Page name: Thanksgiving Poetry entries, 2008 [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-11-18 18:14:16
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Thanksgiving Poetry entries, 2008



the Thanksgiving poetry competition!


This contest is closed

RULES can be read on: Thanksgiving Festival


How to post your entry:
Add your username and entry after the last one that has been already posted. Number your entries, and separate them with the <hr> tag:

1.[FamousPanda]Thanksgiving at my place

Lots of fun and food to eat.
Some is nasty and some is a treat.
Everyone piled around a table.
Telling stories and tales and fables.
Stuffing their faces with corn and turkey.
Grandpa brought over some good deer jerky.
Sitting around watching football on T.V.
Your favorite team just kicked for three.
This is what thanksgiving is all about.
Where everyone yells and jumps and shouts.
Well maybe not exactly but close enough.
Running around like wild Indians trying to be tough.
This is what happens at my house on this day.
As for everyone else, I cannot say.

2. [Thunder Cid] My Thanksgiving

The leaves between the ground and palm trees
Have lost the frilly, green dress they once bore
Replaced it with a strapping red one
Replaced it with a strapping orange one.
We're crowded inside, it's warm, and I’m home.
We sit and laugh on laps of lovers
We sit and laugh between bites of food
We're happy inside, it's nice, and I'm home.
I'm so happy you remembered my name this time
You introduced me, like you've actually known me as long as you think you have.
It was great. Thanks for coming.
Bellies were filled with the greatest of food,
Of love
Eyes were filled with the greatest of sights
A house just bubbling with bodies that were always supposed to be familiar
And finally! They are!
Thank God you remembered my name
And yes of course I know yours, always have remember?
I'm glad you came; I know it's a long drive
I'm so glad you came.
I'm so glad it was warm.
I'm so glad it was home.


Thanksgiving Festival

Username (or number or email):


2008-09-12 [nehirwen]: <img:44166_1164145171.gif>

2008-11-11 [nehirwen]: Nice one [Thunder Cid] :)

2008-11-11 [Thunder Cid]: Thank you!

2008-11-18 [nehirwen]: <img:17985_1127690355.gif> Time to vote! :D Thanksgiving Poll 2008

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