Page name: Nebulian_Creatures [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-01-06 08:02:12
Last author: Dreamseller
Owner: Dreamseller
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Greetings. Here we list all the creatures and monsters you might encounter on your stay here in The Nebulian Realms.

First, there are the Imps.

Description: These are the basic creatures. They can't fly, and they certainly have no special ability other then never being able to killed. The reason for this is still unknown to the Nebulian Realms Rpers, but a theory is that each time one is wounded, or maybe even killed, he dissapears. Yes, the body dissapears. And they might reappear back at their headquarters, where they are healed of revived. The Rpers think this because they never seem to be able to kill them all, and they never seem to decrease in numbers.

Rank: The lowest. No one has ever bothered to rank them, since they're simply called Imps.
Weapon: None. That explains why they're the lowest.
Stamina: They can wistand a bullet to the chest, but not more then 2-3, before they dissapear. Or one in the head.
Skin: Dark purple, brown, or black. It doesn't seem to have any armor.
Tranportation: Legs, or portals.

Second, there are the Iron Giants.

Description: An Iron Giant is a creature that's twenty feet tall, and about twenty tons. But don't let the size fool you. It has it's weaknesses, and many at that. These include not being able to lift nothing more then a large rock. Not a boulder, nothing big at all. Another weakness is the cracks in the armor, allowing the creature to move. Another one is heat. If it's warm enough, the iron starts to melt and harden. They also have poor vision when things are five feet infront of them. And just plainly their eyes. The whole race is mainly used to insue fear in the enemy's heart, and showing their supremacy.

Rank: Part of the SGF (Strong Ground Forces) of the Oppression. Also the lowest of the SGF.
Weapons: Mainly their arms and feet for crushing, but also rocks.
Stamina: Basically, you can't kill them unless you put a bullet through the cracks. Even an RPG wouldn't stop them. They're a sort of tank for the Oppression.
Skin: Iron. Nobody know's how they operate, but a theory points out that a creature might be "inside" the iron shell.
Trasporation: Legs, or portals.

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2007-01-05 [Synsae]: sweet... so I suppose I should add in the gremlins and the Iron Giants?

2007-01-05 [Dreamseller]: You can do the gremlins since you'll be the one encountering them more. I'll do the iron giants. That is unless you want to do them also? Or you don't want to do the gremlins. I don't care. :P

2007-01-05 [Synsae]: I can do the gremlins... and you can do the Iron Giants.... and please note about the Iron Giants... one of their weaknesses other then when in heavy heat the Iron skin melts and hardens togehter... that they have poor vision when things are 5 feet infront of them... if you think about it... if their skin is fully Iron... the Iron has to be heavy around the eyes... and at 20ft and possibly an inch of plating of skin just on the edge of the eye.... its got to do something to the vision

2007-01-05 [Synsae]: I am going to draw some of these creatures... soon as I get a thought of what I think they should look like... though I will tell you... I suck at drawing

2007-01-05 [Dreamseller]: Alright. I just added those.

And ya, please do! It might give people a better insentive to join if we look more professional.

2007-01-05 [Synsae]: I will.... just need to get some paper... and btw... I was thinking for the Imps.... the colors could vary.... purple, brown, and black.... purple indicates which Imps only slash... brown indicates which Imps can shoot spikes... and black imps shoot fire

anyways... I am going to get to drawing the creatures now... so I may not respond to the next post of yours in the realms

2007-01-05 [Dreamseller]: (I thought the spikes would be machines that they carry.)

Alright. =]

2007-01-05 [Synsae]: well... I am about done with the Imp... need to do a little bit of improving on the image and scan it... but its about done

and well maybe the brown imps could be the ones that handle and opperate the machinary for the oppression...

2007-01-06 [Dreamseller]: Ok. Hurry and scan it. ^^

Ya... Good idea...

2007-01-06 [Synsae]: I will get it scanned as soon as I can... I thought my new printer had a scanner in it... but.... well... it doesn't.... which is more work for me... lol

2007-01-06 [Dreamseller]: Ehehe... What are you gonna do? >.>

2007-01-06 [Synsae]: well... I will have to scan it in.... put it on a 3.5 disk.... transfer it to my laptop... and figure out how I put photos in wikis

2007-01-06 [Synsae]: oh... and then I get to draw the gremlins today...

2007-01-06 [Dreamseller]: Oh... You have a scanner? Putting a photo in a wiki is easy. -.- Just go to properties, get the HTML, copy it, write <img:paste html here>.

2007-01-06 [Synsae]: write what?

2007-01-06 [Dreamseller]: <img: paste the html after that, then write >

2007-01-06 [Dreamseller]: Just follow what the thing say. -.-

2007-01-06 [Synsae]: ok

2007-01-06 [Dreamseller]: Ok

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