Page name: Leo Aioria Interview [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-05-03 21:54:36
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Leo Aioria Interview

Ok, here we go! This is a personal interview with the very sexy Leo Gold Saint himself... Aioria!! ^_^

A pic of him:



Yoruno: Oh, it´s a pleasure to have you here! And a real honor that you are giving us this interview...

Well...honor is shared, thank you for your kind invitation. *gentle smile*

Yoruno:Wow... what a smile *blushes*... *ahem* Ok, could we have some personal data... like your birthday...?

Surely. I'm born on August the 16th *blushes* Why are you so red ?

Yoruno: *smiles* well, I´ve heard that everybody considers you sexy, so I´m checking at that... *grin*. What do you think of that?

Oh, actually, I'm not really aware of that. I know that I'm muscular and I think girls like me for that. But you'll understand that I didn't meet a lot of ~aherm~ well...anyway, thanks for the compliment.

Yoruno: You are wellcome! I have a doubt... you are a Gold Saint, so... what do you think of those 5 bronze boys (you know who)? Looks like Seiya could not beat you in the Leo Temple...

yes, I'm a Gold Saint.*mysterious smile* Seiya and his friends aren't probably able to beat me, and I guess it's because they don't want as we're some friends. Also because they're not fast enough, and trained enough. Anyway, I feel a great potential in them. If they make it till Leo Temple, then, they're far better than other bronze saints.

Yoruno: Mh... yeah, I bet so. I think you feel them like your little brothers, don´t you? Some one you must help...

*little laugh* Seiya somehow reminds me of myself, some years ago, when I was with my dear brother. Impulsive, stubborn like a donkey, never listening to advices.
I feel a great sympathy for them, they're good Saints, and serve Athena well. I'll do anything for them.*smiles*

Yoruno: Donkey? *thinks* Uhm... that really fits with Seiya´s attitute... *smiles* That reminds me... your brother. I think we never knew how you felt after Seiya told you your brother was not a traitor. *ahem* I knew it all the time... *cute smile*

I felt a bit...lost *embarassed* Inside me, I always knew that he wasn't a traitor because..well...I just knew it. But when I gave my oath to the Pope, the false one, I had a real honour dilemma because Aioros was supposed to be a traitor and I wanted to do better than him. But eventually when I met Athena, I understood that I was wrong, and all the implications of that. I also was a bit angry against myself as I should have hold on to my brother. Anyway, for now, I fight for the right person, and that's a relief.

Yoruno: Wherever he might be, I´m sure he understands that... *sigh* Did he trained you? I mean... after he left, did you just kept on training by yourself? *blinks*

After he passed away, he spent some times doing nothing, then I decided to go back to training because I owed that to him. I kept on training by myself, trying to apply what he taught me, but also having to discover a lot of things.

Yoruno: *rabid blinking* So that means you won the Gold Cloth by yourself?? Wow, that´s very impressive...

Well, thanks, but it's mainly a matter of perseverance, believing in it. I had a strong aim, get that cloth for my brother, so it helped me a lot.
Camus laughed at me for that, but I'm sure he was wrong.

Yoruno: So that means you met Camus before you became a Gold Saint? Did you met any of the other Gold Saints before that?

No, I met Camus after having gained my Gold Cloth, when we were chatting about our trainings and aims, that kind of things.
I met Shura, who sometimes helped me when I trained alone.

Yoruno: Shura must be old indeed... *ahem* But, didn´t it matter that Shura has tried to kill your brother?

Shura is older than I am, but he fights well, and has a good sense of honour. I actually didn't know that he tried to kill Aioros. *bite lip* Anyway, I'm not angry against him.

Yoruno: *blushes* Uh... I... *ahem* did I said that...? *ahem* Oh, by the way... I´ve heard rumors about romance in the sanctuary... something about you and Marin, and something about you and a boy... *silly grin*

Who told you that kind of things ? *wide eyes* Me and Marin ? Noo, surely not. The only romance I know here is...well, I think I shouldn't tell you. And what's this story about me and a boy ? *turns completely red*

Yoruno: *Smile* You look lovely when you blushes! Oh, well... I am just saying what I´ve heard... But I truly believe you if you say that there´s nothing like that. *grin* I´m sure you wanna tell me about that romance you mentioned before... *cute lovely eyes*

*little laugh* Stop teasing me will you ! *charming smile* my sentimental live only concerns me and the one with whom I am. Anyway, I don't know whether I'm allowed to tell you about that little nice story...Surely Camus and Milo would kill me.*wink*

Yoruno: Ah...!!! *breatheless* Oh, my... Ok, I´ll leave your personal business outta this just because of that info! *grin* I can´t wait till I can torture... *ahem* interview any of them! *grin* Oh, well... I´ve seen that you have some healing power... I think that makes you very unique, ´cause you are attack and defense in one! How did you learnt that? or is it a gift?

*caring look* Are you allright ? you look sick... *smiles* You know, I don't think they'll reveal much things to you. I don't really know about what you call healing powers. I can bear a lot of hits, but a lot of other saints can too...So, I think it's just a kind of natural thing coming along with training and cosmo.

Yoruno: I´m fine, really... just shocked... *phew* Ok, just one last question! *grin* will you give me a kiss...? *laughs* no, no, seriously, it´s a doubt. Do you have to live in the Temples, or can you just go wherever you want as long as you return in case of troubles? I remember you came and went all over the sanctuary, but without your gold cloth...

I own a little adobe in the Sanctuary, close to the 12 temples. I don't wander always with my Gold Cloth, as I only have got to use it if somebody, including me, is in danger. Anyway, i've got to stay in my temple in days of troubles, but there're all the facilities you need. They're bigger than it seems, and Gold Saints can live in without too much uncomfort. *wink*

Yoruno: Wow! They must be really big, specially Aldebaran´s... he´s not exactly a short person... Oh... something else you´d like to add?

They're big enough even for Aldebaran *laugh* His size isn't a problem for him. Well, don't know what to add. Thanks for having interviewed me, feel free to come back anytime *kisses cheek and wink* 

Yoruno: *melts* Oh, my.... *blinks* Wow... now everybody will be envious of me! *grin* Thanks a lot to you! It was a real pleasure to have you here! ^_^


In case you wanna know something else about our lovely Saint, make a comment, and we´ll ask him! *grin*


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2004-08-23 [mendijiggli]: I hate you Yoruno, but someday... I know I´ll be in the first line watchin Ayoria-chan exercising at the ritm of "eye of the Tiger" Muajajajajaj (evil laughs)

2004-08-28 [Yoruno]: Yeah... sure. Die, little pink ball he kissed ME!

2004-10-14 [Moluco]: Go to hell Gengar!!!!!

2007-08-16 [5thwitch]: Happy birthday Ria! 08.16 ;D

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