Page name: The Asylum Badges [Exported view] [RSS]
2005-07-15 22:05:47
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Use these badges to put in your house. Please tell me if the links work or not! Please feel free to submit your own.

Remove stars to add to your house:
Submitted by [Truth . Beauty . Love]

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2004-05-30 [Truth . Beauty . Love]: I made a badge, i hope people like it =)

2004-06-06 [JessieAnn]: it well kewl!!!!!!!

2004-06-08 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: beta than mine, ta x

2004-06-08 [Take off your clothes. ♥]: someday u should teach me how to do that lol

2004-07-06 [JessieAnn]: how do i make a badge n put it in ya format blah nat b4 u leave me teach me plz!!!!

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