Page name: Life, Lust, Love, Longing: The L Word [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-04-11 00:12:28
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Hello L Word Lovers! My name is Jennifer and I LOVE this show.
I dunno what to say about the show except that it's [WONDERFUL!]

Here is a lil' summary of the show's first season brought to you by SHOWTIME:

Jenny Schecter [MIA KIRSHNER] is a gifted young writer of fiction who just completed her MFA at the Iowa Writer's Workshop. With a major literary award and one published short story to her credit, she arrives in Los Angeles to begin her "adult life" with her boyfriend - soon to be fiancé, Tim Haspel [ERIC MABIUS], a women's swim coach at a large state university.

They reside in West Hollywood, next door to Bette Porter [JENNIFER BEALS], a museum director, and her partner Tina Kennard [LAUREL HOLLOMAN]. Bette and Tina have been a couple for seven years and are trying to find the perfect sperm donor to help them to start a family as they struggle with their relationship and the roles they've chosen or found themselves in and what it all means to their future.

Bette and Tina's close network of friends includes Shane McCutcheon [KATHERINE MOENNIG], a hairdresser and the resident heartthrob; Dana Fairbanks [ERIN DANIELS], a professional tennis player not yet out of the closet; bisexual journalist Alice Pieszecki [LEISHA HAILEY]; and Bette's half-sister Kit Porter [PAM GRIER], who is a musician and a recovering alcoholic.

*** Here is a lil' information on the love in the first season of "The L Word":
Partners who have been together for 7 years. Are searching for a sperm donor so that they can start a family. Their relationship isn't as perfect as all their friends seem to think.
Iowa native, Jenny, moves to Los Angeles to live with her soon-to-be fiance Tim. There relationship becomes strained when Jenny starts to have feelings for Marina.
Introduced through Bette and Tina, Marina takes an immediate interest in Jenny. Marina's friends insist Jenny is straight, but Marina has her doubts. Jenny enjoys the company of her first new friend in L.A. The two go out on a date and their intensifying feelings culminate in a night of passion.
Half sisters with a complicated past. Expect to find lots of drama and confronting old demons with this relationship. Will Kit be the source of advice and reason for Bette? Or maybe Kit has a few things to learn herself.
To the casual observer, these two are merely tolerant of each other. They sling insults back and forth; Dana seems genuinely disapproving of everything Shane does, says, and wears. Perhaps Dana is actually jealous of Shane's innate ability to be so comfortable in her own skin while Dana spends most of her time trying to hide. If (when!) these two ever start being completely honest with each other - and themselves - sparks could really fly.
A relationship of convenience. Harrison shields Dana from the outside world by pretending to be straight to protect her career from the threat of being "outed." Mutual affection exists here - they'd be good as brother and sister.
Shane has so many conquests we can't keep them straight. Shane seems to have no problem remembering their names...and remembering when to dump them. Sometimes dating several different girls in a single day, Shane has a certain charm that attracts models, celebrities, and average girls in droves. When she chooses to give her attention and affection to a girl, that girl feels like she's won the grand prize. But are all these fleeting relationships just masking a loneliness that is buried deep inside? Can't wait to find out what (who) Shane's really looking for.
Alice is a mystery. A fun-loving girl "looking for the same thing in a man as (she is) in a woman," Alice seems to have an opinion on all of her friends' love lives. But does she have one of her own? My guess is that we'll see Alice through a lot of relationships with very diverse partners.

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[unspoken forgiveness]: w00t! Spiffiness! Me like this place!

[dantheman]: yea this is a cool place i like it

[~*A*Mad*Hatter*~]: yay for the L word! its about time some one put this on television.

[Call Me Irresponsible]: It is about time there was a lesbian show!

[Honesty's Outliar]: Hey Shane!!! I'm Back, and in the neighborhood...not exactly but I'm close!!!

[Call Me Irresponsible]: That's awesome Faith! Are you at your dad's house? Is Skylar w/ you? I wanna see you real bad!

[Akika_Inari]: lol....

[Call Me Irresponsible]: What are you laughing about Edward?

[Honesty's Outliar]: Yes I'm at my Dad's and yes skylar is with me and I wanna see you real bad also!!!

[Call Me Irresponsible]: Kewl Beans!!! Hells Yeah!!!

[Call Me Irresponsible]: hi [girl_of gold tears]! How are ya?

[~*A*Mad*Hatter*~]: i like the changes. ahah cool. you have any banners yet?

[Call Me Irresponsible]: no banners yet , but hopefully soon

[ChaoticAngel]: Can I join?

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