Page name: TTR-Subway Tunnels of The City [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-06-19 05:34:58
Last author: Ookami Ouji
Owner: Dark Shiva
# of watchers: 4
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Return to TTR Rp Room


You have walked down an escalator and arrive in a subway station that is out of service in all regions. As you look around you see no one in the vicinity of this station except yourself and a few homeless people hiding with children with them. As you move over by the tracks you see nothing but the darkness of the tunnels that lead to every part of the city.

ShadowFlame walked back into the subway, raising an eyebrow at the destroyed slade robots. “Looks like I missed the fun…” She said sarcasticly.

A voice came out of nowhere "Hello ShadowFlame it's been too long" it was Slade's voice

Shit. She thought as her hands immedatly englufed in blue flames. "Not long enough." She growled. "What the hell do you want?"

"There is no need for that." Slade said as he emerged from the shadows "You showed so much have always been my favorite pupil."

"Flattering, but I'm not coming back." ShadowFlame said, as she away towards the shadows. "I already have enough trouple avoiding RedFist. The last thing I need is to deal with you!"

Slade jumped in front of her "You should reconsider."

ShadowFlame glared at him. "I rather die, then work for you again!" She shot servel blue fireballs at at him, and backflipped into the shadows.

Slade dodged all the fireballs with ease and grabed her "You should've took my offer to join me again."

She used the shadows to portal away from him. "Looks like you forgot how stubborn I can be." She said,appearing quite aways from Slade. "What wrong? Age finally affecting your memory?"

"Hmmm you need to learn to watch your mouth" He said,as he shot at her.Then ran at her and kicked her, knocking her to the ground.

ShadowFlame growled, and jumped to her feet. "And you need to learn to take the hint!" She said, as she manipulated the shadows around her. The shadows became errie as she sent a wave of them at Slade.

Slade ran at ShadowFlame,jumping just in enough time to avoid the shadows. Then he grabbed her by the throat, and lifted her in the air "Now I've got you"

"Dammit,let me go!!!" ShadowFlame managed to yell out. She grabbed at his arm, engulfing her hands in blue flames yet again.

Slade tightened his grip on her throat "I could crush your windpipe if I wanted to.So I think you should calm down"

A blast of water slammed into Slade knocking him away from ShadowFlame. "I believe the girl said to let her go." Alexis walked out of the shadow followed by Speedy.

Speedy took one look at ShadowFlame and raced over to her, "Are you ok?" he cast a glare at Slade and moved in front of her.

"Boy you should step aside while you still can"Slade said,as stared at Speedy.

Speedy took an arrow from his quiver and knocked it into his bow, "No...I think I'll stay right here."

Alexis took a few steps towards them, "I agree with him, he should stay where he is."

ShadowFlame coughed, rubbing her neck alittle. "...Why are you here...?" She asked, Speedy as she stood up.

Speedy smirked and didn't look behind him, "Because, I was gonna try and talk to you some more. But then I was on my way down here, when I bumped into Alexis over there. He said he had watched you come in, and was just gonnaleave, but then he saw Slade and then we just couldn't stand by anymore."

Alexis had made his way to the two and stood beside Speedy, "He is very protective of you. You must have captured his heart or somehting.

"Then fine I'll just kill you too." Slade said,as he pulled out a gun and shot at the ground in front of Speedy and Alexis.Then jumped through the air and punched Speedy and kicked Alexis.

ShadowFlame glared, and shot more blue fireballs at Slade. "Back off!"

Slade didn't bother to dodge these he just punched and kiscked through them.Then he took his weapon and fired a shot at ShoadowFlame.

"Shit!" She cursed, as she clucthed her now bleeding shoulder.

Speedy grunted from the impact but managed to plant his feet off a column and let fly the arrow that was knocked in his bow. It shot towards Slade and transformed into a giant fist.

Alexis gasped and rolled on the ground and then to his feet, he threw his hands out and geysers of water shot from them towards Slade.

Slade pulled out a different gun, and shot it at the water, freezing it.

ShadowFlame fought back the pain the best she could, as she made a portal from near by shadows. "Come on! We can't beat this guy!"

Slade dodged the fist and shot a few blasts at Speedy and ShadowFlame as the portal opened.

ShadowFlame just barely managed to dodge the attack. "Come on already!" She yelled to Speedy and Alexis. "We need to get out of here NOW!"

Alexis shot a spray of water at Slade's feet and jumped through the portal head first.

Speedy pulled two arrows from his quiver and shot them at Slade, they split apart halfway there and became many needles that headed straight for the masked villan. "Go..I'll go last!" he said to ShadowFlame.

Slade barely dodged the needles and shot a freeze blast at the feet of Speedy.

ShadowFlame used her blue fire to stop the freeze blast. "Just come on! You'll get yourself killed!" She said, yanking on Speedy's arm.

Speedy turned around and grabbed her arm, "I'll be fine..." he gave her an intense look before swinging her around and throwing her through the portal. He turned around and whipped and arrow from his quiver and shot it at Slade. In mid-air it turned into a TNT stick and Speedy smirked and jumped through the portal.

Slade quickly redirected the arrow,but he had let them escape "I can't believe I let them get away!"

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