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2006-12-26 17:41:28
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Traveller's Rest - Page 1

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[Lexi. Short and Sweet!]

[Lexi. Short and Sweet!]
Evelyn sat at the bar gazing into a mug of warm cider and breathing in it's delicious apple scent. Her toes skimmed the floor of the tavern despite the stool and her ears were pointed, she was an elf. She had been aware of the odd looks she was being given from the moment she walked in the door, it was true that as a town boardering the major road the residents saw many strange creatures but that didn't stop them staring. She could still feel their eyes on her back and their muttered words even as she sat motionless, thinking. She had her short bow and quiver slung across her back and a staff rested against the bar beside her. The staff was bladed and the light glinted menicingly from it's sharp blade edge. She knew that none of the regular towns people would approach her as long as she carried it but she didn't mind. At the moment she was only interested in gossip, rest and figuring out where she was going to next. She had been travelling around for nearly 2 years now and she had seen many things in her travel, some good and some bad and all interesting if not always exciting. She had more scars now than she had gained in 89 years of living in the forest village she called home and she had aged more than she had ever imagined she would. She had established that the messenger had been right in saying chaos once again walked the world of men and monster but now she felt she had to do something to help. Everything she had done and seen had led her now to this moment, sitting on a stool in an inn as the sun set. Eyes on her back, her gaze on her drink, thinking, wondering.  

[Beki in Wonderland]
Jessica wandered through the village, her sharp eyes darting around taking in every detail of her surroundings. Her paws padded softly on the earthy path, her lupine tail swaying in time with her steps. She was all to aware of the stares she was recieving from passers by, but it wasn't as if she wasn't used to it. She heard a childs voice saying, "Look mummy, that lady's got a TAIL!" She grinned to herself, and gave her tail a flick just to prove that it was real. She had once been hurt by comments made about her appearance, but it happened so often now that she was past caring. She had also once been shocked by how many people knew her fathers name, and knew that she was related to him. Although, she imagined there weren't that many hybrid wolf packs out there, and she assumed that her father's clan was the largest and best known out of all of them. It wasn't hard to put two and two together really. 'He's well known for being a bloodthirsty murderer, remember. That's why people are scared of you.' She thought bitterly, kicking a stone with her clawed paw. She pushed her cold thoughts from her mind, and decided to go and get a drink to calm herself a bit. She was new to the village, and thus had no idea where the nearest tavern or inn was. She was in no mood to ask people, as she knew most of them would run from her, so instead she raised her head and sniffed the air, trying to catch any wafts of alcohol. She also swivelled her large wolf ears, listening for pub-like noises. Being a wolf hybrid did have it's advantages at times.

The faint tapping on the door awoke her. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. She glanced at the beautiful jewel encrusted clock that sat upon her side table. This clock had been with her as long as she could remember, all the memories it held still haunted her till this day. She shook herself shuting the memory out of her head. She glanced again at the clock the time read, 3:30pm. 'Not again,' she thought to herself, this was the second time that she had slept in really late. She dragged herself out of bed aware of the task she had to complete by the end of the month. It still made her feel sick even though it had been so long since she was assigned it. The faint tapping came again at the door. 'Come in,' she said, the small creature poked it's head around the door, 'erm... we errr... have to clean errrrr... the room,' the small creature squealed at her. 'That's ok i'm on my way out.' She slid on her cape and boots, and made her way out of the old hotel. Out in the street she took in a deep breath and turned towards the tavern.

[Lexi. Short and Sweet!]
Evelyn sighed, her thoughts were leading her in circles, she didn't have much to go on. She lifted the drink to her mouth and took a long draught, it was good stuff that warmed her whole body and relaxed her instantly. Her thoughts drifted from her path in the future to the path she had travelled in the past, she wondered how her family were, her mother, brother and father. She had left them without any warning or notice and she still felt guilty about it, she sent them letters every so often but as she was travelling there was no way to recieve any news or even make sure the letters reached their destination. The thoughts saddened her and she sighed again, she wanted to return home but she knew her parents would want to find her a husband and make her stay in the village. The barkeeper walked over to her, he was young and he smiled kindly at her, "troubled miss?" he asked polietly and she smiled up at him. "I guess you could say that," she replied and he grinned at her leaning against the bar top to talk to her. "You're not from around these parts are ye miss?" He blushed as if embarressed and she felt sorry for him, it must have taken alot of courage to approach her and ask her outright. "I'm an elf," she laughed, "from the inner woods." She saw his eyes light up like a child's, "an inner wood elf? I heard that no one has left their villages in the inner woods for nigh on a centuary! How old are you miss, parden my probing."
"It's alright," Evelyn looked down at her drink and then back up at the man,"i'm one of the few of our kind that haven't kept to the villages a few of us have left to travel but few enough that it would seem none leave the forest. I am 91 but that is young in our society, we live over 3 times as long as you do. In human years i would be but 17 or 18 summers old." The man looked shocked and he backed away from her, swhe wasn't offended it was difficult to deal with a person that looked like she was less than a third of her actual age.

[Beki in Wonderland]
Jessica finally managed to find her way to the tavern, and stepped inside boldly. The people payed little attention to her, which was just fine with her. However, whenever someone caught a glimpse of her tail which she had pulled between her legs in an attempt to hide it, or her ears which she had flattened to her head, or her large clawed paws which were so dirty they looked like worn leather boots, nervous stares were directed at her. She glared at a few people, attempting to unnerve them a little, to stop the staring if nothing else. She approached the bar and tapped it's scratched wooden surface with a long, claw like nail. The barkeeper gave her a shocked look, his gaze immediately landing on her ears. She sighed, raising them up from where they were flattened to her scalp. Everyone had seen them by this point anyway, there was no point trying to hide them. The barkeeper edged closer nervously. "C-can I help?" he said, watching Jessica for any signs she would attack. Wolf hybrids were feared, and as this village didn't know her yet, they were un-aware that she meant them no harm. She sighed, thoroughly put off the idea of alcohol. "Just a glass of water.. please.." She said, sitting on a bar stool, her tail brushing the floor. A glass of water appeared before her moments later. "Thanks.." She muttered, sipping the water delicately. The bar keeper walked away and busied himself cleaning glasses, avoiding the Jessica's gaze. 'Guess i've got another villages trust to earn...' she thought moodily, swirling the water in her glass.

The cool breeze made her thick dark hair swish from side to side as she drew nearer to the tavern. Determined to get to out of the cold she spead down the road. Suddenly her foot hit something on the path. She stumbled and hit the hard concrete. As she fell a pendant from around her neck came loose. She watched as it hit the path and bounced afew times. for a split second it had totally slipped her mind why the pendant was so important. It slipped her mind how when she was younger she had been given it as a gift, and she had momentarily forgotten about the effect of her not wearing it. No sooner had she fallen the burning sensation that she had exprenced only twice before had started. She knew it was only a matter of seconds before some one would see her. She lept forward and her out stretched hand clasped itself around the pendant that was now glowing a rich purple colour. The sound of distance voices made her realise she was still out in the open and her transformation had already started. She darted into the darkness of the nearest alley, and fumbled with the clasp on the necklace. She replace the pendant around her neck and the burning sensation began to weaken. The voices slowly faded and she poked her head around the corner to see how far she had left to get to the tavern. 'That was so close,' she thought to herself. It wasn't that far to get to the tavern and she continued towards it. As she approached it she gave a deep sigh. She push the heavy door of the tavern open and quickly went inside. The warmth of the tavern surrounded her as she stood there with an expression of great releaf.

[Lexi. Short and Sweet!]
Evelyn glanced up as she heard the tavern door open, she looked over her shoulder and smiled. A half wolf half woman had entered the tavern, she had heard of people like this but had yet to meet one. The woman intrigued her but she turned back to her drink, it would be rude to jump up and demand she answer all her questions. The woman sat down at the bar a few seats down from her and Evelyn kept half an eye on her drink watching how the people around acted towards the new customer. She frowned slightly as she noticed the bar man's nervousness, she could understand part of how the woman must feel. Her travelling had meant that she had met many people some of which were fascinated by her and others who were terrified becuase they didn't know enough about her or feared her powers. She sighed and took a sip of her drink, it was a lonely life, few people had offered her friendship and in comparison it must be so much harder for the wolf woman. She was more obviously different whereas Evelyn could pass as a tall human there was no chance this woman could. Evelyn decided that the least she could do was share conversation with the woman. She got up and walked over to her.
"Hello," she said cheerfully and offered her hand as she sat down on a stool neighbouring the woman's. "It's a lonely life isn't it? Every human is different yet none of them have learnt to tolerate those that flaunt their differences." She said half to herself and half to the woman.
The door swung open again and Evelyn looked round again, another woman was framed in the doorway, she wondered what her story was. Her face showed great relief but for what reason? That she had found warmth, a place to drink or that she had escaped something. The curiosity that had driven Evelyn to travel rose up inside her, she longed to leap up and talk to the woman, but she knew better. She would let her have her peace, she would come over if she wanted to talk.

Back to Traveller's rest

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2006-11-24 [Seize.The.Moment]: is that right?

2006-11-24 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: Yeah thats fine i moved it to the front page so it's easy for new members to see what characters are involved.

2006-11-27 [Beki in Wonderland]: hurry up and post Naph *fidgets* i'm impatient.. And i just nearly got arrested for breaking and entering.. into my own house XD Bugger me, cops are stupid...

2006-11-27 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: lol yeah well.. thats so like you nad i'm going to post NOW!! okay happy now? I have no idea what i'm going to be writing about but peh! There done! happy now?

2006-11-27 [Beki in Wonderland]: bah, i fail at short posts >.< sorry XD

2006-11-27 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: lol it's okay mine wasn't that short either! ^-^

2006-11-27 [Seize.The.Moment]: was i meant to write that or should it be different?

2006-11-27 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: *hugs* ahh velvet you're really good! One of the best first time RPer's i've seen in a long time!! There are a couple of gramatical errors (capital letters and stuff.) but i'll sort those for you. Appart from that you have a nice style, good sense of flow and use just the right amount of description and plot details that make the reader want to read on! Very good! <img:img/mood/44166_1164218094.gif>

2006-11-27 [Beki in Wonderland]: YAY! A new RPer who can actually RP well!! <img:img/mood/44166_1164145221.gif> It's a nice change to see a first post like that Velvet, i like your style :p

2006-11-27 [Seize.The.Moment]: wow thank you <img:img/mood/44166_1164145171.gif> *hugs*

2006-11-27 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: ^-^ it's no problem! *hugs back*

2006-11-27 [Seize.The.Moment]: soo what happens now?

2006-11-28 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: well now i post again i think.. yup i'm posting again! ^-^

2006-11-30 [Seize.The.Moment]: sorry if there's loads of mis-spelt words spelling was never really my strong point

2006-12-12 [Seize.The.Moment]: anyone there?

2006-12-13 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: yeah i have to apologise life is so hectic at the moment so i haven't been able to post recently >.< I will definately have a post up by christmas *nods*

2006-12-13 [Seize.The.Moment]: okies ^.^

2006-12-13 [Beki in Wonderland]: Ya, same here... lots to do at the moment -__- aieeeeee, christmas shopping to do..

2006-12-17 [Lexi. Short and Sweet!]: i knoww! xD i'm sorry about my uselessness! only a couple more days until i can post!

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