Page name: Strounger spells! [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-03-25 21:29:55
Last author: Kiristo
Owner: Kiristo
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 Immediately Hiei went back to the tower and when he got inside he rushed to Rika's room in a rage. The others followed a moment after. "Hiei?" Kurama questioned opening the door. They saw Hiei flipping rapidly through a large book. "Ummm...Hiei, is something wrong?" Yusuke asked walking over to him. Hiei stopped flipping through the pages, "Atamis is back." He said angrily. The others gasped. "WHAT!? NO YOU KILLED HIM!" Kuwabara protested. "Well obviously I didn't, and now he's back, and he took Rika, AGAIN!" Hiei said very angry. "He got Rika!?" Kuwabara questioned. "Hiei, are you sure?" Kurama asked. "YES!!" Hiei answered even more angered. The others were a little nervous because even though you couldn't see it, you could feel him spilling out a lot of spell energy through his rage. He was at the point to where his hands were balled tightly into fists. "So...what are you going to do?" Yuniko asked halfway in the door. "Yuniko!" Kurama said, wanting her to get out. Hiei seemed to grow more tense, but clamed and unballed his fists. You could see red marks on his hands from that. "I don't know." He said slowly. For a minuet he began to un-tense. "He's gotten stronger. Much stronger. I can feel it from here." Hiei said looking at his right hand. "there is much I need to do. So just get out." He commanded, and without hesitation, they all went out. Hiei spent the rest of the night in Rika's room, looking and learning stronger spells. The others formulated a plan.

Meanwhile, Atamis had put her in the vat thingy again. "YOU BASTARD! LET ME OUT THIS INSTANCE!!!!" Rika yelled through the air mask that covered her mouth. "No! I want revenge!" Atamis said. "How are you going to do that. If you haven't noticed, your stupid machine isn't taking my energy. I was able to conceal it inside myself before you put me in here." Rika said in a mocking way. "My dear Enchanted Maiden.....I'm not going to get my revenge by taking your energy. I'm going to make your worst fear come true. Or rather.....have you relive your past." Atamis said, then laughed. Rika's eyes widened in terror. Then she realized something and started laughing. "What!? What's so funny!?" Atamis asked. "Well now that you told me, I won't be scared." Rika answered. "What are you talking about wretch!?" Atamis asked. "My brother now wouldn't repeat his past. That prison I was in, I destroyed. And even if you had the technology or magic to make it happen again, I would know the difference. You can't fool me. What's in the past is just that, IN THE PAST!" Rika answered. Atamis took out a remote and pointed it at the screen on his TV that was in beaded in the wall. He turned it on and it showed'friends' franticly working. "See, Rika? Your friends are working so hard to find a way to save you. Once they get here, I'll mind control them and have you relive it." Atamis said. "Hiei...HIEI WILL STOP YOU!" Rika said quickly. "How will he do that under my mind control?" Atamis asked. "Your mind control won't work on his dragon! And even more so, I've taught his spells and he's gotten a lot of Spell Energy! you can't control all that power!" Rika answered quickly, as though searching for a solution. "Well if I can't control him, I'll merely contain him." Atamis said. "What are you talking about, Atamis?" Rika asked, angry. " have all the qualities like Hiei does, if I'm not mistaken. So capturing him should be as easy as it was, capturing you." Atamis answered walking over to Rika. "Your wrong!" Rika disagreed. "Oh...I think I'm quite right, my dear." Atamis said.

By the next day the team got to the island and reached Atamis new barrier. Suddenly, Atamis emerged from the cave and gestured for them to come over. Hiei reached out to touch the barrier and break it, but everyone was blown back. Atamis laughed, "I've improved this barrier to keep out humans and demons. So don't think you'll get in that easily." Then he looked at Hiei's angry look. "Well, Hiei. Looks like we meet again." Atamis said. "Release Rika!" Hiei demanded. "No. But...I think I'll toy with your emotions more." Atamis said. He raised his hand at the rest of the group. Hiei was blown back even more and the barrier opened and formed and reconnected behind the rest of the group. "Come on. What are you waiting for?" Atamis said mocking-like. "I'm not sure about this." Kuwabara whispered. Then Yusuke ran at Atamis and jumped up to punch him. But was stopped short as Atamis punched him in the stomach, hard. "YUSUKE!" Kurama called. Yusuke fell to his knees. Then Atamis smiled evilly, then Kicked Yusuke and he flew back. Then Kuwabara came up with his Spirit Sword and tried to hit Atamis. But the sword didn't even scratch him. Then he kicked Kuwabara as well. Finally, Kurama came up with his Rose Whip and tries to slash Atamis. Atamis dodged each one. Then punched Kurama. When they all regrouped he trapped them in transparent orange bubble. "WHAT THE-" "Not this again!" Kuwabara yelled. Hiei came up to the barrier and started hitting it with his sword, but it bounced off. Atamis laughed, "Hiei! I want you to become angry. Let your anger seep in and let your energy explode within you! I want to fight you at your best!" Atamis said flying in the air and entering the cave. "ATAMIS!!!!!!" Hiei's rage grew.

>> Chapter 6: Hiei...

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