Page name: Elftown Gardens Entries [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-12-21 06:46:24
Last author: Artsieladie
Owner: Lady of Lore
# of watchers: 18
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Elftown Gardens Entries

Please see the rules on the main page:
Elftown Gardens Competition


Winner: Elftown Gardens' Competition

<news:Elftown Gardens revealed!>

                     First Place:

                          By: [deeterhi]
                 Also *Crew Favourite*

                 Second Place:

                      By: [Grandamelf]

               All submissions: This page.


Thank you to all that contributed!


How to post your entry:
Add your image after the last one that has been already posted. Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag. Don't forget to write your username and the title of the entry:

0. [insert user name] - Title

There is a theme: Draw your representation of the Elftown garden area. See the main page for details: Elftown Gardens Competition#THEME
Entries that do not fit the theme will be removed!


This contest is closed!


1. [Ramirez] - Elftown Garden

2. [Grandamelf] -A View of Elfown Gardens

3. [FamousPanda] - Elftown Gardens Hotels

4. [Tynuka-Rhytishy] - Elftown's Wild Garden

5. [deeterhi]- "By the pond"

6. [Morphea] - Serenity Garden

7. [arthemis_] - In the Garden


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- Elftown Gardens Competition

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2008-09-04 [Lothuriel]: Gosh I hope I can get an entry done for this!!

2008-09-10 [arthemis_]: AAHHH I need to start! I want to enter this contest! *goes working at it... NOW!* :D *little hyper*

ETA: YES made it :) My typical children book style :D

2008-09-21 [Mom]: I missed it...why was I thinking it wasn't up so soon. Oh well *sigh* There are just too many good contest going on at the same time. I still need to finish EVE and then onto the elf and then...oh my head is spinning.

2008-09-22 [Artsieladie]: The 'new' deadline date of October 31st, 2008 has been added to the Mainstreet Calendar. :D So, [Mom] you haven't really missed it after all! *winks & grins*

2008-09-22 [Mom]: I have a drawing I am working on due the 26th...when I finish that I hope to get started on it.

2008-09-22 [Artsieladie]: Awesome! Always love to see your wonderful art! :D I love all of the gardens so far and I would love to see lots more! *loves gardens* :D

2008-09-22 [Mom]: They are great...each has their own great style.

2008-09-22 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: Think I'm redoing mine, again. c.c
I don't like it. =/

2008-10-10 [FamousPanda]: redid mine all i have to do is color ^-^

2008-10-10 [FamousPanda]: woo

2008-10-12 [FamousPanda]: no one have anything to say in here anymore

2008-10-13 [arthemis_]: ofcourse we do ;)

2008-10-13 [FamousPanda]: well no one commented on how awesome my new entry looks ^-^ lol =P

2008-10-13 [arthemis_]: I LOVE your tree! :D

2008-10-13 [FamousPanda]: thank you =D

2008-10-20 [Grandamelf]: OK, Under the wire, one should always go with the first instinct, so the original is my final entry!

2008-10-31 [Tynuka-Rhytishy]: I just drew, inked, and photoshopped my new entry today x.x
I thought the deadline was in the middle of November. xD

2008-11-11 [Linderel]: Elftown Gardens Voting <- go vote, shoo!

2008-11-12 [FamousPanda]: why wasnt there an alert or a reminder or anything that popped up at the top of the page like the other comps for the voting? not enough voters

2008-11-12 [Linderel]: One will be forthcoming.

2008-11-12 [FamousPanda]: kk ^-^

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