Page name: TH 17 Review: Quickie Reviews [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-07-30 18:12:12
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The Town Herald


The netpaper about Elftowners, by Elftowners, for Elftowners.


Quickie Reviews!

by [Chimes]


Quickie Book Reviews:

'The Host' by Stephenie Meyer - To those familiar with Stephenie Meyer (Author of the well-loved 'Twilight Series') it comes as no surprise that 'The Host' contains inspiring and beautiful references to what one would do for love. It has been deemed a 'sci-fi novel for those who hate sci-fi' - that is not strictly true. It is not stereotypical sci-fi but I believe it would appeal to those who enjoy the more 'hardcore' sci-fi tales. Meyer's tale of romance, world-domination, possession and re-possession is definitely worth the read. It receives a 5/5 from a slightly biased reader.

'Chivalry' a short story by Neil Gaiman (From the book 'Smoke and Mirrors') - This review may, again, be ever-so-slightly biased. Neil Gaiman is my favourite author, however, Chivalry was not my favourite of his short stories. True, it had the knight in shining armour and the amusement of the old woman and her Holy Grail but it lacked the 'Gaiman-factor' that I normally find in his work. I would recommend it, yes, but not over some of the other tales that can be found within 'Smoke and Mirrors'. 3/5

'Stardust' by Neil Gaiman - I'm sensing a theme here. Anywho... Stardust is a beautiful story, crafted in the way that one might expect a fairytale to be crafted. It differs slightly from the newly made film (review can be found below) but is in no way disappointing. It certainly left me wondering what tales the stars could tell and what a crone would do for youth. 5/5, definitely recommended.

Quickie Film Reviews:

'Stardust' - Unlike most of its' kind the film adaptation of Neil Gaiman's 'Stardust' does not do the book an injustice. True, it cuts out a few details and changes the ending ever-so slightly to make more child-friendly - well I assume that was the reason - but it does so while keeping in the spirit of the story. A brilliant watch for both children and adults alike, I give it a 5/5

'Ever After' - The story of Cinderella. What can I say? I'm a sucker for fairytales. I adore this film, it's semi-old but definitely worth it - especially for the romantics among us. It has slight comedy, romance and a hint of betrayal... what more could you want? 5/5

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2008-08-07 [Imperator]: Ah! I loved the movie Stardust. It was great.

2008-08-07 [Cia_mar]: i saw both stardust and everafter...both favs in my book!

2008-08-17 [Duke Devlin]: Wow.. Emma you love everything! XD

2008-09-03 [Chimes]: ... I do, yes. I find it hard to find things I don't like... Unless they have clowns in them... or are the things you try to make me listen to :P
(Sorry it took so long, I may have clicked it and forgotten to comment)

2008-09-05 [Duke Devlin]: (It's because you are useless. *nod* :P)
XD I bet I could find things you dislike, that do not include clowns. ;)

2008-09-05 [Chimes]: Well... The Perfect Storm is something I dislike but it didn't really fit the theme. XD

2008-09-05 [Duke Devlin]: XD Well, fair enough. ;) And besides, I would hazard to say that you will like it eventually. XD

2008-09-05 [Chimes]: Well... I hate the film ... Hate is a strong word... The film bores me.

2008-09-05 [Duke Devlin]: I quite ike teh film..,. what I remember of it. XD

2008-09-05 [Chimes]: It goes on for too long

2008-09-08 [Duke Devlin]: It does. But I found it fairly enjoyable. :P But only cuase I like that sort of thing.. Or I did, at the time. :P

2008-09-09 [Chimes]: Ahh, I see

2008-09-11 [Duke Devlin]: No, You. Don't. :P

2008-09-11 [Chimes]: Ah, yes. I forgot... I have no eyes.

2008-09-18 [Duke Devlin]: Exactly, oh blind one. :O

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