Page name: Lirerial Darkmoon [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-01-20 22:28:07
Last author: Lirerial
Owner: Lirerial
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Character name: Lirerial Darkmoon

Alliegiance:Ullari's army

Race: Siren

Age:very, very old

Gender: Female

Rank: second in command

Appearance: Long black hair and pale white skin; her eyes are clear silver. She has a slender body shape and wears a long silk gown when she is off duty or black leather armor.

Weapons:two black katanas and numerous throwing knives. All her weapons are coveres in a poison she makes herself and made of her Shadows.

Armor:Black leather armor that is drapped with black silk to help break up the shape.

Abilities: She is a master in the use of Shadows, most of her weapons are created by her Shadows. She is extremely talented in making different poisons. Her eyes also have a siren abilty instead of her voice, kind of like a snake. Any man who looks into her eyes falls into her spell and can't look away.

Personality: Lirerial a.k.a. Lire is serious and reserved. She loves her work and is extremely blood thirsty. She also loves to play games and any kind of fight turns into a game that she loves to play. Ocassionaly she will run into a person who impresses her enough that she lets them live; Ullari is such a person.

History: Much of Lire's history is unknown due to her reluctance to speak of it. What is known is that she used to be an elf who fell in love with an elder dragon. This was before dragons were even recognized by the elves and so they believed she'd been corrupted by a demon. A small band of males formed together and came to the place where she lives alone. They raped her and tortured her and slit open her body to remove the child she'd been carrying and left her lying outside to die. Since she became a Siren Lire refuses to hunt a child and she sees children as sacred. Although throughout history she is unnoticed, she does play several roles in the effort to destroy the entore Elf race. 

Other: She loves animals and is getting tired of the killing. She refuses to kill a child and some say that she is falling for Ullari.

Picture: <img:>

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2010-09-22 [Talos Cyrion]: excellent. Go ahead an put her up. As to the rank, from her description either soldier or assassin? Otherwise probably second in command

2010-10-21 [Talos Cyrion]: Just to let you know. The rp has started.

2010-10-22 [Lirerial]: crud lol ok! Ok this is sound so stupid but I forgot to put the rp she is for... so where has rp started? sry *hides face in shame*

2010-10-22 [Talos Cyrion]: lol no worries New Varse Ullari is currently chasing an enraged two headed deamon lol

2011-01-20 [Lirerial]: hehe change the picture, didn't really like it

2011-01-20 [Talos Cyrion]: lol no worries, this one looks better

2011-01-20 [Lirerial]: actually putting up a different one lol, lemme try this one ^_^

2011-01-20 [Lirerial]: Now this one is awesome ^_^

2011-01-20 [Talos Cyrion]: yup

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