Page name: Tepes Forest [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-03-26 20:09:29
Last author: Dear_from xxx
Owner: Demetrius Duvalt
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Tepes Forest


This forest is filled with many types of trees and wild life. It is a lush green place good for those who wish to relax and go for a small walk. It has all types of wild life such as foxes and rabbits as well as wolves and cats. It is kinda humid and tree sap may fall but it is still a nice place to relax. It also has a small water fall.

Back to the Tepes Vampire Grounds

Demetrius had been traveling for an hour before the power he had drunk from Sensi had finally worn itself out. He looked at his bloodstained hands and sighed. It couldn't be helped. He sat by the river and washed off his bloody hands and face. He couldn't believe that he beat Sensi, considred the most powerful being next to Ambrose and some of the other Lord's of Darkness. He felt power still in his veins, power he wouldn't be able to use for a while. Somehow he was now oth Tepes and Kindred sincwe the blood mixed.

Azrale fallowed closely behind Demetrius the hole way, keeping out of sight. Once Demetrius had stopped at a river he walked out from behind a tree, creeping up to his side and crouching down, looking into the water. He looked over at Demetrius with his tragic eyes as a cut on his right cheek appeared. A small snake of blood slithered its way down as the cut healed itself. He had other new slices on his body that had left their stains, though no longer were visible.

Demetrius watched Azreal's wound heal and sighed. "Sorry for the delay, lets hurry and find your brother." He consentreated trying to sense Atticus before turning back to Azreal. "Can you track him somehow, cause if you can, I can carry you to where he is. It'll be faster that way."

"Yes I can sense him..." he said matter-of -factually. "He's actually not that far, from here." His violate eyes glancing in front of them, past the river. "And why would carrying me be faster. I may be small, but that fact makes me faster. I can keep up." He stood, frowning slightly, taking offence by the comment.

"Whatever. Led the way." Demetrius felt a huge power in the distance. Not him again....wait it seems diffrent... Demetrius had been through a lot tonight which was evident on his face from all the stress he had been through. Dragonkin appeared in his hand. Demetrius gave a sideward glance at Azreal and nodded. Whatever it was, Demetrius would be ready.

Azrale sighed and leaped over the lake, landing on the other side without a sound. Realize that the only reason I need you is to stop him from make him realize that he needs to be alive Through the trees he ran, small cuts appearing as they went along. After a little while he stopped...there was Atticus. He was standing on a ledge. His suit jacket missing and his shirt torn, along with his pants. He looked out past the ledge to the lad below.
Atticus looked back behind him to see his brother and Demetrius. He spoke not a word, though there was something about his eyes, they were foggy and dull, not the shimmer of gold they were before. He turned back around and stepped closer to the edge.
Azrale watched his brother with clenched teeth you can't kill yourself like that Atticus...what are you doing? Azrale struggled to understand what was happening; his brother knew that they could only really die by fire. Even then it took a while. don't want to are just going to leave yourself to be eternally impaled...and I'm going to have to suffer as well Azrale’s eyes went wide with the realization. "No Atticus!" He shouted.
Atticus turned around completely; he smiled with his dead eyes that cried the blood tears.

Dragonkin vanished in thin air as Demetrius appeared right beside Atticus with his enhanced speed. It seemed that some of Sensi's power was permantly part of him. He punched Atticus on the jaw sending him forward and away from the edge. "You fucking coward! So your going to make your brother suffer for what happend back at the castle. Get ahold of yourself. We both lost control back there and now look at you. You want to make yourself suffer, yet by doing that you make Azreal suffer. What kind of brother are you." Pains from his own past crept up in his mind of his twin Argo killin his family. "No, I won't let you walk down this road."
    Demetrius lifted Atticus off the ground. "I will drag you back to the castle if I have to. Don't make me do it."

When Demetrius hit Atticus Azrale faltered as he stood. "Ah...gah not fun..." he whispered, not really wanting to bring attention to himself at this moment. He rubbed his jaw lightly, knowing that it would b fine.
Atticus looked away from Demetrius. "Everything...absolutely everything that is pain effects us both, you've seen it...and I fear that this curse goes farther, do you even know our past? I would have rather died then than to be here now. Call me a coward if you will. Though..."
"Hmmm, Atticus...are you not happy?" A smooth, dark voice called out. From the trees came a man. It was Erasmus.
Azrale looked behind him and froze as he watched the man walk forward. what? Why...I though... Azrale stepped back with his moth open not knowing what to say.
"Ah, my little angel..." he said crouching down in front of Azrale and stroking his hair. "It's been so long, hasn't it." Erasmus' icy blue eyes then looking at Demetrius as he stood back up.

Demetrius felt an anceient power come from this new arrival. He placed Atticus on the round and looked up at the man with icy blue eyes his katana coming to his hand. "Who the hel are you?" Demetrius didn't know what to do at this pont, ut would defend himself if he had to.

He laughed lightly and stepped toward Demetrius. "I am Erasmus.." he laughed. And evil grin pulled at the corner of his lips. "And you...boy, are getting in the way now aren't you." He kicked Demetruis in the stomach and sent him flying towards the ledge.
Azrale ran up to Erasmus sending lightning out wrapping him in a web. Erasmus just laughed and broke it. "I made you boy, how do you think this will stop me?" he broke it and hit the smell child sending him crashing into a tree. Atticus coiled into a ball of pain.

Demetrius Tepes was not ready for the kick and felt the air rise out from his lungs. Even with his power boost, he still didn't know how to summon his power nor use it in a typical matter to fiht one as old as Erasmus. Damn it! He flew off the legde towards the spikes below, but at the last second grabed hold of a branch that was pertruding from the rocky surface. That was close. Demetrius flew into the air with Dragonkin in his hand. "Pretty ood, now lets see you try that again." Demetrius flew at Erasumus brin his blade right at his head.

Erasmus raised his arm, the blade sinking in just slightly. Erasmus laughed again placing his hand on Demetrius' chest a blast of air pushing him back. "Why are you so dedicated to the boy?" he asked with an eyebrow raised.
Azrale came running after Erasmus with a string of lightning that was whit hot swinging it at his throat. Erasmus moved, the string cutting a bit of his hair, the strands fluttering down to the ground. Erasmus kicked the boy again sending him back into the same tree. Atticus screamed out slightly as Azrale clenched his teeth.

Demetrius landed with his blade dug in the ground. He licked some blood off of his lip tasteing Sensi's power in it. "You wonder why I'm dedicated?" Demetrius rose off of the ground. His eyes closed and when they opened the Hunter's Gaze was active. "Because they are a family, one that depends on eachother, something I haven't had." Ambrose and Argo flashed in front of his face and his will was fortifed again. "I am an avenger, and I'm also their friend!" demetrius darted for Erasmus and willed fire to suround the vampire.

"Mmmm..." Erasmus watched as the fire enveloped him. "Though you are not do not envy what they have. Or perhaps you do, and somehow you are able to will yourself to not turn against them." He walked through the fire, letting it catch, and walked right up front of Demetrius. "Now don't think about this to much, you may just find it intolerable," he laughed and kicked Demetrius in the head sending him into the tree that Azrale hit. With that he was gone in a gust of wind.

Demetrius flew into the tree and through. His body was basicly a rag doll for Erasumus. His body crined in pain, not from bein thrown through trees, but from the lood of Sensi mixing with his own. He writhed in pain as he felt a sudden lust for revenge against those who have wronged him. his sanity was slowly slipping away from the power within. He heard voices in his head. Hair bursted out of his skull growin long like when Alucard was apart of him. A hellish primal scream of pain and toment left his lips as his body pulsated with power that he couldn't control. His body to compensate for this shut itself off leaving Demetrius in a cold sleep filled with nightmares of his own past and those of Sensi's.

Azrale stood weakly, as Atticus remained on the ground: both bruised and bleeding. He walked over to his brother first leaning down "I'm sorry you have to go threw this...but at the same time, I suffer just as much, we both know each others pain, emotional and physical, our pasts of neglect and hatred. Don't let it get to you Atticus," he whispered and walked off towards Demetrius, sitting on the ground in front of him, legs crossed. "Thank you..."

Demetrius' body layed cold and motionless on the ground. His body didn't seem injured at all, yet he was in a deep coma, one flled with memories ontop of memories. No one knew the anguish Demetrius was going through. He had almost lost control of his body again to the insanity that was Sensi's blood mixing with his own. His body felt cold to touch, almost ice like. He had used up a lot of energy with a small little fire attack. He had no concept on how to control it, thus wasted a lot of it wth barley any affect.

Azrale sighed and stood looking back at his brother We have to take him back... Atticus nodded as he sat up, taking off his tattered shirt, leaving only the black muscle shirt. He stood and walked over. Atticus lifted Demetrius' body easily, slinging him over his shoulder without a word. Azrale started to walk removing his own useless shirt and leaving it. Atticus fallowed as they made there way, keeping minds open encase Erasmus should return.

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2007-03-26 [Dear_from xxx]: Sugoi...look at all of that, just becasue Deme and I rock hardcore.

2007-03-26 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Indeed. All this in one sitting lol.

2007-03-26 [Demetrius Duvalt]: Have them brin Demetrius' body back to the eharing chamber.

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