Page name: TTR-Titans Tower [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-06-23 20:19:47
Last author: Dark Shiva
Owner: Dark Shiva
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TTR Rp Room

Eversince most of the Titans has be captured, this place has been abandon... If anyone plans to use it as a base again, then it's going to need alot of defence upgrades with RedFist on the lookout...

Nomi looked around as they entered the tower. Most of the windows were shattered; some of the walls either had several cracks, or was knocked down. And any defense systems that the tower had, was compactly ruined, and no longer working. “W-what happened h-here?”

Robin put a hand on one of the walls. "We were caught off guard. They were.. Much more powerful than us." he sighed, looking around. "I guess they didn't want us coming back." He headed down one of the halls, muttering about ow much work had to be done.

Rae followed after, looking to Nomi. She was.. Scared. What if they were attacked again?

Nomi looked back at her friend, equally scared. She fidgeted with her hands, as they followed after Robin. She did that alot whenever she was extremely nervous, or scared.

Robin lead them to his once Slade tracking room, one of the only intact rooms left in the whole base. "Alright. First we have to locate all the titans."

Rae nodded, stepping inside only just a bit. She felt as if she were intruding on holy ground.

Nomi stayed at the doorway, hands still fidgeting. "O...okay..."

Robin checked all of his equipment, to see what worked and what didn't work. "Damn! This'll take forever. There are too many setbacks.."

"Looks like you'll need help."

Rae turned to see who it was..

Ice smirked and she stepped into the room, and leaned up against a wall. "And I'm offering it."

Nomi meeped slightly in surpise, "W-who are you...?" She asked.

"They call me Ice, and not because of my chilling personality." She smiled a bit, then looked to Robin. "I can go out and find where the other Titans are being kept, and who's still on the outside."

Robin eyed her carefully, then asked her, "How do I know that I can trust you?"

"Because I'm the only option left."

Rae looked to Nomi, only slightly confused by the girl's mysterious nature.

Nomi looked to Rae, but blinked when heard what sounded like a female voice.

“Ro……can yo……me……” It was hard to make out the words, as there was the sounf of static in the background. “Robi…come i….”

"W-what was that?" Nomi asked.

Robin picked up his communicator immediately, clicking the button to speak. "Starfire! This is Robin! Can you here me? Come in, over!"

“Robin! Thank goodness you are alright!” Starfire’s voice was clearer now, though there was still static.

Robin let out a relieved sigh, then continued. "Starfire, can you tell me where you are? I'm at the Tower right now.. At least, the remains of the tower."

“I am imprisoned at the RedFist Base.” She replied. “I believe the others are here too, though I am uncertain where in the base they are being held.”

Robin nodded. "Alright," he said. "I'm going to try and find you, okay?"

"Alright, but please be careful." Starfire said.

"Keep on the lookout for other Titans. Check in when you can."

A familiar black figure was stuck to the window of Robins storeroom window. His mini laser cut neatly through the glass as he silently laid the circle on the floor. he then snuck up under the blind spot under the camera and placed a tap on it to conceal his presence. "now for a look around. What does Robby have that i could want." His suite gave off a chill to cover his heat signature.

Robin turned off his communicator, looking at the three females in his presence. "Alright, so we have to-"

X looked into several cases, poked a few and pulled out a magnifying glass. "I like this...and this" He pocketed an extra one of Modd's canes, a captured mumbo hat and gizmo's original backpack. He turned to make his way out when his elbow caught an ancient azarath pot causing it to shatter on the ground. "cripes..."

Nomi jumped. "W-what was that!?"

Robin's eyes shot up from where they had been looking.

"Whoa. What the heck was that?" Ice pushed her slight frame from the wall, heading towards the door.

X quickly powered the suite down as its red glow died away. He stole into the shadows to avoid detection. Im safe as long as they dont check heat signatures, it isnt covering the heat anymore.

Nomi picked out the door. "I-is someone t-there...?"

Ice put her hands on the floor, allowing her ice to curl and wind down the halls.

X receded as far back into the shadows as he could. Silently he slowed his breathing and through trained practice, brought his heartbeat to a near stop. His eyes searched the room and doorway for any movement.

Raven opened the door to the tower and looked around.

Grrr raven could stop me in mid air..if it was bb or one of the others id make a run for it... X didnt even breath.

Raven looked around. "...what a dump..." She looked at the place and started to pick it up, using her hands and her powers at the same time.

Nomi blinked, when she saw Raven. "Oh, i-its her."

Raven sighed when she was finished. She sat down by the window and started to meditate.

You're freaking kidding me right? Why in this room...and whose the newbie? X's visor powered up a little to run a scan of the second girl in the room.

"Um..." Nomi wacthed Raven as she meditated. "...Hi...?" She said, flexing her wings abit. She was still trying to get used to having them.

X's visior started spitting out results. Name; Nomi, Power; physical mutation-wings, strength; low, experiance; low, threat; low He silently weighed his options.

The ice crept closer, threatening to close in on him. "Well, if anyone is here, they're going to have a hell of a time trying to slide out of here on the ice. And if they don't move, the ice will engulf them." Ice smiled to herself, pleased.

"Raven!" Robin went over to her, then began talking as if she weren't meditating at all. "I just got word from Starfire."

"Um I don't think s-she can hear you..." Nomi said, refurring to the fact Raven was meditating. The redhead then blinked at what Ice was doing to walls and floor. "S-somone else is here...?" She asked nervously.

Suddenly X's suite fired to life. The joints gave off searing heat when activated melting any threat of capture. X sprinted down the hallway. He reached for two of his specialized disks in case anyone tried to stop him. He lept up and over Raven soaring right toward the hole in the window.

Nomi meeped in surpise, and flew after him without thinking. "W-wait!"

X's turned and released a disk that expanded to form a net ensnaring his winged tailer. He hauled her onto the roof once he was safly outside. He kneeled down over her. "you had something to say?"

"N-nothing!" The redhead meeped as she tried to get out of the net.

X pulled out a red blade and held it close to the net. "Keep your mouth shut and I'll let you out." He offered the altimatium in a playfull yet serious tone.

"B-but why were you r-running?" Nomi asked.

The mask gave no sense of emotion but the voice gave a hint of sarcasm. "Lets just say im not on speaking terms with Robby. Ok?" X cut her free.

Rave looked at Robin. "...You were saying...."

"I made contact with Starfire. She's been held captive, as you already may have guessed."

Raven sighed and stopped meditating. "....and..."

"And we have to get her back! Along with the others, Rave. Or do you just not care?"

"....Two people wont do us a lot of good....and i dont like working with others....but we can try with just the two of us....i guess...." Raven stated looking out the window.

Nomi blinked. "O-okay..."

X put the blade back into his belt. "Besides it looks like Robby has his hands full at the moment at doesnt need to ber chasing after me." He turned and walked to the edge of the railing. "You're a new face, where did the Titans pick you up at?"

"The school... after it got destoryed..." The redhead said.

"Redfist is taking everything down huh? Schools banks, and all. What are they after? I might need to hit the lab to see if they have cleaned out the zenothium..." X turned to look out across the falling city again. "You heroes can't even keep the place safe if you ask me."

"I-i'm no hero..." Nomi looked down sadly. "I couldn't even save Rae-chan on my own..."

"You dont need to save someone to be a hero, or the other way around. I once saved Robbin and Im far from a hero." X mounted the railing and looked back one last time. "If anyone asks i wasn't here and you were watching the sun set, ok?" X's heels erupted as he blasted off over the water and into the shadows of the city.

Nomi blinked, watching Red X leave. She then made her way back into the tower.

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