Page name: pantheon 4 [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-03-04 23:32:28
Last author: ShiftySkillet
Owner: test_drive
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back to the Pantheon, Pantheon 2, Pantheon 3

Venus giggled and snugged in closer to Lucifer. "See?? No one can resist. Not that I've tried, but still."

Vesta laughed and pulled away from Lucifer long enough to see Bellona leave. She regarded Vicka for a moment and saw that she was troubled. "Patience, all in time! She turned back to Venus and Lucifer and regarded them for a moment, a wicked grin working its way accross her features. "Why I've only this moment noticed what a nice couple you two would make...." She winked at the pair before turning her attention back to Rome and her affairs.

Lucifer chuckled and cuddled Venus into him, wrapping his arms around her and squeezing her tight, "Good idea, Vesta..." He smiled down at Venus and kissed the tip of her nose sweetly.

Fides entered, and a small smile touched her lips upon seeing the two in an embrace. "How sweet," she said softly, and proceeded to go about her affairs.

Venus giggled. "Exactly what do you think you're doing?? That's my nose!!"

Lucifer laughs, "Yes, I know but it's!" He laughs and hugs her again. He stops suddenly, "Oh dear, seems as though someone needs my help. I must tend to theyre needs, I will be back." He gives Venus a last squeeze and a kiss on the nose before jogging down the hall to his little statue of worship.

Venus let out a sigh of contentment. Sparing with Lucifer was always so fun. Not many of the gods have that ability to flirt without thinking, something Venus was quite fond of.

Luicfer stood in front of his pathetic statue and sighed, hearing many voices start to swirl through his head. He had got so caught up in his love, he had forgotten his work. No matter, Venus' love was so worth it. He bent at the knee slightly and hopped up on the statue, pulling himself up and turning around to sit in his favorite spot to work. He shut his eyes and smiled in content, getting to work.

Vesta chuckled to herself at the antics of Lucifer and Venus. But her laughter soon turned into a sigh of despair as her mind was once again assaulted by the insistent sound of prayer.

Juventus appeared in the centre of the room and looked around nodding at all of the other gods

Venus smiled down at the God of youth and ruffled his hair. "It's been too long. How have you fared?"

Lucifer waves to Juventus with a smile and one open eye before closing it again and returning to his people.

Juventus smiled at Venus as she ruffled his hair before playfuly batting her hand away "im fairing well enough" He waved at Lucifer and then focused his attention on the other people in the room.

A new character enters the Pantheon. It is Amras MacGreen, a Celtic Elf who has returned from war and now seeks shelter in Rome, hoping to raid it some day. He falls to his knees and prays to Mars to give him strengh for his next battle with the Slavs and Ancient Macedonians. He plans to invade Makedonon
and mingle with the other people. He mumbles something in Celtic and awaits a sign from Mars...
After some time praying, MacGreen left the Pantheon and went to Makedonon.

Lucifer opens his eyes with a contented sigh and hops off his statue. He claps his hands together and the light that had been between them dies. "Done! Finally!"

Vesta tore hereslf away briefly from the insistant jabberin in her mind and smiled at Juventus. "A youth such a virtue, but then again age brings wisdom." She patted Juventus on the head and returned to her prayers
Sarconia walked into the pantheon from the palace, looking around. She walked to an altar and got on her knees. Gods and Goddesses, who ever is willing to help me, please, I'm begging you...I need guidance.! She prayed

Venus smiled at her comrades and joined Sarconia, kneeling. "What is so urgent that you have sought the helpof the gods?" 

Sarconia jumped a little and looked over at the person next to her. " There is something of great importance I need to do.. but I dont know if I should go through with it because.. my feelings are getting in the way.. and I know they shouldnt but I dont know what to do." She said, her face sad.

Lucifer sauntered over, just a glimmering a bit in his human form. "Your talking to the right Goddess about feelings." He laughs and leans against a pillar beside the two knealing. "What is this important task?"

Having heard the conversation, Fides, Goddess of Honesty, approaches and stands slightly to the side.

"Jupiter.." Sarconia breathed looking from Lucifer.. to the goddess next to her.. then back to Lucifer again. " Well.. since youve graced me with your presence.. would you mind helping?" She asked them softly.

Venus chuckled. "Perhaps if we knew the reason you seek help?"

Lucifer nodded, eyeing Sarconia in interest. "I might as well, I'm extremely bored....Maybe the world would do better with no mornings....Hmmm..."

Fides knelt next to Venus and looked Sarconia in the eye, gently saying, "Tell us what we can do, and we shall judge if it is something we can help with."

Sarconia looked at the gods around her. She blinked in slight surprise then said, "I'm sure you all know about things that are about to pass... but thats not relevent. I'm torn between revenge and love... and I don't know which to choose." She looked at her hands and bit her lip.

Lucifer shook his head, "Revenge is a cruel thing with consequences beyond one's wildest dreams. Love..." he looks thoughtfully at Venus, "Love is a wonderful thing....Simply perfect."

In the shadow of yet another great statue sat Vicka, silently listening in on Sarconias plea. She had been sitting still thinking back and forth, coming to no other conclusion than that Lucius was not right to rule Rome, but neither had the current Ceasar done a good <A TITLE="Click for more information about <A TITLE="Click for more information about job" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="|1||||job|AA1VDw">job</A>" STYLE="text-decoration: none; border-bottom: medium solid green;" HREF="|1||||job|AA1VDw">job</A>. Not that he'd been any poorer than any of his ancestors. Maybe it was just the system with only one man ruling a great empire that couldn't work. But if this rebellion was a success, Lucius would for sure take the power.

"Yes... Love is a wonderful thing... but revenge of my family.. and my little sisters... That is just it." Sarconia sad sadly. "But I'm torn!" She said softly... "I want to be with... " She stopped and looked down.

Lucifer turned to put a delicate finger under Sarconia's chin. He brought her face up to look into his. "With who?" His voice was filled with compassion and concern.

Sarconia looked into his eyes, "Caius." She said, blushing beet red.

Lucifer let out a small chuckle and sweeped his finger out from under her chin. "Well....Caius. Really?"

Venus listened with tears in her eyes. "Does he feel the same do you know?" Looking over at Lucifer, she shot him a look of reproval at making light of the girl's choice.

Sarconia pouted a little, "I dont know." She said sadly.

Lucifer snorted at Venus then turned to Sarconia. "I could hardly believe that he wouldn't!"

Venus gave off a little smirk. "You know men... they're prone to changing their minds. Perhaps it's time he paid me a visit? Could he be pursuaded to follow you here?"

Caius enters the Pantheon, running and out of breath. He stops to catch his breath and smooth his hair- but then his eyes catch sight of Sarconia and his breath hitched. Damn it... Do I tell her? She's smart enough to know if they question her to deny knowing anything of the rebellion. But... I don't know how great the danger is, could it be they already know everything? he thinks silently. He notices she is praying though and sighs, at least that buys him a few more moments to think it over.

Lucifer glimpes Caius and also glimpses a trick to be played. He stands up and walks behind the panting man. He then gives him a swift kick in the butt while shoving him forward with his hands so he stumbles onto Sarconia. Lucifer laughs heartily, wheezing and doubling over with joy.

Caius got up, stumbling, blushing and apologizing profusely. "Sarconia- I.. er ah... I'm most sorry, but I didn't mean to -er- fall..." He looked behind him, "I could have sworn someone kicked me" he muttered to himself

Sarconia gasped and turned around looking at Caius... "O ... ah no no it's alright dont worry, I'm fine." She said smiling... She bit her lip and asked, " But why are you here?"

Caius looked around him, "I'm not so sure if this is a good place to talk... about what I'm here for." He said slowly, looking at her pointedly- hoping she'd catch on his meaning. "But I'm glad I found you here."

Sarconia raised and eyebrow and looked at him, "Oh really." She said searching his eyes.

Venus doubled over laughing at Lucifer's joke. Making herself visible, she slides over to the couple. "Why hello Cauis!"

Caius smiled nervously, eyes flickering from Sarconia to Venus, and rubbed the back of his curls like he did when he was thinking. "Erm, hello my dearest Venus." He said, hesitantly, unsure of whether or not it was the appropriate way to adress a godess of love.

Sarconia grinned and licked her dry lips. "So what now.." She asked.

Caius nervousness dissapeared, and he looked oddly at Venus. Her presence was making him feel slightly lightheaded... or was that Sarconias? Then suddenly he leaned forward, "This... is whats next" he said, and kissed her. When he drew back, he was blushing profusely, and looked curiously at Venus. There was something in the atmosphere today...

Lucifer stepped behind Venus and slipped his hands around her waist, appearing out of thin air. "My goddess, you are simply good, you know that right?" He whispers into her ear, blowing gently on her lobe and holding her close around the waist.

Sarconia couldnt have answered if she tried, she stood there wide eyed and crimson. She blinked twice then grinned.

Caius went back to rubbing the back of his head and tried to stammer out an apology, "I-- I don't know what came over me. I guess I just... I don't know. I'm sorry Sarconia... you probably hate me..." he murmered, intently staring at his sandals.

Sarconia gently placed a finger under his chin and lifted his face up.. "I dont hate you... and.. Caius ... It was welcome.. and wanted." She said softly to him.

Caius took a moment to let the words register, and when they did he grinned. "That's the best news I've heard all day..." he paused, "Sarconia? How long, how long have you...?" he trailed off.

Sarconia looked down and played with the hem of her toga, "... for a long time.. " She said still looking down.

Vesta couldnt help the smile that creased her face at this news. She knew it was wrong to listen in but still it was nice to see people could get along and not try to gut each other the first chance they got

Venus gave Lucifer a broad wink. "I do try. And for all my goodness, what will be my reward?"

Lucifer tightens his grip around her waist and flutters his fingertips on her sides. "There are people watching, dear. That reward will have wait." He chuckles softly in her ear and kisses her neck softly.

Venus leaned back into Lucifer. "If you want me to wait, don't do that!"

Lucifer smiled innocently and kissed her neck again, his lips lingering on her skin longer. "What? You mean this?" He kisses her collar bone twice, each time as soft as a rose petal falling on Venus' skin.

Vesta rolled her eyes at the couple laughing "Im sorry I suggested you two being a couple now!" She cackled away good naturedly and then winced as her prayers came back full force "Youd think mortals could go a minute wouldnt you?"

Caius grinned, "Wow... I... wow." He paused and then blinked as if just remembering something. He grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the other mortals in the Pantheon. He didn't let go of her hand but whispered in an urgent voice, "The rebellion's been exposed, Lucius has either fled to safety, or abandoned us completely."

Sarconias eyes widened. "What?!!?" She whispered furiously, her heart beating fast. "What in gods names are we going to do now?" She asked softly.

Caius ran a hand through his hair, "I don't know what. Thats why I was here in the first place, to pray to the gods to have some mercy on us, should we be condemmed." he sighed, clearing his mind, "First, I'd like to know where Lucius ran off to- if we really are abandoned. My brother can probably shelter us for now, we certainly can't go back to the Palace."

Sarconia cursed under her breath, "If he cant shelter us.. and Lucius did abandon us....I'm leaving Rome.." She said very softly looking him in the eyes.

Caius sighed softly as well and leaned his head against the wall. "Kaeso could only shelter us for a few days... and I doubt this will blow over by then. I don't know if I could leave." he said biting his lip and looking at her, "I'd feel too cowardly, and Kaeso may need me to defend for him, if they accuse him of being guilty as well." He took her hand and squeezed them sadly, repeating blandly, "What are we going to do?" with no real hope in his voice.

Sarconia bit her lip and looked at his hands, "It's either stay and die, or the three of us leave.." She said to him sadly.

Caius thought a moment then asked, "I won't let you die. Where will we go?"

Sarconia looked at him, "I dont know... should we talk to your brother... maybe he would have an idea... somewhere far away from Rome.." She said quietly.

Caius nodded somberly, "Yes, we should go talk to him, whether or not we get him in trouble, he is my brother and we need his help right now. I'll have a bit of explaining to do but..." He kissed her quickly and took her arm, "To the Latium then?"

Sarconia nodded and smiled,wrapped her arm around his and the two of them left the Pantheon towards Latium.

I see.. Vicka thought. The rebellion might be over. And we made no difference. What can I do? Is there anything to do? With Lucius gone.. Well, that's a positive thing. Except he drove the rebell. She rose from behind a large statue of Saturn. At least I can inform Maximillius. Vicka left the Pantheon to the Latium, heading for Alexander's house.

Venus fought to clear her head. "You, sir, are a tease."

Lucifer laughed softly and kissed her neck again, nibbling slightly on her skin. "You m'am, like it."

Venus laughed softly. "That is entirely besides the point."

Lucifer chuckled in her ear and danced his fingers over her stomach lightly.

Venus gritted her teeth and tried to ignore the feelings he invoked. "Is this really the place Lucifer? Wouldn't want to scare off any of the praying mortals..."

Lucifer growled in her ear, "Mortals schmortals, theyd enjoy seeing two gods....have fun." He pulled her closer into him, gently swaying his hips side to side against her.

Venus laughed at his disregard for propriety. "Did I misunderstand? Do you wish to dance?"

Lucifer nuzzles into her neck and smiles mischievously, "You could call it that."

Venus played the puzzled innocent. "Oh? And what would you call it?"

Lucifer cups his hand around her ear and whispers softly what he would call it. He puts his hand back on her stomach and leans on her shoulder from behind innocently.

Venus chuckled. "You'd think as the Goddess of love I'd be better at resisting you... The king of lust."

Lucifer chuckled softly, "Oh, I should be proud, shouldn't I? I have wooed the most beautiful thing to ever walk this land." He kissed her shoulder, working his kisses up her neck and onto her ear and over her cheek.

Venus blushed. "The most beautiful? I bet you say that to all the mortals you've seduced."

Lucifer chuckled and kissed her cheek again, "Never....I saved that one for the real one. You." He spun her around softly and planted a sweet kiss on her lips.

Venus surrendered, letting herself enjoy the kiss. Pulling away, she smiles. "Then perhaps there's hope for womanizers like you after all."

Lucifer chuckled. He played with the word, "Womanizer, eh? I prefer to call myself one burning slice of god." He took her into his arms and dipped her back as if in a tango then kissed her sweetly again, holding her arched back under one arm and using the other to comb through her hair.

"Can you feel, the love tonight.." Cupid sang, comming out of a corner, walking towards Lucifer and Venus.

Vesta giggled at Cupid as he sang "I think we can all certainly see it!!"

Lucifer groaned in exasperation, pulling Venus back up to a standing position. He kissed her nose softly and chuckled, "Vesta, Cupid...Get laid."


Juventus laughed and slapped Lucifer on the back his youthful eyes dancing with mirth. "i think perhaps we should leave you both to it." He got up and bounded away trying to drag Vesta with him.

Vesta protested loudly at being manhandked in such a way but couldnt help laughing at the god of youths antics "Oh stop it you! Im a dignified being I cant be seen to be dragged about by the likes of you!" She chuckled at the rise this would get out of the young god

Juventus splutterd in mock indignation "What do you mean by the likes of me?! Right then you wanted dragged I'll give you dragged" he picked Vesta up and starting spinning her round ignoring all her threats and promises of vengance.

Venus laughed hyterically. "Lucifer!! Play nice with the other children!! And Juventus, you should know better than to mess with Vesta! She always gets revenge!"

Vesta shrieked at this treatment "Juventus you RAT!! Put me down or so help me, I dont need to be the goddess of Love to take away your manhood!!" She struggled about and then also laughed as Venus's laugh was catching. "Shoosh its not funny. This is so undignified!Hahahaha"

Lucifer doubled over in laughter, then noticed the attention had been moved away from him and Venus. He stole the moment to give Venus a passionate kiss.

Juventus merely laughed at Vesta's threats "Would you really do that to me my dear Vesta" he said striving for a look of pure innocence- the mischevious glint in his eye his only give away.

Cupid laughed at everyone and shook his head. He grinned and looked around for Luna wondering where she was..

Venus kissed him back, not able to help herself.

Lucifer unlatched himself from her mouth and chuckled, "Look who couldn't help but get a slice of me...Second helping?" He offered with a sly smile and another kiss planted directly after.

Juventus -still holding the furious Vesta- laughed at Lucifer and then turned his attention to Cupid "I think Luna is out at the moment. What with it being a full moon and all"

Vesta meanwhile was still having a fit "Put me down I mean it Dont make me set the vestals on you" She laughed at how ridiculous that had sounded and reached out a hand imploringly to anyone that might be willing to help her preserve what little dignity she had left "Help me!"

Lucifer yawned idolly...

Vesta glared at Lucifer....then shrieked "I will murder you!" She started to whack Juventus on his back in another vain attempt to get down.

Lucifer snorted, "What am I supposed to do? Blind him!?"

Venus snapped out of her daze and jumps Juventus. Tackling him to the floor, she crows triumfently. "Take THAT!"

Juventus fell to the floor with a thud, landing on top of Vesta. "Owww...erm sorry Vesta." He turned round to face Venus "You couldnt habe been more gentle in your" Then he laughed and tried to get up.

Lucifer laughed and looked down at Venus lying on top of Juventus, her butt in the air, "Hmmmm this is a nice view..."

Venus climbed awkwardly to her feet. "Well. That was fun.... Lucifer, you'll be lucky if it isn't you I jump next time!!! typical male!"

Lucifer laughed, "You know....I wouldn't all....if you jumped me...." He grinned and dove on her in a bear hug.

Venus laughs to find herself once again on the ground. "You know, you make it impossible to argue with you. How can I be dignified laying on the ground?"

Lucifer sighed in thought, then looked straight into her eyes in dear earnest, "You can't." and started to tickle her.

Venus began giggling uncontrolably. "st-stop that!!!"

Lucifer enforced the opposite, immediately tickling her everywhere.

Venus rolls over, effectivle pinning Lucifer beneath her. "NOW what are you going to do?"

Lucifer thought for a moment, chewing on his lip. Then he got a brilliant look on his face, "This." and poked her in the stomach.

Venus imediately runs off. "Damn you!! You and your poking!!"

Lucifer runs off after her, "Damn you and your running!! Get back here!!"

Juventus laughed happily...then realised he was still crushing Vesta "Oh sorry my dear forgot you were there."

Vesta looked up at the god of youth with exasperation on her every feature "Yes and you still havnt got off of me..."

Juventus leaned forward untill his nose was inches from her. "I know"

Venus finally colapsed on the floor near the two. "No more Lucifer!! No!" Looking around, she noticed the strange lack of mortals. "I wonder what's going on? There's no one here...."

Vesta looked around her. Her expression changing from mild annoyance to worry. "The prayers have stopped..."

Lucifer skidded to a seated position next to Venus with a grunt, "Dunno about you but those damn orphan's lightbulb keeps blowing..."

Vesta frowned as she pushed Juventus away from her "No i mean it...theres something wrong. Why cant I hear anything?" Her eyes grew distant for a moment then snapped back into focus.

Lucifer shrugged, looking thoughtful, "Maybe something to do with the revolt?"

Venus shook her head. "If that were the case, wouldn't we hear the prayers of the frightened citizens? Not to hear anything..... what can we do?"

Lucifer shrugged again, "Honestly? I have no clue...Maybe we should ask Zeus?"

Vesta was now looking very worried. "Silence would suggest they have given up on prayer...on us. Has the revolt gotten that bad?" She tried to focus herself on the mortals...

Lucifer looked through the set of pillars beside him and Venus with a thoughtful look on his face."If the revolt got worse, they would depend on us more. They love us, Vesta."
Aurelius stalked in, dark as a thunder cloud. He went over to the shrine of Zeus and kneeled down.

"Odin," he began "I know not by what name the Romans call you, nor do I care. I may be a Roman citizen, but inside I am still Visigoth. I do not pray to you often, but now me and my city are in dire need. We are on the verge of conflict, and I do not know my enemy. Aid us in this plight, Odin. Valor has always pleased you, and should you give the enemies into our hands i will heap the spoils of war onto your shrine."

Lucifer eyed the man in interest but did not move a muscle. He just watched him pray to Odin.

Vesta watched with interest. Her panic fasing to see that prayer was still being used and that mortals were not gone. She stuck a finger in her ear and rattled it around- as if trying to clear a blockage. Maybe there was just something wrong with her hearing?

Lucifer saw Vesta try to clean out her ears, then his eyes brightened in a revelation. I wasn't trying to hear them! I was blocking them out to be with my love! He smiled with the thought and closed his eyes, searching back within the depths of his godhood and seeing his problem. The prayers were all there, streaming in with whines and groans. He just hadn't noticed.

Venus noticed Lucifer's smile, and wondered if he knew something she didn't. "You look like the cat that ate the canary. What do you know about this?"

Lucifer laughed and looked at her. He put it frankly, "We're ignoring them!"

Venus laughed. "I'm not ignoring them!! ... I don;t think..."

Lucifer chuckled, "Focus on the thoughts you have shoved to the back of you're mind....Theyre there..."

Vesta winced as the thoughts came rushing back into her mind "Oww"

Venus let out a sigh of relief as she too heard the voices of the people. "Who knew. I've never had a problem concentrating on them once I thought about it before. Ah well. At least everything is normal..."

Juventus aslo cringed as the sound of a thousand voices filled his mind. "I think I would like to go back to ignoring did we do that before?" A grin spead accross his youthful face. "Hehe I know!" Vesta threw yet another fit as she was picked up again and spun around "Well what do you know?! Ive been trying for ages to get some peace and quiet and it turns out all I had to do was annoy dear Vesta here" He laughd and then put her down again "Im sorry but you're so fun to annoy"

Lucifer grinned and blew on his nails lightly, seeming disinterested in what he said, "Well sometimes, picking on someone is a child's way to say they like them."

Juventus blushed but tried a nervous laugh "Uhu...well I am the God of Youth Lucifer. Cant help it if I have a bit more energy than you old ones" He stuck his tongue out before ducking behind Vesta like a child and peered round at Lucifer his face a picture of innocence.

Vesta glared at Lucifer "Would you like to pursue that theory my boy?" She flapped a hand at Juventus "You're meant to be the god of youth not the god of immature" She patted him on the head in the most patronising way possible.

Venus too fixed Lucifer with an annoyed stare. "Besides. Since when do men know any other way to show women they like them than childlike?"

Lucifer laughs at how annoying he can be then turns to Venus with a serious face. In a matter-of-fact tone, he states, "Like this." and plants a sweet, passionate kiss on her lips.

Venus curses her own power as she feels herself responding against her will. Finally having ended the kiss, she looks at him and tries to retain her anger. "Perhaps not childlike, but certainly no more mature. I don't appreciate being kissed simply to prove a point."

Lucifer pouts his bottom lip at her and gives her the puppy dog eyes, "How about if you're being kissed because someone loves you with all their heart?"

Venus smiled despite herself. "Well, if that were the case, who am I to voice objections?"

Lucifer smiled and kissed her again, wrapping an arm around her waist gently with his kiss.

Venus returned his smile and leaved into him, once again content with her exsistance.

Juventus pretended to throw up.

Lucifer chuckled and release Venus from his grasp, "Little Juvie over here is right, we're in public!"

Vesta raised her eyes to the sky. "Finally they notice" A wicked grin spread accross her face "Go find a room children"

Lucifer pointed at Vesta and Juventus and made kissy lips at them, "You get a room! You're the ones entangled together on the floor all the time!"

Vesta tried to look dignified despite all the evidence that suggested that this was not always the case. "In response to that...we havnt actually done anything. We could have both just tripped" A mischevious glint entered her eye "What's your fell into each others mouths?" She laughed lightly before again rsuming her "dignified" appearance.

Juventus mimicked the wicked look that often crossed Vesta's face "That can be fixed" And with that he planted a passionate kiss directly on her lips.

Vesta was stunned to say the least. She tried to pull away but the god of youth had a firm hold on her. When he eventually let go she pulled away to hard so she ended up stumbling "" was all she could manage

Lucifer clutched his stomach from laughing so hard. When he finally stopped, he swiped tears from his eyes and looked at the god of youth. He smiled at him and laughed, "You could be the next Lucifer! Not even close yet, but you have potential!"

Venus smiled at the couple. Turning to Lucifer, she couldn't help but tease him. "Oh ho! The kid's got more than potential. I think you may have a rival!" Staggering over to the god of youth, she pretended to swoon. 

Lucifer chuckled and grabbed her by the waist, swinging her back into his arms and planting a long, passionate, and quite 'lucious' kiss. He let go of her lips and looked deep into her eyes, "He may have every other godess in this world and never ever come close to how lucky I am."

Venus blushed and tried to regain her composure. "Well. I.... I.... Well." Realising what a picture she must present, she swore softly. "You know, it's not fair at all. I'm the goddess of love! I should be good at this kind of thing. Why can't you be as predictable as most males!?!"

Lucifer just shrugged and gave her another sweet kiss, this one longer.

Venus reluctantly pulled back, remembering their audience. "Ahem. Excuse us." and pulled him deeper into the shadows.

Lucifer yelped a bit and gave the other two a quick wave before diving into the shadows after her.

Juventus gave a short mocking bow in the direction of Lucifer and Venus "Why thank you, you're too kind"

Vesta rolled her eyes again.

Juventus cat called at the two other gods as they vanished into the shadows.

Vesta chuckled before raching up and clamping a hand over his mouth "That got rid of them" she chuckled in his ear.

Lucifer called out, "HEARD THAT!" and a toga is flung out to drop on Vesta and Juventus, followed by another yelp, sounding somewhat like, "VENUS!"

Vesta chuckled as she removed the toga which had landed on her head. "Hmm just be Juventus or is it a bit drafty in here?"

Juventus grinned "Well it is for some now"

Vesta chuckled wickedly "Where can we hide this toga dear Juventus...someplace hard to reach I'd say."

The toga returns to the hands of it's owner. The owner slips out from behind a pillar, his hair mussed to no degree, panting. He slips to a seat infront of the pillar, still panting. "I...uh...."

Juventus raised an eyebrow at the out of breath figure.

Lucifer raised his own elegant eyebrow back and shot, "Get an after-life."

Vesta giggled furiously "Hehe whats the matter Lucifer? Bit past it now" she winked and ran to hide behind the god of youth

Lucifer laughed and commented, "Oh please, you could be more nosy."

Vesta's eyes lit up as she peered round the shoulder of the god of youth "Would you like me to be more nosy?" she asked before sticking out her tongue at him.

Juventus roared with laughter "My dear Vesta it appears my immaturity is catching!"

Vesta looked up at him and winked

Lucifer rolled his eyes and looked into the shadows, "It seems to be someone has fallen asleep..." he turned back to the other pair and winked, "Guess that means I did pretty good! HA!"

Vesta muttered something which made the god of yoth snicker. The words "that or..." and "bored" where the only ones vaguely audible. She grinned at Lucifer her face a mask of feigned innocence.

Lucifer rolled his eyes and yawned, looking bored.

Venus emerged from the shadows, a look of offended dignity on her face. "If you're done, I'll be over by my statue. Excuse me."

Lucifer burst out in whooping laughter, falling over onto his side on the marble floor.

Vesta started to giggle again, Lucifer's laughter was catching. She winced slightly as she started choking "Hmm please excuse me but I must also attend to some prayers that are in need of answering, We wouln't want the mortals to start learning to cope without us now would we?"

Lucifer stood up, whiping tears from his eyes. He put his hands together in mock-prayer, "Give me my other sock. Now." he rolled his eyes and leaned back against the piller, "Back in the old days they actually had prayers that were worth our time."

Aurelius really had not the tongue for prayer and remained kneeling with his head bowed after finishing the short prayer.

Venus remained still, dispite the mirth of her comrades. With her eyes closed, she replied in an icy tone. "Who are you to judge the worth of their prayers? They rely on us to help. It's the least we can do, considering it's not like we lead such busy lives."

Lucifer matched her icy tone with his, cold as the frozen ground of the tundra, "Theyve become scum infront of our eyes, Venus. In but one day, we have maybe two visitors to our shrine. Pathetic. They do not rely on us, they cannot live without us and yet they are too lazy to come talk to us....and yet not lazy enough to go see many of their own die in games. They prefer others to die by the lion's claw, then by the Gods' wrath." He folds his arms calmly over his chest and sighs heavily.

Venus hops down, looking contrite. "I-I'm sorry Lucifer." Lowering her voice, she spoke only to him. "I tend to lose my temper when I'm being made fun of."

Lucifer holds out his arms to her, "Lovely, I wouldn't make fun of you, even if Zeus plagued me with the touch of a lightning bolt."

Venus giggled. "Obviously he's never carried out that threat with you. Trust me, it's far from pleasent. The Mighty Bully likes to pick on me. I'm suprised he hasn't come to join in the fun."

Lucifer hugs Venus tightly, "Well The Mighty Bully is all to Mighty for us, I guess."

Juventus looked around at the empty air "They dont mean it honest. We'd never say that really its only a little joke..." then he caught everyone elses eye and statrted laughing before turning serious "You know he is right. No one prayers to us like they used to. Its all half hearted..." his face became a picture of mock despair as he clasped his hands infront of him in a gesture of prayer "Please o God of Youth I just found my first wrinkle please take it away..." He threw his arms and head back in a display of exasperation "Where's the need, where's the soul?! They are weak and pathetic and yet we still have to listen to them whine!"

Vesta raised an eyebrow at the ranting god and reached out a hand to his shoulder "Calm down. It wont be long before they are praying to us properly. All in good time, we will not be wasted on them, just all in good time."

Lucifer let go of Venus with a diginifed snort, "We have given those pathetic creatons ENOUGH TIME!" he shouts at the ceiling, "THEY DON'T DESERVE ANY MORE TIME!" he throws his arms up and storms off down the hall out into the garden.

Vesta put a hand over her eyes and sighed.

Lucifer whipped himself into human form as he stormed back to the farthest reaches of the garden. He sat moodily in the middle of a patch of strong smelling mint bushes, deep in thought by the time he laid down.

Venus sighed. "You know, he's got a point. Maybe they can get along without us for a while. I know I could use a vacation." Shaking herself from her wonderings, she turned to Aurelius. "Hello. Is there something you wanted to ask?"

Aurelius looked up in surprise. "You do not look like Odin..." he muttered under his breath, but immediately getting a hold of himself he spoke. "Goddess, you are probably better aware of the situation than I. Rumour of war hangs heavy in the air. All I ask for is aid in fighting off the foe and that Rome is safe, or advice on an appropriate course of action to take. I have prayed to the god of my people, but he does not hear, it seems," he bowed almost to the ground.

Libitina appeared in the middle of the room and looked arround to see who was about

Juventus took a step toward Libitina "Hello, havent seen you up here in a while...."

Libitina turned to face the god of youth "You havent seen me up here at all, I've spent all my time in that Colosseum"
She waved at the Goddess Vesta who nodded in acknowledgement

Lucifer acknowledged the godess' entrance with a huffy flare of light as a 'hey there.'

Venus motioned for the mortal at her feet to rise. "Get up. I feel silly, having young men bowing to me. There. Now, I personally am not directly involved in this war, but there are many here who know what happens. You would do well to come and approach them with me." Beconing, she led him over to the other gods adn goddesses.

Libitina nodded in Lucifer's direction and wondered what had made him so angry. She noticed Venus talking to the mortal and wondered if it was about what was happening in the land of the mortal.

Although feeling awkward speaking to a goddess as though she was a normal person Aurelius obeyed without question. He rose and followed Venus.

Venus approached Libitina first, as she would most likely have new information. "Hello dear. And no, I cannot be held responsible for Lucifer's sulking. It seems he is disatisfied with his role in the cosmos now." Motioning towards Aurelius, she continued, "This man wishes to know what is going on in regards to the war. Do you have any new news?"

Libitina smiled at the sulking Lucifer "We all get like that every now and then I suppose." She turned her eyes to the man before her "Only what is obvious, more souls come to me by the day, and even more will come to follow. Trouble is afoot, but you already know that. Form what I see in the land of the mortal realm. It will happen almost anyday now..." She sighed "And still people act as though they cannot see it..."

Lucifer sent a small thought to the goddess, not bothering to get up since he was now relaxed. 'Ignoring it. Seeing only what they want to see.'

Libitina's eyes lit up slightly then the light went out of them slightly "They are ignoring what is infront of them, pretending that if they dont say it or see it it wont be real" Her eyes sought out Lucifer again and she smiled and nodded. Those had been the exact words she was looking for

Lucifer grinned as he thought to her, 'Humans and their stupidity...tsk tsk.'

Aurelius listened more intently. "What do you mean by 'ignoring what is in front of them', if you do not mind answering a mere mortal?"

Libitina's mouth curled at the edges- on anyone else it might have been called a smile but it was too dry and humourless on her immortal features "Simply as I say. The people are blind. They do not wish to see what lies ahead of them...the wars, the troubles the agonies. They think that if they dont believe it that it wont happen, which is stupidity reaching its height. They will have to face what lies ahead, and they will have to learn to survive."

Lucifer suggested, 'Maybe not. The height of stupidity could be when they refuse to face what lies ahead. When they won't survive.They could go as far as to defy us. Even the gods of death can be told off.'

Libitina's eyes flickered toward Lucifer "My we are in a bad mood arent we?" She turned her eyes questioningly to the other Gods in the room.

Lucifer flicked his hand at her dismissively from the mint bush. His mood had been jumpy all day and he just wanted to lie in the dirt for some time.

Aurelius bowed in gratitude. "Thank you," he said "I know what I must do."

Libitina bowed her head slightly "I am glad to have been of help. Its not often we have the chance to aide anyone in real need anymore..."

A new character entered the Pantheon. She is Calliope, a young maiden whom Caesar thinks of as one of his "enemies." Calliope is dressed in a black cloak, a white dress, sandals, white fingerless gloves, golden anklets, golden bracelets, a silver ring, and golden earrings. Calliope walked to a dark corner of the Pantheon and knelt down. She took down the hood of her cloak and raised her face to the sky. She whispered, "Apollo, God of poetry, music, medicine, and light: Hear my cry! Again Caesar is haunting me. Help me, O Apollo!"

The mint bush snorted back laughter.

Calliope's brows furrowed with anger and concentration as she continued her prayer. "Apollo, I beg you hear my prayer; I am in great need of the Gods' and Goddesses' help. Please, protect me, my family, and soften Caesar's heart." She sat there, awaiting an answer.

Apollo sat watching the maiden, his face interested. Why do you think I can help better than yourself?" He asked in her mind.

Calliope continued her prayer, "Apollo, Caesar wishes me dead, for he believes I'm a witch. Others believe me to be..."

Apollo rested his chin on his hand, "Well.. are you a witch?" He asked her.

Calliope shook her head vigerously, "I am not, Apollo! But several other people believe that I am, or am named after, the Muse of epic poetry."

Apollo smiled, "Well sadly I cant really do anythign .. for you.. except try and help. All you need to to, is tell them, that your not, and that a god backs you.. I'll be your gaurdian angel.. how about that." He said, laughing to himself at this little adventure.

Vesta stepped out of the shadows from wich she had been silently watching all. "Lucifer dearest you shouldnt laugh at people like that. And do come out of that mint bush. It was you who complained that never a serious prayer be made to us any more. And here we have one being made..." She looked pointedly over at the mint bush and waited.

Calliope smiled and whispered, "Thank you, Apollo, for hearing my prayer. I will tell them that. Thank you very much for your great advice." She then bowed respectfully, stood up, and left the Pantheon.

Lucifer blew out his breath mockingly, "Oh shoot, I missed her!"

Libitina giggled and shook her head. "Is he always this way?"

Vesta sighed "It appears to be incurable in his case." She gave Lucifer a mock stern look that was quite realistic-save the smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

Lucifer hopped out of the mint bush and sneezed several times before leaping infront of Vesta, throwing his hand on his eyes dramaticly, "Don't mock me, I'm PMS'ing!"

Venus raised her head and glanced at her fellow gods. "Why hello. I almost forgot you were here, everyone seemed so tied up in thier own affairs."

Vesta raised an eyebrow at the Lucifer, whilst behind her Libitina collapsed in a gail of hysterical giggling

Venus looked mockingly shocked. "Lucifer! Is there somethiong you shoudl ahve told me before?!!? " And broke down into giggles

Lucifer pranced off behind a pillar, wailing, "WHERE ARE MY TAMPONS!?!?"

Vesta sighed before reaching out and grabbing the younger god back in front of her "Lucifer methinks you have gotten a bit confused. You are male dearest...Unless you did manage to annoy Venus that much and she carried out her previous threat" She winked over at the other goddess.

Lucifer flicked at her grabbing hand until she let go. He then fled over to hugs his dear Venus around the waist, "She would never do that!"

Vesta raised a quizical eyebrow "Oho so sure are we?"
Behind her Libitina and Juventus were laughing themselves sick.

Venus laughed. "Oh, I don't think I would. Be a kinda self-afflicted punishment now wouldn't it? I like Lucifer Male. Male is a good thing for him. teehee."

Juventus roared with laughter "He sure cant do nothing else."

Libitina regarded the god of youth ironically "Now thats the kettle calling the pot black"

Juventus tried to look hurt but failed miserably

Lucifer stuck his tongue out at Juventus and mused, "I can at least do one other thing well and the only goddess around here who would know about it is the love I hold in my arms." he turned to wink at Venus and kiss her cheek fondly.

(oc:*vomits in corner* soooo cheesy)

Venus blushed profusely. "Ahem. Well, anyways..."And attemtped to hide her pleasure at his kiss

Lucifer smiled debonairly (wow, sp??) and brushed a hair away from her face, softly touching her cheek.

(ooc: hurl hurl hurl romance hurl)

Venus surpressed a giggle. Adopting a haughty air, she brushed past Lucifer. "I see you're over your sulking fit?"

Lucifer retorted by giving Venus' butt a short tap with his hand and he proceeded to stalk off down the hall, just as haughtily.

(oc: HA! TAKE THAT!)

Venus smiled slightly at having her anger rebuffed. "I believe I'm due for a short nap. If anyone is in need of my company, I'll be in the garden." and went to lay under a large tree.

Juventus chuckled "You're braver than I thought Lucifer..." He was extremely restless- one of the downfalls of being a god of youth was the constant, never ending supply of energy and hyperness. So to relieve this he decided to do a handstand in the middle of the room "Whoa you guys look weird upside down"

Libatin tilted her head so she could see his face the right way up "We look weird what about you?"

Lucifer turned to look at the other god and noted to Libatin, "He always looks weird...He was born with it." he back-hand sprang into a handstand next to Juventus and chuckled, "Hey, you do look funny!"

Juventus grinned "Granted that I probably do, but I'll never look as funny as you" He stuck his tongue out before lowering himself back down to the ground

Venus entered, looking at the gods in mild suprise. "Why aren't I shocked to see two gods standing on their heads??"

Vesta chuckled "Dont know...maybe we should be. But then again it is these two."

Venus nodded. "That explains a great deal does it not?" Walking over to Lucifer, she lightly pushed his legs, sprawling him on the ground. "teehee!"

Lucifer sprawled under her legs and giggled giddily, squeaking, "Nice thong!"

Venus chuckled as she stepped away from the god at her feet. "Take a good look, cause that's the last you'll be seeing of it!" She smirked, and bent down to soften her sarcasm with a kiss.

Lucifer returned the kiss softly and pulled her down next to him. "I highly doubt that my love."

Venus had to laugh. "Awfully confident aren't you? I've half a mind to cure you of your arrogance." She lay there for a moment, considering. "On second thought, I think I'd rather enjoy it."

Lucifer chuckled, "I know you love it."

Ares appeared from seemingly nowhere "So this is where the party is?" He said without humour.

Lucifer sighed as he looked up at the respected God. "Hello Ares."

Juventus jumped ever so slightly as the God entered, then covered the movemeant by turning it into a half bow "Ares."

Lucifer stood solemnly and bowed to Ares, not mocking Juventus but out of respect.

Vesta smiled in greating at the god Ares. "Well I hate to love you all and leave you but Im afraid I must. Business to attend yo dont you know" and with that Vesta snapped her fingers and vanished from the Pantheon

Libitina flashes Ares an electrifying smile "How fairs the god of war?"

Lucifer stood and half-chuckled, "Fair, I assume, especially since Rome has practically divelged itself in his matters."

Ares smiled a little too smugly. "Ah well..Ive had worse days."

Libitina smiley wryly, "You are keeping me busy I'll tell you that for nothing"

Lucifer shakes his head, "Lucky."

"Well it wouldnt be fair keeping the workload to myself." Ares sighs

Libitina grinned "True, it seems Lucifer is looking for something to do, maybe we should send him on an errand" Her grin grew wider "Fancy manning the Gates of the Underworld for a while?"

Ares paused in thought considering the latest prayers that had been made to him, namely from a Celtic Elf.
"Hmmm...tempting..though i really should be getting on." His smirk betrayed he had bigger fish to fry.
With that he nodded his head at Libertina and Lucifer,then dissapeared in a theatrical shimmer - Where to is anyones guess.He did have a habit of just turning up..

Lucifer laughed and smiled at Libitina, "And work with that nasty dog again? No thankyou."

She gave a dry little smile "It was worth a try I suppose" She sighed theatricly "Oh the cruel task of being the keeper of the Underworld- the job is never ending"

Lucifer sighed mockingly, "Oh how it sucks to be a god."

Ares stormed into the pantheon from Ikilios' Palace he was fuming, the rage emanating from him like a fire..

Juventus chose to take a prudent step back out of the gods way, he may have been the god of youth but that didnt mean it made him dumb. He knew when somoeone was really ticked...and Ares was really ticked.

Ares passed Juventus in a blur and went in search of Zeus....He didnt expect him to be especially sympathetic to him but this could hold connotations for all of them..

Lucifer raised an eyebrow as Ares passed. He chuckled nervously, "Well, Juventus. My upraised eyebrow reminds me of a piercing I must get to...Wanna help?"

Venus claps madly. "Can i watch?! huh? can I?! pllleeaassseee?!!?"

Juventus smiled "But of course!" He bowed floridly.

Libitina started to giggle uncontrolably. "You too are a right pair!"

Lucifer chuckled and walked off down the hall, turning into a large marble room with large fountains of water. He stopped and let one of the jets of clear water trickle through his palm and he sighed, content with the soothing feeling.

"Zeus.." Boomed Ares...

Libitina jumped ever so slightly at Ares shout. She too took a prudent step to the side, Ares was obviously not in the best of moods. "Something the matter Ares?"

Ares glared at Libertina..
Drawing his power he showed the scene that had taken place at Ikilios' Palace 6.. The declarations he had made.

Venus followed Lucifer to the fountain, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Why are you so very hard to stop holding?"

Lucifer grinned, "I'm just that irresistible."

Venus' serene smile gave way to an evil grin as she whispered in Lucifer's ear. "Or maybe you're just that fun to torment." Without giving him a chance to protest, she rolled herself and him into the fountain.

Ares walked past Lucifer and Venus and snorted in distaste at them.
"Come and look at this, if you can keep youre hands off each other for five seconds. He motioned to the next room where Libertina and the 'display' still were..

Lucifer hopped out of the fountain, shaking off and immediately becoming dry. He followed Ares into the next room.

Ares sighed then waved his hand so the scene would play again for Lucifer.

Lucifer waved his hand over his yawning mouth, "Oh how im pressive, Ares. I know you're powers just as well as any other god here. No need flaunting yourself."

Ares almost shook with rage. He swore in some incomprehensible tongue then turned to Lucifer. "Clearly my sister has muddled your brain as you fail to see any of the implications here." He gestured at the now fading scene.
With that Ares dissapeared

Lucifer mumbled under his breath, "Drama queen."

Venus walked over, shaking her head in disgust. "Damn self-important male. No offense of course." She added as she batted her eyelashes.

Lucifer sighed, "Venus I'm not in the mood." He shoved his hair off his forehead and returned to a perch upon his statue.

Venus sighed in resignition. This particular male confused her to no ends. Finally, her frustration got the better of her, and she replied with her voice dripping sarcasm. "Fine. When you decide you're in the mood, I'm sure you'll let me know." Having said her peace, she stormed over to her statue to focus the rest of her time on her followers.

A new Charater enter's The Pantheon.
The young woman walks into the Patheon with a long Toga rapped around her beautiful body.She walks up towards Lucifer and Venus. She says to them "Hi I am Liber I am new here and I was wondering if someone could help me to get to know the place around here and get me settled in?" She then looks at them with a confused look on her face also seeming scarred as well.

Lucifer waved down to her and gave her a teasing smile, "Fresh meat."

She see's what Lucifer has done and slowly walks toward Lucifer and bow's to him. She was taught to do so whenever greeting someone new.

Lucifer laughed, "No need to bow, fellow goddess. We are all equals here."

She smiles after he spoke to her. She slowly drops her head and lifts it back up ever so slowly and says "You wouldn't by any chance know where I should go do you?" She then drops her head again.

Lucifer shrugged, "You can go where you please, do what you want. Though, your statue is just around the corner there."

Her face turns to a red blush and not looking with her eyes she asks "Is that where my room would be Sir?"

Lucifer squints down at her oddly, "Room?...Well we don't have rooms...actually..."

Now she starts to laugh and wished she had never said that. She looks up and says "Well then we do I sleep?"

Lucifer begins to anwer but stops to think, "Well...Actually...I don't sleep...So...I wouldn't know..."

Libitina laughed out loud and shook her head. "I bet you say that to all the goddesses Lucifer" She smiled fondly at
Liber "Welcome to the Pantheon Liber"

"Are we going to have jelly and icecream too?" Ares appeared and said sarcastically..
He sighed and straightened his sword belt. It was very hard to tell if his earlier ire had subsided but for now his face was composed..

Libitina rolled her eyes upwards "Always so polite dear Ares, always so polite. She is new here, it is only curteous to be nice" She looked over at him and tried to gauge his state of mood.

"It saves me the bother of liking anyone" he replied cynically

She sighed theatrically then grinned wickedly "Does that mean you dont like me dear Ares. You know I'd be awfuly upset if you didnt" She tried to keep her facial features composed but the grin kept tugging at her lips

Ares sighed then cupped Libertina's chin and battered those famous(dangerous!) eyelids. Smiling, he pulled away..
With that he walked off..

Libitina rolled her eyes again and sighed "I see we have a case of the silent mysterious type in our midst" She turned round to watch him walk off before laughing out loud "If I didnt know any better my dear Ares I'd say there was a streak of out Lucifers charm in you"

Venus approaches in mock horror. "You mean... he's contagious?!?!?" She addresses the newest addition to the party. "Hello, I'm Venus. Pleasure to meet you."

Libitina giggled "Oh we are all so nice to eachother!"

Venus grinnes at Libitina. "Ah, but we know we're loved. I kid, I kid, I kid because I love." She pulls her friend into a hug.

Lucifer springs down on the hug with a jump of energy, "Group hug!" he squeezes the two godesses together around the shoulders.

Venus giggles at his exhuberence. "Somehow I think you're just liking the boob to boy ratio"

Lucifer smiles, "Mmm godesses...Squishy..."

Ares walks back through the room, tuts then dissapears in a shimmer

Venus pulls free, laughing softly. "Is anyone else strangley bored? Eternity should never be dull."

Lucifer shakes a tuft of hair back into place, "I say we go into town, have a little fun. Go mortal for awhile, ya know?"

Venus giggles. "You mean, like trying to fool the mortals? Sounds like a plan!" She twirles around and stops, to reveal a toned-down version of her normal appearence. "Voila! What do you think?"

Lucifer chuckles, "Though mortal yee may be, thy beauty doth not escape thee."

Venus laughed at his flattery. "If I be as beautiful as ye claim, display your prize! Take me out into the world!"

Lucifer twirled around in a pop of light and stopped, leaning back to look over his mortal self. His hair was longer, his face just mortally handsome, and his figure sleek and toned, shown off by a half-toga hanging from his hips. "Well damn....I'm sexy!"

"You two.." Cupid said, rolling his eyes and shaking his head. "Lucifer.. you've corrupted our perfectly sweet and innocent Venus." He teased, and walked over to the two. "What are you lucky kids up to today?" He asked, grinning mischeviously.

Lucifer twirled his hand vaguely, "Soaking in the bliss that is the essence of youth?"

Venus laughed, and twirled around. "Sweet and Innocent eh? Well, either way, we'll have our fun as mortals today..." She stopped for a moment. "Damn. I do need to get out. Can't have the gods making bad poetry."

"You should all get out more." sighed Ares dramatically.

Lucifer rolled his eyes and yelped, "Well then lets GO!"

back to Ikilios' Palace 5
back to the Colosseum 2
back to Latium 2
back to Rome

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2004-09-09 [§pitfire]: ahh I see. thanks darlin

2004-09-09 [ShiftySkillet]: yup no problem

2004-09-09 [Raiff]: Oh..sorry i didnt know it is a 'blind' rage ;-)

2004-09-09 [Raiff]: What do you want me to do?

2004-09-09 [ShiftySkillet]: take down the little flashback maybe?

2004-09-11 [Raiff]: hmm..i thought that might create problems..but i wasnt sure how else to illustrate my point..i'll think up something else :-)

2004-09-11 [Raiff]: There...Though i dont think it has quite the same effect without it :-/

2004-09-11 [ShiftySkillet]: No, I mean Ares can't even see Lucifer and Venus to even glare at them! I'm sorry but he can't do anything to them!

2004-09-12 [§pitfire]: hehehe. finally got that up!! yay!!

2004-09-13 [Raiff]: Damn..its hard when so eone stops putting 50ps into the meter ;-p

2004-09-15 [§pitfire]: Venus walked over, shaking her head in disgust. "Damn self-important male. No offense of course." She added as she batted her eyelashes.

2004-09-17 [§pitfire]: Venus sighed in resignition. This particular male confused her to no ends. Finally, her frustration got the better of her, and she replied with her voice dripping sarcasm. "Fine. When you decide you're in the mood, i'm sure you'll let me know." Having said her peace, she stormed over to her statue to focus the rest of her time on her followers.

2004-10-08 [§pitfire]: heh.... so... bored..... HELP ME!!! *cries*

2004-10-09 [Raiff]: Sorry i vowed not to help anyone

2004-10-10 [§pitfire]: Damnit! lol. but---- it's ME!!! lol. I don't count.

2004-10-10 [Raiff]: AWhat sort or God of War would i be if i did ;-p

2004-10-10 [§pitfire]: Venus approaches in mock horror. "You mean... he's contagious?!?!?" She addresses the newest addition to the party. "Hello, I'm Venus. Pleasure to meet you."

2004-10-10 [§pitfire]: Venus grinnes at Libitina. "Ah, but we know we're loved. I kid, I kid, I kid because I love." She pulls her friend into a hug.

2004-10-11 [§pitfire]: Venus plants a kiss on her lover's mouth. "As long as we know where we stand. Nice to be appreciated."

2004-10-31 [§pitfire]: Venus giggles. "You mean, like trying to fool the mortals? Sounds like a plan!" She twirles around and stops, to reveal a toned-down version of her normal appearence. "Voila! What do you think?"

2005-03-03 [Raiff]: The God of War is back!

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