Page name: Nyrenthilar [Exported view] [RSS]
2011-01-18 20:13:05
Last author: Talos Cyrion
Owner: Talos Cyrion
# of watchers: 2
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Name: Nyrenthilar or Nyren, Ny whichever is easiest

Race: Elder Dragon (water)

Age: Unknown

Gender: Female

Personality: Soft spoken, shy and often withdrawn, she rarely interacts with others. Not overtly selfish, one wouldn't know her to be a Dragon if they where to meet her unless Toragon or Stiro where to be in the same room with her.

Appearance (Elf): A rare haunting beauty and aura surrounds her. 6'1, Lightly tanned skin, her figure is curvy, well proportioned though not overly so. Her eyes are black as is her hair that reaches down to the middle of her back. Her attire is almost always all black.

Appearance (Dragon): Black scaled drake, black wings and sea blue eyes. No spikes though, the only outward physical marker that she is a female Dragon.

Natural abilities: Naturally being a water elemental with near unrivaled skill she is a healer, but also quite good at bending the rains and tides to her will if need be.

Elemental abilities: Water is her element, both blood and anything liquid she can bend to her will.

Weapons: A single silver blade that she wears strapped to her back. She knows how, and prefers the use of a bow when the opportunity will allow it.

Armor: A simple chain mail vest she wears under her dress, two black leafy arm and shoulder guards.

History: New Varse' original name was drawn from her mother, for who which she in turn was named after. Nyren enjoyed a comfortable life in her youth. Toragon and Stiro where already slated to be apart of the Elder Council when Toragon singed her out to be the first female Elder in ages. To this day she remembers him fondly defending his position with the other Dragons. She was granted her place and thrived, becoming quickly one of the most vaunted water masters in her trade. With the exploration era of the elves it was Nyren who first became curious in their doings and ventured amoung them. She watched with slight envy Lomien when he first brought Areli to the island and made an alliance with the Dragons. All this intrigue and naivety where cut short though when Stiro began openly opposing Toragon, who had been proclaimed king of the Dragon race for quite some time. Fate would not smile on her, as events would follow she found herself ambushed by Stiro and Toragon, mistaking it for an attack on him struck back at the two before fleeing. When the Dragon King discovered Lirerials death and that of his daughter she hid from the wrath he unleashed.

Since then she has remained on the island though being sure to remain hidden, she knows though that this won't last for much longer as she wants more than anything to be reconciled with Toragon, and for him to know she in no way attacked him.

Other: She hides in plain sight, in Avalone constantly watching Lomien and Toragons' movements, wondering if she'll find it in her to risk the fire drakes wrath to make amends.


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2010-12-14 [Lirerial]: Aww I like her!

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