Page name: Emma & Steph's Work Quotes [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-11-07 17:43:01
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Emma & Steph's

Work Quotes

Simon, Christopher McEvoy, Gareth Livett "She's a dancer at Sinners with like, 4 kids (it must be 4) and she soooo shouldn't be there. It's like watching an angry lava lamp!"

Scott Rutterford-Byrne and Emma M: "Why would anyone want to swim the Channel?... It's full of needles and shit."

Josie Shaw I'm going to be a Barrister by day, and a pole dancer by night!
Romin Shahabeddin I'm also going to be a Barrister by day and one bad ass happy motherfucker by night

Becca Hughes I don't understand Bi-Sexuals. How can you go from penis, to front bum?

*talking about spooning in the Chilly*
Christopher McEvoy *hits in face* NO!! ... I'm big spoon ¬_¬

*a text from Pete, greatly amusing and very topical* "You don't need to be a genius at anagrams to work out that Pope Benedict is an Epic Bent Peado."

James Bass, Mike Graveson *about Big Emma in the car on the way home from work and her benefits of working at a pub instead of doorstaff* Seriously she's a lethal weapon... She needs a license and everything!
Big Emma *innocentface* Me?

Liam Angus *after work* There was a toilet in the mens on Bar 1 that was already blocked with shit. That why it was LOCKED. But 'someone' managed to break in! Then diarrhoea'd (sp?) everywhere, then FLUSHED IT!!! Until it was like an inch off the top... I mean, it was locked FOR A REASON!!

Scott-Anthony Rutterford-Byrne I stalled an automatic in Australia once ¬_¬
Everyone O_o ?????? HOW?!

The DJ at work Ooooh, add me on Facebook!
Big Steph Rightio, what's your second name?... Actually, to be fair, I don't know your first name either...

Christopher McEvoy *talking about face thrush* Towels... ahh, always an unfortunate way to get a sexual disease

Christopher McEvoy I've eaten frogspawn, grass, slugs, and on one very unfortunate occasion, cat sick!

Phillip Topham and Tom *smashing glasses and bottles in the bins at work with force* AAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DESTRUCTION!!!!
Big Steph ¬_¬ ofcourselove *pets*

Manager Emma Olives are like the Devils Poo

Michael Mcneil Remember, two dominants don't make a right!!

Manager Carl *About Andrew Rush Walker* He's a one man Wetherspoons Demolition Squad. (Because we all know he's part of MI5 anyway.)

Becca Hughes *At work reading "Ten things that are good about sex."* What the hell is a 'Foo Foo'??... Oooohhhhh!!! Is it your Front Bum? *facepalm*

Michael Mcneil Harry Potter loves cock. Voldemorts cock in particular. Signed: Michael Mcneil. LOL! (on a bit of till roll at work. He was bored and feeling silly/amorous)

Becca Hughes *Talking to David Rogan* You want to shush about my daughter mind, or you'll be drinking your pint there through your dick!

Rachel Wright Listen to the woman and her ovaries....LISTEN TO THEM FOR THEY ARE YOUR MASTERS!

Scott Rutterford-Byrne & Big Emma *at the pool talking about breast stroke* Remember it's like a frog legs, with hamster arms.

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