ArchangelGabriel]: (the last one i question now being half way in - Strectus) LOL, i like to add somthign to lighten the montony of life

2004-12-11 [Ukia]: It's funny, all right. 

2004-12-29 [Little Insane Cat]: Terry Pratchett is one of the best authors...

2004-12-29 [ArchangelGabriel]: You think so? Try visiting Discworld its still a little unfinished but you can find all kinds of fans there.

2005-02-09 [abandonedhouse7 7]: Discworld rocks! Am glad you've got the cool dragon quotes in. :D

2006-07-10 [Ukia]: Knowledge and Wisdom . . . how true.

2009-12-15 [Elderon The Dragon]: I have been around in your human cites for about 800 years and i like you your very intriguing, of course I've met a few dragons in my time as well (my parents not included) and they make good friends. That is unless you get one of us mad, then there will be a fire blast to deal with.

2010-04-01 [Zchrock]: i have a quote from a dragon that is still living and i am aquainted with. i cannot figure out how to get it on the site so i am going to blog it. anyhow, the quote is "those that are ignorant of their own lives should not and shall not judge the knowledge of others."

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