Page name: The Anything Rp Characters [Exported view] [RSS]
2008-04-17 03:17:57
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[Your characters can be from a movie, an anime, a tv show.. or one you made up.. just state where it's from.. so people aren't confused! XD]

**Note** When I say, depending on the character... some characters from tv shows, or video games, or movies don't have a clear history.. in this case.. you can leave it blank.. if you have a made up.. try to put at least SOME of a history! ^^

Physical Description(hair, eyes, height, body,etc.):
History(optional depending on charrie):
Where they're from(movie, tv shows, video game, anime, made up):

Username: [~*Crimson Rose*~]
Name: Maes Hughes
Age(optional): ummm around 30...
Physical Description(hair, eyes, height, body,etc.): black hair, yellow-green eyes...
Personality: what more to's Lt. Hughes!
History(optional depending on charrie): you all know Lt. Hughes! XD
Where they're from(movie, tv shows, video game, anime, made up): Full Metal Alchemist
Image(optional): <img:>

Username: [~*Crimson Rose*~]
Name: Yuffie Kisaragi
Age(optional): 18
Physical Description(hair, eyes, height, body,etc.): look at the picture.
Personality: she's kicks butt!! She's a ninja people!! hahahaha, she's childish at times, cares about her friends, but don't get on her bad side XD
History(optional depending on charrie): everyone should know Yuffie..
Where they're from(movie, tv shows, video game, anime, made up): Video game & Movie! FF7 ^_^

Name:Tifa (boys, eat your heart out! XD)
Age(optional): 22
Physical Description(hair, eyes, height, body,etc.):look at the pic if you don't know what Tifa looks like! :P
Personality: oh come on.. she's kick ass.. need I say more? hahaha.. she's caring.. but don't get on her bad side! ^^
History(optional depending on charrie): ummm.. everyone should know Tifa's past... :P
Where they're from(movie, tv shows, video game, anime, made up):movie/videogame.. FF7! ^^

Age(optional): umm... TBA(looking.. :P)
Physical Description(hair, eyes, height, body,etc.):blonge hair, blue eyes... typical good looking guy! XD
Personality:Warrior.. brave and strong. Cares for those close to him, and believes in justice for the good of man.. or.. hylian kind! ^^
History(optional depending on charrie):Born in Kokiri Forest, Link believed he was one of the Kokiri forest kids... but he was told of this magnificent adventure where he had to save the land of Hyrule from evil. He grew up knowing nothing else but war.. fighting. He always knew deep down he was different from the Kokiri.. that he was actually Hylian. He grew up.. thus proving that he was indeed Hylian.
Where they're from(movie, tv shows, video game, anime, made up):video game(Legend of Zelda games)

Username: [Vampire Princess Twilight]
Name: Hermione Granger
Age: 16
Physical Description: See pic
Personality: if you don't read Harry Potter then sorry.
Where they're from: Harry Potter
Image: <img:>

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