Page name: Room S1C [Exported view] [RSS]
2014-10-03 04:04:41
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: The Black Goat
# of watchers: 4
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Room S1C

Description of area

Marcus heard the panel declare the lock down over and he got up and proceeded to get ready for the day. He didn't know if Silera was mad at him still for the kiss the night they tried to escape from the lab. After pulling on his usual around the compound wear and his leather jacket he put his sunglasses on and went out into Dorms: S1.

DR Characters - Darkness Reigns - DR Universe

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2014-10-03 [Sheamus Finn]: So, are we allowed to come up with the description of our rooms? I would figure Marcus has several books or learning aides about infiltration and things of that nature.

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