Page name: Mercury Skull [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-08-25 05:14:09
Last author: Piercedskull
Owner: dragon_master_25
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Mercury Skull


Name:Mercury Skull


Homeworld/Ethnicity: Doesnt really have a homeworld-human



Status: Padawan

Hair Colour/Style:Long straight,down to middle of her back.Her left eye is covered by her hair so no one can see it

Eye Colour:right-black left,pure red with a skull for a pupil


Build:Thin yet strong

Clothing Style:Gothic,strapless black skull shirt,black high haled dagger healed boots,black chain pants when hiding her identity. When she is on missions from the council she wears her normal Padawan robes.

Background:Mercury was found on a small ship 10 years after she was born.No one knows where she came from or who her parents were.She gave herself the name Mercury for a reason unknown

Personality:Badass,visious,cruel yet kind,loving,outgoing,spunky,dark,mystirious,and rebelious.She tends to keep to herself at times adn normally doesnt smile.She hasnt loved someone in her life.She is stubborn...Very stubborn.And she wont give up in a fight.

Weapons: Doubleblade.A black pole with two curved hook blades.And a black lightsaber

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