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Poems by Pagans

Apart of the Guild of Pagans Guild Book of Shadows.

The Song of the Valkyre

See how they dance in the gardens of Midgard
as Gungnir is loosed between friend and the foe.
come take my hand, lay your head on my breast and I'll
take you to land where the mead always flows.

I gather the slain to the halls of Valhalla
where the feast is eternal to the brave and the bold.
The dance reigns forever in mightly Valhalla
where valor's eternal to the best of the bold.

The cup of Bragi often calls to other battles, other halls
and then is filled with Heidrun's mead within the halls beyond the sea.
Heimdall's head shall be the gate as Gungnir's path directs your fate.
Then I shall gather all the bold who lay in Midgard's garderns cold
and take them to eternal halls where feasting reigns and battle calls.

See how they dance in the gardens of Asgard
where all of the fallen will feast until dawn.
The brave and the bold dwell in mighty Valhalla
where the feast runs eternal and the dance presses on.

I gather the slain to the halls of Valhalla
where the feast is eternal to the brave and the bold.
The dance reigns forever in mightly Valhalla
where valor's eternal to the best of the bold.

Ygdrasill stands strong and tall, 'till Ragnarok when all will fall.
By Loki's guile and Fenrir's might shall come the darkness on the light.
Yet other gods and other men shall walk on Midgard once again,
and warriors in other halls shall once again heed battle calls.
Perhaps another hall will rise, beyond the seas beyond the skies.

See how they dance in the gardens of Midgard
as Gungnir is loosed between friend and the foe.
come take my hand, lay your head on my breast and I'll
take you to land where the mead always flows.

I gather the slain to the halls of Valhalla
where the feast is eternal to the brave and the bold.
The dance reigns forever in mightly Valhalla
where valor's eternal to the best of the bold.

by [BarleySinger] Ken Linder 1992

Listening to the Universe,
I hear it say,
Maiden, Mother, Crone,
Night and Day,
Yet the God Whispers from Goddess sleep,
Youth, Warrior, Elder,
The balance keep,
The God and Goddess,
Are one entwined,
And to the one,
We are bound and bind,
Love fellow woman,
Love fellow man,
I am elder...
I am youth...
I am man...
I am hunter...

-[Nere], i got this from pagans downunder, one of my communities...but it didn't say who wrote it.

Footsteps fleeting across the night,
Under Moons most gracious light.
Spinning, skipping, dancing along,
Listen close, hear their song!
Fae and elf, witch and pagan,
Raise your hands in celebration.
Come rejoice in seasons pass,
As spells of joy and health are cast.
Praise Goddess for her love,
Under skies and clouds above.
Calling forth the powers of old,
Within the circle most sacred, hold!
Remember all comes back times three,
As Goddess wills so mote it be!

©2003, Jess Dalrymple
-posted by [Nere]

Untitled Thing

Blue moon shine,
Blue moon glow.
Blue moon peer into my soul.

Blue moon shine,
Blue moon wake.
Tell me with whom to speak.

The fire's heart I wish to here.
Let me warm those that are dear.
Fires heart warm mine own,
So I do not forget I have one

The earthen mother I wish to here.
Let me protect those that are dear.
Grant them armor great and strong
So when I am gone they're not alone.

The water's eye I wish to see.
Let truth find those that are dear to me.
Make my friends all clear to me.
So they may move on when I am gone.

The air's voice I wish to here.
To call the ones that I hold dear.
Let my voice carry on the wind.
So when I am lost they find me.

These four spirits I call to here.
May they all answer me.
Find the ones that I hold dear.
And protect them where ere they be.

Lord and lady here my voice.
The setting moon the rising sun.
May this bless all and harm none.


Beware the Sun

Beware the sun for it is pain
it burns us and scares us
reminds us of our shame!
Beware the sun for it is pain.

I walked out of the shadows
and i stood beneath the stars.
They were in the morning fading
making way for ascent.

I wanted no more spider webs upon me
I wanted no more hate nor lies.
And even if she killed me,
at least i would be free.

Music came to my ears
as my eyes began to water.
I could hear birds blessing the morning
in the dawn of this beautifull flower.

Her light moved upon me
my skin, agony at her touch.
Yet even as she seared me,
her light was warmth and love.

I stood there in near blindness
yet i could truely see
every beautifull color
that she allowed to be.

And it was the meaning of rebirth
in this moment
that i remember from eons and eons ago.
That once we lived beneath this mother,
before we killed and fled below.

And now that i stood before her,
she did not kill her son
but washed away the dark things
and gave me absolution.

She is the only true flower
and if you can see her only once
with the morning in her glow
you are a fool not to brave it.
But then again,
we are the Drow...

Linn Scarlett

WE are the music-makers,
And we are the dreamers of dreams,
Wandering by lone sea-breakers,
And sitting by desolate streams;
World-losers and world-forsakers,
On whom the pale moon gleams:
Yet we are the movers and shakers
Of the world forever, it seems.

With wonderful deathless ditties
We build up the world's great cities,
And out of a fabulous story
We fashion an empire's glory:
One man with a dream, at pleasure,
Shall go forth and conquer a crown;
And three with a new song's measure
Can trample an empire down.

We, in the ages lying
In the buried past of the earth,
Built Nineveh with out sighing,
And Babel itself with out mirth;
And o'erthrew them with prophesying
To the old of the new world's worth;
For each age is a dream that is dying,
Or one that is coming to birth.

I don't know who wrote it. If anyone knows please tell me. [Juraviel]


Haldir of Lothlorien
Fearless into war he went
rays of gold call out to him
Guardian of the Galadrim

Haldir proud he was to fight
Haldir with his noble might
onward into darkning land
strength in heart and bow in hand

to helms deep the troops he led
in defense of hope he said
elves and men would stand as one
from the moment war begun

trough the night i called his name
but from his voice no answer came
Haldir! Haldir! Loud and clear
Haldir for thy life i fear!

Haldir born of elvenkind
has thee gone before thy time?
Cold wind blows trough leaf and tree
Haldir what has become of thee?

Whispering voices speak of fear
on golden Mallorn fell a tear.
What has become of Haldir the fair?
For he comes not and i dispair.

Mournfull is the tale they tell
in Hornburg by the sword he fell
there he lays beneath the rain
a ray of light darkness has slain.

Silence speaks where once dwelled song
grief strikes Caras Calladhon
Days grow cold like winter's frost
a shining star the sky has lost.

Haldir with his voice so fair
star-lit eyes and golden hair
Like the strong Mallorn he stood
Haldir of the Golden Wood.

[Linn Scarlett]
Yes, it really sucked that he died in TTT!!!

I Want to be Free

Run forever
To take just one breath
When you're free

Through the water and under the earth
Into the fire and on the wind
Run forever more

[Our Lady of Sorrow]

Untitled (a poem)
Hush now the world unseen
avert thy eyes
through thy tears
the veil is seen

Floating unseen through
The veil of time
countless times we cross
only to return and begin anew

[Kit Azhure]

Winter Solstice

On the winter solstice,
The bright white moon did glow.
It told all of its children,
I am here to show.

I show the path to peace,
I show the path to war.
I show a path of harmony,
I show a dischordant melody.
All for you my children.

And we as children of the stars,
Gaped in awe at the site beheld.
We asked the moon why she did this,
And she replied.
You are all my children,
And I hope to see you survive.


I am Witch

In deepest night, in forest green
In broad daylight, awake, asleep
I am a witch at every hour
touching magick, wielding power

i am goddess, never born
i wear the crescent, i wear the horn
i cast the circle, raise the cone
and pour the wine when power's flown

"an harm ye none, do as ye will"
heal always, never kill
work your will but earth revere
and every creature living here

celebrate as the wheel turns
dance and leap as balefire burns
sing to the goddess, moon times three
drink to the god stag-horned he

soar upon the astral planes
visit woodland fairy fanes
swim with the dolphins in the sea
say to all things "i am thee"

live in peace with cowan folk
touch with magick, give them hope
live with kindness, die with peace
in Summerland to find surcease.

Credit to ~ Amber K ~ti
-posted by [Nere]Branwen Eldae Starshadow

A Connection

I have a statement to make, that to me
The moon, and the stars, and the earth are connected
And the answer is hidden in archeological finds
That the scientists have collected.

The moon is the face of the Goddess.
And in triple form is she.
The maiden is waxing, the mother is full,
And the crone is waning, we see.

The earth is her belly;
Blue and green with warm light.
All is born and all dies upon here;
Her womb gives endless life.

The stars that surrounds us forever-
In the great deep, dark vastness of space-
Are what we become when our souls leave,
There we must take our place.

And there we wait ‘til she calls us;
The maiden or mother or crone-
To be born and to live and to thrive upon earth,
In the belly of the goddess, in the Gaian womb.
BY [Midoriko]


i am the watcher by the sea,
i am the wake of the olde.
i walk the paths forgotten,
and tend the wisest trees.

i see even in blindness
and can hear through the deaf
i am the forest's child
and the daughter of the night

i can speak the tongues of lost
and of many not yet heard
i remember kings of olde
and honour those of past

i am the keeper in the dark
i am the wind's caress
and know the ways of water.

i am the fire's kindle
and the spirit's light.
i am the wake of olde...
i am the watcher by the see.

~~~Reflection~~~(of the Mother)
In my dreams I was drowning,
in seas of purest blue
I looked around for help,
but nobody there was you.
No-one else could save me,
nobody wanted to
The only one who would save me,
could only ever be you.
And then i saw your sweet smile,
the sparkle of your eyes
The only difference was,
that you were in disguise.
You were in my reflection,
finally i knew what you meant
You are here inside of me,
like an angel heaven sent.
I felt your love surround me,
filling up my heart
Binding us together,
so we'd never be apart.
You said you'd never leave me
and now i truly see.
You and i are one,
forever loved and dear.
The world is at our feet,
and theres nothing for us to fear.

~~~Autumn Leaves~~~

Autumn leaves they fall in shades of golden brown
Drifting in the wind, tumbling down and down.
All the green is vanishing so the Earth she goes to sleep
The Hunter awaits his rebirth in the Mother Goddess deep.
The days they grow short, the nights go dark and long
We gather round the firelight to sing our lonely song
Crone we embrace you,
Maiden we adore you,
Mother we need you,
come back to us we pray!


"Midsummer" - by [Nere]

In summers joy that has all but passed,
They skip along in green, green grass,
With flowing ribbons blue and gold,
And stories sung by young and olde,

And happy feet tread a trail,
Through a wet and misty vale,
Along a stream filled to the brim,
The people's song turns to hymn,

To carry down the waterway,
And greet the newly dawning day,
In the West the bright Moon fades,
And leaves nothing of its silvery shades,

But to the East the Sun is rising,
And its light shall soon be prising,
Shadows out from valleys low,
And slowly, surely the light will grow.

And underneath this brilliant sphere,
All the people shall dance and cheer,
Sending blessings and wishes of health,
Calling out for grants of golden wealth,

But for the Suns crowning day,
From hence it too shall fade away,
And to the Moon its glory give,
Until this day it can relive.


Never forget, those who were hung
Never forget, in the name of the Holy Son
Never forget, those who cried
Never forget, those who died
Never forget, those who fled
Never forget, every drop of blood shed
Never forget, thoe who were burned
Never forget, how to hide we learned
Never forget, those who screamed
Never forget, those bodied broken and unclean.
Never forget, the girl who was raped
Never forget, those few who escaped
Never forget, every tortured mother and child
Never forget, our call to the wild
Never forget, how many died
Never forget, how many people lied
Never forget, the cruelty of "men"
Never forget, Never Again
Never forget against us all crimes
Never forget, the slaughter we call the Burning Times

Night Prayer

To the Mother who gives all life,
I ask that you guide me all through mine.
To the Huntress who gives us light,
I ask that you guide me through the night.
To the crone who makes us wise,
I ask that you help me see through the lies.
To the Consort in the sky,
I ask that you keep my family from strife.
To the Holy Trinities,
To both of the Eternal Three,
Please guide me all through my life,
Through daughter, mother, warrior, and wife.
by [mornen dragonchild]

"Daylight Dancer" by [SAHS]

<P>Daylight dancer, dance away
Under the sky, leap and sway.
Celebrate the touch of the sunlight
And revel in beauty so bright!

Flame dancer, dance away
In the flames, leap and sway.
Celebrate the touch of the fire
And let its passion inspire!

Water dancer, dance away
In the rivers, leap and sway.
Celebrate the touch of the rain
And let it wash away all pain!

Wind dancer, dance away
In the air, leap and sway.
Celebrate the touch of the breeze
And let it your sorrows appease!

Forest dancer, dance away
Among the trees, leap and sway.
Celebrate the touch of the earth
And let it reveal all life's worth!

Moonlight dancer, dance away
Under the stars, leap and sway.
Celebrate the touch of the moonlight,
And revel in such a beauitful night!

(c) 2004 [SAHS] (C. L. Feindel)

"Wanderlust" by [SAHS]

I want to wander through a misty forest,
Hear the calls of the night owl,
Lie in the tall grass of a hillcrest,
Listen to the wolf’s forlorn howl.

I want to gaze up at the lost souls among the night sky,
Call upon the maiden moon,
Watch the clouds wander up high,
Listen to the nightingale’s tranquil tune.

I want to lie in a field of tulips,
Feel the wind’s soothing touch as I ride
To have a laugh of pure joy pass from my lips,
As I feel beneath me a powerful stallion’s stride.

I want to see mountains with Winter's blanket topped,
Collapse onto my back atop a cloud of snow,
And feel as if all time and creation has stopped
And all the wonders of the world to know.

(c) 2004 [SAHS] (C. L. Feindel)


by [Arren]

*** untitled***

Flowing waters of always and the blowing wind , take thy hand and follow me into the land unsinned . Look deeply into thine eyes and dance under the stars. In the land of crunching leaves lain beneath the feet . Keep looking into the beautiful land of always , and lead me into the green. Lush forests of always created by the god. Goddess my mother sitting on the moon ,continues to weave the land of always on her silver loom. Great creators watch your children as they dance the spiral dance into the dessert of dust in the land of always .Stay the always must.

The Goddess

Queenly moon over all
Traverses through the sky,
Silent and always regal,
Her breathtaking power nigh.
The stars incessantly shining
Make up her astral crown,
The clouds slowly flying,
Become her flowing gown.
The stars falling at night,
Are tears streaking her face,
But even in the worst
She maintains her quiet grace.

Sea Song

She called as I stood
before the tide reached its high.
As I stood surrounded by those who could not hear,
she whispered sweet melodies upon the wind for my ear.
Stay and learn of what I am
what I will be
and what you are.
This is the birth of a witch.

By [Tanka]

Drink from a river that's strong and true.
Feel the grace the goddess gives
meet the fae that live within the waves
Follow, follow, follow her.

Touch and feel the srengh and power of a flame bold and tough
know the goddess resides within you
just as she doth in fire.
Follow, follow, follow her.

Smell and listen to the wind that is smart and kind all in one
It will teace her lessons of the mysteries devine
so listen to its song.
Follow, follow, follow her.

Touch and heal the strong and abundant earth for it is her.
Know the earth's graciousness for putting up with us
Feel its strengh and its power too
Know it is the goddes that resides in you.
Follow, follow, follow her.

Spirit, spirit hear my plea
aid and set me free.
Spirit, spirit help me find my way along this path devine;
This sacred path that leads me to my goddess,
to my home with her.
Follow, follow, follow her.

I've found my way along this earth and now I know I am free.
Free to dance the spiral tune and lilt upon pipes too.
She is my inspiration guiding and leading me on.
She heals my wounds and gives me strengh and gives me boldness to true.
I'll walk with her 10,000 years all live I live and more.
I fell the goddess in everything that I am or will become.
So I'll follow, follow, follow her forever more.

By [Tanka]

  By Night and Day
Day by day the hours run
By the cycle of the sun
Hiding from the harsh light
I eagerly await the night
Nighttime comes nighttime goes
Matching life's ebbs and flows
The cycle big the cycle small
Nighttime is the end of all
As I write by candlelight
Stars twinkle small and bright
To all this is matched my mood
Now its joy now a brood
Thankless is the cosmic nght
Witnessed here by candlelight

we had a power outage, so i went outside with my BoS and a candle at night. was amaz9ng

Elemental Praise

Fire, deep and glowing
embers ignite life within
burn creative spark

Earth, ancient and dark
mysteries yet to unlock
eternally bound

Water, flows beneath
stream of knowledge fill my mind
ebbing on the edge

Air, swirling around
kiss the cheeks of weary souls
do not fly away

I was thinking of including this as part of my circle casting. Not sure. What do you all think? by [duckofdoom]

(c) 2005 by Silver Thorn Productions
Written by Michael W.

Dragons Spirit

Wind singing down upon thy face
Destruction no more
sunlight gone till further dawn
Skeleton's of the past
Ravens yelling out for shame

populations target
makeing the hall of fame
Not the common spirit

Midnight dreams of sacrifice
what was made of time
Dragons scream echos far
Thunder smash's in
Dieing for your prey to live

Mix your blood within
Heart of humanity
Decreped and decayed
beating for its master
Of legend and of fire

populations target
makeing the hall of fame
Not the common spirit

Wings of complication
Set our minds free
Anger of passion
Passion of deciet
True life lies from the blood within

by [dead~spirit]

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