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5thwitch ( Pastkeepers art contest gallery )

Member #167230 created: 2005-11-13 19:07:12Simple URL:    Bookmark and Share

Name: Laura Lucarelli



the present [Mom] made for me as secred santa!! that's Amazing!

-as usual-

Elftown titles and orders
Town DrunkInterpreterAdventurer

<img:>I've got a balloon!

and I'm ready to rock!!

Thanks [a clockwork orange]

love drawing and tell stories,and well, I'm a loser... gray as the city I live.

and I love it!


I got a cat!

Thanks [Yoruno]!

I'm a


01.08.2007 I've updated!!

take a look and leave a comment

If you want to see a little part of the 5th witch's art, here on elftown, you can find it here

5th witch mansion


My house! for Elftown House Art Competition Entries


About what I'll...


I love yaoi/shonen ai art.. does anyone love it too?


Contest I host:

Pastkeepers art contest

Contests I'm in:

Kyrinn's RP Character Art Contest

Color Jaysen Contest

Fantasy Families

the art of Vampire: the Masquerade

Council Portrait Gallery Donations

Show Us Your Character
comic genius!

Kingdom Hearts Art Contest


Closed contest:

Pyrate art contest

Manga Story Contest

Kura's Color Contest-green one

Elftown House Art Competition Entries

Halloween Art Competition

Chain Mail Bikini Contest for Newbies-I won ;)

Nationalities Photography Contest

Kura's Color Contest blue one

Kura's Color Contest-red one-I won;)

Like art? Nominate it!

If you would like to nominate an artist or picture for Featured Art please go to nominate a picture or join the Featured Art forum:
<joinforum:2054:nominatenow> (Featured Art Nominations).



My photos

Souvenir d'Italie

People I like in elftown. take a look at their page

[Kyrinn][Galatea][Yoruno][Moluco][jaderii][raynesprite][LadyMoon][Kaimee][Dark Angel][Ocean Soul][Skydancer][stuffAEAmade][Nocternity S.][Katie Staines]


5th's beloved wikis



Dany and me

I love daniela sooo much, she's the most charming woman I ever met.

some shit about me

I appreciate:
-Animals! I have 2 cats and 2 dogs (saved from the streets) but I still want more pets.
-People who love animals.
-Story Creators, anyone who create even a character but with a specific background, create It's another way to give life.
-Fight against the stronger.
-the number 5
-the colour black

I adore Maynard James Keenan!I'm addicted to his voice...

I hate:
-Even if I'm very patient I don't like to quarrel,I don't need to, If I don't like you you will not see me for the rest of your life, In Italy we say that calm waters distroy bridges... calm people are the worst beast ever when you make them angry I accumulate and then I explode... said this, I hate unsensitive people, and most of all animals hater people, I invented a little sport called "kill them in the night"
Animal hater one? run as fast as you can and stay awake!!

comics, yaoi art, art, litterature, Science

a nurse.
Currently an Italian Red Cross volounteer
...ah, I have no spare time

Favourite Writer: Roal Dahl

Pink Floyd, Jason Becker, Malmmsteen, Dire Straits, Springsteen, The verve, Manson,NIN, a perfect circle, Tool, yeah yeah yeahs, queens of the stoneage, creed, Iron Maiden iron maiden fans - and what else?

Fav Books:
All books by Roal Dahl
Brave new world - A.Huxley
Asinus Aureus - Lucius Apuleius
Metamorphoseon Libri - Publius Ovidius Naso (Ovid)
Iliad and odissey - Homer
Wuthering Heights - Emily Bronte
Verga's works
Pirandello's works
Fenoglio's works
Ungaretti's works
Lo cunto de li cunti overo lo trattenemiento de peccerille (The Tale of Tales, or Entertainment for Little Ones)- Giovanbattista Basile

centauri 2007

Age: 38Year of birth: 1983Month of birth: 8Day of birth: 21

Gender: both

Fantasy race personality: Halfling

Elftownworldmap missing.

Place of living: Italy

Town: alessandria

Known languages

Elfwood artist: Yes

Elfwood writer: No

Home-page URL:  (my yaoi site)

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Favorite drawing objects

Computer interests

alternativeheavy metalrock

Other interests

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: both sexes

Body shape: thin

Height: 170

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