Page name: Final Fantasy members [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-06-30 16:44:51
Last author: blood_fairy21
Owner: Aerith
# of watchers: 25
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Final Fantasy members

1.[Aerith] founder
5.[Hikaru Hitachiin]
6.[Moogle Man]
8.[Zelda]-I joined! ^-^ FF7 ROCKS!!
9.[Keyee] I still think Squall is the hottest!!!
10.[Kiin] I LOVE FINAL FANTASY!!! n.n
11.[DevilKid666]-sephiroth is my god.
12.[Night Wytch] I love Final Fantasy!
13.[The UnBlissed]FF is #1 Ain't nuthin' will do!!!
15.[BlazingWyvern] FF lover
16.[Sorceress Damia] SquareEnix rules!
17.[Gainborough] Final Fantasy 7! *bows to it. tis the best one
18.[T87] No way. IX. Brilliance.
20.[colour me blood red]
21.[zero the maverick hunter]
22.[Saturn of the Jester] Final Fantasy fan forever!!
24.[5 Jiver]
25.[HeartlessLeon] (E fyhd oui)its AL Bhed don't you know!! I LUV FINAL FANTASY!!! YEAH!!!!!]
26.[Ghost Lilly] Yes it is Al Bhed ^_^
27.[dying angel] Cause 1000 words call out through the ages...
28. [Fushigi Rockna] FF fan forever. :)
29: [28:06:42:12] "FF is like crack man"
30. [Pillowthief] I've lost her once, I won't let it happen again...
31. [blue3lf]May Lord Sephiroth reign supreme!
32. [IX.Dollface]WHOO Final Fantasy!! ^.^ **runs into a wall**i like chocobos and and and Sephiroth XD and SEIFER TOO!! XD
33. [SeishinOkami]
34. [Miaye] I LOVE FF *bows to the brillant creators*
36.[lenardo] Final Fantasy 8 or 10 is the best
38.[Draxx_Taldoran]I have my own Final fantasy Forum if anyone wants to join Msg me
39.[Deadlock jester] Final Fantasy 7 is still the best one around if you ask me
40.[Dragonhearted elfgirl]
41.[Tableau Vivant] Final Fantasy X!!! =D
42.[Divinedragoon Dart] FF7 Rocks
43.[demon slayer of demise]
44.[Ryo003] Final Fantasy Games Rock!!
47.[One Song Glory]
48.[Uncle Kracker's Wife]
50.[Kyotaki] i need help finding a lunar harp in ff7.
51.[.X.X.Lips Of Deceit.X.X.] SQUALL N RINOA!!!
54.[Fashionably Restrained]
54(1/2).[pyropixie kissed by blood]-fire fox and i r joined at the hip!!!;D
55.[adios everyone] FF is incredible, best game ever made!
56.[Meta Ridley]
57.[Rhammin] don't worry about the name just call me Rhammin
58.[Andris the Magic Swordsman]
59.[Figgy] Final Fantasy rocks! There may come a day when the Final Fantasy series will end, but the Fantasy will always be in my heart. Okay, that was corny...
60.[Nuktae-tal] forever and always will be a fan, played everyone so far!
61. [Love and Chaos] FF8 Rocks !
62. [vanilla18]
63. [Merciless Cult] Yay! Cloud's the best! -Looks around a sec- and so is Tidus...
64. [Fallen Child Athena]
65. [..scream your heart out #//] Final Fantasy are the best series of games EVER!
66.[Deus Ex Taco] Final Fantasy III was the greatest next to seven and u no it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
67.[Ŧhe Jøker] haha i loove final fantasy, especially VIII
68.[kittykittykitty] I can't wait for FFXII!!
69.[Malachi Lionheart] nothing can beat VII
69. [Uncle Nath] VII and XI are the best! Sephiroth, Cid and Tifa are "TeH s3x"
70.[jpgrissom_13]FF7 Rocks!!!!!
71.[Just someone]FFX is so kool almost play then all
72. [Hyuuga Hinata] Final Fantasy 7 ^^ That game rocks
73.[Fallen Hero]Final Fantasy 10 and 102 are the bomb!
74.[*syntheticmix*]FF7 is the shit
75.[Lord of Nightmares] oh-ra
76.[Bryar] Vana'diel Rocks! San d'Oria forever!
77. [*Leric*] hmm..Squall..or..Cloud? (*grabs both* NO! it's to hard to choose!)
78.[inuhime] I love Cloud
79.[Fuu] I love Final Fantasy! Mithra Pride!
80.[Ayame the Snake] I can finally say. I am a fan.
81.[Nicolai Antredias] Yes somewhere I belong!
82.[*Phoenix*] FFVII and FFX-I love both!
83.[blood_fairy21]FFIX is my fav!! GO ViVi!!

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2005-03-05 [Tableau Vivant]: no, 41~

2005-03-05 [BlazingWyvern]: haha ^_^

2005-03-28 [Aerith]: Woot! we have 44 members!!! lets see if we can get to 50!

2005-03-29 [Ryo003]: YAY!! we're at 48 members only 2 away from 50!

2005-03-30 [BlazingWyvern]: yay! XD

2005-04-01 [BlazingWyvern]: one....more >.<

2005-04-01 [Aerith]: I cant take the pressure. Exciting it is hmm ( that was supposed to be a Yoda voice....though i dont think he would say that...)

2005-04-14 [Ryo003]: yay!!! over 50 members now lets see if we can get 100 now!!!

2005-04-20 [Aerith]: Woot!

2005-05-15 [adios everyone]: hey everyone:) final fantasy rules!

2005-05-20 [BlazingWyvern]: WHOO!

2005-05-28 [Aerith]: Hell yes it does! 60 MEMBERS!! WOOT!

2006-02-08 [BlazingWyvern]: 70 =D

2006-02-24 [kittykittykitty]: Yayyy! ^_^

2006-04-04 [Aerith]: I hope that we can get to 100!

2007-08-21 [Lord of Nightmares]: me and my friends have figured out why ppl think 7 was the best...they think it is the best because most ppl started playing final fantsy when 7 came out so it was their first one to play. So thats what they compare the others to.

2007-08-21 [Nicolai Antredias]: that is true, but I have been playing since Final Fantasy and my faves so far are 1 3 5 6 7 9 11 & 12.

2007-08-29 [Aerith]: I can't believe we haven't reached 100 yet... I said "I hope..." over a year ago.. and thats still on the same comment page.. wow... I think I'm going to cry.

2007-10-13 [BlazingWyvern]: about the Final Fantasy VII being the favorite because people played it first, well, think about it, there were already Final Fantasys before it, the main difference was that FF VII was a big hit because of the story line and how the characters really influenced gamers....if it was just people's first FF, probably would not have saved Square from bankruptcy...and how can you prove that most people started with VII?

2007-10-16 [Nicolai Antredias]: with a Survey!!!

2007-11-07 [Fuu]: Square was saved actually from the first FF not VII. It was entitled Final Fantasy because it was literally their Final Fantasy and they put almost everything they had into the game. And it turned out that their "Final Fantasy" saved them so they continued the series. VII was it's biggest breakthrough in the series for several reasons. One- it was Square's first game in 3d, two- the theme of the game was specified in several articles since it's release as life, and three- the characters interaction and roles were specific and allowed the game to flow allowing a better effect for the player.

Because of the overall popularity the series had BEFORE VII the impact was even greater and drew in a large crowd. One of the biggest things that drew people into VII initially that hadn't brought them to the FF series before was the fact that this was a 3d game and the graphics were exceptional for the time.

Now, because of the popularity of the game, it has branched several games and a movie. (Advent Children, Crisis Core, Dirge of Cerberus, etc.)

Even though there are graphics now that surpass the original FF VII it is still played all over and remains so popular because of it's core theme of life.

Ok, my rant's done. I know that was posted a while ago but I thought I should give my two cents. lol. Anyway haven't been on here in a while. How is everyone?

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