Page name: Soulmate Chapter2 [Exported view] [RSS]
2010-04-06 04:13:51
Last author: Silver Moon
Owner: Silver Moon
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Soulmate Chapter3

He looked concerned watching Nuriko

Nuriko looked at him. "As long as it doesn't happen here..."

"It shouldn't."

Nuriyo smiled politely.

"Well you have time to catch lunch if you are hungry."

Nuriyo nodded. "Thanks...." He left the classroom, heading to find the lunch room.

He saw the cafeteria

Nuriyo headed inside and went to get his lunch.

He saw the kid who had been with that one man he found attractive, he was talking with allot of other kids

He watched the group.

he heard their conversation, even he felt the some of the kids weren't sincere

Nuriyo headed over. ((bring it down to them))

Sora and Kyu cheered up and followed

Vali smiled as they went to go eat together, so happy he was bouncing.

They got to the cafeteria which was crowded with students and teachers

"Let's sit over there..." said Vali smiling big.

They nodded and walked that way.

"Kyu!" some older boys said coming over with smiles

Vali looked at the older boys and then at Kyu. "You know them?"

"These are my friends. ((you can play some of his 'friends' they are just pretending to be friends to get gifts or closer to his dad))

"Yea we are and who are you two?"One of them said draping an arm around Kyu's shoulders/

Sora looked uneasy

"I'm Vali...Kyu's my friend too..." he said smiling, though he didn't like the feeling from the guys.

"Oh really....and when did you make these friends, Kyu?"

"Today." Kyu said with a smile

"I'm Sora."

" look like the emperor..."

Sora sighed. "I get that allot..."

Vali just smiled at them.

"What?" one asked Vali.

"I'm just happy..." Vali replied.

"These guys are weird. Why are you friends with weirdos?"

Sora looked hurt.

"Don't call them names. They are nice" Kyu protested.

"Where is your dad?"

Vali gently took Sora's and Kyu's hands. "Come on...let's leave..."

"Umm..."Kyu started to say.

"Hey...he is our friend too, in fact he has been our friend first!"

"You...insulted us before getting to know us." Sora said

"I don't like rude..." Vali said, sticking out his tongue.

"WHy you...." one boy was starting to go at them.

"What's going on here?" said Nuriyo coming over.

The boy froze.

Kyu looked worried.

"They were insulting us and being rude, when we pointed out their behavior they went to attack us..." Sora said.

"No! They were trying to control Kyu." One of the boys protested

"I was watching from just over there....scram..." he said to the boys.

They grumbled. "Come on Kyu." The boys tried to grab his arm.

"I...told them I will eat with them..."

"'re our friend!"

Nuriyo growled. "You boys leave him alone...the way you are treating him and his friends is rude and uncalled off or should I send you to the office...?"

They grumbled and released him. Kyu rubbed his arms looking down.

Sora looked at him on concern. "Are you ok?"

He nodded.

Some of the boys wandered off ((up to you if the rest do))

"You can't tell us what to do!"

Nuriyo smirked. "Yes I the office..."

They growled and went off.

Vali looked at Kyu. "Kyu?"

"Yes...I'm sorry..."

"Why are you sorry? They were rude..." Vali said.

"Yea, it wasn't your fault." Sora said,'

Kyu was about to say something but he was gently grabbed and wrapped in a hug. "Are these boys picking on you?"

"No pappa...they are my friends." Suryu studied them carefully with distrust. His eyes finally settling on Nuriyo. "Is he your friend too?"

Vali smiled at Suryu. "Hi sensei....those other boys were being rude and calling us stupid...but he told them to beat it or he'd get the headmaster involved...."

Nuriyo looked at Suryu. "I'm seating in on being a teacher here, sir..."

He nodded still holding his son protectively. "I see...I don't approve of those boys I will have to see if I approve of you two."


He smiled and held his son close. 'Teasing, just teasing." But the look he had given them said otherwise

Vali's smiled disappeared. "But...but.... I thought you liked me, Sensei... you did earlier...."

"I said I was teasing." He said ruffling his son's hair.

Vali hugged Kyu. "I like having a friend like Kyu and Sora..."

Nuriyo just watched.

Kyu smiled.

Sora nodded a little uneasy.

Suryu looked over at Nuriyo. "What subject are you planning to teach?"

Vali pulled Sora into the hug with Kyu.

Nuriyo looked at him. "Looking at History..."

He nodded. "I see."

Sora hugged back with a blush as did Kyu. Suryu's head snapped to them and he watched them like a hawk

"You're son was in good hands with those looked like those other boys weren't good news..." Nuriyo said to Suryu.

Tameyuiki walked into the lunch room looking around.

He slowly relaxed. "I suppose..."

Tameyuiki saw them

Tameyukik walked up slowly. "Hello....Sensei..."

"Hello how are you doing now?"

"Clumsy as always....." he said softly.

"You're fine."

Vali just smiled, as he held Sora's and Kyu's arms.

Nuriyo looked curious.

"I am..." Tameyuiki said.

He sighed. "You need to have more confidence in yourself."

Vali smiled. "Hi...I'm Vali... that's Sora and Kyu....what's your name?"


Nuriyo smiled softly.

Suryu hugged his son once more

Vali smiled at the father and son.

Nuriyo watched, thinking of how it would be to hug him.

Suryu looked over at him uncertainty in his eyes

Nuriyo just stared at him calmly.

He looked away with a blush on his face

Nuriyo smiled. "You boys should be fine now...and if those boys come back and bother you...just call me..."

Vali nodded. "Thank you Sensei..."

"And me." Suryu said

Vali smiled at Suryu. "Of course Sensei...and I promise...I won't let anyone hurt Kyu..."

he nodded

Vali took Kyu's and Sora's and Takayuiki's hands and dragged them off to a table, smiling.

Nuriyo looked at Suryu, after watching them go off.

"How old was this person?" Suryu asked

Tameyuiki looked at him. "My....age...."

"Alright...but still be careful."

"Yes Sensei...." he whispered. "I'm sorry to have bothered you...."

"You were not a bother. I am concerned that is all."


"Of course. I am a father first and foremost and when anyone is upset my fatherly instincts kick in."

Tameyuiki nodded. "I...I...thank you sensei...."

He nodded

Tameyuiki just looked down. "Thank you Sensei...for talking with me...."

"Of course. If you ever need to talk I am here for you."

"Thank you sensei...." He bowed, and then turned to leave the room. Just after Tameyuiki had left the room, Suryu heard someone fall.

He hurried to look

Tameyuiki was on the ground, having tripped over a book that had been left in the hall.

He went over and gently picked him up. "Are you alright?"

Tameyuiki nodded "I'm clumsy...I'm sorry Sensei..."

"it's alright. It happens to everyone at some point. Are you ok now?"

"I'm okay...I am clumsy all the time..."

"I am sure you are graceful sometimes."

He shook his head. "No...I...have to get to class...."

"Be careful, and have more confidence in yourself."

"Hai...sensei..." he ran off, slipping again, but quickly jumping up again.

he headed to eat lunch

He saw Vali with his son, another boy, and a man he had never seen before.

he hurried over

Tameyuiki rushed into his class.

"Your late."

"I'm sorry sir.... Sensei Suryu had kept me late...."

"I see well set down."

Tameyuiki sat down, and listened to the lesson.

He finally was done and it was time for lunch

Tameyuiki headed for lunch. ((go up))

Syu blushed deeper. "U...mmm...I..." He looked at Rueshi not sure what to say

"You...what?" he asked calmly.

"I...why do you like me?"

"You're cute... I would love to get to know you...."

He blushed deeply. " cute?"

Rueshi leaned over and kissed him gently.

he blushed eyes going wide

Rueshi pulled away slowly. "Syu...."

"Uh...yes?" He was scarlet

"You're cuter when you blush..."

"No one has ever called me cute..."

"Cute...." he kissed him again.

He blushed kissing back

Rueshi held Syu close.

He turned scarlet kissing back

"Go out with me..."


"Will you go out with me...?"

He blushed and nodded

"Thank you..." he said kissing him.

He blushed and kissed back

He wrapped an arm around his waist as they walked.

"What do you like?"

Rueshi started to tell about himself.

He blushed as he listened

"And you?"

He told him about himself

He listened to everything.

He blushed

He kissed his cheek.

Rueshi then kissed him again on the lips.

He turned beat red kissing back

"So cute..."

"I am?"

"Of course..."

He blushed again hiding his face

He tilted up his head. "Don't hide it..."

He blushed more

Rueshi kissed him.

He blushed deeply and hesitantly kissed back. Rueshi noticed a cute boy holding his hand. He looked kinda like a girl

Rueshi watched the boy as he kissed Syu.

((Forgot here))

The instructor looked at Vance and explained what track was. He shushed some of the boys who started to laugh.
"Now might be a good time to introduce yourself as well."

Ryozo looked at him carefully and shook his head.

Vance's cheeks flushed as some people started to laugh at him. "Shut it". He squeaked in an all too high pitched manner, he'd never felt so, out of place in his life. Introduce himself. "My name is Vance". Was a good start he thought. "And I'm from England, if you want to know anymore you'll have to mail some money to my house or buy me a can of soda at least". And then he crossed his arms.

The teacher cocked a brow but said nothing else. "Alright...lets get this on a roll people. First everyone do stretches."

The rest of the class set to work.

Vance stared in horror as people began to bend over, kick their legs out and do all sorts of strange things, he saw a leg stretch and shoved his own leg out and leaned back, attempting it, he fell straight on his arse. "OW".

A young boy came over to him and reached out his hand to help him up. The by was cute and looked a little like a girl. He had short brown hair and goldish brown eyes. He looked half Japanese. "Are you ok? My name is Yuki."

Vance slapped his hand away in a brutal manner and stood up, rubbing his butt briefly to try and stop the pain. He glared at Yuki and turned his nose up at him. "Yuki, sounds like a girls name to me".

Yuki looked hurt and then smiled hesitantly. "Can we be friends?"

Vance stared at him."Sheesh are all Japanese men this easy". He said 'easy' like Yuki had just started kissing his feet. He glared deathly at him, he'd never had a friend and didn't need one now." we can't be friends..". He went to do another stretch and yelled as he tripped over his own foot and face planted the gym floor.

Yuki tried to help him up and fell sprawling on top of him with an oomph. "S...sorry..."He said scrambling up and dusting Vance off. "Please...I like having friends and I will do anything you want to be your friend...anything!" He said with puppy dog eyes. Vance could tell insults passed over the boy's head and he seemed full of life and eager to please.

Vance stared at him."Anything". He gave a smirk, he was a manipulative little guy sometimes and having some sort of lap dog would be ok. "Fine I guess we can be friends, if you wish to be my friend sooooo much". He made the 'soooo' very dramatic.

He hugged him happily. "YAY!
"Yuki! Please do your exercises you are keeping Vance and the others from doing it.
Yuki looked down. "Sorry sensie..." He said and a few minutes later he began to do jumping jacks.
After awhile they were told to play basketball. Yuki got the ball and than passed it to Vance. He was smiling happily.

Vance caught the ball and stared at it, he screamed in a girlish manner as two guys came running at him to take the ball, as the game involved. Vance threw the ball to the ground to try and make it bounce away, it ended up just bouncing up and smacking him in the face. It took a second for him to fall backwards, a giant red circle imprint forming on his face.

The instructor blew his whistle and hurried over. "Are you alright?"
Yuki looked worriedly at him and gently put a hand on his cheek. Warmth swept through Vance and his face healed. "Vance?"
Some of the other boys laughed

Vance blinked a few times and sat up, he twitched his nose. "Hey I'm always actually". He glared at the boys laughing. "FUCK YOU". HE suddenly stood up, he grabbed the ball which had gentle rolled a little a way and threw it right into the face of one of the laughing boys making a smack sound.

The instructor frowned. "" He said to Vance.
Yuki looked worried. "Can't you let him off just's his first day."
"Yuki. He broke two rules cussing and assaulting a student."
The instructor wrote something down and handed it over to him. "Take this to the councilor Vance and work on that temper of yours." He went over and inspected the other kid, the kid bled from his nose. "Go to the nurse."
Yuki looked at Vance. "I...will see you later..."

Vance held the piece of paper. "Hell no you're coming with me". He grabbed Yuki's hand and dragged him off. "If he doesn't come I might kill myself on the way". He barked, holding the piece of paper. "What is this shit exactly, why am I going to this 'councilor'"?

"Umm...well you're in trouble for hurting the other kid and cussing..."Yuki said following him and blushing a little. "Vance...please try not to cuss at least around the teachers because I don't want you getting in trouble..." He was practically jogging to keep up with Vance's angry strides

"Pah". Vance grumbled. "This is such shi-, this is so stupid". He held the piece of paper fiercely. "I didn't even hit him that hard, that guy was laying it on all the way, I mean what did he want an Oscar or something"?

"umm...he was bleeding..." Yuki said.

"Hardly enough to cause that amount of fuss, drama queen". Vance stopped by the room he was supposed to see the councilor, he knocked and got no response."Well, how rude, apparently my problems aren't enough for them".

"umm...she is out...We might have to wait, there is a bench over there." He said indicating one on the other wall. "Hey Vance?"

"What"? Vance snapped, like Yuki was the bane of his existence.

Yuki flushed. "Um...I'm I a freak? half Japanese and half I a freak?"

Vance thought it ok."No, not really, just makes you different I guess, but I like different". Vance spotted a soda machine.

He smiled brightly. "Really?!" He hugged him again happily. "Thanks!" He saw his gaze and hurried over to the machine. "What flavor do you like?"

"Coke". Vance threw his arms behind his head.

Yuki got him a coke and himself one as well. "What type of snack?"

"Oh those were biscuit things with chocolate on them, pooky or whatever". vance said the name wrong."Strawberry of those".

He giggled and got them handing a coke and one over and setting next to him. "It's Pokey."

Vance opened the coke and took a glug before biting the top of the box off and munching some of the yummy strawberry sticks inside.

He smiled and sat doing the same. ((he is such a follower lol))

Vance watched as Yuki did everything he did, and he practically bathed in the glory of it.

He blushed and looked at Vance. "Is there something on my face?"

"No". Vance stared back at his drink and gulped some soda, he cocked an eyebrow as a woman came running up the hallway. Lucy paused for a breath."I am so sorry, please come in, the teacher just informed of what happened". She looked at Vance."Vance can we please speak alone"?

Yuki looked worried. "please don't punish him...he didn't mean to they were being mean to him and he overreacted but really he is a kind person and he is real sorry....please...please don't expel him or punish him!" Yuki said in one loud burst

Lucy blinked."Well of course I won't, I just want to have a little chat and see how he feels about it all". She patted Vance on the shoulder gently, Vance tried to ignore it, but the woman's warmness was rather welcoming and he couldn't help but like her even a little bit.

Yuki still looked worried. He hugged Vance. "I will wait here..."

Lucy smiled and patted his shoulder giving it a gentle squeeze."Don't worry, I'll have your friend back in no time". She lead Vance into the room who wore an expression of defiance.

Yuki waited still worried for Vance

After ten minutes passed Vance walked out, he flicked his hair."She said I'm fine, just need to control my temper, how boring".

Yuki hugged him tightly. "I am so glad you aren't in trouble...what is your next class?"

Vance smirked in triumph at the hug, he patted Yuki on the head like he were his puppy. "I'm thinking of not going, I want lunch".

He blushed and nodded. "Should I skip and come with you?"

"Yes, yes you will". He ordered and began to walk."I think we should go out for lunch, and make a date of it".

He turned pink and jumped up and down happily hugging him once more. "A date? So...are"

"Would you like that little Yuki"? Vance spun around, suddenly he had Yuki pressed against a wall, hands by the boys head, stopping him from escaping if he wanted too.

His eyes widened and he blushed. "Umm...if you...want..."He said turning red

Vance pulled away, seemingly annoyed. "So, YOU don't want to be with me huh"?

"! I do I really do!" He said stepping closer and hugging him

"How much"? Vance didn't hug him back, he didn't feel he deserved it.

"I love you!" He turned scarlet and hid his face at the confession. "You....make my heart beat faster than ever before..."

"Prove it". Vance bit back, he looked around and snickered. "Erm, punch the wall". He had little in the way of ideas to prove love.

Yuki had tears in his eyes but did as he asked. He cried out in pain blood blossoming across his hands from his torn knuckles.

Vance stared, a sick smirk crossed his face though, he took ahold of Yukis hand and kissed it.

" hurts..."He whispered

"Love hurts". Was a callous reply.

He looked up at him tears in his eyes and then he ran down the hall sobbing

Vance cocked an eyebrow in annoyance."Baby".

He couldn't see him anymore

Yuki rushed into the nurses station. "What happened Yuki?" The nurse asked kindly.

He held his hand up for inspection and she cleaned and treated it.

Takari walked into his biology class and sat down.

There was giggling from the equipment cupboard in the biology classroom, followed by a light smash.

He frowned and went over opening the door.

Inside was like the scene from an R rated movie, Sander had Lucy backed up against the corner, her left leg hooked up around his waist, Sanders hand very obviously under her dress and delving down her panties. They were lip locked in quite and intense kiss.

"Room for one more?" He said leaning against the door seductively after overcoming his surprise

Lucy let out a gasp and shoved Sander off him so hard he smacked into the cupboard, she began to button her top back up, red hue on her cheeks."Takari, this, we were, talking". Sander just stared into space.

"Yes...talking..." He went over and kissed Lucy

Sander stared as Takari kissed Lucy, he stared. "Do you treat all your students like that Luce, I thought you were a good girl". Lucy pushed him away gently. "Takari, not only am I too old for you, or not only does this completely violate my teacher code, but I am a married woman".

"Yet having an affair in a storage closet." He said with a smile and than kissed Sander. "Don't worry I didn't forget you either."

Sander stood still as he was kissed."Thanks". He held a thumbs up and picked up his jacket, not seeing a problem with this situation. Lucy looked distressed. "Takari, I beg you, please, keep this to yourself". She held her hands to her chest, pleading so hard tears formed in her eyes.

"I'm not the type to gossip or spread rumors. Oh I think someone was heading toward your office though." He said with a smiled as he walked back into the classroom and sat down.

"Thank you Tayaki, you're such a good kid". She put a hand on his shoulder. "You'll understand some day, us grownups are weird". She smiled and ran out, trying to sort her hair out.
Sander watch her run away."Shes an odd one". He said bringing out a cow heart wrapped in paper from his bag, slamming it on the table causing blood to trickle on the wood and his fingers.

"So are you sensei." He said setting down. He was earlier for class and other students would flock in in a bit. "You two would be better off using the secret room so you won't get caught."

"I like secrets". Sander grinned and juggled the heart in his bare hands with this gleam of a smile plastered on his face.

He told him how to get to a secret room hidden in the left wing. "I've gone there tons of times and am the only one who knows about it."

"Sounds pretty exclusive then". Sander let the heart drop with a thud, he looked at Tayaki."Why aren't you with your friends".

"I don't have any."

"Really, I thought young boys like you had armies of friends". Sander sat down, he got out a magazine and began to read through it, even though he was holding it upside down. "Why no friends boy"?

"Sure I have allot of people that claim they are my friends but no true friends. They are only interested in me because of my money, position, and popularity..."

"Who couldn't like money". Sander nibbled his thumb nail."But come now you must have one loyal lap dog"?

"I have yet to find one."

"I'm not in the business of making friends boyo". Sander sighed and sat down, he began to curse in Russian as his laptop refused to start".

He got up and went over tinkering with the laptop, soon it started up. "Neither am I. You could say I am more the lover type." He said as he kissed Sander's neck

Sander looked at the laptop, he whacked the side."How did you do that, do you have magic powers or something"? He narrowed his eyes.

He shrugged. "Maybe."

"Fascinating, may I dissect you". Sander looked like he might actually do it for a second."If you die of course".

He smirked. "As long as I get to fuck you first." He said kissing him

Sander held him back a little with a disinterested look on his face. "I don't like little boys".

"I'm not little. But fine. Lucy is far more attractive anyway."

"I'm not with her because she's pretty silly boy". Sander smirked and began to type on his computer. "I'm with her because her husband is good friends with the Head Master, and, I like causing a little chaos". It was a lie, he'd fallen for her but still convinced himself it was all good fun.

"So if I revealed your affair after all you wouldn't care?"

Sander stopped typing."Care"? He stared at the screen. "No". He said rather unconvincingly. "But would you do that to darling Lucy"?

He grinned and shrugged. "I love chaos as well. I may, if I get something out of it." He sat down as the other students came in

"We'll, should be fun". Sander smirked and then glared as the students came in. "Alright no one sit down, we're going to stand today, I'm going to measure the effects of strain on your leg muscles has on your ability to answer questions correctly".

Tayaki smirked and stood. Some of the other students moaned

"Sensei? What about me?" One boy asked his leg was in a caste

Sander stared, he then walked over, grabbed the chair and moved it to the cast leg side."Lean on that while standing". He then walked bask to his desk.

The boy looked pitiful as he tried to do as instructed.

Tayaki smirked enjoying himself

"Detention for anyone who sits or FALLS". He said falls as he looked at the injured boy. "Now". He began to write some question about the heart on the bored. "You have till I finish my cup of tea and vodka to answer these". He sat down and began to sip.

Tayaki began to write the answers done going into complex and accurate answers.

One boy stumbled but didn't fall

Sander sipped his tea slowly, he finished it a good five minutes later."Okay pencils down".

Some of the students moaned but Tayaki held his papers close having finished already

Sander gathered the papers and slammed them down. "Talk amongst yourselves while I mark".

The students began to do that. Tayakaki watched Sander silently

Sander stared at the paper, his expression unreadable.

Tayaki examined the other students

He was fruiously marking paper.

Tayaki watched

"ALRIGHT". Sander stood up again, eyes narrow."All but one of you failed". He began to pace through the desks, one by one looking at the students."Now, I'm sure you can understand why I'm disappointed, Hmm"? He watched as half of the students cowered in fear.

Tayaki was calm trying to fight the smirk that threatened to spread on his face. Sander to him, was amusing and entertaining, he didn't find the erratic behavior intimidating, he liked it as opposed to the other teachers who were too stiff.

One student trembled. "All but one?"

"YES". Sander slammed his hand down on the desk of the student who had spoken. He narrowed his eyes and stared the kid down. "Only one passed, and I hate failures". He began to pace again."Anyone care to venture a guess as to why you failed"? He swung around."Tayaki, why did everyone but you fail".

"They lack discipline and study.They are also intimidated by you and therefor have entered a test already psychologically setting themself up for failure sensei."

Several of the students glared at him and grumbled

"Good". Sander clapped his hands."And now since you are the only capable one in the room you may pick their punishment".

He smirked and they all started to moan looking scared. "What about extra study time after school so they can spend more time studying and improving their mentality rather than spend it flirting with the girls at the girls school down the hill."

They groaned louder.

"They could also clean the labs."

The other students glared at him as though they wanted to murder him.

"And they could buy a round of pizza for you and I."

"That's bull shit!" One of the boys snapped

Sander snapped his eyes."WHO". he calmed himself and coughed. "Everyone but the young man swearing sit down". His eyes on the one who had sworn.

Everyone set down and so did the boy who had cussed

Sander was suddenly at the boys desk."Did you just directly disobey me"?

"Huh? I didn't cuss sensei."

"YEs you did young man". Sander narrowed his eyes.

Kagami sat happily under a tree in the yard outside the school, he was supposed to be in Gym right now but his Doctor had informed him he wasn't allowed to continue doing any physical exercise for another month. Of course this didn't stop him training in his Dojo, but it was an excuse to get a free lesson.

He heard a twig snap

((forgot Vance))

((Vance isn't anmywhere with anyone at the moment?? Yuki is with the nurse))((You can have him go elsewhere or try to find him))

((I'll leave it for now but he'll come back later))

"Oh"? Kagami tilted his head back and began to look around."Helloooo". He said in a sing song voice, grinning, he didn't get up from his seated place since he was rather comfortable. He just pulled his bag a little closer to him and continued eating the strawberries he had been munching on for the passed five minutes, an empty can of coke laying carelessly a few inches away from his foot.


"Oh"? This time it was a little higher pitched. Kagami leapt up and held his bag out in front of him, sort of like a shield. His bag of strawberries now strewn on the floor.

He saw a large dog growling at him

"Erm good doggy". Kagami lowered his bag a little and looked at the dog, he reached into his bag and rummaged around before he found his bento lunch box. He smiled and bent down, he held out the lunch box that had cooked rice and chicken in it, hoping this might deter the dog from attacking him."Come on doggy have some food".

It started to eat the food

Kagami watched and smiled, he left the bento box down so it could finish up."See, good doggy, I'm not mean".

Ir whined

Kagami sat down and smiled, hoping the dog would let him pet it, he reached forwards slowly."Goood doggie".

It growled

Kagami puffed his cheeks out and sighed, he flopped back down by his tree and hugged his bag, leaving his empty lunch box strewn just next to his foot. He began to continue eating his strawberries however now ignoring the dog.

The dog wined

Kagami stared at the dog again. "I don't know what you want". he pouted, this dog was bipolar or something, one second it was growling the next whimpering.

It began to back away and he was grabbed

Kagami yelled as he was grabbed, he thrust his elbows back and began to try and throw his attacker off.

His arms were pinned and he felt someone kiss his neck

Kagami screamed in agony as he felt a ripping sensation in his wrist, his arm bone had just stuck out of said wrist and stabbed the attacker through the shoulder like a bone spear.

His attacker screamed and released him

Kagami fell forwards, no doubt in an equal amount of pain as his attacker, he clamped a hand over his wrist and spun around, eyes wide to look at who had grabbed him. Blood seeped through his wrist, the bone now back in position, he wondered what had happened, had the guy got a knife?

A young man stood there looking at him in horror, blood seeping from his arm

Kagami stared at him and then to his wound, what the hell, but he didn't care. "Why did you attack me". His eyes were narrowed in both pain and anger.

"I wanted you...but you're a freak!" He ran off

"What"? Kagami watched the guy run off."Freak, you just attacked me how am I freaky". He tried to yell after him, his wrist was still bleeding but beginning to slow, it really hurt. He grabbed his stuff and tried to stumble into the school looking for the nurse.

He got to the office

Username (or number or email):


2010-03-24 [Silver Moon]: Time to fall through the floor again mwahahaha

2010-03-24 [Rice]: *does so* URF oow

2010-03-24 [Silver Moon]: ^-^

2010-04-05 [Rice]: You have forgotton Kagami.

2010-04-05 [Rice]: Was the dog or Kagami grabbed sorry?

2010-04-05 [Silver Moon]: Kagami

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