Page name: Snowy Christmas [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-11-19 06:25:53
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
# of watchers: 1
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  A little more time has passed, now it’s Christmas. There have been attacks, but not many. This has left the house in confusion, but everyone thought it was normal. Now it was Christmas, a time to forget it and a time for joy.

    Hiei had taken Rika somewhere outside of the city and into a forest at night on Christmas eve. “Hiei! Where are you taking me!?” Rika questioned as she followed Hiei. They were jumping pretty far and high as they traversed up a hill. Hiei looked back at her as he paused from jumping, “Just come on.” He said then continued on. Rika shook her head, but thought that after all it was Christmas and she might as well follow. Hiei stopped at the edge of a cliff. Rika caught up to him, “Hiei, what are we doing here?” She walked up next to him, then she saw what he wanted to show her. The cliff looked down upon the city. It was lit up beautifully in all kinds of colors and lights that shown brightly. Rika's eyes widened and then she looked at Hiei, “Wow….never thought humanity could be this beautiful…” She said, looking back down at the lights. Then she looked at Hiei who was looking the other way and holding up a beautiful silver bracelet that had sapphire gems hanging on it. The sapphires glisted from the city lights. Rika’s eyes lit up as she accepted the bracelet and put it on, “Hiei…it’s beautiful. Thank you…” she blushed as Hiei was still looking the other was. He too was blushing a little, “Yeah, well…” then Rika threw her arms around him from behind him. Hiei blushed a lot now. Then she whispered to him, “Thank you…not just for the bracelet, but for everything…” Hiei was looking at the ground, “S-sure…” Rika just smiled at him. Then she broke away slightly so he could turn around. She still had her arms around his neck though. “I know we should’ve probably waited until tomorrow, but it’s the thought that counts.” Rika said turning around and opening a dimensional portal. Then she took out a sword that the hilt was made of golden and silver snakes that wrapped and coiled around each other. There was a red tassel hanging from the end of the hilt. It also had a ruby near the blade. The blade itself was long, wide, and razor sharp. Hiei looked at it, bug-eyed as he took it, “The Sword of the Serpent….Where did you-?” “Oh, let’s just say I went for a little ‘shopping’.” Rika smirked.

  Meanwhile, Tamika, Yuniko, and Mayumi were making Christmas cookies in the kitchen. Tamika was very cheery. She wore a big smile on her face as she spun around the kitchen, putting trays of dough in the oven and mixing ingredients in a bowl. “Someone sure is happy.” Mayumi said, looking back at her from mixing some ingredients. Yuniko grinned, “Tomorrow’s Christmas after all.” “Yeah…” Mayumi got in dreamy mode. “So what are you getting, Koga?” Tamika asked. Mayumi blushed, “Uhh…I made him…A scarf.” She got all dreamy again as Tamika and Yuniko fell to the floor. Yuniko got up, “THAT’S what your giving him?” “It’s made from wolf pelts of my fallen ancestors.” Mayumi stared hard at her. Yuniko and Tamika faked a smile and had sweat drops. “Sorry, Mayumi…we didn’t kno-AHHHHHH!!!” Tamika fell to the floor as Leigh came charging in, “Hellooooooo, I came to help.” she smiled. “You can start by getting off me…” Tamika said from under Leigh’s’ feet. She jumped in the air, “AHH! I’m sorry, Tamika! I-I didn’t mean to-” “Yeah, sure, whatever…” Tamika trudged to the corner of the room. Leigh blinked before going back into dreamy mode, “Oh, don’t you just LOVE Christmas! Baking cookies and a holiday dinner with your closest friends. Opening presents on Christmas day. Snuggling up to a warm fire, wrapped in a blanket, drinking hot coco with the person you carry near and dear to your heart.” Her eyes were big and chibi-like, then she smirked evilly when she said, “Making the boys put up all the decorations and shoveling the driveways.” “Yeah, except most of them have powers, so it’s easier for them…” Mayumi looked at her with a sweat drop. “Oh right…” Leigh thought. “Let’s just get back to cooking guys…” Tamika said as she stirred ingredients into a large tin bowl. Leigh, Mayumi, and Yuniko blinked and said in unison, “Oh, right.” then got right back to work.

   Not much of anything else was done that day. The house was teeming with joy and no arguing, for the first time in what seemed forever. The next day was even better. By morning every one had waken to find gifts under the tree, but it was a custom in the house not to open things until night, so they had all kinds of fun that day. One example…was a snow fight...yes, a SNOW fight, not snowball...

"TAAAAKE! THIS!!" Inuyasha yelled, blasting a wave of snow. Yami and Leigh freaked as it headed right for them. "HA! YEAH RIGHT!!" Leigh summoened her staff and spun it fast, blocking the wave of snow. "My turn." Yami said and ran to the side, dodging the snow, and ran in Inuyasha's direction. Then unsheathed his sword and slashed it on the ground, creating a shockwave of snow to fly at Inuyasha. Inuyasha screamed as he was burried in the snow. His head poped out of the top while the rest of him was burried. Then Leigh came over and smushed a snowball on his head and giggled, "WE WIN!" "HMPH! Yeah right..." Inuyasha mumbled.

[I know I haven't meantioned it yet, but in my YGO story, Yami does use a sword.....I know...weird...but it seems cool to me.]

"Yeah, and here comes backup!!" Ed yelled as he came up from the house and clasped his hands together, then hitting them on the ground, activating his alchemy. Leigh and Yami blinked as snow rose into the air like a gyser beneith their feet. Then it formed into an ice cage around them, trapping the two inside. Leigh grasped the ice bars and blinked with the most confused face on.Yami was trying to cut through the bars with his sword, but to no avail.
  Lisa wasn't happy anymore, she threw her arm back, and summond her staff. Then she charged up an attack. She held her staff out in front of her and said, "CHERRY BOMB BUBBLE!!" Then a giant, blue, sphearical energy blast came out of the orb in her staff and blew away the cage. Passing Ed and Inuyasha it blew up some snow that covered Inuyasha's head and the left side of Ed. Ed shook off the snow, but just as he was going to clasp his hands together, Leigh kicked up a wave of snow with her staff. He staired, bug-eyed at it before trying to run away, but got hit anyway. That's when Tamika popped her head out from the door to see what they were up to. Just then, Tamika was hit in the face with a snow ball that was thrown by Yami and hit her by accident. Tamika frowned angrly and wipped the snow from her face, "This...means....WAR!!!!" "Oh snap!" Leigh's eyes went wide as Tamika started throwing dozens of snowballs at them.

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2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: LOL 'Shopping',eh,Rika? Heehee!! How cute!

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: lolXD thought it might be.....interesting.

2005-07-02 [Kiristo]: added to the description of the sword

2005-07-02 [Lady Alaina]: *giggles* ^^

2005-07-10 [Kiristo]: lolXD

2005-07-10 [Lady Alaina]: *laughs* Thats cute...AND FUNNY! XD

2005-07-10 [Kiristo]: Good^^ that's how I want it to be.

2005-07-10 [Lady Alaina]: YAY! ^^ SO funny. XD *pats Inu-Yasha's head thats peeking out of the snow*

2005-07-10 [Kiristo]: lolXD

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