Page name: R and R Room [Exported view] [RSS]
2004-08-06 11:45:43
Last author: Cathos
Owner: Cathos
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Welcome to the Rest and Recreation room of the TARDIS

On your right, you will see a large crate of jelly babies, and on your left, you will see the virtual reality simulation suite. The room also contains a fiendishly difficult Maths game left behind by Adric, Leela's knife collection and polishing kit and a large wardrobe containing all sorts of fun costumes for dressing up. These range from the cricket orientated to the the just plain stupid (we think Tegan may have had something to do with the uglier clothes in the collection).


1. No one player may be the Doctor. The Doctor will have the character of the ninth Doctor as played by Richard E. Grant in Scream of the Shalka.
2. The Doctor may not die, although if absolutely necessary, he may regenerate.
3. Any player (apart from villains) may "move" for the Doctor.
4. You may restrict another characters actions, but simply negating them so that they don't happen is not allowed (e.g. if a Dalek shoots your character it is OK to show that you are fine because you were given a cloak by the Thaals earlier, but it is not OK to say that you are fine because you got out of the way. Similarly, it is OK to say that you have shot another character, but you may not say that you have killed them.)
5. Attempt to keep to the conventions of the BBC Doctor Who series' (e.g. enemy minions are stupid, the Doctor will get out of scrapes by out thinking the enemy, not by out powering them or waving guns at people.) If at all possible, feel free to post a cliff-hanger and then roll theme music.
6. There is an endless supply of jelly babies.
7. The Doctor has bottomless pockets from which he may pull the most unlikely objects.
8. Given the opportunity, the TARDIS will break down.
9. No companion may be specifically killed off except Adric, no matter how annoying Tegan may be.
10. The only players who may put a companion in a position where they can only be saved by the Doctor are that characters player, Turlow or the villain.

Before playing, please fill in the character form at SSS Rogue's Gallery Entry and send it to me ([Cathos]). I'll check it over for you, and if everything is OK, I'll post your character in the Rogue's Gallery for you.

So, let us grab some jelly babies, don costumes and step into the VR suite!

All the companions and the Doctor are in the control room on thier way to Logopolis to finally get the chameleon circuit repaired, when the TARDIS shakes, shudders and stops mid-journey and the villian appears on one of the viewer screens.....

The Master grinned into the viewscreen. "My dear Doctor, how lovely to see you again. And I see you have some new companions," he said with a hint of sarcasm in his voice. "I'm afraid I must be going. Worlds to bring into chaos and such things," the Master added before turning off his scanner and com-link with an evil laugh.

Lady Catherine sighed at this and made a note in one of the many red profile books that she had in her pockets. She gave the Doctor a look as if to say "why does this sort of thing always happen around you?" and went off to fetch some tools from her tent.

The Master started turning switches and pressing buttons on his TARDIS. "Stop me if you can, Doctor!" he shouted out. Suddenly, the central column stopped and the Master turned on his scanner to reveal the vast landscapes outside. They were bleak and desolate. There were cracks in the ground from bombing, the sky was blood-red and the trees had turned to ashes.

Lorrin looked up at the screen. "Not Logopolis then I take it, doctor?"

The Doctor Moved around the control console and pressed a number of buttons and swicthes. "No, it would appear not ... just one moment ... I should have the coordinates." He looked worried. "Oh my."

"Certainly off the beaten track" said Lady Catherine when she returned with her tool box. She pulled out a green profile book from her pocket and started leafing through it urgently, "I havn't been here for over ten thousand years."

The Master flicked the switch to open the Tardis doors and stepped outside. He looked straight down at the ground and started singing an old Gallifreyan folk song. Suddenly, a small capsule lifted up to reveal a door. The Master went back inside his Tardis and started pressing buttons on the underside of the console. He went back outside, closed the door and suddenly, the Tardis turned into a massive sand dune. He stepped inside the small capsule and it began descending into the sand. As it descended he muttered under his breath, "It won't be long, will it Doctor?"

"It doesn't look too nice", opined Lorrin. "We're not actualy going out there are we?"

The Doctor frowned. "I think we might have to", he said. "The time vortex has been closed off to us, the master has initiated some kind of temporal constriction field to keep us from dematerialising. Unless we can find where he's transmitting it from - and how - we aren't going anywhere else."

Meanwhile, on the planet Vexun, where The Master had landed the capsule stopped and jolted down before the door opened. The black figure stepped out to a huge room which seems to go on forever. The Master locked the capsule down so it could not go back up to the surface and then walked forward three steps. He pushed his hand out in front of him and began walking forward again.
 After about ten steps, a buzzing sound filled the room so the Master stepped back quickly. Suddenly, a light came from the ceiling, over the place where the buzzing started. The floor, which seemed solid, started crumbling away where the light shone. A staircase led down to the lower levels of the maze from the crumbled rock. The Master smirked and said, "Do you remember our old Death Zone games, Doctor?" He continued on down the path and when he had got half-way down, he clicked his fingers. The rock leading upwards, turned bright yellow and an electrical sound filled the air. It disappeared and more rocks appeared in its place to cover the entrance. The Master grinned devillishly and walked down the path to a door.

"I've just found a note from Misty Rose, it seems she went to exploring to find some milk in the TARDIS back rooms. Three days ago. I'm sure she'll join us when she's ready." said Lady Catherine. "I suggest that we use the scanners to see if we can pick up the temporal trace of the Master's TARDIS. I'll leave a note for Rose and we can use my TARDIS, it has better sensors. If we know if he's anywhere near, we may be able to find him and free ourselves."

The Master walked a little further down the pathway to a small box. It had weird inscriptions on the side and a small button. "Just to make sure you come to my little...trap, Doctor," the Master said devillishly. He pressed the button and a light started flashing. "Good, the beacon has been activated," he added.

Lady Catherine suddenly looked up from the control panel she was surveying. She gave the Doctor a sharp look and said "There's a signal! A very strong one too. I think it could be the Master, though what he intends to gain by it, I don't know. It'll lead us right to him, in fact its strong enough to be heard from several galaxies away." She began flicking hastily through her various notebooks in an effort to locate any hostile planets or lifeforms in the vicinity.

The Master continued on down a hallway. At the end was a small brown door with markings along it. The Master traced the symbols with his finger and the door opened. The Master stepped inside and a gun was pointed towards his head from the side, then suddenly lowered. "Come, come. You know it is only me who comes via this way, until now. I want security stepped up to maximum. No-one is to leave the complex. Your men should hide themselves along the passageways and then report back to me. Meanwhile, I shall create a small diversion," the Master said strictly. He walked further into the room which was dark and cold like a cave. The little brown door closed and the whole pathway that lead to it caved in.

Lorrin looked around the control room concerned. "Well if you're going to go out there I suppose I'll join you..."

"Very Magnanimous of you, Lorrin", replied The Doctor, opening the doors, and stopping to pick up a hat from the hat-stand before leaving the control room.

Lady Catherine took some anti-radiation pills from her pocket and offered them round and said "just a precaution, it doesn't look very pleasant out there, and I for one don't want to have to go back to the High Council with radiation poisoning".

Misty Rose wanders in close behind the Doctor with a mug of tea in one hand and a content expression on her face, having found the milk as well as several medium sized fanny packs, which were draped over her other arm. "I found these stashed in a corner of a room full of camping gear. I don't know what they hold but I figured they might come in handy sometime." She then hands around the packs before accepting a pill, downing it with a sour look, then proceeding to enjoy her tea as she follows the group.

Lady Catherine dangled the bum bag suspiciously between thumb and forefinger while looking unimpressed. "Thank you kindly for the offer, but I'd rather not if its all the same to you. Now, before we leave, I'd like to do a scan of the terrain outside. Doctor, if you'd oblige?". The Doctor nodded and helped with the scan, muttering about not bothering with any of this nonsense himself. When the scan was finished, it indicated that they had landed in the foothills of a very mountainous region of the planet, but the was an inhabited plain a few miles away.

Meanwhile, The Master headed down a hallway and into a room with a metal door at the end. On the side, there was a panel with many switches and gadgets attached. He started fiddling around with them and the corridor and room started to change. They began to merge into one and many doors began to appear. The Master chuckled and pressed a button on the top of the panel. It began to fizz and it melted away into the wall. He walked into the closest door and the room with the now evaporated panel went pitch black. The room that The Master has gone into was with stone-washed walls and darkened torches with dimmed lights. In the centre of the circular room, there was a tablet and a few buttons in old Gallifreyan that The Master had laid out before. He stood over the tablet and gave a menacing little laugh. "This time, Doctor, you do not get away. And this time, I shall defeat you!" The Master said defiantly.

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