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Josephine Balliett


<img300*0:stuff/aj/48479/1260765743.jpg> <img200*0:>

User Name: [Sturmi]

Character name: Josephine Balliett

Mutant Name: White (has also been called "Whitey", "snowball", "lightbulb", "the one who fell in bleach" and others)

Abilities/powers: White can generate light using her own body energy. Although she can do this fairly easily and sometimes starts shining without trying, it has a limit because it tires her.

She can control the light she produces, determining its direction, color, intensity and duration. Josephine will normally use her hands to project the light, but she can use any part of her body to do so. She can create light beams bright enough to temporarily blind people, colorful sparks that can confuse or make others loose their balance, and with greater effort, beams similar to lasers, but this drains a lot of her energy and she can only maintain one for a few seconds. She cannot be harmed by her own powers.

She has started to experiment projecting holograms with the light she makes, but this requires a lot of her concentration to imitate shapes in a believable way.

Sex: female

Age: 16

General appearance: Josephine is a short girl, standing at 5'2. She's thin but has her feminine curves well defined. Her skin is very pale and her hair is pure white (hence the nickname). She usually carries her hair loose, falling straight to her mid back. She's got a pair of big light blue eyes, which are the only part of her that has a color. She likes wearing white because of the effect it creates on people who see her, but will sometimes wear other colors as well.

Personality: Josephine is a cheerful girl, and usually runs around in a good mood. Even though she was once uncomfortable with her appearance, she has eventually come to terms with it and even started to like it. She's usually a friendly person, although when she doesn't like someone, she'll make it clear from the start. She likes using rollerblades to move around. Even though she likes being outside, she won't stand in the sun too long (without wearing a hat and sunglasses) because it hurts her pale skin.

Place of birth: New York, United States

Special skills: She's very good at drawing. She also can move around using rollerblades with ease. And she can speak french.

Weapon(s) of choice: She carries no weapons. In case of emergency she would just use her mutant abilities.

Brief History: Josephine was born an albino, so she has lived with her peculiar appearance all her life. Because of it, she gained the nickname "White" early on while she was in school. White is the daughter of a french diplomat, Jules Balliett and an american woman, Alice Jones.
Her father is a very strict man and wanted the best possible education for her daughter, so she was enrolled in a very exclusive private school in her early years. The school required the use of an uniform and didn't exactly promote diversity among students, which made her stand out like a sore thumb. Josephine was often the target of pranks and bad jokes, which made her start dying her hair in order to hide her albinism. That only brought more attention to her, and the jokes grew worse. Instead of taking the abuse, Josephine changed the strategy and started answering back, which made some people gain some respect for her, while at the same time encouraged others to keep bugging her (just to see how she would react). White started showing herself the way she was, becoming a little bit of a rebel in school, defying the uniform rules and daring others to mess with her. Her attitude didn't make the bullying go away, and eventually things run out of hand. One evening she saw herself surrounded by a bunch of people who were ready to put some color on her with buckets of paint. Scared that they would hurt her, she closed her eyes and screamed.
Some people saw a flash of blinding light. Others made up stories about lightnings. The truth was that Josephine herself lighted up like a flare, momentarily blinding and confusing everyone. Scared, White run away in the confusion, and kept emitting light like a lightbulb for hours after reaching her home and collapsing, exhausted.
The next day she didn't go to school. Her parents almost panicked after seeing her glowing, and she locked herself in her room for a whole day, trying to understand what had just happened. Her father, who had heard more about mutants because of his work, knew how dangerous things could become for her. He managed to speak to her and get her out of her room, and told her about a school he had found for people like her. Still wishing for the best for his daughter, he found Charles Xavier Institute and asked them to accept Josephine, where she joined some short time after.

Relatives: Jules and Alice Balliett (parents)

Relation chart (1: bad; 10: good)

Valerie K. Sprouse - 8; Although Val is a typical popular girl, White likes her optimistic attitude and the ease with which she moves in social circles, which has never been easy for her. She trusts her.
Shana Grace Tilar - 7; Shana seems like a fun person to be around. White likes that she always seems to be cheerful.
Daniela Morgan - 7; Daniela looks like a serious person, but she has made some funny jokes so far. Even though she seems rather reserved, White thinks she's nice.
Korvka Shostakovich - 5; Josephine trusts Korvka because she's been a longer time in the mansion, and will take her advice. Still, there are some things about her that disturb her somewhat.
Elizabeth Charms - 3; Flame is scary. Besides her strange appearance, her behavior and attitude are somewhat confusing to White, who has the idea that she can become violent any moment. She would rather keep politely away from her.
Vladimir Shostakovich - 6; Vlad seems to be a nice guy. It's just a bit unsettling to her that he's around Flame all the time, but she still likes him.
Alexis Meldoon - 6; White sees Alexis as a very shy guy, but interesting nonetheless. And he's got Luna, a very cute cat she likes a lot.
Shade - 5; Josephine doesn't know yet what to think of Shade. He has some philosophical views about mutants that have troubled White after their fight, but on the other side, he seemed to have good intentions and teach her something during the time they had to fight.
Michael Moonfrost - 7; Michael is a really cool guy in Josephine's eyes. Even though he's huge, she knows he would never hurt her (without a VERY good reason at least). He offered to teach her how to fight, which she really appreaciates.
Kaider Getalahan - 6; White doesn't know much about it, but it has was very polite and helpful when she first arrived to the mansion.
Aidan Murphy - 5; She has spoken only briefly with Aidan, and she thinks he's okay. White thinks his powers are quite interesting.

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2009-12-01 [Roma]: Glad to see that you will be playing Sturmi! I was hoping Heat/you would come back.

2009-12-01 [Sturmi]: Yeah I'm thinking about bringing her back once the rescue works out - whenever that happens. I'll probably change a few things though

2009-12-14 [Duredhel]: <img200*0:stuff/aj/48479/1260765743.jpg> :3

2010-01-24 [Roma]: Actually, it was Alexis who had the violin, not Devin.

2010-01-24 [Sturmi]: whoops

2010-05-03 [Sturmi]: I'm thinking about tweaking her powers a bit if that's okay, concentrating more on the light - generating part rather than the light manipulating part, because right now I'm even confusing myself with that.

2010-05-03 [Roma]: Go ahead, this will help especially since you're going to use her powers a lot in her spar!

2010-05-04 [Roma]: Haha, White finds Korvka disturbing.

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