Page name: Tekeonia System [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-06-14 19:27:26
Last author: Veltzeh
Owner: Veltzeh
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Tekeonia System

Barely two years have passed since the huge planet named Tekeonia was found. Among others, Tekeonia's main purpose is clear: to serve as the new home for the humans whose own homeworld is subject to deterioration in the next few decades and centuries, and eventually destruction in several millennia.

Nearly all humans are trying to get off Earth as soon as possible. A state of more or less uncontrollable anarchy is prevalent on the mutating face of the planet.

Members of several other species are also moving to Tekeonia in search of better life or more space, as the newly found planet is one of the most life-friendly planets in the known parts of the galaxy.

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2006-01-22 [Veltzeh]: Eh well, in Babylon 5 only the big ships have the engines that can generate a jump point to hyperspace because small ships can't do it, quite many ships use the jump gates anyway. ;) Yep, asteroids are worth a fortune... the question is, how's one gonna catch it, mine it and transport the stuff? XD

2006-01-22 [Duredhel]: Well its easy, first, you use a concentrated sonar beam to get an approximation of the asteroid's composition. Then you store the data on the asteroid. Then, you monitor the more valuable ones and whenever an asteroid is close to a deserted planet, you get on your spaceship, fly up to it and blast it with everythign you've got to change its course. You force the asteroid into colission with the planet. Then wait two or three weeks until the thing settles and cools down, go down with your mining equipment, mine the hell out of the crater, get your resources onto your ship and take off. A single good operation would probably be enough for an entire crew to retire and be rich for life.

2006-01-22 [Duredhel]: It would be awesome too if Asteroid Hunters fought each other for Asteroids, or lurkers crew just waited till someone makes a good asteroid crash and then go down and mine it first, or just take the metals from the miners. So Asteroid Hunters would need to be very very though, able to defend themselves. i imagine they would be something like space whalers.

2006-01-22 [Veltzeh]: Well, considering that even uninhabitable rock planets are a bit rare (at least here they are :P) and the fact that transporting a lot of stuff at once is a really risky business because of antimatter, they'd either have to transport small amounts or spend a lifetime transporting the huge load. X) Anyway, it's still a good idea. :)

2006-01-22 [Duredhel]: Oye, Veltz, the planet doesn't have to be uninhabitable, its enough that no intelligent life forms live in it (or life forms that can complain :P). And it wouldn't have to be a lot of stuff, considering the density of an M-type (which are asteroids that emerge from asteroid belts, and asteroid belts can be found in systems with solid planets), 100 m2 of produce would be worth trillions, so they would only have to load soem 20 crates full of refined platinum onto the ship to be rich for life.

2006-01-22 [Veltzeh]: Yes, I know. I was meaning planets where humanoids could stay for a short time with or without protective spacesuits. X) See, the density is the problem, the more mass they have with them, the worse! The space the stuff occupies isn't a problem, in fact it helps if the dimensional space is greater because then it needs to have more surface space for a specific mass and thus a better antimatter encasing and thus better protection. :D

2006-01-22 [Duredhel]: Ok, you see Veltz, none of your players are gonna give a shit about that :D!

2006-01-22 [Veltzeh]: Well they can't get spaceships bigger than some dimension/mass I haven't determined yet and if they try antimatter encasing and faster than speed of light travel with too much cargo, their ship is going explode like a potato in microwave :D

2006-01-22 [Duredhel]: Aaaand justl like that... you don't have any players ^^

2006-01-22 [Veltzeh]: Actually it would implode, but yeah, that's the idea. But still, they could easily take just small amounts with them, that'd easily be a profitable career, too!

2006-01-22 [Duredhel]: Oh, btw I looked into the bebop thing. What they did was something like they locate pre-exiting wormholes open then and then build a gate around the entry and exit point that keep the wormhole open. Or sumthin like that. Of course, the gates are government controlled :P

2006-01-22 [Veltzeh]: Heh, yep. I think I'll still just implement my antimatter theories X) Actually... why is it that I'm most often reinventing something that's already been invented or is there already? x)

2006-01-22 [Duredhel]: Well Veltz, just keep in mind something that makes sense and is weasily explainable to your players is much more important than something which is scientifcally possible.

2006-01-22 [Veltzeh]: Yeah, I know. I have a conflict >_> Of course, I don't know enough to understand exactly why antimatter encasing would work, so I'll have to come up with a simpler explanation for myself, too. XD

2006-02-24 [Veltzeh]: Wow, 3 watchers! Help me make up species! ;)

2006-03-20 [Veltzeh]: Offer nulled, I made some myself (of course monsters are still all undone...)

2007-08-02 [Sturmi]: there aren't any normal humans amongs your species, despite the fact that your introduction says "Nearly all humans are trying to get off Earth"

2007-08-02 [Veltzeh]: Um? What do you think TSi Terrans are then?

2007-08-02 [Sturmi]: ah sorry, just got it >_<

2007-08-02 [Veltzeh]: :)

2007-08-02 [Sturmi]: I'm reading the wikis though, looks interesting.

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