Page name: Normal Convo's Only Please [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-11-08 20:34:52
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This page is to be used for normal converstaions. Please do all RPing on Castle in the Clouds. Have fun! Chat away.

Now please wait while I....

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2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: *Laughs softly and snugs*

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: Yeah......that stays between us.....*snuggles back*

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: Mmhmm. Or I could tell Elfy in a message. <_< >_> *laughs again*

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: Nuuuuu *tackles him to the ground and sits on him, and starts to tickle him* Nuuu, it stays between us! Ya hear me? *stops tickling him, and lets him up*

2005-11-18 [Dark Erk]: *grins* Ok ok.

2005-11-18 [Angelic nightmares]: *laughs* Thought so! -sticks her tounge out- I win

2005-11-21 [KnightAngel]: not meant to be rude but is it just me or is it a bit like those two underneath my char is kind of..... godmodder like?

2005-11-21 [Angelic nightmares]: What do you mean?

2005-11-21 [KnightAngel]: like the latest one... Race: God/demon... erh.... yeah.... pretty obvious... oh well ^^'

2005-11-21 [KnightAngel]: okay i am beeing tempted to leave the roleplay... it starts to seem to unrealistic and to overpowerful... and also people not following... the group that where on the way are after all actually unconsious... cause of a gas... yet everyone seems to be preparing for war... oh well.

2005-11-21 [Angelic nightmares]: Nuuuuu Eli dont leave.

2005-11-21 [KnightAngel]: i won't... just said i am tempted... cause it is starting to become n00bish... Not you but the additions that is coming o.o

2005-11-21 [Angelic nightmares]: Next comment heading towards war, send a message to that person that there is no war. And hopefully between you, me and Dev we can keep it that way.

2005-11-21 [KnightAngel]: woohoo! Thank you ^_^

2005-11-21 [Angelic nightmares]: Welcome

2005-11-21 [KnightAngel]: well just wanted to tell you cause I don't want to just drop out... cause this one seems fun and interresting... And had to drop already so many Roleplays cause of entire n00bs... so thanks once again ^_^ oh and i feel generous.... me wanna distribute something to meh mastas XD that's okay for you?

2005-11-21 [Angelic nightmares]: Eli, your welcome to do what you want. This wiki is as much mine and devins as it is yours

2005-11-22 [KnightAngel]: oh cool thanks and thanks for the honours ^_^

2005-11-22 [Angelic nightmares]: Welcome

2005-12-16 [Dark Erk]: <.<

2006-02-14 [Angelic nightmares]: Aint been here in awhile

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