Page name: TTR-Outskirts of The City [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-07-11 23:02:03
Last author: Evolution X
Owner: Dark Shiva
# of watchers: 6
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The outskirts... The edge of the city. Many people are found here, trying to leave the city, but Redfist has barricaded the area. The sad thing is, it's considered one of the more safer areas of the city and most of the people there have camped out, hoping for a chance to escape...

Some shadows from a tree suddenly turned errie, and Shadowflame emerged out from the shadows like a portal. "Tch. Maybe now I can finally be alone..." She muttered as the shadows went back to normal.

Speedy was just above her, sitting on a windowsill. His eyes narrowed slightly as he watched her.

A tree shuffled slightly as the shadows crept out from behind it, it was if a long shiver had gone down its spine. How did that person get so close to it without it noticing? Some leaves shifted even though there was no wind and something large, green and round gazed out from the leaves.

Shadowflame turned and looked at the 'tree' when it shuffled. "What the hell...?" She suddenly stopped, her right eye twitching. "I know you're up there..." She said, referring to Speedy. 'Why is it now matter where I go, I run into MORE people!?' she thought.

The tree didn't know that Speedy was there either, the small green dot shrank in panic and the leaves slammed back. He stayed completely still however, muscles stiff in panic as he preyed that she had mistaken what she'd seen.

Ari noticed Shadowflame and ran over to her "Why did you run off like that?" he asked.

"Augh! Is it that hard for a guy to take a hint!?" ShadowFlame all but screamed.

Speedy watched them all in fascination.

"Great! Now I have Mr.Hero-In-Tights watching me!" ShadowFlame exclaimed sarcastically.

Ari looked at ShadowFlame you "You should just give in,I'm not going to give up" he said

Speedy growled, "Hey I have a name! It's Speedy! And I'm just curious why you have so many people following you."

"Mph. Pathetic." Ice had been wondering if she should continue threw the cluster of people, or wait until they left. She had made a mental note to herself: Speedy was safe and free. Ice had figured that before she moved to save the titans, she'd figure out who was out and who was captive. She pushed her frame from the wall she had been leaning against, deciding to continue on her way to the inner most parts of the city.

Speedy spotted Ice out of the corner of his eye, "What...she..." He was silent as he watched her walk away.

ShadowFlame growled, and used this time to try to avoid this group of people. "Augh stupid people in and tights, and gentleman wannabes..." The rest became mutters as she walked off.

Speedy blinked as ShadowFlame walked off, "What's her problem..." he had been resting, he had been trying to find other heroes all night long...and avoid capture.

Ice waited for a while, ducking being a corner. She honestly didn't want to deal with someone who was so much like herself. If they both wanted to be alone, she could easily respect that.

ShadowFlame resisted the urge to tell Speedy to 'shove it', and instead just kept on walking ahead.

'Wow' Ari thought to himself as he watched ShadowFlame and Speedy.Then he started to follow ShadowFlame again.

ShadowFlame stopped, and slowly turned to face Ari. "...Ari...Do you know what 'anti socail' means?" she asked in a chillingly sweet voice.

Speedy hopped down from his perch and walked up to Ari and ShadowFlame, "Hey now...don't bite off his head. He is just trying to be polite."

"Oh thanks!" Ari said,as he looked at Speedy "I don't think we've ever met" he said,then he put out his hand to shake Speedy's "my name's Ari"

"Tch. You don't have him following you everywhere you go..." She muttered, uses this time to try to get away from Ari once again.

Speedy smiled at Ari, "My name is Speedy." His eyes watched ShadowFlame leave hurridly.

Ari realized that ShadowFlame was gone then turned and ran after her.

Speedy decided he would follow after them and chased after Ari.

Shadowflame started to run. "Dear lord! Leave me alone!"

Ari started to run faster "No! Just give in! I'm not going to give up!"

"Tch. You have no idea how stubborn I can be, tard." She, disappearing into a shadow of a tree.

Ice chuckled to herself as she watched the girl disappear. She emerged from her hiding place, once again going about on her way.

Ari realized no matter how much he was wanting to spend time with ShadowFlame she would never let him.So He walked over to Ice with Speedy.

'Oh my god, FINALLY' ShadowFlame thought, as she stepped out of the shadow. She then went to a nearby bench and sat down, staring at the barracade. RedFist had put some sort of power-dampening feild around the barracade, so even people like herself couldn't even get out."..."

Ari went over and sat next to ShadowFlame "Sorry for chasing you"

ShadowFlame just shrugged as she continued to look at the barracade. "Whatever."

Ari looked at the barracade "Ummmm I was wandering'd like to go out somtime."

ShadowFlame blinked, then sighed. "...I'm more of a loner..."

Ari looked at her "I know,but just give me one chance and if you don't enjoy yourself i will never ask you out again."

"Even if I was intrested... This isn't exactly the best of times for dates..." She said refurring the RedFist Invasion.

"Yah you're right" he said,then sighed "I would still like to get to know you better."

ShadowFlame shrugged. "Mabye in the feature I'll tell you more about me... But right now... I'd rather keep to myself.

"Oh...ok" Ari said as he stared at the ground.

Speedy came up upon the two, "Hey you two..I was wondering where you had gotten to. Did you make up and kiss?" he asked with a grin.

ShadowFlame did a facepalm. "Oi! No we didn't."

Ari looked up and sighed "Hey Speedy"

Speedy laughed and waved, "Hey, sorry I had to try! Whats up, you two look like your dog just died...I know things are bad right now, but we can still fix them! We just have to work together."

"I really don't think we can fix them" he said,as he looked at Speedy "I'm just glad my brother isn't involved in this"

Speedy sighed, "We can't give up hope...there is always hope, thats what Robin would say, we have to keep trying. No matter what we have to!!"

"Hate to dampen this already gloomy mood..." ShadowFlame said as she got up. "...But I'm no hero. So you'll have to find someone else join your little 'team'..."

"But you have to help us....we need all the help we can get...."Ari said,as he looked up at ShadowFlame.

She shook her head. "You want to play 'hero', then you go right ahead."

Speedy looked at ShadowFlame, "We need anyone....if there is some reason you don't think you can help then say so, but I can't accept that you just don't care."

ShadowFlame simply folded her arms across her chest. "Not saying"

Speedy smiled, "Then you do care, but something is holding you back from helping us....."

"Well thank you Dr.Speedy for the diagnosis." She said, rolling her eyes. She then sighed. "Look, I'm sorry. But I just can't."

There was a small squarwk from the within the woods as a long sticky tongue snapped out and caught a bird in mid air. The tongue went back into the mouth of the tree that had been shaking before. There were small crunching sounds, he had used up a lot of energy just by being scared.

Ari looked at the tree "Wow what was that?!"

The tree went completely stiff again, a small squeek of terror coming from the leaves covering the face hidden beneath the leaves.

ShadowFlamed blinked, looking at the tree. "I'm not sure if it's even a tree..."

Dont come over here, dont come over here... the tree thought to itself, a branch by its side twitching slightly in worry.

ShadowFlame went over to the tree, and poked its trunk.

It certainly felt like wood. The leaves were clamped low over the one eye, hiding it from view; though the tree still trembled in under the touch. Its roots tigthened in the floor and the branch flexed as the tree fought the urge to run.

ShadowFlame blinked. "Wreid..."

The tree twitched and a loud whimper came out from the leaves, one shifted slightly to reveal the eye before the leaf was slammed back again.


Nomi looked around, as her and Rae arrived at the Outskirts. "There's alot of people here... but..." She looked around hoping to if maybe her parents were here. Maybe they survived the attack on the building, came here... But sadly she didn't see them.

Rae took a deep breath and looked around. "I... I can't see my father anywhere!" She muttered.

Robin stood with his arms crossed, watching the two.

"I don't see my mom or dad here either..." Nomi said. "You think they..." She looked at Rae, not wanting to say what could've happen to their family. "Th...they were at the school too, when it the attack happened..."

Rae shook her head. "I don't want to think about it." She said. Robin was just about to leave when she grabbed his arm. "Please!" She looked to Nomi, and back. "Take us with you! We... We don't have anywhere else to go."

Robin looked hard and long at her, then sighed. "Fine, fine.." he muttered. "I'll take you with. But our first stop is going to be the tower... OR what's left of it at least."

Nomi looked around last time, looking for any sign of her parents. She sighed, before nodding. "Okay..."

Rae smiled. "And if we come across anyone else.. Maybe we can start something."

Robin seemed to think for a moment, then he nodded his head. "Alright. Well, let's go."

Nomi just nodded again, before her and Rae followed Robin to TTR-Titans Tower


"What the hell?" Shadowflame jumped back slightly, when seeing that the 'tree' had an eye.

Ari looked at the tree then looked ShadowFlame "What in the world do you think it is?"

There was some small crumbling sounds from the roots; if anyone looked they'd see each root acting by itself to push the tree backwards slowly. What or whoever it was was trying to escape.

Shadowflame blinked. "Wha...?"

The tree was slowly working backwards, roots whipping along the ground slightly faster as it tried to get away.

Ari jumped behind the tree "Not so fast" he said as he looked at the tree "Who or what are you?"

Speedy watched this with interest, he had no idea what was going on, but at least they were wrorking together.

"No one. Nothing. Just leave me alone..." The tree seemed to whisper; it sounded like wood creaking in the wind. It kept creeping backwards, he wasn't going fast at all but he had a lot of push.

Speedy took a step foward, "You know we're not going to hurt you right?"

The tree kept moving, but somehow even slower "no... no I dont know that."

"Don't worry we wont hurt you"Ari said kindly as he put his hand on the tree

A massive shiver went up the tree, it was definatley wood under Ari's palm "Please... dont touch me..."

"Oh sorry" Ari sat down in front of the tree "Please tell me who or what are you"

Speedy moved and sat next to Ari.

"Im a Jupiter Mantrap... that's all I know about myself. That's my name, that's what I am..." the tree whispered, a strange venus fly trap like jaw flapping underneath the leaves covering its face as he talked.

Speedy blinked, "Thats very interesting, where did you come from...I mean..I wouldn't think that you would be from here." he said as hoping not o offend.

"Some facility... they made me. I escaped..." Jupiter answered, his leaves shifting slightly to reveal some of his single large eye and sharp teeth "I heard there were people here... strange people like me."

Speedy smiled, "Strange? Nah, your unique! And there are unique people all over this town."

"They called me freak..." Jupiter mumbled to himself, a wooden arm moving with a creak and scratching his wooden chest slowly.

"Yeah people can be cruel" Ari stood up and looked at Jupiter and smiled "I'd like to be your friend"

Jupiter frowned and gently poked Ari's cheek with a thick wooden finger; Ari could feel his teeth rattle from that small poke. "What's that?" he asked, staring at Ari's face and frowning. When someone with one eye frowns, they frown big time.

Speedy smiled, "A friend is a person you can count on, who will help you when you need it. Thats what Ari and I would be toy ou if you want it?"

"Yeah so would you like to be our friend?" Ari asked

"Yes... please" Jupiter said, raising his leaves more to reveal his face all the way. He was still frowning though "I meant... what's this?" He traced the finger over Ari and Speedy's smiles, not touching them this time just indicating.

Ari looked at Jupiter surprised "You don't know what this is?" Ari pointed to his mouth

Jupiter frowned a little more and squinted "I know that's a mouth... but what's it mean when the ends go up?" He tried slightly himself; all it did was make him look like a psychotic predator with large fanged teeth.

"Oh you mean a do that when you're happy" Ari said while looking at Jupiter.

Speedy laughed and nodded, "Nice try!" he said with a smile.

You could almost see the ripple in the leaves on Jupiter's head as he thought "Happy... what's that?"

"Hmmmm....Speedy do you want to explain to him what happy is?" Ari looked at Speedy.

Speedy nodded, "Happy is an sadness, fear, anxiety, hate, or anger. It makes you feel warm inside..does that make sense?"`

"Those, I recognise those" Jupiter said, pointing a thick finger at Speedy "But happy... no. Never known that one..."

"Well since it looks like I'm not needed, I'll go now." ShadowFlame said as she headed back to the TTR-Subway Tunnels of The City

Speedy watched ShadowFlame walk away and he blinked, he looked at Ari, "Do you think you could stay here with Jupiter? I can try tot alk some sense into her." He got up and swiftly followed behind ShadowFlame.

"Yeah sure"Ari said as he watched Speedy chase after ShadowFlame.

[Gotta go walk the dog be back soon! [Dark Shiva]

Jupiter nodded slowly and just stood there, waving slightly at the others dissapear. He wasn't sure what to do now, these guys had found out and now they suddenly leaving.

Ari looked at Jupiter and smiled "Don't worry they'll be back soon"

A blond haired girl wearing a school uniform walked over to a bench near them but not paid no attention to them.

"Ummmm sorry Jupiter but...i gotta go"Ari said,then he stood up and walked over to the girl and sat next to her "Hi it's nice to meet you.My name's Ari.What's yours?"

Jupiter blinked his large eyes and rustled his leaves as he shrugged and took up his normal position, trying to be a tree again.

Ari looked back at Jupiter and felt bad for leaving like that.He got back up and went back over to him "Hey Jupiter,sorry for leaving like that"

Jupiter sighed and reached out, picking Ari up easily with one hand and walked back towards the blond girl. He put Ari back down, smiled as best he could at the girl (which still looked like he was hungry), and stood very still again "Im fine."

"Hello, I'm Terra," she said as she noticed the the tree looking thing and laughed a bit,"You remind me someone."

"That's a beautiful name" Ari said,as he looked at Terra and smiled.

Jupiter blinked again and peeked at Terra "Who do I remind you of? Is there someone else like me here?" He sounded desperate to find something that looked like him.

Ari looked at Jupiter,then frowned cause he felt like he was being ignored.

A shadow portal once again appered, as well as ShadowFlame coming out. "Dammit..." She hissed, trying to pull the bullet out of hr shoulder.

Jupiter's eyes went wide as he tasted blood in the air, spinning around surprisingly quickly to face Shadowflame. A long sticky tongue slid out slowly before he shut his eye tight and rolled it back into his mouth "Y-you're hurt?"

"Dose it look like I'm alright?" ShadowFlame asked, gritting her teeth in pain, as she finally pulled the bullet out.

Seconds later Alexis fell through the portal. He jumped to his feet and looked around, "The...park..."

Speedy followed soon after and landed on his back with a sigh, "Slade...thought he was dead...."

Ari ran over to see what had happened "Oh my god! What happened to you?!"

"Slade..." ShadowFlame said simply, tossing the bullet.

Speedy sat up, "Sorry we couldn't get there in time.."

Alexis smirked, "We would have gotten there sooner if you had calmed down."

Speedy turned red, "Hey..I was just worried about her!"

Jupiter knelt beside Shadowflame and examined her wound; wincing slightly he extended his tongue and licked it slightly. It fizzed softly and stung but the skin glued together from the sticky fluid.

ShadowFlamed blinked. "Err... Thanks?" She then turned to Speedy and Alexis. "Why did you follow me in the first place?"

Jupiter smacked his massive lips and tried to smile, again the large predatory grimace came instead. Feeling awkward he got up and moved over to beside the new blond haired girl.

Speedy grinned and rubbed the back of his head, "Well, I was gonna try and get you to join our group by talking to you some more."

Alexis spoke up, "Which is where I cam in. I was resting there, and I saw you. I was going to leave so you wouldn't notice me, but then I saw you get attacked by Slade. And then, I found Speedy, he was worried abbout you, and I dragged him along with me to help you. Though it's not like I had to drag him very hard."

"You won't give up on trying to make me join your 'hero' group, will you?" ShadowFlame sighed. "And here I thought I was stubborn one."

Ari looked at the others "Wow,I missed alot didn't I?"

"Yes you did. And consider yourself lucky." ShadowFlame said. "Slade is one person you don't want to encounter."

Speedy nodded silently.

Alexis nodded, "Yes...he is a rather sticky opponent...very handy with a gun..."

"And extreamly good at tracking people down..." ShadowFlame muttered.

Alexis nodded and sighed.

Speedy smirked and stood up, "Well what now?"

Terra fell over at the mention of Slade her memories coming back painfully to her. As she layed on the ground her eyes looked slightly dazed and incoherent at the time.

"Terra!" Ari ran over to Terra "Are you ok?!" He said,as he held her in his arms.

Terra remained in her dazed state her memories all coming back to her every single one. After a few minutes she responded,"Where is he?" she asked.

Speedy watched Terra closely, he thought he had heard her name before but shook his head and stood up.

Alexis waved his hand into the air and small orbs of water appeared, he moved his hand and they floated to each person there, "Here...have a drink."

Terra refused the drink and said,"Where is he?" one more time.

Ari looked at Terra "You want to go after him,don't you?" He said,as he looked at her worried.

Terra opened her eyes,"Where is BB?" she asked being more informative.

"Oh....him..." Ari said,sounding upset.

Speedy stood up straighter, "Terra...your that Terra?!" he asked as he pushed the orb of water away.

Alexis sighed as he let the orbs hover in the air.

Terra quickly sat up and looked at Ari and then at speedy,"Yes, I'm that Terra, so where is he?" she asked.

Speedy shook his head, "I have no idea...all of the origanal Titans have fallen out of contact."

"Chances are, your friends are held up at RedFist's base." ShadowFlame said to Speedy. "That is, if RedFist decided to let them live."

Speedy turned to ShadowFlame, "Why not? I mean, if I was part of an illegal evil organization, I would try and persuade people to join, and if that didn't work, use mind control to force them....not that I would actually do that of course..." Speedy managed a weak smile.

Alexis nodded as well, "That makes much more sense that killing them outright..."

"Yes, but RedFist tends to kill anyone that is alien, mutant, or not their version of 'prefection'." ShadowFlame said. "That or they torture those they capture."

Speedy looked at the ground, his brows coming together as he thought deeply.

Alexis felt so out of the loop at the moment, he had been wandering the city the last few days, after he was attacked at his school. He had no idea what was going on.

"You two don't know that much about RedFist, do you?" ShadowFlame asked.

"I have a question" Jupiter said, sticking a branch in the air "What the hell is going on? What happened to the Titans? Why arent we trying to save them now?"

Where the hell have these people been the last weeks days? Under a rock? ShadowFlame thought, as she sighed. “A demented racist group that calls themselves RedFist invaded the city.” ShadowFlame said. “Soon afterwards, they started going after aliens, mutants, and pretty much anyone that wasn’t their idea of perfection. Not long afterwards the Titans gone ‘missing’, or more like attacked and captured by RedFist.” She looked at Speedy. “Well most of them. And as why no one is trying any rescue attempt… It’s damn near impossible. For starters if the Titans are alive, then they are most likely at the RedFist base, and no one really knows where it’s at. And even if anyone did, getting inside would be a suicide mission.” ShadowFlame looked back at Jupiter. “Any more questions?”

"Yeah, what's 'alien'? I had it screamed at me a lot lately..." Jupiter said, shifting from rooty foot to rooty foot as he thought about what he'd just been told.

Alexis sighed and leaned against a tree that was nearby. He waved his hands and water orbs started to float around them, like bubbles.

Speedy grimaced, "They attacked like cowards, in the night, heavily outnumbering them...." he said angrily.

ShadowFlame sweatdropped at Jupiter's question. "Living beings not from this world." She looked back to Speedy and the others. "RedFist never fights fair."

Ari listened to everything and thought to himself for a second "This whole thing is messed up.They have some of the best Titans and they have greater numbers than we do.We need more help" Ari said.

ShadowFlame looked to Ari, raising an eywbrow."We? Didn't you hear me last time? I'm not joing this little 'hero' group." She said.

Ari looked at ShadowFlame "So you're just going to sit back and let Red Fist do this? The only way we have a chance to defeat them is if we work together." he said.

"I never said I was going to do nothing!" ShadowFlame shot back. "I'm just more of the loner type. Is that a problem?" She challaged.

"No,but how do you think you'll be able to stop them alone?" Ari asked.

ShadowFlame stayed silent for a momment. "Look... I'm sorry. I just don't do well in groups. Okay?"

Ari looked at ShadowFlame "Why don't you give it a chance?" He asked,then looked to the ground. "You have friends here who care about you and some who love you and would do anything for you" he said,then looked back up at her.

ShadowFlamed sweatdropped. "Friends? We barely even know each other, and you consider me a friend?"

"Yes I do" Ari said,as he stared at ShadowFlame "Why wouldn't I?"

"I consider you a friend" Jupiter said, smiling again and this time managing to get it less carniverous "You're the first people not to scream and run away from me."

Speedy watched the two but said nothing, his mind was racing as he tried to figure out things in his head.

Alexis was tired of siting there, or standing in his case, he had been doing enough of that. "It was nice to meet you guys and gals...and you to Jupiter, but I have to go, sitting here and talking isn't something Im good makes me nervous and peranoid."

"What's the difference between a guy and a gal?" Jupiter asked, blinking his large eye at Alexis. It was almost as if he was suddenly brimming with questions to ask these people, these people who would actually answer.

(Sorry but it's 12:11 am here. I need some sleep >.> Night! Love Shiva ^^)

(I havent posted in a while so Im gonna post, I hope thats ok, but no one post after me unless its shiva)

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2008-08-09 [Dark Shiva]: Sorry for the long absunce! I was on vacation! ^^;;;

2008-08-20 [Araglas]: lol its ok

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