Page name: Sildea [Exported view] [RSS]
2013-11-16 05:43:37
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Nuktae-tal
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In the elven oaks and pines of the forest, the country of Sildea only known by the lush forest and mountain side lay nestled deep and hidden within. Precious few knew the exact location of the towns or even the capital and only true city. Carefully carved stone walls protected the large elven complex, everything was or had to do with nture was carved or planted or grown in and around everything else. The tall majestic buildings often with trees growing out of them or through them, carved woods and tall towers melded into the canopy above. The town was peacful and quite even for the people and work being done inside. The Upscale houses largest on one end was usually another matter entirely. The house of the Damodreds and Morninson lay at the end of this area, not quite the largest houses but nearlyas such befitted the ranking of the elves who dwelled within.

Lyriel tried to entice the owl closer, or to even join her on a low branch. She wondered if this owl had been following them for a while or merely was trailing after the game they chased away with their large encampment. Either way Lyriel knew it was pretty safe around the camp right now. Nothing usually came this close to the farm areas around Baerlon. Still she watched around her, since the forest was normal she didn't have anything to worry about.

The owl landed on a stump not far away and regarded her for a his neck bobbed around and watched her closely. To Lyriel it seemed there was something not quite normal about this owl and how it was watching her. "Whooo." it called and blinked at her.

"Ah. Well whether you want it or not here. How is the night well?" Lyriel asked softly, she offered the morsel of meat she had used as an offering. If this was as she suspected then it was only polite to treat another druid with respect. Until learning the true nature of the beast so to speak. If it wasn't a druid it certainly shouldn't mind some extra chatting.

The owl changed to the elf who she had met in Sildea, "my greetings fellow child of nature the night goes well, better now with someone to talk with. I left Sildea the day after your little band as I wish to learn more of the country surrounding the elven country." She could not remember his name, but did remember that he held her hand the one day while the druid's circle healed the wall of the city and then later they worked together ridding the city of dead orcs. Taking out his waterskin he took a long drink then offered it to her, as was polite interaction when meeting another druid. Lyriel could see he wore everything he would need on his travels through out the wilds heading to Baerlon.

She took it and took a drink then returned it with a nod of her head. "The lands are far sweeter closer to the elven city certainly, but I fear the council is too paranoid. How have your travels been?" Lyriel asked she was glad for some company, something other than Flint. Not that she didn't love him and enjoy his company but it was the same thing all the time with him and she was glad for a reprisal.

"I spend more time in my animal form, as travel is easier and I have the option to fly above or around any trouble I encounter." he said with a smile putting the waterskin back. "What about yerself, has the journey home been a good one since you travel with such a large and diverse group." Lyriel had a chance to see how he was outfitted and was surprised to see that he carried what looked like a longsword and leather armor besides his cloak and boots. Druids were normal unable to carry metal swords unless the were scimitar's like hers, it was a unique sight to see from a druid not much older than herself.

"Sometimes a large group means less to fight against. Sometimes it means it's harder. I would like to take an animal form and run off but I am the scout they depend on usually. Not that they don't have men that are just as capable as I. You carry a long sword?" Lyriel talked nonchalantly about the journey, it didn't seem long or hard nor was it easy and short but she would like to take her animal form and flit about, it just wasn't as safe and she could only use it once.

"It is a special weapon I recieved a while ago and even with a group you should find time to change into your other form and 'flit' about even on scouting missions. I was surprised to see that you did not attend the council meeting with Lord Ravenwood when the council decided to close Sildea's borders again. It is a awful state of affairs, but at least we of elven blood will be allowed to return there without issue." he said smiling at Lyriel. Again he lifted his waterskiin up and took a drink and offered it back to Lyriel again as customary to do between druids and elves. It was strange that he was following the caravan instead of outright trying to join it, and how long had he been following them.

"I do take the form at times. But I have a duty to family and friends to which I am traveling with. No thank you, I have had enough. As for the council meeting I am yet under aged for an elf and unless requested I cannot attend. That however does not mean My grandmother and Father do not keep me informed. The fear the council shows is understandable but they certainly could handle things better. Their paranoia with the rest of the world seems a little exaggerated." Lyriel said declining the offer of drink. After all this was still a very strange arrangement with this druid.

"I fear in that regard I paid little heed and had been there to hear your father speak, it was a pity they were not swayed. Can I ask a personal question of you Mistress Ravenwood, you seem to spend a lot of time with a human warrior I'm sorry I do not recall his name. Don't you find it sad how fleeting his life span is compared to yours or is it the quality of time spent greater than the years?" The question was a little disconcerting, had this druid seen her and Flint enjoying one another or was it an observation of them always being near one another. He had to admit, his people told stories about how cruel and evil drow could be, this one was probably an exception to that rule because of her adoptive parents.

"He is a friend and he is like family. People will always come and go no matter how the length lasts everyone effects you in some way or another. No being can say others don't effect them. I do indulge however, I meet few elven men and even less Drow not that I would be hasty in wanting a meeting with any or most I should say. What about yourself sir? Are you going to be seeking any adventure a woman or man might give you?" Lyriel asked in return, after all an eye for an eye a question and answer for a question and answer.

He chuckled and took another swig and tied his waterskin to his belt and regarded her frankly. "I have seen some truly amazing things on my journeys, I have met several exotic women, you being far and away the most exotic, but I am still somewhat young and do not wish to be tied to a home or woman just yet. Not to say I have been jumping bed to bed from the north to Sildea, but I have spent time with a human and a half-elf both. But, I must rest soon and be on the winds to the next place to visit." His eyes slipped over Lyriel and he smiled and regarded her as an equal and friend druid.

"Be wary of those in the guise of friendship. Be well in your journey child of nature." Lyriel offered her farewell and her arm for a shake. She stood once that was done and pulled her cloak back on and the hood back up. Her silver eyes glowed in the moonlight coming through the trees, if not for her eyes she would just be another shadow in the forest. "I hope we do not meet at enemies in the future." She offered softly before moving away and headed back to the camp. Just a few more days and they would be home.

The next couple days moved quickly and the city of Baerlon appeared first as a small spec on the horizon and began to grow larger. Everyone was in fine spirits, except Flint who treated it more like a death march and Conner who could not shake the fact something felt wrong. Altair offered what words he could to Flint and told his son that it was only the amount of time they had been away and Baerlon was still a safe place for them. Conner kept the twins close and even Jake and Daniel at times, it was a welcome change from the young man who had ridden out to get them almost a month earlier. Lord Ravenwood rode up beside his adopted daughter and praised her for a well done job at guiding them home and scouting the roads ahead of them.

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2012-01-04 [Sheamus Finn]: nbc

2012-02-10 [Sheamus Finn]: .

2012-04-26 [Nuktae-tal]: don't now what to post for this... kinda hit a brick wall.

2012-04-26 [Sheamus Finn]: Anything for the girls? Otherwise hit To Sildea and I will move this forward a couple hours.

2012-04-27 [Nuktae-tal]: alright... but to sildea can't really have much in it... no one is heading to sildea... so the story room right there kinda ends.

2012-04-27 [Sheamus Finn]: true. Gimme a second

2012-04-27 [Sheamus Finn]: Was Lyriel going with FLint and Conner?

2012-04-27 [Nuktae-tal]: no she went out to collect the dead

2012-04-27 [Sheamus Finn]: ok

2012-05-30 [Sheamus Finn]: we need the girls to respond before I have conner offer to let them talk to Alehial...trying to keep time equal.

2012-11-15 [Nuktae-tal]: are you blocked on this one too?

2013-01-21 [Nuktae-tal]: so now what do we do? go some where

2013-01-21 [Sheamus Finn]: Um, what do you think?

2013-01-21 [Nuktae-tal]: Dunno... pause it until Glearon catches up?

2013-01-21 [Sheamus Finn]: Agreed, at least until we get Alehial moved to Sildea and Altair in Andor....

2013-01-21 [Nuktae-tal]: yes

2013-03-18 [Sheamus Finn]: yer turn

2013-06-09 [Sheamus Finn]: blocked?

2013-06-09 [Nuktae-tal]: yeah... I read it and everything stopped lol

2013-07-24 [Sheamus Finn]: Still you, I have nothing to come in on...

2013-11-16 [Nuktae-tal]: This one is you buddy!

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