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Truth . Beauty . Love (

Member #26959 created: 2003-11-14 15:39:58Simple URL:    Bookmark and Share

Name: Lindsay McWilliams



Elftown Badges:
<img:img/new/shutterbug1.gif> <img:stuff/Worm2.gif> <img:img/new/EGdonor2.gif> <img:img/new/Featuredmembers1.gif>
This means that I am a runner up in the ET Photograph Competition-Fantastic Waters, I am one of the Donors of Writing, EG Artists and one of the Featured Members!


My passions are photography and my boyfriend [RiDlEy] whom I have been with for over three years. I’m studying Art and English Literature at The Duchess High School and Photography at Northumberland College. I would love to have a career in photography and in the next three years I will be trying to make that happen. I run a website that you really should visit if you want a little extra cash. I live in North East England. Before that I lived in Singapore for two years and I grew up in Ayrshire, Scotland. I’m well travelled but I want to travel more. This time with my camera. I’m learning how to craft, first up is jewellery. I’m not religious and don’t believe in god. I’m opinionated and won’t hesitate to tell you if you annoy me. But I hope that doesn’t stop you from messaging me.

Listening to: Seth Lakeman, Bif Naked.


My Companies - Teaches people how to make money online without spending anything.

My Galleries - DeviantART.

(New website coming soon.)

My Wikis

Competitions ♥ - Past and present.
Lindsay's Photography - My obsession.




Age: 20Year of birth: 1989Month of birth: 4Day of birth: 4

Gender: female
Elftownworldmap 54°42.732'N 1°0.222'W

Place of living: United Kingdom-England

Town: Alnwick

Elftown crew wannabe: Yes

Civil status: involved

Sexual preference: opposite sex

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