Page name: HoE Rules [Exported view] [RSS]
Version: 1
2011-12-28 08:19:49
Last author: Tekkon KinKreet
Owner: Tekkon KinKreet
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Heroes of Eralu


{1}-NO GOD MODING. God moding will not be tolerated. The first time I will warn you. The second time I will injure your character, and the third time I will kill your character. End of story.

{2}-DO NOT PLAY OTHER PEOPLE'S CHARACTERS. Unless you are given prior permission. In this case I should be notified. Anyone caught playing a character not belonging to him/her without prior permission will be banned immediately and their character killed.

{3}-DONT BE A DIVA. You are not the only person in this story. There are other people who would like to post. If the event arises where I need an npc to have a one on one with a player character, it will be done through pm, and then i will put it together and post a link in the rp page for others to read, and for you to reference.

{4}-YOUR CHARACTER ONLY KNOWS WHAT HE OR SHE SEES, HEARS, TASTES, OR SMELLS FOR THEMSELVES AND WHATEVER IS ON THE GENERAL LORES PAGE. I would hate for you to write out a big, well written post, only to have to go through and rewrite it becuase you used information your character has no way of knowing. Pay attention to what your character experiences please.

{5}-NPCs CAN LIE. I know its not really a rule, but i want to make that clear. In the real world you can not trust every single person you meet. The same applies for the world of Eralu, and NPCs will lie on occasion to further there own ends.

{6}-YOUR CHARACTER IS NOT INVINCIBLE. If you act recklessly, chances are your character will get hurt. And you will also likely get into situations that are more than you can handle, which brings me to my next rule...

{7}-PAY ATTENTION TO YOUR TEAMATES ACTIONS A battle is a battle, a brawl is a brawl. If your teamates need help, help them or dont. Just be aware that all actions have repercussions. Also, you can not shoot an arrow, or throw a spell through a friendly character. And charging into battle is not always the best answer. If everyone decides to hide, and you decide to go rambo, you will likely die, and also alert the enemy to the others presence.

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