Page name: On the subject of... [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-07-16 14:10:31
Last author: Chimes
Owner: Chimes
# of watchers: 2
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After a long Hiatus due to college work and personal issues, this wiki will be making a come back, Hooray!

Welcome, one and all, to 'On the subject of...'. This wiki is - well, will be - a compilation of my thoughts on certain subjects, each accompanied by a poem. You do not have to agree with my views but it would be interesting to know if you do. It would be interesting to know your views too.

The idea for this wiki came from a random bout of inspiration in which I decided to write my thoughts on 'Beauty'. During writing I found that I had run out of things to say so I started jotting down random phrases which soon turned into the poem. Liking the layout I decided to keep it there. Writing the poem also gave me more to talk about. Upon finishing 'Beauty' I thought; 'why not do more?' So here I am.

I hope you enjoy my pieces, but please do not use them without my permission. Feel free to message me and ask about my opinions, or even to tell me yours. If you wish to use any of these pieces please message me and ask instead of just taking them. Thank you.

Feel free to create your own and send them in, they will be placed on the wiki for others to read if you wish. I look forward to your responses, or your own take on this idea, if you have them. To make things clear: you may write about anything you wish; you do not need to include a poem, it's just a nice touch; make sure what you send is yours and not someone elses; finally, have fun.

- [Chimes]


The Sections

On the subject of 'Beauty'.

On the subject of 'Jealousy'.

*On the subject of 'Obsession'.

*On the subject of 'Freedom'.

Non-abstract Subjects

*On the subject of 'Chocolate'.

*On the subject of 'Music'.

*: Incomplete/Under Construction.



Wiki Content & Creation: [Chimes]
Dividers: Elftown Graphics
Banner: [Chimes]



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