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Pictures of your horses [Exported view]
2007-01-02 20:46:30
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Here you can put pictures of your horses. Please tell us their breed and age and any other tid bits you'd like us to know.

This is Aladdin...he's part Arab and he's 22. This is my favorite picture of him.

Aladdin and I.

Another one of Aladdin and I.

This is Silver Dove, she will be 4 months on Christmas. She is part QH and part Appy.

This is my paint, Rebel. He's 12.

Rebel and I.

This is Sunny. He is a 5 yr old QH.

This is Dancer...he is 20...he's an Appy. He is Silver Dove's daddy.

Silver Dove again. I love her spots!

This is Fenesse, she is a 13 yr old QH. She is Silver Dove's mommy.

This is Lil Bit. She is a 3 yr old Thoroughbred. She's pregnant!! Sunny got loose and so he's the daddy.

This is Snickers. She's my favorite pony out at the Barn, where I ride. She's a buckskin paint.
Stray Kitty]
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Horses Give Us The Wings We Lack
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