Page name: Owlie is... [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-01-11 02:50:22
Last author: Robert Mischief
Owner: Nite_Owl
# of watchers: 4
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Owlie is...

Yeah, yeah, everyone else is doing this, so I just figured "Why not?" I just want to knowo what other people think of me really, considering I have no self-esteem :\ But that's one of my Resolutions this year, so I'm working on it :)

Just type whatever the hell you want about me; as long as I know you at least somewhat it won't be deleted, so feel free to call me a bastard (beacuse I am one heh).


[Just type your username here]: then write whatever you want about teh Owlie here. (^,^)


1. [sequeena_rae] - Owlie is my mistress. She rapes me and I like it. I rape her too. She is beyond kinky and I want to have her babies <333333333 I love her to bits XP She's MINE! *grabs and runs off with*

2. [Linderel] - Owlie is a damned good poet. I couldn't believe her to be so young. I still refuse to believe it. Girl, you'll be something great someday! (Or maybe greater, because you're great already.)

3. [Akayume]-Owlie is my owlie! *growls* >.< Hurt her you die. By death of sporks >:D But seriously, she is, like, the best rper I've met, and a great poet. But most importantly, she's an awesome friend ^^ *huggles*

4. [The Black Cat in Your Path]- *screams as she runs in circles* SHE'S TEH OWLIE!!!! X3 *tackles her and smothers her in kisses* She is the incarnate of greatness, she is! ^^ BOW! BOW DOWN TO TEH OWLIE!! XD

5. [Ghost Lilly] ^^ Owlie is such a fun filled friend, I really admire her poetry and other maravlious talents and skills. WOOT! *dose the [Nite_Owl] is cool dance*

6. [Kyo-kun] Owlie is a awesome old friend that I miss greatly.

7. [someelf] - Owlie is a pretty Owlie and random :D She likes to go and BROOOM o.o I luffles her :3 -snugsnug-

8. [Robert Mischief] "Stuff."

Username (or number or email):


2007-01-03 [Nite_Owl]: Awww, people have such nice things to say about me (^,^) *huggles for all teh lovely peoples* And I've even been graced by a DPBoss' presence! :o *gasp* I art honoured! hehehe *rapes teh squee* mweeeeeehehehehe!

2007-01-03 [Akayume]: of course we have nice things to say 'bout you. ^^

2007-01-03 [sequeena_rae]: Homg *ish raped* *^______________^*

2007-01-03 [Linderel]: Graced? I... guess you could see it like that. If you squint. Did you squint? :P

2007-01-03 [Nite_Owl]: Hahaha :P Well I always wanted to be one of the Bosses, so to have one willingly visit me is teh shiznit XD

Oooh, yes, you know you like it Squee! *rapes further* >:D

2007-01-04 [Linderel]: Heh. Okay, I guess that's all good. xD Your writings still rock, though, so the pleasure is all mine. ;)

2007-01-04 [Nite_Owl]: Well, thankies kindly then *tips hat* hehe (^,^)

Awww, kyo-kun :( *huggleness* I wondered where you went, I haven't talked to you in forever....

2007-01-04 [Kyo-kun]: *huggles* I've been here and there.

2007-01-04 [Nite_Owl]: :) How've you been?

2007-01-04 [Kyo-kun]: Meh, not so good. You?

2007-01-04 [Nite_Owl]: Eh....could be better, but I'm finally out of my initial depression that I've been in for the last 4 months or so...still, not too grand.

2007-01-04 [Kyo-kun]: I've been in one for the last four months as well. But mine isn't getting any better.

2007-01-04 [Nite_Owl]: :( *hug* I'm sorry. It seems like everyone's been sad and depressed lately. Hopefully 2007 will be a little better--I need to be more optimistic, it's my New Year's Resolution heh

2007-01-04 [Kyo-kun]: I doubt I'll have better luck this year. I mean she wont even talk to me.

2007-01-04 [Nite_Owl]: That's what I was going through. But she finally got over it, somewhat. We're more or less friends again, but it's still kind of awkward :\ Hopefully things will go better for you too. Do you call her and such, or just wait for her to make the first move at talking to each other again?

2007-01-04 [Kyo-kun]: We still talk, we're still in love with eachother. But something is stopping her from having a relationship. I don't know if we will ever be able to be friends again. We've gone to far for that. We were engaged for almost six months.

2007-01-04 [Nite_Owl]: Engaged...? That's pretty heavy...if you were engaged, how is it that she doesn't want a relationship now? That doesn't make sense...

2007-01-04 [Kyo-kun]: She is still scared I'm going to hurt her again. I cheated on her. I'm ashamed of it, but I'm not that same person anymore. I'd never do anything to hurt her again. But when I told her, no I didn't tell her I let her find out. But she said she forgave me then two months later she broke up with me. Thats when all of this stuff started.

2007-01-04 [Nite_Owl]: Ah...well that'd be a good reason to not want to get involved again. That's a pretty bad let down, mate, I'm not sure what to tell you. You may be a different person, but there will always be that barrier and she'll always wonder if you're still out doing whatever or how many others there are and such. People make mistakes, and this might be one of those, but mistakes aren't always easily forgiven. If she really loves you, and vice versa, eventually she may be able to come back to you, but until then there's very little you can do.

2007-01-04 [Kyo-kun]: We had another argument three days ago and she accused me of having sex with someone. Which, I never did. But I've been giving all of my time to her trying to show her that she is the only person important to me. I'm still really ashamed of myself for doing such stupid things and it shows alot but she tells me to stop looking at the past and not worry about it.

2007-01-04 [Nite_Owl]: Maybe she wants you to move on. It's hard for on person to move on when the other can't, and it sounds like that's where you are now. You need to stop feeling so ashamed of yourself and just except that it happened, there's no way of changing it now. Yes, it'll always be a black cloud over your head, but if you fell better about yourself and about everything else as well...well, maybe that's what she really needs from you.

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