Page name: NLS Page 7 [Exported view] [RSS]
2006-06-14 04:50:04
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Excuse the fact that this isn't inked. Nor will the following two comics. But oh well. Are you happy? I'm updating now. And Spring Break starts tomorrow. That AND lots of work. =d


I've been planning this one out for a LONG time...just took a while to actually GET to it. So there. Heh.


And this is what happened to Pan after he'd been beaten to a pulp...-sniggers meniachly-


Really sketchy, I know. And I'm sorry. Let this just hold you over until I get some betters ones done. =d


So here's one creation for you my pretties...I'll ink the other one sometime and post it with a second one. I just woke up for a four hour nap. So now I'm going to go BACK to sleep. -waves-

<img:> it's semi-inked. I really didn't feel like inking because I didn't really like the way it all turned out. Oh well. If I can deal, so can you, lol. I like the next one better. Lots better. =p


SEE! I like this one lots. And I feel bad that I haven't had Maddy in a lot of the comics lately. So she'll be a few more of the following. YUP! =p


This one didn't scan very well. But then again, it's just a sketch. A sketch that I once again failed to ink. But hey, be happy with what you get! =D


Well, here's a comic that I drew after I donated blood yesterday. I couldn't help it. It spawned from a conversation that I had with a friend prior to donating. Hehe.


I made a banner, you know, for shits and giggles. Plus I feel due to my lacking of actual comics, I should put SOMETHING up. =d


And even though this took forever and a day to put up, you shall still love me. =d So...anyway, I didn't feel like inking the assassain's outfit. But it should be black. And the background is in fact lacking...but, oh well. I had a few other ventures to attend to. -waves- SUMMERS ALMOST HERE!

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