Page name: The Seven Seas RP [Exported view] [RSS]
2007-10-29 01:45:23
Last author: XxTsomexX
Owner: Silas the Albino
# of watchers: 5
Fans: 0
D20: 3
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This rp has different sections to it. Most are on the seven ships owned by the pirate lords, but some are on land where all the crews can get together.

The Demon's Eye The Red Sea's ship

Le Canard The Mediterranean Sea's ship

The Hydra The Persian Gulf's ship

The Garnet The Black Sea's ship

The Boa The Adriatic Sea's ship

The Nightmare The Caspian Sea's ship

The Interceptor The East Indian Trading Company's ship

Tortuga Dock Where all the crews can meet

The Port Royale Home of Governor Swan

Shipwreck Cove Where the Pirate Lords will meet eventually NOT OPENED YET!!! PLEASE DON'T RP HERE!

Seven Seas Story Thus Far This is where you can see what's happened so far if you get lost.

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2007-06-03 [XxTsomexX]: lol yaaay fun!

2007-06-03 [Silas the Albino]: Hopefully this'll be up soon cuz I first I need all the ships and then it'll be ready!

2007-06-03 [XxTsomexX]: uh oh looks like Tortuga is taken XD

2007-06-03 [Silas the Albino]: Yeah just noticed that. I'll come up with a new name in a sec

2007-06-03 [Silas the Albino]: Crap, so's the Hunter

2007-06-03 [XxTsomexX]: lol XD

2007-06-06 [Piercedskull]: My crew,Meet at Tortuga!

2007-06-07 [Aki Neko]: why is there no the demon's eye stuff?

2007-06-07 [Silas the Albino]: The Demon's Eye?

2007-06-07 [Silas the Albino]: Oh I get it. It's just cuz nobody from that crew has started rping yet.

2007-06-10 [Silas the Albino]: ATTENTION!!! So once every week or two, I'm going to clear all the entries in the rps (just so they don't get too big and we have to make 2nd rps like The Hunter 2 or something) but don't worry, I'll make a page that explains everything that has happened so far and anyone can see it. I'm planning on erasing hopefully Monday if I can get on, so if you come to rp and don't see anything that'd be why. Thanks

2007-06-11 [Silas the Albino]: ATTENTION AGAIN (sorry) K, I'm going to go ahead and start erasing the entries. I'll leave a few of the last ones so we all don't completely forget where we left off. If you could, please hold off on rping until I'm done so we can get this finished fast. Gracias!

2007-06-11 [Silas the Albino]: K I'm done, thank you very much! Let me know if you forgot what you were doing.

2007-06-12 [Silas the Albino]: Hey ok, sorry again for all these comments, but I think I've decided that since this wiki is going so well and the rps are getting bigger by the minute, I'll be doing the whole clearing thing every Monday. By request, I'll be leaving about the last half (maybe a bit less depending on how much was written that week) so nobody will get lost. I'll also be updating all the stories on Seven Seas Story Thus Far in case you get lost. Thank you and keep rping!

2007-11-25 [twitchboy]: is this thing still active? my ship is gatting kinda stale so i was wondering if any of the other crews want to fight?

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