Page name: Once Upon A Summer Moon Chapter 1 [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-02-18 02:32:32
Last author: Gypsy Mystik
Owner: Gypsy Mystik
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To> Once Upon A Summer Moon Chapter 2

Once Upon A Summer Moon Chapter 1

It was a beautiful moonlit night and the spring flowers were still just coming in from their long winter sleep. The air was as pure as anything in the Kingdom of Wind-Haven, pure as the coat of the rarest unicorn. The castle and the people in the village around it were all asleep, or so it appeared.

Seanna sat on the railing of her balcony gazing out at the city with the new sight she had been given by her father. The object allowed her to see as long as she wore it and now she looked at as much as she could. She was too excited to sleep and happy to be able to see the world around her.

She could see the distant forests near the kingdom that helped to guard the kingdom from the south, and the ocean to the east as well as the snow covered pikes of the mountains to the north. Earlier she had seen and been told before that the west was the only real way into the kingdom, unless visitors, both merchant and noble, came in through the ocean of large ships.

She sighed wondering what the rest of the word was like and how much she would see of it. Tomorrow was her 18th birthday and courtiers would be coming to woo her. She felt a little sad by that. She didn't want to marry out of obligation. She wanted to marry for love.

"Seanna... you should be in your bed...." came the voice of her mother. "It is late... and you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow..."

Seanna sighed. "I'm not tired mother."

Her mother walked over to her, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Sweetheart... please....I know you don't want tomorrow to happen... neither did I, but then I met your father...."

"But...why? Why can't I find someone at my own pace?"

Her mother hugged her. "It's the duty that comes with being a princess..... I am sorry my dear heart..."

She looked down. "I'm not the oldest daughter..."

"It is still your duty, just as it is your sister's..."

She looked down sadly. "I...I don't want it..."

Her mother hugged her close. "I understand, my baby girl..... but it is as it has to be..."

She nodded and headed back inside. "Ok mother. I love you."

"I love you too, Seanna... Please understand, I'm not trying to hurt you with this.... I love you so much..."

"I know...I just don't like it." She said laying down to sleep. "Goodnight mother."

Her mother walked over to her, kissed her forehead. "Good night my sweet child..." she said softly, before leaving the room, closing the door behind her.

Seanna sighed and closed her eyes dreading the morning.

Seanna dreamed a wonderful dream. She was walking through a vast garden filled with many rare and unique flowers, when she came across a beautiful young woman about her age. The girl was dressed in a beautiful pale blue gown, and her hair was now a mess on the ground for she was laying there, smiling up at Seanna. "I love you, Seanna..."

She rolled a little as she continued to sleep.

In the dream, she found herself on the ground with this mysterious young woman, kissing and hugging, their appearance becoming very disheveled.

She blushed but tried to memorize what the woman looked like.

The young woman was not dressed as a noble would be, and her hair was a light red color.

She tried to see her eye color.

They were a deep sky blue, and they warmed her heart as she gazed into them.

She blushed not wanting to wake in the morning.

"Sweet heart..." her mother's voice broke into her mind. "Sweetie... it is time to awaken...."

She stirred and sat up the smile fading as she realized the significance of today. "Morning..."

"Morning dearling..." her mother said, as she began to work her way through the closet. "How about your beautiful pale blue...?"

"I...don't want any of them...I don't feel good..."

"You have to sweety..." she said, laying out the pale blue gown on her bed.

She looked down trying to fight the tears.

Seanna's mother pulled her into a hug. "Please it must be done..."

She nodded and began to change into the dress wanting to be done with the day.

Her mother helped her with her gown, and then started work on her hair.

She sat allowing her mother to fix her up. She felt like she was ready to shatter but knew she had little control of what was to come.

"Mother... father and brother are waiting in the main hall..." came a female voice, that of her sister.

She gently bit her lip hoping her sister wouldn't add to the discomfort of the day.

"Thank you, Harasia... we will be there shortly..." said their mother.

"Yes mother..." Harasia said, and then glared at Seanna.

Seanna looked at her sister as though trying to will her to be nice.

Harasia turned with a sweeping motion and left the room.

"Almost down, sweet heart..."


Her mother finished with her hair, and then came around to look at Seanna. "Beautiful...simply beautiful..." she said with a smile.

"Thank you mother..."She said softly not wanting to live this day. "We should...go down?"

"Yes... father is waiting..." her mother said with a smile.

She took a deep breath and followed her mother

When they came into the main hall, Seanna saw her brother and sister sitting around their father. "Don't you look lovely today, Seanna..."

"Thank you father..." She said looking down. She wanted to run but knew she couldn't.

Her brother smiled. "Lovely as always..."

Harasia glared.

"Thank you. I...we should get this over with..."She whispered.

Their father nodded. "Prince Guiless is on his way here to greet you..." ((Think evil Guiless from... *drum roll* ^_^ ))

((EEEEEKK! Does she know his personality?))

((Just that he seems to always get what he wants lol ^_^ ))

"Him? Are...there other options?" She said trying to mask her unease.

"Yes, but he is the one I have chosen."

"Chosen? I...don't get to choose?" She said trying to keep her voice from shaking.

"I am your father... I am king... I know what is best for you..."

She looked down tears rolling down her face. "Please...let me choose one of the suitors myself...please father."

"And who would you choose that is more suitable than what father has chosen for you?" Harasia asked, glaring.

She looked down sadly. "I...please let me meet with the suitors one at a time and choose father...please!" She said pleadingly.

"Seanna... I want what is best for you... Guiless is what is best..."

"And if he isn't?"

"Do not question me... I want what is best for your brother and sister too... that is why I have chosen for them as well...."

She looked at him with tears in her eyes. "I will marry who I choose!" She said as she ran from the room. She cried as she headed upstairs.

She heard her name being called.

She slammed her door and locked it as she threw herself onto the bed. "Why...why do I have to marry someone I don't know?"

"Seanna..." came her brother's voice. "Please open the door..."

She unlocked the door and cracked it to see if it was only him.

Only Ryiou stood there. "May I come in?" he asked.

She let him in than rebolted the door. She threw her arms around him and cried into his chest.

Ryiou held her, rubbing her back. "Shh... Seanna, I'm here..."

"I don't want to marry him...I want to have heard the rumors about him...what they say...I don't want a controlling husband..."

"I... understand Seanna... my match is no better... but father's word is law... I'm sorry sis...."

"I...why doesn't he listen to us? He is happy with mother...shouldn't he want us happy? I...I am going to leave." She whispered and looked up at him with determination. "Don't stop me...please? I will write. But I refuse to marry someone I don't love...and my dream last night..."She stopped not sure how he would react.

"Your dream?"

She bit her lip. "I...was...with someone else in my dream...happy."

"That is wonderful, sis... I do wish you luck, but mother and father also had an arranged marriage too... but do what will be best for you?"

"You won't prevent me from leaving...will you?"

"I won't stop you, if asked I will not say I knew, but know that father will send out scouts to find you..."

"I know...thank you." She said kissing his cheek as she began to pack the essentials.

"You have to be careful..."

"I will. can you think of anything else I need?"

"This..." Ryiou said softly. He took off a ring and placed it on her finger. "It's for protection...."

She looked at it and hugged him. "Will you come with me?"

"You'd want me to come with you?"

"Yes. You said yourself that father arranged yours too."

"I know.... and sister's... and like his father did, and so on..."

"Are you happy with your arrangement?"

"I do not know..."

"Will you come?"

Ryiou nodded. "to protect you, sister.

She hugged him close. "I love you."

"I love you too, Seanna..."

She grabbed her things. "What about your stuff?"

"Hold then..." Ryiou left, to quickly come back with a small pack. "Come.... we have to go now...."

She nodded and followed

He got them quickly to the stables. "Saddle up, sis...."

She did so expertly

Ryiou got on his stallion. "Let's ride..."

She nodded and quickly swung into the saddle

Ryiou lead the way as they both began to ride off.

She kept close fearing discovery

After some time, she heard distance horns of alarm.

"I think they know we are gone..."

"And I won't let them find us......

She kept close to them. "I left mother a note telling her we were sorry but we had to find our own destiny..."

Ryiou nodded. He lead the way through a thick forest, slowing the horses at parts.

She followed closely

They made it through the forest, and out into a field.

"What now?"

"We continue riding..."

She nodded following him

As the sun began to set, Ryiou had them head towards a cave to camp for the night. He helped her down, and started to brush the horses down.

She helped with the task and fetched water from a nearby river for them.

When she came back, Ryiou had a fire started. "I'll go look for some food..."

"Is it wise to make a fire?"

"it's just enough to cook with and the embers will keep the area warm during the night after I put it out..."

"Ok...are you sure they won't see it?"

"the fire is in away from the enterance..."

She nodded. "You think we will be safe?"

"I hope so.... father will look for both of us...."

She looked down. "I am sorry...I dragged you into this..."

"I wanted to leave, sis..."

"You did?"

"Yes...I don't want that life...."

"What do you want?"

"I want to... you're going to laugh... sister laughed...."

"I won't. I'm not like our sister."

"I want to be a bard...."

She smiled happily. "You do? I wish you luck...I...don't know what I want to be...I just knew I didn't want that..."

"I love music....."

"I do to...but I can't sing for long without my voice hurting me..."

Ryiou hugged her.

She hugged back. Ryiou? Why does it hurt to talk?"

"I.. don't know..."

She leaned against him resting her head n his shoulder. "I love you...thank you for coming with me."

"Always...." he whispered.

She smiled. "Now where do we go?"

"We head to the south.... to the Guild City...."

"And than?"

"We become re-invented..."

She nodded. "You as a bard...but what can I do?"

"You do play the lap harp beautifully..."

"I do?"

He nodded.

She smiled but than it faded. "I will miss mother and father..."

"As will I... but we must do this to be happy, don't we?"

She nodded. "Do you think they will hate us?"

"Never... especially mother...."

She hugged him and slowly nodded

"We're in this together..."

"I know. Thank you."

"Now rest, sister... we have a ways to go..."

Seanna nodded and closed her eyes huddled close to him for warmth

She dreamed of the girl again.

She blushed

"I love you..."

"I love you too."

The girl smiled lovingly. "Find me..."

"Where? How?"

"Find me...." she repeated.


She woke up.

She sat up and felt around for her headdress.

It was there.

She put it on and looked around

She found her brother asleep, near the ashes of the fire.

She looked around to determine the time

There was a very soft orange glow on the horizon.

She worked on fixing food for when her brother woke

"Seanna...Good Morning...."

"Morning." She said handing him some food

"Thank you...." he said taking the food.

"You're welcome." She said with a smile eating her share

He ate his as well. "This is really great, sis..."

"It is? I have never cooked before I went off of what I saw some cooks use in the castle before..."

"Yes it is..."

"Thank you."

"Always..." he smiled at her.

She smiled back. "We should get going otherwise they will catch us."

He nodded. "Let's head out then..." He took care of clearing out the fire.

She nodded and refilled their water.

When she was done, he had gotten the horses ready.

She swung into her saddle. "Are we ready?"

"yes," her brother said, as he too saddled up. "Let's go..."

She followed him

They rode down a path and through a valley.

She took the scenery in

"Beautiful land...."

"I know..."

"I am going to miss the view of the sea from the castle..."

She looked down. "I'm sorry..."

"Don't be... I love you...I'd do anything for you..."

She smiled. "But...will you be happy?"

"I am happy..."

She smiled. "I'm glad."

He kissed her forehead. "You are my sister..."

She smiled and looked around. "So many sights..."

"It's great... the adventure..."

She smiled. "I am thankful of father's gift..."

"A wonderful gift..."

"Yes...I feel a little guilty...but I can't marry someone I don't love, especially someone like him if the stories are true."

"They are... I know... I've meet him...."

She shivered. "Why would father have agreed to him than?"

"He would have only agreed to prevent war..."

She looked down. "What will happen now? Did I just condemn our kingdom to war?"

Ryiou grabbed her hand. "Father will figure it out..."

She looked worried. "No...what if there is war? It will be my fault...I must go on and become a bard..."

Ryiou pulled her into a hug. "Please... don't go back....I don't want your spirit to die because of him..."

She hugged back."But our people..."

"Then we need to get Guiles to change his mind...."


"I don't know... but I know we will think of something..."

She still looked worried

"All will be well... I'll make sure of it..."

She nodded. "Shall we go?"

Ryiou smiled. "Yes...race you to the other side of the meadow?"

She worked on pinning her headdress so it wouldn't come off than she readied herself."Ok."

"Ready...set....go!" He laughed, smiling at her.

She raced toward the end he had said

They got there at the same time.

She smiled. "Tied."

"It looks like it..." He smiled.

She looked around

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just taking in the sights...this is the first time I have been outside the castle grounds...they allowed you to travel a little and I always wanted to."

"Then were are definitely going to be doing alot of traveling..." he said smiling.

She smiled happily.

He held up an invisible cup. "Here's to our travels..."

She smiled and did the same

He laughed. "We are now adventurers...!"

She looked back the way they came. "What if there is war?"

"Seanna... I have the feeling that even if you did do as father wanted, war would rage...."

"Why do you say that?"

"Guilus is power hungry... that's why..."

"But wouldn't he keep his peace if he wanted to have me? At least to our kingdom."

"I would be the ruler of our families kingdom, Seanna... he may get you, but he'd have to kill me and our sister to claim our kingdom....there are many things that could happen...I don't want you to end up harmed..."

"But I don't want to be responsible for war..."

"Seanna... there is still time... follow your dreams....I don't want you hurt back that lord...."

"But if war breaks out people will die...and I don't know what my dreams are..."

Ryiou hugged her close. "I'm here for you..."

"I know." SHe said with a smile still unsure

"There's a village up ahead..."

"Lets go..."

Ryiou lead them towards the village.

She followed

When they got into the village, he lead them over to the local tavern and inn, dismounting from his horse. "We'll stay here tonight..."


He helped her with her horse, and then got them two rooms that were connected, along with a big dinner.

She ate but he could tell she was still troubled

"We have time to plan something, sis...he is a good month's ride..."


He placed a hand on her shoulder. "I'm not going to let anything harm you..."

"I'm more worried about our kingdom."

"I am too.."

"Did I do the right thing?"

"Yes you did....Guilus is powerful, our sister will probably seduce him..."

"Let her have him."

"Then let's keep going...."

She nodded

He hugged her.

She hugged back

"You want to listen to the bard or head to bed?"

"The bard."

Ryiou smiled, and turned her around so that she could watch the bard. A man in his twenties came out and began to play for them.

She sat down and listened

The music was haunting and beautiful.

She smiled listening. She blushed a bit

"What's up sis?" her brother whispered to her with a smile.

"I...feel drawn to him..."

"Really? He is handsome..."

She blushed and nodded

Erra walked through the shadows heading back to the assassin's guild from her last mark, the operation had gone smoothly and she was ready to get her next assignment.

"Erra... great work on that mark..." came the voice of Kyonu.

"Thank you. Are you up to no good or is there something you want?"

Kyonu laughed. "Up to no good as usual, you know me..." he said with a big smile.

She grinned. "Any new marks?"

"Not yet, but knowing them... it won't be long, Erra..."

She nodded."How did your mark go?"

Kyonu grinned from ear to ear. "The best hit I've ever done if I do say so myself..."

She cocked an eyebrow. "That good?"

Kyonu looked at her seriously. "Nope..." then he laughed. "You're the best there is, Erra... I'll never be as good as you..."

"I don't know about that. I do what is needed that's all..."

"You are very humble, Erra!" he said with a small shout.

She shook her head. "Are you trying to attract attention? Pipe down ok?"

Kyonu slapped a hand over his mouth. "Sorry, Erra..."

She shook her head in frustration. "If you weren't so cute I would have gotten rid of you awhile ago, you're too loud."

"I knew you loved me!"

She sighed. "Nah I just find you cute."

Kyonu laughed, nodding. "I know... I just have one thing wrong with me for your taste..."

'And that is that you are loud and flirtatious."

"Awww.... thanks.... but I can be quiet too you know..." He said smiling big.

She smiled and cocked a brow. "Still a flirt though."

"Oh you know that you like me like this.... if I wasn't me... who would I be?" The big smiled never left his face.

She smiled. "But would it kill you to be serious once in awhile?"

"You've never been with me when I hunt..." he said seriously with a smile.

She shrugged. "You could be serious other times..."

Kyonu shrugged as well.

She shook her head but was smiling. "Lets get something to eat. I'm starved."

"SO am I!" Kyonu said with a big smile. "Come on I know a great place!" Kyonu started off, laughing.

She sighed but smiled as she followed.

Kyonu lead her to a quiet small pub. "Sit... I'll get us some be thinking what you want to eat..."

She sat. "Rabbit stew." She said with a smile. 

"Mmmmm sounds great...." he said and licked his lips as he went to go get drinks.

She smiled and waited looking around the place to see if she recognized anyone else.

She didn't see anyone.

Kyonu came back with their drinks. "They'll be bringing out our meals in a bit..."

"Ok. So how was your day?"

"Interesting.... I thought I saw this cloaked figure standing on the roof....on my mark's home... but then it disappeared..." he whispered.


"Yeah... it was weird....I wonder who it was..."

"Think it was one of ours?"

"If it was... I don't know..." he shrugged.

A waitress brought them their food.

"Strange that they didn't act." She said as she took her food and thanked the waitress

"It was like they were watching me..."

"Rival guild?"

"It is a possibility... though it could be someone from our guild that has been away..."

"Why watch you if that is the case? Have you talked to the guild master?"

"No not yet...I don't want to make something of it if it is nothing..."

"And if it is?"

"Then I guess I have to..."

"I would advise it. Better safe than sorry."

"Then after dinner, I'll go tell them... I'm starved..."

She nodded and began to eat

Kyonu started eating too. "MMmmmm so good after a day of work..."

She nodded, "I wish I had a challenge..."

"Why don't you go to the elders too? To ask for more of a challenge..."

"Good idea. Lately we are getting assignments that children would be capable of doing."

Kyonu nodded, "I know... for all I know that cloaked figure was laughing at me..."

"You never know."

He sighed. "Mmmmmm... god this is good food... I love this place..."

"You love any place with good food." She said with a smile.

"We all get hungry..."

She shrugged. "Yea I suppose."

Kyonu laughed. "You want more to drink?"

"Tea. No alcohol I don't want to ever fog my senses."

"Of course not.. unless you are trained in drunken fighting..."

"Are you?" She asked with a smirk and a delicate cock of an eyebrow.

He smirked. "And if I am?"

She shook her head and hid her smirk as she sipped her tea

Kyonu smiled drinking his own drink. "Should we head out?"

"Where to?"

"The guild... to see the elders, remember?"

"Ah as in right now..."

"Yep... you did say that it may be"

She nodded. "Than lets go."

Kyonu paid for everything, and headed with her to the guild to speak with the elders. "Me or you first?"

"You, your the one who saw it."'

Kyonu did so.

She followed.

Kyonu quietly explained to the elders, and they replied that they would look into it.

Erra waited till they were finished. "When will we get more challenging targets? Children could pull off these recent assignments." She said bluntly.

"You want a challenge, Erra?"

"Yes please."

"Then you shall have it.... that is to you and Kyonu have the duty to catch, not kill that figure he saw..."

"Very well. And how will we get a lead?"

"There was the scent of roses in the air... very strong...." Kyonu said. "I just remembered..."


"Yeah.... it was strange..."

"I don't know how much of a help that will be..."

"You forget what I am then, Erra...."

"You think you can distinguish it?"

"It was so strong... it wasn't like normal roses...."

"Than lets start tracking."

"Yes ma'am..." he said with laughter, saluting her. Kyonu then started off, nose in the air.

She followed silently

Kyonu lead them to an old villa on the edge of a cliff.

She kept to the shadows as she snuck closer

"In there Erra...the roses..."

She nodded and crept to a window carefully peering in.

She saw a fire burning, and a chair back facing her, the flames showing a shadow in the chair.

She examine the place for a way in.

There appeared to be a sky light.

She scaled the wall onto the roof and peered in silently from the skylight

The figure appeared to be sleeping.

She examined the skylight to see if she could get in silently

There appeared to be a latch.

She carefully tested it to see if it would cause sound

It seemed well oiled.

She carefully lifted it

She was able to get in without a problem.

She silently dropped down and crept toward him

"Aw a guest..." came an elderly man's voice.

She froze. "Who are you?"

The old man stood up, turning to face her as he leaned on a cane. "You must be one of the two guests I was told would be coming here....."

"Wha? I came because of the roses. Were you the one following my friend?"

"No... I was told that I would be visited by two individuals...."

She bit her lip in uncertainty, searching the place for a trap. "By whom?"

"The Black Rose... is what many call her I believe..." the elderly man said. She'd heard of The Black Rose before. The Black Rose had killed many of the targets that her guild had targeted, as well as some well known assassins.

"I see. And what does she want with me?"

The old man held out a sheet of paper.

She took it cautiously and looked at it

Hello Assassin of the Assassin... I know that you two wish to find me, but I will not make it easy for you...catch me if you can.... The Black Rose...

She frowned. "What? So she is the one watching my friend..." She sighed. "How long ago was she here?"

"It is hard to tell... do have a problem with my memory..."

She sighed and began to leave. "Thank you"

"Follow the roses..."

"Thank you...if this is a trap I will kill you." She said as she left and went over to her companion. "Follow the leading elsewhere?" She asked showing him the note.

"Well.... there is suppose to be a hidden field of midnight roses...." ((Legendary midnight blue roses that are said to have magical abilities...))

"Know where it is?"

"No... but there is one person that may..."


He smiled. "Secret..."

She glared at him. "Tell me."

"COme on.... he likes his privacy...."

She tapped her foot to her dagger impatiently

Kyonu sighed. "Fine...he of the guild masters...."

"Lets talk to him than."

Kyonu nodded. "Come on... we have to get back to the guild then..."

She followed.

He lead her back to the guild, and then down a hall she had never been down.

"How come you have been down here and I haven't?"

Kyonu looked at her, and then away. "Because it's family...."

She stopped and looked at him. "What? Who is this person to you?"


"Why didn't you ever tell me you were the son of an elder?"

"Because I never wanted to kill.... and if I had to, I didn't want to be treated differently..."

"I wouldn't...I think of you as a brother. You should have told me"

"I'm sorry... I was use to hiding it...."

"It's ok...lets go talk to him."

They made it down the hall to a large door. Kyonu knocked. "What is it!?" Kyonu jumped.

She walked in. "Sorry for the intrusion sir but we need information." Erra said bravely

"No one is allowed down here... Kyonu!"

"I'm sorry, sir...we need your help..."

Erra glared. "We want information on a certain rose if you will."

The man looked at her, Kyonu indeed was of this man's family, Kyonu would look just like him if it weren't for Kyonu's love of pranks.

She remained silent waiting for his reply.

"What rose would that be?"

"The Black Rose."

"The Black Rose.... why do you wish to know of the Black Rose?"

"Part of a mission."

"Father, we need the location of the midnight roses...."

"That field is not to be known outside of our family, and I have not seen fit to tell you...."


"Please sir. It is important. She may be spying on our guild."

"Really? The Black Rose is spying on our guild? Really?"

She sighed. "We believe that is the case now please tell us. We won't reveal it to any others."

"To the north, where the sun goes down at sunrise...."

"That's fairly cryptic..."

Kyonu nodded. "He always is..."

"Go both of you..."

"Please sir...a little clarification."

"It's a riddle... come on.... it's all we'll get..."

She sighed. "What a fool." She said as she followed Kyonu.

"Riddles are ways to hid meanings.... we just have to figure it out..."

"He is still a fool." She said loud enough for him to hear

"If you solve the riddle before her Kyonu, you had better not speak a word to that woman..."

She looked at Kyonu's father coldly. "Who's side are you on?"

"That would be a question for all..." he replied.

Kyonu pulled her from the room. "Erra... come on... we have to go..."

She glared at him closely. "Fine. But I will be back."

Kyonu sighed. "Father is going to kill me...."

She looked at him. "Why? I am the one who insulted the ass."

"Because you know he is my father and because you insulted him..."

"He should take it out on me not you."

"I'm use to it..."

"I will make sure he takes it out on me if he takes it out on anyone, he doesn't have the right to take it out on you."

"He would beg to differ... he is my father..."

"So? He is a fool."

"I'm the fool in his eyes..."

She hugged him gently. "Why?"

Kyonu hugged back, but just looked at her with a cocked eyebrow. "You don't think I'm a fool??"

"You can be a goof ball but you are no fool."


She nodded. "Now lets fine that rose."

Kyonu smiled and nodded.

"Got any ideas?"

"I don't know... but we do know we have to head north..."

"Lets head that way but unfortunately that helps little unless you can catch the scent..."

"We head north till we can figure out the last part of the riddle or I catch the scent..."

"Alright." She sighed trying to think over the riddle as they traveled

The scent of roses went by on the wind.

"Do you smell that?"

"Yes... come on..." He said, and ran.

She rushed after him

The scent just dead ended.


"I don't know... this is impossible..."

She sighed in frustration. "I feel like we are being toyed with!" She looked thoughtful. "Kyuno...don't read into this too deeply but for inspiration..."She pressed against him and kissed him deeply on the lips hoping it would help. She liked him but wanted to keep a distance, in this line of work romance could get you killed

Kyonu's eyes went wide, and he placed his hands around her waist. He pulled back when a rose flew into his shoulder.

"Kyonu!" She whipped around to see where the attacker was.

She saw a cloaked figure, and the scent of roses came back. She felt drawn to the figure.

She stood protectively in front od Kyonu. "I suppose that got your attention...but why did you hurt him?"

"Why would I want to hurt you? And it's not one of my poisoned ones..." said a female voice.

"Why were you watching him before?" She asked as she pulled the rose from his shoulder and pressed a cloth to the wound. "Why do you want to hurt him and not me?"

"I wasn't watching him to watch him.... and he was kissing you..."

"I kissed him first...and why does it matter? Are you jealous of him or something? And why were you watching him than?" Erra asked taking a step closer to her.


She frowned in confusion. "You were watching him because of me?"


"But why? We are friends nothing more."

"Because your scent is always on him...."

"We are friends..."

"I want you..."

"Why? I'm nothing special..."

The figure just disappeared.

"Where is she?" Kyonu asked, holding his shoulder.

"I...don't know...she's just as cryptic as your father and she makes me feel strange. I'm sorry you got hurt because of me."

"I'd rather get hurt than you...."

She sighed. "So...if we are to believe her...she isn't spying on the guild she wants me...but why? I am nothing special."

Kyonu shrugged. "Don't know..."

"What now?" ((he isn't telling her she is special he basically agreed with her opinion about herself ^-^)) ((She's his friend... yet he really liked the kiss...but he's not interested in that way... you can say, she was his first kiss...))

"We continue north or go after her.... her scent is heading east..."

"Let's follow her..."

"Alright... and Erra?"

"Hmm?" She said looking toward the east

"I... that was my first kiss...."

She stopped and looked at him in surprise. "What?"

Kyonu nodded.

" sorry...I should have asked..."

"Don't be just surprised me..."

"Did you like it?"

Kyonu nodded. "But... I know you... don' me..." he said softly.

" not like that. In our line of work that connection could get us killed..."

"I know.... thank you any ways for my first kiss..."

She smiled a bit. "It was pleasant until you got hurt."

Kyonu rubbed his shoulder. "I'm fine..."

She inspected the wound

It was healing, and wasn't bad at all.

"Lets go after her." ((wouldn't he feel the pull to Merak?))

Kyonu nodded slowly, and then just stared off into the forest.

"What is it?"

"I'm feeling drawn in that direction..."

"I...felt drawn to her...should we check it out?"

"Yes...." Kyonu said starting out.

She followed

Kyonu looked at her. "Do you feel her in this direction too?"

She concentrated and nodded

"Let's hurry..."

She followed him

"Up ahead there..."

Erra followed

Kii worked on cleaning out the stables, the most recent task he had been ordered to do. He kept looking toward his sister to ensure she was alright as she played outside with her cat.

Ysamia sat in the grass playing with her little white kitten with its black tipped tail.

Kii saw one of their older brothers, Nu heading from the house towards the stables.

Kii stiffened and finished his task keeping an eye on his brother. His brothers loved Ysamia but he was fair game to them.

Ysamia stopped playing with the kitten, just holding it as she watched Nu.

Nu came up behind Kii. "You done yet, beast?"

"I'm not a beast and I am finished see for yourself asshole."

Nu backhanded Kii. "Don't back talk to me!"

Kii held his cheek and hissed a little. "I did the work! Why are you here?"

"You have more... in the house... now get back there!"

Kii nodded and looked to his sister sadly before walking toward the house.

The eldest brother, Inuo, stood waiting for Kii at the door way to the house. "Get in here Kii... you need to get this house scrubbed down."

He nodded his ears laying flat the only indication of his upset. He set to work already exhausted from the many labors he had done that day

Ysamia came inside a while later, hugging her kitten. "I'm sorry, brother..." she whispered as she passed by on the way to her room.

"'s not your fault...don't blame yourself."

She nodded heading into her room.

"You must not have enough to do seeing as you are talking to our sister, animal..." came Nu's voice.

He looked at him with sadness. "I...have been working...I'm not an animal!"

Nu back handed Kii, throwing him into Inuo. "What's this?" said Inuo with a growl. "Attacking me?!"

"No! He pushed me!" Kii said backing away from them both. His tail spiked like a cat's that was facing a dog. "Please...I don't want to fight."

"You should have thought about that before you started talking to Our sister and not working..." said Nu.

"I was working! And she is my twin!"

"She has no twin!" Inuo slugged him.

Ysamia ran up the stairs.

He bit back his cry of pain and spit out some blood from his bleeding mouth, "I'm her twin..."

"Get it through your head, she is not your twin! You are a beast!"

"I DIDN'T CHOSE FOR THIS TO HAPPEN AND SHE IS STILL MY TWIN!!! I...don't...want to be this...I don't know how to change..." He said looking down.

"Get out of the house! Go to your hole!"

He ran to the barn where he was made to stay and sat down. He than got up carefully peering out to see if they followed to shackle him.

He saw Nu and Inuo standing outside the main house door, talking. Nu headed towards the barn. Kii also saw Ysamia, she was climbing out of the top floor window.

His eyes widened in worry. He rushed out of the barn. "Ysamia...don't move!" He said hurrying toward her not caring for his own safety.

The brothers stopped. Nu rushed Kii, grabbing him by the hair. "No you don't!'

Inuo rushed and caught Ysamia as she slipped and fell. "Sis..." He held her close, heading inside with her.

Nu dragged Kii by his hair back to the barn.

Kii struggled. "I was trying to help her!"

Nu threw him into his corner, and shackled him. "Damn beast..." Nu stormed from the area.

He rubbed his head to relieve the sting worried about his sister. Was she trying to sneak out? I hope she doesn't get in trouble...

He saw the light in the barn slowly fade as it set.

He continued to worry not able to sleep even though he was exhausted.

He heard quick short footsteps coming his way.

He tensed ready for trouble.

"Kii...?" came a female whisper.

"Ysamia?" He whispered in worry. "Are you alright?"

Ysamia came into the barn, kneeling by his side. "Yes... I was just told that it is unladylike to climb out windows.... are you alright?"

"I am fine. I was worried for you...what were you doing?"

"Running away..." she whispered.

"W...without me?" He asked looking hurt.

"Never..." Ysamia said. "I was planning on circling around to the back to get you...I'd never leave you brother..."

He hugged her gently. "I love you. I'm glad you weren't hurt."

She nodded smiling.

"I wish we could run away."

Ysamia smiled, pulling out a key.


"Shh... I slipped it from Nu's pocket..." She started to unlock his shackles.

he rubbed his ankles and hugged her. "We have to be careful..." He said as he cautiously headed for the barn door

he saw Inuo walk past a window in the house.

"Inuo is still awake...he just walked past the window." He whispered.

"Out the back of the barn?" she whispered.

he nodded hoping they wouldn't be caught

Ysamia headed out the back, helping Kii, then hurrying into the woods together.

He followed not sorry at all to be gone. "Any idea where we should head?"

"I... don't know.... I just wanted to get you out of there..." she whispered.

"I've been wanting to leave with you for a long time...I could feel myself...dying."

"I... don't want anything to happen to you... I'm so sorry, Kii..."

He hugged her. "It's not your fault."

"But..." she started, tears in her eyes.

"Don't cry...please."

Ysamia hugged Kii. Kii thought he saw signs of a village ahead.

" that a village?"

"Yes... father goes there a lot... I've been a few times..."

"So we can't stop there can we?"

Ysamia shook her head. "No... he'll find us for sure...."

"Than lets bypass it."

She nodded. "Why don't we head east?"


Ysamia started to head east with Kii.

He kept on the alert for pursuit

There didn't come any.

He sighed in relief as he followed her

"I never want to lose you...." she said, after some time.

"I don't want to lose you either."

She grabbed his hand, and squeezed it. "You are the best brother..."

He hugged her gently.

She hugged back tightly.

He kept going with her

After some time, it began to get too dark for them to see, or at least for Ysamia to see.

He slowed and looked around for a hideout for them holding her hand gently

He was able to see a large tree up ahead that had cracked, leaving a large enough space for the two of them.

He lead her over and pulled brush around the entrance to hide them. "Comfortable?"

Ysamia nodded. "I'm just scared..."

"So am I, but we will be ok..."

"I'm just happy we are together.... and way from there...."

He nodded.

Ysamia snuggled against him, falling to sleep.

he closed his eyes to sleep as well

In his dream, they were caught, and his brothers cut off his cat ears and tail.

He bolted awake and took hold of his tail to reassure himself.

It wiggled in his hand.

He sighed in relief

"Wha..*yawn* wrong...?" came Ysamia's voice.

"Bad dream."

"I'm here, brother...." she whispered, snuggling into him.

He curled up next to her. "Thank you for getting me out..."

"Of course.....I'd always help you..."

He smiled. "We are free."

She nodded. "Free...." she repeated. "And together..."

He smiled genuinely happy. "Yea."

"You're's beautiful..."

He smiled a little wider. "It is?"

She nodded, smiling.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome brother...."

He smiled. "I love you."

"She smiled up at him. "I love you too....always will...."

He smiled. "I am glad we are free and together."

She smiled. "Free..."

He hugged her

"Let's get moving..."

He nodded.

They again headed off, working to get them farther from their old home.

He followed keeping alert

After some time, they came across a large pond. "I want to rest..." she said softly.

"Ok."Kii went over to the water and sniffed to see if it was safe to drink.

The pond was pure.

"Smells fresh."

She nodded, and drank up her fill.

He did the same

She looked over at him.

"Now what?"

"Rest or continue...."

"Rest for a bit..."

She nodded, and then hugged him.

He hugged back and survied the area for fresh fruit

He saw a few trees. Ysamia sat under a tree, looking around.

He looked around for food

He collected some fruit and gave his sister some

"Thank you...." she said softly, taking the fruit.

"You're welcome."

She started to eat some of the fruit. "Do you think we will ever be safe....?"

"I...hope so. I will make sure you are."

"Thank you, brother...."

Kii smiled and nodded

"I can go for a while longer, if you want to..."

"It's up to you."

She nodded. "Let's go..." she said smiling.

He walked with her. "If you get tired let me know."

"I will brother...."

Kii walked with her holding her hand

Ysamia smiled holding his hand.

He walked with her keeping alert

After a few hours, Ysamia squeezed Kii's hand. "I'm tired..." she softly said.

He looked around for a shelter

He spotted a cave.

He lead her over and sniffed it to ensure it was safe

It was.

He lead her inside.

She sat down. "I am so tired..."

"I am sorry..."

"It's not you..."

He gently hugged her

She hugged back.

"Get some sleep ok?"

"You too, brother..." she said leaning against him.

He closed his eyes to sleep

He dreamed of their safety, and then of someone kissing him.

He blushed

He heard the words 'I love you...'

"Who are you?"

'I love you...'

He frowned

The person kisses him.

He recoiled from the kiss unsure of himself

'I...I'll leave...' the person said. He felt drawn to this person.

"No...don''s just I never felt this way..."

'' the voice was a mix of male and female. He then woke

He slowly sat up in confusion

"Brother... are you okay....?"

"Yea...and you?"

"Yes I'm looked confused..."

"Strange dream."

"You want to talk about it..."

"I...couldn't see who it was but..."He told her what he dreamed.

"Oh wow...that is strange..."


She hugged him.

"Should we go?"

She nodded. "I want you happy...."

"I want the same for you sis."

She smiled.

He walked with her looking for food

He saw an apple tree ahead.

He picked some apples for them both

"Thank you... these look delicious...."

He smiled in return

She started to eat, as they continued to walk.

He did the same

Ysamia smiled, humming.

He smiled and scanned the area carefully for danger

He heard fighting up ahead.

He hid with his sister

"I'm scared..." she whispered.

"Me too..."He whispered trying to keep them hidden

They heard a carriage rush off, and the shouts of angry men.

Kii slowly crept forward to look

There was a group of men dressed as nobles.

He kept hidden with his sister and watched

They started running down the road.

"Should we follow?" He whispered

"What if their like father?"

"I don't know..."

Ysamia looked scared. "Let's stay away from them...."

He nodded. "Lets wait here til they're gone."

Ysamia nodded. THe men didn't seem to be going anywhere..."

He bit his lip. "What should we do?"

"Watch them?"

He nodded

The guards seem to be working on wounds. "Damn it!" shouted a man walking up. "He got away... get back to the Lord and get horses!"

he hid more with his sister

"Search the area they could have friends hidden out there..."

He bit his lip and carefully started to creep away with his sister

"Hey!" Guards started to come after them.

Kii started to run with her as fast as he could

They were both grabbed. "We've got them sir..."

"WHo do you work for!?" the leader demanded.

Ysamia cried.

Kii struggled his cat ears against his skull in anger and fear. "No one! Let go please...we were passing through and got scared by the fighting so we hid!"

"Liars....!" the guard shackled Kii and Ysamia, and started to drag them down the road towards a large manor.

Kii turned into a kitten slipping out of the chains than shifted back tring to free Ysamia.

He was being held back by many guards, as Ysamia screamed, as she was dragged through a gate, disappearing.

"YSamia!"He screamed. Tears running down his face. "Let my sister go!"

He was slugged, but then the guard was stabbed by a cloaked figure that rushed up.

He held his cheek and scrambled after his sister.
Jahariss ran by to help him save the girl

Kii got hit in the back by an arrow, and Jahariss's collar activated.

Kii fell down in pain.

Jahariss fell to his knees and growled in pain. " just...a kid!"

His handler came up. "And will make a prefect gift for the princess... a prefect wedding gift..."

"You're disgusting!" He growled worried for the kid

The handler snapped his finger, and the guards picked up the boy. "Put him in a box..."

Kii moaned in pain. "Ysamia..."

Kii was thrown into a small box. The handler laughed. "We'll have to have a collar made for him too...." he said to Jahariss.

"Leave him alone..."He said trying to get up

the handler then fell to the ground. "Quick, get up..." the figure from before said. She quickly freed Kii.

"What about the boy's sister." He said picking Kii up.

Jahariss sat in his room angry that he had failed once again to get the collar of him. One of his hands bled from the attempt and he made no move to bandage it

He heard foot steps coming towards his door.

He tensed and glowered at the door

The door opened. "Follow me..." said a red cloaked figure.

he sighed and followed. "Why?"

"We must prepare you..."

"For what?"

"You will know in time..."

He frowned. "Tell me now."

"Your wedding..."

He stopped cold. "My...what?"

"Your wedding..."

"I am not marrying anyone..."

"Yes you will... you are to marry..."

"Who?" He asked through gritted teeth

"A princess of a great kingdom..."

"I will marry who I please."

He collar burned. "You will marry who we chose..."

He coughed clutching it and slowly nodded.

"Good... now follow them, and dress... we are going to have the first meeting...."

He growled but followed

He was lead to a room where fabric laid every where.

He looked around carefully

The room was used to create some of the wonderful clothing he had seen around the place.

He looked down not wanting to be there.

They started to measure him.

He remained silent allowing them to do so

"Yes... golds... and dark blues..." one was mumbling.

"Silver and blue. I don't like gold." He said

They looked at him, then went back to mumbling.

"Did you here me? I want silver and blue. If I am to put up with this I will at least call the shot on what it looks like."

"Iy... but we have our orders..."

"Orders that it has to be blue and gold?"

"That and to not listen to you..."

He looked disgusted. "Fine...." He set fire to the gold fabric in anger. "Now it can be blue and gold." He said with a smirk

One of the attendants snapped their fingers, and more gold was brought in. "Do that again, and you will be sorry..."

He did it again. "You haven't the authority to make me sorry." He sneered

The attendant called for the man from before and for a guard. "What's going on in here?" the man demanded.

Jahariss glared at him. "I want silver and blue."

"The colors will be as I have ordered... blue and... gold."

Jahariss growled in anger. "Can I not have something my way? If I am to marry does it matter to you the color?"

The man glared. "You will be happy with it..."

"No I won't."

The collar shocked him.

He coughed and clutched it growling in anger

"Gold and blue..."

He remained silent not happy with any of this

Jahariss was soon outfitted in dark blue and gold robes and sashes.

He wrinkled his nose in distaste.

"You will like it...."

"No I won't."

The man shook his head.

He glared at them in anger

The man smirked. "Glare all you want...."


The man laughed.

He punched at him

The man backhanded him. "I will not be having you strike me..." the collar burned.

He fell to his knees clutching the collar gasping in pain

"Learn your place now, boy..."

He panted in pain

The man moved to the door. "Come..."

He followed silently.

He was lead to the leader's room. "Oh wonderful, wonderful..." he said.

He glared in anger. "I want silver and blue."

"I called for blue and gold...."

"Why? You know I detest gold."

"It is for appearances... nothing more..."

He sighed.


He stayed silent

The man laughed. "What an obedient boy..."

"Shut up." He growled.

His handler activated his collar again.

He gasped in pain falling to his knees

"Behave boy..."

He rubbed his neck trying to relieve the sting

The man smirked.

"Stop torturing me." He growled

"Then behave yourself..."

He went silent not wanting to get hurt again

the guards started preparing for the trip to the Wind Haven kingdom.

He sighed. "What should I do now?" He said through gritted teeth

"Shut up, and stand there looking pretty or would you rather be the mule that carries your 'things'?" the handler asked laughing.

He growled and sat down

Soon the preparations were done. "Come..." he was told.

He followed

He was lead to a carriage that looked normal, and put inside. Inside he could tell that there was magics to prevent him for trying to get out.

He sighed in frustration as he sat there

The carriage started to move.

He closed his eyes to rest

He heard rustling.

He opened his eyes his hand jumping to his dagger

"Over there!" one of the guards outside shouted.

"Get them..!" There was fighting outside.

He readied himself to fight testing the enchantment to see if he could leave the carriage

He couldn't, but he saw a cloaked figure dart past his carriage window.

He growled. Idiots...they're going to get me killed because of their stupidity... he sighed and sat back waiting. If anyone came in he could fight them but right now he could do nothing. He wondered who their attackers were and grinned in satisfaction.

"What is wrong with you guards!? It is just one person!" he heard his handler shout.

He closed his eyes with a smirk. "Weaklings." He muttered

The carriage started moving much faster than it had been.

he braced himself cursing softly

"Damn bitch!" he heard his handler shout.

"What's happening?!"

"Ahh!" a female screamed. He smelled blood.

He looked out the window

He saw a cloaked figure, light red hair streaming out from under the hood. The figure was holding their arm.

He tossed a healing potion to the figure. Catch

The figure spun, catching the potion, quickly taking it.

"Damn boy!" He felt his' collar activate.

He cried out in pain clutching the collar.

He heard someone fall from the carriage, and the slowly of the carriage.

He panted rubbing his neck

the carriage door opened.

He looked up,

The cloaked figure stood there. "Thank you for the potion," a female voice said. The figure then moved to head off.

"You're welcome. Thank you for making them pay." He tried to exit the carriage

"I'm not done with them... they work for the lord that had my family killed..."

"They've been controlling me with this damn caller."

"I'm sorry..."

"It's not your fault." ((can he get outside?))

((Yes the door is open...))

They heard shouting.

The figure looked back. "Damn! what have they found?"

He frowned. "Let's find out together."

The figure nodded. "Come on..." She started running.

He followed

They saw a young man fighting against many guards.

He headed that way

Celestia sat in her grove the enchantment of the area preventing her from leaving. She sighed sadly not sure what to do. She knew he would come around soon to pester her and she didn't look forward to it.

"Have you come to your senses, my dear?" came his voice, disrupting the quiet of the area.

She glared at him in anger. "I will never marry you! You were like a father to me....and now this..."

"I love you as my lover!"

"I'm not your lover."

"You will be!" He moved to backhand her.

She quickly moved away from his reach. "Don't touch me! If you want love you should treat others with kindness and not force!"

"I show you kindness... you refuse me...force will have to do..."

She looked at him coldly. "I thought of you as a father...not a lover, now I think of you as little more than a pest!"

"I took care of you!"

"Like a father should."

"Knowing that I will marry you!"

"You never told me, you never asked me."

"I raised you to be mine! You will never leave here if you aren't!"

"Than I shall never leave." She said sadly.

"You will... you will come to your senses!"

She glared at him. "You are so cold..."

"And you are mine forever." He stalked away.

She spit at him

He sweeped around, grabbing her. He forcefully kissed her.

She bit down on his lip as hard as she could

He pulled back, and backhanded her. "Brat!"

She cried out as she fell to the ground. Tears ran down her face.

"You will be mine!"

She shook her head and quickly backed away from him. "I HATE YOU!"


She shook her head

He stormed off.

She sat on a boulder and cried.


She looked up

There was a small white kitten sitting there.

She wiped away the tears and gently picked it up and sat it in her lap stroking its fur. "Hello....'

"Meow..." it said, rubbing against her hands.

She held it close. "Where did you come from?"

It licked her hand.

She held it close and took it into the cottage. She poured the kitten some cream and made herself something to eat

Meanie... came a child's voice.

She looked at the kitten in confusion. " mean?"

No... him....

She nodded. "How can you talk?"

The kitten laped at the cream. Because....he....

She looked at her in concern. "He cursed you too?"

The kitten nodded.

"How old are you?"


She looked worried. "Why did he curse you?"

Was to punish my mom...but I don't know any more than that... I was a baby went it happened....

"Oh...I am sorry."

The kitten nodded, then licked her hand.

She stroked her fur. "He cursed me to be a swan..."

You can look like that though...

"Is this day and night for you?"


"Than...why is it different aside from a reversal in time and what we change into?"

I...can't be in the sun...


The kitten cried in her hands.

She held her close. "What's wrong sweetheart?"

I don't know why it is..... just that I'm human during the day... but I can't be out in the burns....

She hugged her gently. "I am sorry."

Thank you....

"Are you hungry?"

The kitten nodded.

She fixed her food

Thank you miss...

"Of course angel."

She licked her hand.

She smiled at her

The kitten licked face.

She stroked her fur.

You're nice...

"Thank you. So are you."

The kitten meowed.

She smiled and gently hugged her

You're squeezing me...

She loosened her hold. "Sorry angel..."

Angel? Me...?

"To me you are. You are sweet."

Thank you...

She smiled. "What should we do now?"

I normally just sleep all day...

"Are you tired?"


"Ok...what shall we do?" She wondered aloud as she gently drummed her fingers on the table

Hide and seek?

"Ok. But odds are you will win." She said with a smile closing her eyes and beginning the count. "No leaving the house though."

Okay... I won't... the kitten ran off.

She finished counting and went to look for her

She couldn't find her for sometime.

She tried to look for her harder

She heard a meow from behind the wardrobe.

She looked

You found me...

She smiled gently picking her up. "Yea I did but it was tough."

The kitten giggled.

She smiled.

"I will be a swan soon..."

I...can't go outside.... I have to stay in here...

"Alright...try to be comfortable."

I'll let you in... I don't want to be alone any more...

She nodded and kissed her forehead

The sun was coming up.

She went outside as she started to change

The change was soon over.

She shook out her feathers

The house door opened slightly.

She walked in. Thank you angel She said as she looked at the girl.

The girl closed the door, moving only in the shadows. "You're welcome..." she said softly. The girl had long white hair

Does the light hurt you?

"I told you... I can't be in the light... it burns...."

She flew up to the window and pulled the strings on the curtains closing them. Better?

The girl nodded. "Thank you...."

Your welcome sweetheart. If you get hungry you can help yourself to anything here. There is no meat...I don't eat meat.

"Okay....thank you...."

She nodded

She stroked her swan feathers.

Thank you that feels nice

She smiled.

She closed her eyes to rest

She continued to stroke her feathers.

She fell asleep

The little girl curled up, hugging the swan.

She fell asleep too

Celestia woke up to Him calling out: "Luna, Luna... where are you little one...?"

She looked up in worry. Hide angel She told the girl after waking her

The girl hurried and hid. "GIRL!" they heard.

She flew outside to her pond. Lost something?

"Not your concern...."


"Just my little love..."

You're pet?

"Not you of course.... my little kitten..."

What kitten?

"I know she is around her somewhere.... the sun will kill her..."

Why? What is she?

"Pet!" he called out ignoring her.

She pecked him

Sekar sat in his holding cell resting from the most recent fight.

A guard came up to the cell. "Get up!"

He stood his crystal blue eyes settling on the guard, he wanted nothing more to tear him apart but he knew he would be punished.

"Get moving... to the ring!"

He walked to the ring and waited for an indication of whether he should fight in wolf or human form.


He shifted into his wolf form and waited fort the fight to begin.Not wanting to fight but knowing he had to.

A lion creature stood at the other end. "Fight!"

He stalked forward carefully

The lion growled, and then attacked him.

he took flight and swooped down attacking ferociously.

The lion slashed out.

He bit down on the lions neck trying to subdue him as he dodged

"RAWR!" it cried out.

The sound of clapping ring through the area.

I am sorry He bit deeper

The lion became a small mouse, and zipped into his fur.

He rolled to prevent an attack.

The mouse held onto his fur.

He turned back and yanked it free than turned back and took to the air waiting

It turned back into a lion, growling.

He attacked once more latching onto his throat

"Kill it!"

The lion struggled. No...

I won't kill you... He held on till the lion was unconscious and than dropped him to the ground.

"Kill it I say!"

He growled. He is unconscious there is no point.

A chant of 'Kill It' rang out.

He turned away from his openant trying to be defiant. He than turned back and nodged him trying to wake him up. Hurry...they will try to kill you if you don't wake up!

Just kill me and end it.... please.... for the first time he could tell the voice was female.

But...why? There is a chance of escaping...I don't want to kill.... He said trying to nudge her again

Swallow me.... The lion jumped up and ran off shifting into a mouse again.

He sat down not wanting to pursue her and cause her more pain. I won't

The mouse ran at him, pulling at his fur. Hide me in your mouth... swallow me!

He chomped down making it look like he had eaten her, but he gently held her in his mouth. I am sorry if I hurt you earlier...

I'm use to it...

A cheer rang out. "YAY!"

As am I. He waited to be taken back to his cell

The guards took him back to his cell, slamming the door.

He gently let her out. What will you do now?

The mouse looked at him. I don't know...I've never been free....

Try to be can escape out the bars...go

The mouse ran off.

He laid in a corner trying to rest

A dog walked up to the cell. "Rawf..."

He tried to ignore it and sleep

"Rawf..." There was the jingle of keys.

He looked up.

The dog had the keys.

He tried to get the keys

The dog pushed the keys through to him.

Thank you. He said unlocking the door

You saved my life...

I don't want to kill...He said shifting form as he carefully snuck toward the door.

Thank you again... now... we have to hurry... the dog said, and snuck through the door, and headed down the hall.

He followed

"Oh... I wonder how my lovely is doing," came the voice of the Princess Harasia.

He stiffened. Who is that?

The princess... I've seen her watching your fights...

What? But why?

Same reason she used to watch me... we are unique...rare...

Let's get out of here

"Guards!" the princess screamed.

He ran with her. Lets go!

Both his and her legs squeezed together as they were caught in a trap. "Tsk Tsk... you aren't going anywhere..."

He growled in anger and tried to pry the trap away with his teeth

He was struck with a whip by one of the guards. "You two have been very naughty..."

He growled in pained anger and shifted back to his human form. "Bastards!"

"Such a handsome pet..." the princess said, smiling.

He growled in anger recoiling from her

The princess walked over to a young woman that was bound now, where a moment ago had laid the dog. "Beautiful ain't she..." The princess caressed the girl, who spat at her. The princess backhanded her.

Leave her alone! he growled through her mind. He wasn't good with human speech he knew curse words because of the handlers.

She turned and back handed him.

He growled and bit her hand as hard as he could trying to draw blood

"Damn!" she screamed. Several guards pulled him back, shackling him.

He growled trying to get free

He couldn't and was thrown into his cage again.

He winced in pain as he slammed into the floor.

"Now just stay in there like a good little pet and you may get a treat..." the princess said.

He growled in anger worried about the girl

The princess left his area, and he then heard the sound of a whip hitting bare skin followed by a scream.

He growled trying to escape his cage

A guard came up, and smirked. "Stupid animal..."

He growled in rage

The man laughed. Another scream rang through the area.

he thrashed at the bars trying to get to him

Another scream then nothing.

He growled in worry

There was laughter in the hall.

He sat maintaining his growl

"Did you hear?" he heard a guard say. "The princess wants that winged wolf as a play thing... in bed..."

He growled in anger and fear

"Really?" "Yes... and we get her..."

He howled in anger

A guard came up and whipped him. "the princess wants to see you, beast..."

He growled staying where he was

He was whipped again.

He winced and snapped at the whip

"Get up!"

He growled

"I said GET UP!"

He lunged forward at the guard

He grabbed the guard. "Help!" the guard shouted.

He started to bite the guard The guard screamed, and more guards ran up whipping him and beating him.

He turned on them attacking

He ended up wounding many, but then he was knocked out. The next thing he knew, he was waking up shackled to a bed.

He growled looking around. ((eeeep he mates for life too so if she does anything...eeeeeeeeep)) ((guy, girl, or both???))((both))

"AHHHH!!!" he heard the girl from before, from all the way below him.

He roared in anger

The princess came in. "Hello handsome..."

He growled Shifting form trying to slip out of the chains

The chains formed to fit him.

She giggled.

He growled in anger


She giggled. "You will do as I tell you or i will kill your little friend..."

He growled in anger not sure what to do. I...mate life...

"Then I will have you forever..." she giggled.

He growled in anger. ((she doesn't know it but she won't be able to mate with anyone either if she does it with him))

A knock came at the door. "WHAT?!" she screamed. She quickly left the room.

He trembled in relief but was still scared

He heard the scream again.

He roared in rage

Merak rode on Thringa enjoying the day. He had skipped out on studies and was sure he would be searched for but he didn't care

He started smelling roses.

"'s out of season for roses..." He muttered looking around carefully

he heard rustling.

His hand flicked up and soon a ball of light illuminated the area as he swept the area with his platinum eyes

He saw a cloaked figure standing off from his area.

"Who are you?"

"The Black Rose...."

he stiffened going on guard.

"Afraid are you?"

"I've heard stories about you..."


"Am I your mark?"

"No... I have no mark right now... you were just walking close to my land..."

"Your land?"

"My land..."

"I was unaware."

"No one ever is..."

"Are you territorial?"

"I can be... I'd rather not deal with ya..."

"Are you going to attack me?" He asked going more on guard

She disappeared, the scent of roses stayed as two figures ran up. "Damn.. she got away again..." Kyonu said.

Merak watched them still on guard.

Erra looked at him. "Who are you?"

"A traveler."

Kyonu blushed. "I... there was someone else here..."

"The Black Rose? She just vanished."

Erra looked around trying to see if she felt the pull

It lead to the north.


Merak looked at them both particularly Kyonu with a blush. "Why are you following her?"

"It's business...." Kyonu said softly.

Merak shrugged. "She said I was close to her lands."

Erra frowned. "Well...Kyonu, we need to kill this boy and go after her, he knows too much."

Merak stiffened. "You can try." He said his voice going deadly

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