Page name: Hogwarts: Hallway [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-08-26 03:02:23
Last author: ~*sikhprincess*~
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Yes, a hallway. How exciting!

Dylan entered the hallway after leaving the Slytherin Common Room. She was still singing (rather loudly one might add) on her way to the Great Hall for some grub.

Closer to the Great Hall, Andrew was heading in the same direction. Whistling a merry tune, he was skipping a little in a most undignified way. The skip turned into a jig someways down the corridor, it felt so good to be back in uniform!

drake sat in the middle of the hall staring up at the ceiling "few more seconds" he told himself looking as though about to pounce at something

Andrew came past Drake, slowing down to a more sedated bouncing walk. He didn't know Drake too well, so kept himself to himself as he went by.

"Achtung!" Drake shouted jumping up into the air and catching a little dragon before landing "Knew you where around here somewhere little guy", he smiled seting the tiny dragon on his shoulder before waving at Andrew "yo...."

Saphira walked as fast as she can tring to get to class on time. She barley had time to talk to anyone. she went straight to Defense Aganist the Dark Arts.

Dylan walked through the hallway.

Drake waved to Dylan as he started to walk off headed for the courtyard.

Andrew had returned Drake's wave a little hesitantly before continuing on. Dragons scared him a little. Before coming to Hogwarts, they'd been part of fairytales and they were usually the parts which frightened him. He wondered for a moment where Drake got his dragon from, weren't they illegal as pets?

addie is in such a huury that she trips and her bag rips. she quickly jumps up and pulls out her wand, a syltherin might had done a tripping jinx, or she could of just have been her clumbsy self. she looks around and relizes that she was just been her self. She points to her riped bag with her wand and says "repairo", it fixs it self. She notices shes late and ends up triping again. swareing to herself she stands up brushes off and notices andrew. "oh...hey.." she says nevously.

Andrw smiled at Addie, but waved his finger reproachfully, "No magic in the hallways, you know that. But it's the first day of term, so I'll ignore this little breach, especially seeing as you were repairing your bag." The threat was in good humour, and he winked to let Addie know he was only joking.

saphira was walking towards the transfiguration classroom, when suddenly she saw something wierd. She ignored it and walked on.

Wlkaing through the hallway, Dylan caught sight of Andrew.
Bloody Mudblood... she thought to herself, grimacing at him. She continued towards the dungeons for Potions.

Andrew sees Dylan out of the corner of his eye, but ignores her as he leans down and picks up one of Addie's textbooks which she'd missed as she repaired her bag. Smiling warmly, Andrew turned and made his way further down the hall, still in high spirits despite the ugly look he'd caught off Dylan.

Paz stalked by all of them after giving a couple of Ravenclaws a detention for picking on a First year Slytherin. She was off to Potions as well because she never took it in her school years and she really needed to know it. Casting an angry, menelovent look on Andrew, Addie and Dylan she continued on her way.

Addie too had noticed the ugly look from Dylan. Why is she like that? family grudges have a strung hold. exspesally between Harry and Draco...

Deciding to take advantage of his free period, Andrew made a mental list of things to do. Settling for the library first off, he went off to find said repository of knowledge and brush up on his Defense Against the Dark Arts skills.

A short time later, Andrew came hurrying back from the library, heading towards Defense Against The Dark Arts.

Saphira was walking down the hallway heading for the Slytherin common room.

A little later, Saphira was seen going into the Charms classroom.

Back to:
Hogwarts: Next Generation
Hogwarts: Grounds

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2006-02-03 [LOLNERD.]: Hey [drakkar], d'you think you could capitalize and punctuate? Thanks.

2006-02-03 [drakkar]: *nodd* yus

2006-02-03 [LOLNERD.]: Thank you! ^^

2006-02-03 [drakkar]: no prob

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