Page name: The Stolen Child [Exported view] [RSS]
2015-06-24 04:01:10
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Here begins the story of Conner Ravenwood who has left home in a desperate attempt to Rescue his nephew Xeph from kidnappers. It's also the story of Vex, the female Blade assigned to keep an eye on the heir to the noble house. But the young woman may have an easier time catching a tornado.

One second Vex was on the waterfront, then Daryl Ravenwood moved her through his powers back to the Ravenwood estate, right into the Lord and Lady's study where four people were waiting for her. Rand was seated on one of the couches and Lucas was leaning against a bookcase, Lord and Lady Ravenwood were seated on the other couch visibly upset with the kidnapping and now Conner's departure. Vex's stomach turned when she reappeared so quickly and while no one had spoken yet she knew they expected some kind of report on Conner's whereabouts.

Vex went green and had to take a deep breath to calm her stomach. That was some nasty throwback. Once she was certain she wouldn't throw up she saluted and straightened up properly for Commander Rand. "Vex reporting sir!" She answered with her salute. She knew she was probably in for it now. However Lady Ravenwood looked like a wreck. There were dark circles under her eyes and she was physically sagging against Lord Ravenwood. Like she had run out of energy and was too tired to hold herself upright. Apparently these last two incidents had pretty much proven to take the fierce woman down. Something no enemy had eve been able to do.

Before anyone had a chance to speak a almost ghostly version of Daryl appeared in the room, "My apologies mother and father for not coming, but Asper is a little concerned about our security here. And while I'm trying to get a location on Lily, Xeph or Conner my energies are being a little taxed." Lord Ravenwood smiled and thanked his son for what time and energy he was sparing for them. Commander Rand turned to Vex and took a breath, "Alright, I'm going to overlook that Conner got one over on you and has managed to vanish. I want to know how he did this and where he might have gone." If Vex played her cards right then maybe her career wasn't over and she could foster a little help to capture their wayward son. Lucas nodded and gave Vex the best expression of sympathy he could, given the situation he felt two blades may have been hard pressed to wrangle a headstrong Ravenwood.

"I know the twins helped him somehow, and that he drugged me. I had a track of him until he swapped clothes, trading his fancy ones for the type sailors wear. I lost him there, too many faces and no one paying attention to any one of them. I believe he was going to board a ship and follow one of the two that have left the harbor that may have been the transportation of the kidnapper. He is going after the stolen child. Alone. If nothing else he is heading into trouble."

Lord Ravenwood shook his head, "That hardheaded boy, I have scouts out who may have already found them. Ships are too easy to overcome any head start, this is about him wanting to find his own adventure, and at the worst time too." Lucas raised an eyebrow, "If Vex thinks the twins are involved then they may have information we don't and shared it with Conner, I think Vex and I should talk to them." Rand had not said a word, looking with concern at his sister who had yet to say anything in this conversation. "Alehial, if Altair thinks his scouts have found the maid and Xeph then let him go bring the boy home and allow Vex the opportunity to redeem her standing by returning Conner." He stood and looked directly at Vex, "You will find him and return him home, not after his adventure or a quick check of the area where he is, you will return him with the aid of Daryl Ravenwood." The only thing left was for Lady Ravenwood to give Vex another chance or refuse her brother's idea.

Alehial sighed heavily. "I trust your judgement Rand. Just bring my son home and my grandson." Alehial said softly kissing Altair on the cheek before walking out of the room headed probably towards the grove. She was letting the men handle this. The stress was a little too much for her obviously, she was just checking out a little from stress now, making the men handle what she couldn't.

Vex stayed silent, there was something going on that she could see clearly. Alehial Ravenwood was checking out. She was lost and it was plain to see. The men were trying to pick up the slack she had left behind and were flailing. But she kept her face neutral and herself silent. "I will follow any orders I am given to the best of my ability sir." Vex said still standing at attention and saluting too worried if she stepped out of line she would be punished for it.

Lucas stood upright, "Then that settles it, father will handle getting Xeph and I will help set Vex on Conner's trail." His intention was to help Vex get Conner's direction out of the twins if they knew then focus on his adoptive mother and helping with the family. Rand nodded his agreement, "Very well Vex I order you to find and return Conner Ravenwood to his family. Upon finding him you will call upon Daryl Ravenwood who will move you both back here to this estate."

"Sir, yes sir." Vex replied quickly not yet dropping either her stance or salute. After a moment she nodded at Lucas and dropped the salute leaving the room to let Rand and Lord Ravenwood confer. She would need to report Lady Ravenwoods condition to Her Lord Ravenwood whichever name he wanted to go by, he seemed to be happy with most of her reports but he still seemed infatuated with Alehial Ravenwood and this recent report may make him unhappy.

Shaking her from her thoughts as they worked towards the twins room Lucas said, "I trust you have a plan to convince my sisters that they should willingly tell us where Conner is heading?" Orissa was no pushover when it came to smart little girls, and Samantha knew enough to keep her mouth shut if Conner asked them to, Vex would have to give them a good reason to betray him. Conner had changed much in the last two trips to Sildea, first fighting to defend the sisters now running off to try tracking down Xeph. When they arrived at the twins door he stopped and looked at Vex squarely, "I will suggest whatever your plan not to distress either girl too much as strange things have been known to happen." He hoped the innuendo would suffice and Vex would not come face to face with Orissa's magic gone awry.

"I'm aware of the young sorceresses powers as well as her inability to control them as of yet. Seeing as you are their favorite brother... with them wishing to marry you and all. All you have to do is tell them he is in trouble and they will tell you everything won't they? Besides they have no reason to trust strangers as they might have once before so they would never divulge information to me willingly. So kindly assist me in locating your brother by getting the information out of your beloved little sisters." Vex said deciding being polite to this Paladin would be better then disdaining him. After all she had her orders to work with them and Vex was someone who took their orders seriously. And to be the most efficient this was the only way to get the information quickly she felt. Besides she wasn't really flattering him... and she made sure it was no real insult either. She was as neutral as she could be. With those damn twinned brats being involved. She might be holding a small grudge for them tricking her.

Lucas chuckled, "I may not be held in such high esteem anymore due to my life with B'Tani." The twins seemed not to approve of Lucas's wife from the second that the Paladin and Cleric returned from Malkier. They stopped in front of the twins door and Lucas knocked and waited for one of the girls to answer the door, somehow he wondered what kind of reception he and Vex would recieve and how much secrecy Conner had sworn them to.

"Mommy didn't come fer breakfast..." "It's cuz Xeph is gone and Lily and Conner and Mathius." "I jus wanted to help... I don't want..." "Me neither, but he said he'd get him" "What if it's our fault?" "SH!" Came the whispered half heard conversation of the twins from inside the room. It stopped when Lucas knocked on the door and cautiously Sammy opened the door after peaking out to see who it was. "LUKAS!" Sammy smiled bright and flung open the door so she could leap up into her older brothers arms. Arissa could be seen sitting on the bed looking worried as well, but happy too upon seeing her older brother. They both ignored Vex completely and utterly. A good sign that they had been up to something.

Vex took a good look around the room and noticed near the bed was a castle with an Andurian flag and a boat. The coincidence was a little too high for her not to think it suspicious and since the girls didn't react nor respond to her presence they were certainly guilty of something and feeling it. But Vex stayed put and let Lucas take the lead.

Lucas carried Samantha back over to her sister and sat down on the bed, "So, it has been quite a few busy days around here and I suspect an all to fresh reminder of what happened in Sildea." He patted both sisters in an effort to reassure them that they were safe here at home, "Can I ask you both about how Conner asked you to help him last night?" There was a lingering suspicion that perhaps they somehow knew something and that set Conner on this course.

"Conner just said to go get Vex." Arissa spoke softly quickly getting closer to Lucas and sitting on his lap with her sister. Samantha said nothing, but once Arissa was setting they reached out for one another at the same time and held each others hands. Something they did when they were uncomfortable, was to seek out each other physically.

Vex knew something was up but she didn't know how to decipher what things meant with small children, even though the twins were five, they were still in the child range Vex knew almost nothing about. So she wasn't certain if this was guilty behaviour and she could call them out on it or not, so once again she let the paladin handle his own family.

"Why did Conner ask you two to get Vex? I doubt he just picked the two of you for such a thing when he could have done it himself. We're concerned that where ever Conner went someone who means him harm may be following and we would not want that would we?" Lucas knew the twins were involved for a very different reason since Vex was uncomfortable around children. And he hoped by reminding his sisters how dangerous the world around them was that they would spill the beans so to speak.

"Conner's really really strong." "Conner kept me safe." The twins both spoke very softly, not wanting to talk. They didn't like Vex much, and they both obviously thought Conner just about invincible after he saved and rescued Arissa. They couldn't really think he could get hurt. He was going to go save Xeph. "Conner can get Xeph." "He's good at saving us." They both concluded still speaking softly and almost under their breath.

Vex rolled her eyes but made sure the girls couldn't see her do it. This was taking too long and these girls were obviously not wanting to help at all. Vex could just shake these girls until they told her everything. But that's not how things were done here.

Lucas looked at the twins for a long second before he spoke again, he did not want to try tricking them but Vex needed information. "I have no doubt Conner could save Xeph, but it's a big world how does he know where to find Xeph?"

"Cause he's so smart." Samantha was quick to offer so Orissa didn't have to say anything. Orissa did however nod her head in agreement. It seamed these girls weren't willing to talk about anything really. Though it was clear they knew something. They wouldn't even look at Vex.

Vex was getting real impatient around now because it seemed the nice approach wasn't getting them anywhere. So she got to her knee's in front of the three of them and got somewhat close. "Listen to me both of you. Conner may be strong but in your family he is weak. That means that there are a lot of enemies that could kill him very quickly. Like your Uncle. It's my job to keep your brother safe and if you don't tell me what you know he will die! And just to show you girls secrets are bad I will bring back his body and show you what you did." Vex said not raising her voice once but she was deadly serious.

As she spoke the girls looked at each other more and more nervously and clutched their hands tighter together. Orissa started to cry her bottom lip trembling, she didn't want Conner to die and it would be her fault he did. Just like her teacher. "SHUT UP! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Samantha said letting go of her sister and lunging forward punching Vex in the jaw with her little fist.

Vex allowed the blow to land and fell on her rear, it hadn't hurt much, but she was finally getting through to the girls that much was clear. "You don't want your brother to die then tell me where he is. Or it will be both of your fault if he dies. Let me do my job and keep him alive." Vex said not stopping yet. They would crack soon enough.

Orissa jumped off Lucas's lap and grabbed Samantha so she wouldn't do anything else. "I'll show you." She said softly tears still running down her cheeks. She walked over the to bed and pulled the pillow case out from under it. The word I LEAN A. clearly smudged but still easily read. Orissa gave the pillow case to Vex and both girls went back to Lucas.

Vex was certain neither girl would be happy with her for a long time but she had gotten the information she needed. "Illian." She said nodding her head. Which meant her hunch was correct and Conner ran off without her. She would have gone with him... if he had asked. She was his babysitter, not an enforcer. She stood and shook her head. "You girls just saved his life probably. Good work." She said before leaving the room so Lucas could tend to the girls without her there. Now she just needed to either A find a ship faster than the one he was on or B ask Rand to use his Nephew to get her to Illian first... or to the boat. She decided to seek out Commander Rand first, after all this was HIS family.\

A short while later Vex was in Commander Rand's office waiting for him to return from meeting with the King, he walked into the office and smirked before walking to his chair. "I thought you'd not stand on ceremony of a closed door, glad to see I was right. I take it you have information on the heir of House Ravenwood?" In truth Rand knew she had something or else she would not be here in his office.

"He's headed to Illian. I wanted to know how you wished me to proceed. Another faster ship or perhaps a transportation spell or even your other nephew. However you wish for me to travel, I will do so with haste to retrieve him." Vex said saluting as soon as he walked in and standing at ease while she reported. She was fully suited up and ready to go. Even her travel pack was on the floor by the door.

"Do you believe his assessment is correct?" Rand asked completely to her surprise.

Vex looked confused for a moment before asking the questions that came to mind. "What assessment from whom sir?" She asked puzzled, she had mentioned her retrieval plans and that was what she was rather focused on at the moment. Since everyone seemed so worried and harried over the boy she thought getting him back as fast as possible was the goal. Though she had an idea Commander Rand might have the same rough idea of where the Felid child might have been taken as well... Illian. If so he might be wanting her to retrieve both boys. "If you are meaning... If Xeph has been taken to Illian... sir... then yes. I think Conner was correct. I also believe that is the destination of the Kidnapper." Vex said hoping she wouldn't get chastised or that she had assumed the wrong thing and spoke out incorrectly. But Commander Rand had asked a serious question of her and she had to give him a serious answer. She respected him too much to not try and do her job to the fullest whatever he might need of her.

Rand smiled, that kind of smile that made his sister very nervous when they were children. "I am amending your orders Vex, if at the time you catch up to Conner, he cannot produce evidence of Xeph in Illian, you will return him home. If he shows evidence then we will go from there, the important thing is both and yourself return back to Andor." He put his hands flat on his desk and looked up at the blade and waited to see if she had any requests in her pursuit.

"Understood sir. I will leave the explanation of this to the Ravenwoods to you Sir." Vex said throwing up a salute. she kept a smile off of her own face. "How would you like me to proceed to Illian sir? Boat, magic or psion?" She then asked hoping she could get ready to leave as soon as she got an answer.

From behind Vex, Darryl Ravenwood materialized out of thin air, "The best way to get to Illian would be travel by Psion, with your permission Uncle." Rand smiled at the young man who he remembered as a tiny baby his wife cooed and fawned over many years ago. "Master Ravenwood, I appreciate your help in this matter. You may whisk Vex away when she is ready and whisk them back when her task is complete." Darryl nodded and turned to Vex, his strangely glowing blue eyes watched her, "Call for me when you are ready to leave, unless you are ready to go now."

Vex saluted one last time, and grabbed her pack. Alehial Ravenwood had slipped her a few gems, so had the nursing Dwarf. She had all the money she would need for Illian. She might even manage to sleep at the Guild's lodge, which would save more money. She needed to report to Soth about all these changes as well, that would happen once she was on her own without any Ravenwoods nearby. Illian would be fine for her to manage, as long as she kept herself to herself, she would however be looking around for the child and places the Elven maid would bring it. She had a head start... that was good for her. "Ready Master Darryl." Vex said after making certain that her stomach could handle this trip better than the last one.

Everything felt like it turned inside out before Vex and Darryl arrived in Illian, a small out of the way place where no one noticed them suddenly appear. "I can not stay." Darryl explained, "My wife while understanding the heartache my sister feels wants me nearby in case anyone wishes to steal away our daughter. Call for me when you are ready to return and I will come for you both." Then without much other pomp he vanished leaving Vex alone and to her own devices until Conner arrived.

Vex stayed where she was and contacted the guild with her pin. She needed to report to Galin about these changes quickly so she could make a few contacts here and figure out a base for her operations. Once she got a secure place to stay, she would go out and begin to meet the slavers that would deal in the more exotic. She would also make herself known around the docks so no one would think it suspicious she would be hanging around. She would probably pose as a buyer for a higher authority with high standing who doesn't want to show their face.

Lord Galin took her report and told her to carry on and he would contact her soon with any new orders, then the next week or so was her's to make contacts. Only a few slavers would admit to buying or selling anything like Xeph and none had actually seen the babe anywhere in Illian yet. Vex had found a place where she could see any ship arriving from Andor which meant Conner would not be in port long before she'd capture him.

Vex had made herself known and seen about quite often. She told the slavers she was looking for something spectacular as a slave, something truely unique and that her Master wouldn't let her return until she found one. She also dropped hints of being beaten for failure and made it plausible for her almost desperate thorough search was by order and fear. Twice she had gone to the Colosseum and watched the games, she had rather enjoyed it. Today she was walking around the docks making her 'rounds', she had estimated that the next three days was when the Andorian ship should arrive carrying Conner. She herself was in much simpler clothing, she wore pants and boots but a half dress over that with bracers and her sword and dagger on her belt. Her hair was down such as it was and she had a half hat on to protect her from the sun. Over all she looked like a female attendant from... anywhere. She was a mixed white child after all and she had gained something of a tan while being here. She was hoping to catch Conner off guard honestly.

A few days later when Vex arrived at the harbor there was the national flag of Andor on board one of the ships, most of the sailors were tying the ship to the dock while several cheered that they had arrived. Conner was on that ship somewhere she would have to bid her time and watch the men come off the ship, but the young Ravenwood would not wait long as his investigation would hinge on getting out into the city and looking for the child. After an hour several sailors left the ship and headed to the nearest pub, and the ship's captain by his dress got off and headed towards the market. Vex would have to make a decision on where she was going.

Vex knew what she was looking for... even who, she had training on how to spot those that were disguised all she needed to do was spot him. He would be much more tanned, dirty, but even still he was a Ravenwood and it was her job to find him. Vex decided the market was a good place to begin. She might even bump into the captain and ask a few questions. Then the pub and tonight... the specialty slave markets again. Conner would be around these places as well once he found out where they were. Vex had gotten a few contacts herself through the guild and through some urchins evading the slave trade. She essentially had a little network of eyes and ears.

As Vex roamed about the market she watched for Conner or the ship's captain, but it was hard not knowing his full plan to figure where he might be. As she came around a corner where a local stall served customers various drinks, she caught sight of the captain with his back to her, it would be her best chance to get some answers and where easiest to encounter Conner.

Vex strode forward to the stall, she tipped her hat further up to give her a more clear view and bumped into the captains shoulder with her own. "Sorry bout that." Vex said turning to look at the captain. Her face was tanned but flushed from her daily excursion. She knew it would be enough of an excuse for her to bump into someone while going for a drink from the stall.

"Don't mention it." The captain said turning to look at her, "Oh hello Vex not mad at me still are you?" It was Conner Ravenwood dressed as the captain, looking very nervous that he was now face to face with his former babysitter. His smile did not falter even though he leaned a little away from Vex as though he waited for her to move before he bolted away.

"No, but I have to tell you... your walk was a little too relieved to be a sea captain. So what's your plan to find the child? We don't have a whole lot of time before I have to take you back. I've scoped most of the markets and sellers and haven't seen anything yet." Vex said leaning on the Vendors stall and receiving her drink. She took a sip and looked over the rim of it at Conner. She was glad he was freaking out, That meant she was working out properly. "Better be a good plan or I'll make the people around here believe you are my slave. Trust me it won't be a fun kind of slave experience." Vex said letting her eyes go hard.

"Well, my plan is simple as I did a little snooping around the maids room and have a name to look up." Conner said taking a sip of his drink. "And if you wanted me to call you mistress you really just needed to ask." Conner knew she'd take some offense to the joke. But, it seemed like she was open to help him locate and rescue Xeph from his captors.

"Or I could return with you immediately and let your little nephew rot." Vex said casually, though she meant it, and she let him know from the tone of her voice. The child was not her priority Conner was, and if Conner wanted her help. Well he would either have to shape up or not receive her help at all. She had a feeling he would choose to have her help. She already purchased manacles and if needed she would use them on him. She had gotten a riding crop to, but that was more for show and fun. Vex was more than willing to help locate the child, but if Conner was going to be a little prick, she didn't have to. "It's your choice to be civil and mine to help find the child. Remember that Conner and make your choice." Vex finally said after finishing her drink. She stood and seemed ready to move on, though they did need to change his clothing to not attract to much attention. After all Andorian captains didn't do much business here in slaves.

"Good idea, I think a change of clothing will help us both fit in better." Conner said letting her remarks go as he still being cross with him. "I assume that you got here ahead of me by my brother's help or of course my grandmother's." he reasoned as they walked on. "My belief is that whoever took Xeph isn't going to sell him as a slave, too difficult he's unique as a species one of three male felids in all the world. There would be no king or noble able to buy him that would not have all out war with my family, unless you were somewhere that my family has no ties or influence." Stopping at a shop window he faced her with an undeniable truth, "They came here half way to the other side of the world means I'm on the right track."

"I have a change of clothes for you and I at the place I'm staying... and you will keep your mouth shut about it." Vex said walking with him. Not really speaking too much. until they were in the shop window. They needn't spend unnecessary amounts of money here. Besides she'd let it be known her employer was looking for something unique and wasn't afraid of anyone. But if he had another idea she was all ears. She had even purchased a wig for herself and hair dye for Conner, after all his blond was a little known. She then took the lead and once standing before the Guild building cautioned him again. "Undercover... means under cover." She spoke softly before motioning him to follow her.

Conner gave her a disapproving look, "The Guild? My uncle's little experiment which I figure will one day bite everyone in the arse?" He had never thought that Vex would have ties to these people. Almost no one in his family trusted Galin Ravenwood as far as anyone could throw him, although he had no idea his mother was depending on him for help. "You must be joking to think that they will help us, or at least me considering my family tendency to fight with their founder."

"Shut yer trap and follow me." Vex said rolling her eyes. "Unless you are afraid of course." She spoke before walking in, greeting the complex's watchmen, after all she had been there for a week now. She sent regular reports to Rand and he hadn't really rejected her choice. She could tell he wasn't particularly happy about it either though. As soon as the boy was in her chambers they could disguise him and no one would be the wiser, except those who were told to watch her and report to Galin though she did that herself as well.

Once inside the complex Conner followed her to her quarters, feeling as though he willingly stepped behind enemy lines. His parents would not approve of him being here in an edifice of his uncle's power mad scheme. "Anyway, Vex we need to question about two things to help track down Xeph. One, is a Elven maid with a child I had sometime on the 'Sprite' to draw a likeness. Two, if she isn't around then we need to look for someone employing a nursemaid or buying large amounts of milk." He looked about her room and felt a little odd, Darryl had dropped Vex her probably a week ago right after he got the ship and headed for Illian.

"I've been keeping my eyes and ears open." Vex replied before scrounging up some common clothing items for Conner then she pulled out a bottle of hair coloring. It would turn his hair or at least very brown, after all he had a very foretelling golden hair color now. "We can make the rounds I've made to check for anyone having seen the woman's likeness." She spoke again gesturing for him to disrobe. To use the dye he would need to be shirtless and she'd rather not ruin the good clothes he wore already.

Conner smirked, "You'd be breaking my mother's heart, she loved the fact my hair hasn't changed much since I was little." He took a seat and relaxed, going over his thoughts while Vex changed his hair color. "How well do you know about our countries relations with the other side of the world?" Conner asked interested in how well they were going to work together. At least three countries had nothing to do with Andor, although in the case one of them still would welcome Ravenwoods.

"Sildea has shut it's borders to all countries. Pachucca has trade relations but is not accepting outsiders at the moment. I know your family is having a hard time with the two other countries bordering our own and those across the sea's really haven't much to do with Andor at all. Stop moving or I'll end up staining your skin!" Vex sighed exasperated somewhat. His hair wasn't receiving the dye as well as she hoped. It wouldn't be black for certain. "I've got a cover story already running, my 'master' is interested in only the truly unique slaves, no matter the age. I would have you be a messenger from 'master' here to harass me into finding the newest addition to his menagerie." Verex said cluing Conner into her cover story. She was applying a second dose of the hair dye to try and get his hair as dark as possible. She then came around to the front of him and very carefully applied some to his eyebrows. "Don't move." She ordered sternly and she bent to apply the dye. Being a border child her skin was quite darkly tanned naturally she was almost brown to be honest so the dye wouldn't show on her skin like it would this white golden haired boy.

Conner regarded what she said then discarded it, "If you were taking the baby to Pachuca or any of the neighbors why bring him to Illian? No, I am convinced that they intend on taking him the rest of the way once they resupply. Although it will be kind of hard as I used my new crew to buy up most of the supplies available locally." He smirked at her for a second before his eyes drifted and he realized he could see down the bodice of her outfit.

Vex harumphed and with her free hand grabbed his chin. "I said to hold still!" She said with a scowl as she concentrated on his eyebrows. "Perhaps the circle in Valusia wants the child? They have been gaining some fame I heard recently a supplier of theirs was killed and his home burnt to the ground." Vex said hoping that giving him some more information would shut him up until she finished his brows. She had one done but there was still the other to do. She had to be very careful to not stain him but dye the hair. She had make up for his eyelashes as well but there was no way to safely dye those. She wasn't aware of her bodice being open enough to give him a full view, after all she was perhaps half of what the rest of the Ravenwood girl's had been blessed with. She wasn't much bustier than a handful of each of her breasts. So, many tops didn't give a great view of what she had. She didn't mind it made it easier to do her job usually.

"I considered the fact, but from what I heard they are a sex club type situation, no more than likely whoever wants him has an axe to grind." Conner said holding his head still. Try as he might though from time to time his eyes glanced down, "What about the Divine leader of Mu? It is of moot point though I intend to find him before they take him from this island." If his mother had heard his tone she immediately would have heard his father back when he was young.

"Okay done! Do not touch it! It has to set." Vex said in a commanding tone. She had to admit the look in his eyes and the tone of his voice was... attractive. But she rinsed her hands and grabbed up a drying clothe. "We'll have to rinse the extra out and dry your head. But we have to wait a while. So change your britches as least and your shoes." Vex said tossing the clothe over one should and tossing the said clothing at his with her other hand. While she had to admit she would much rather return with the babe who seemed rather attached to her, than to return with just Conner, she also had to admit she had a time limit and her mission was the safety and safe return of the heir. If only he was a little older than sixteen... but this hair dye would help make him seem a little older at least. The clothes she tossed him roughly matched her own, as did the boots. The only difference would be the half skirt she wore and the shirt which fit her well enough to tell she was definitively a woman, not to mention the half bodice she wore over that.

Conner smiled, Vex hadn't bothered to check but one of the items he brought along with him was a hat of disguise he pilfered from the family vault. "So, just checking but your quarters seems to only have one bed. Do they have other beds or quarters or are we to share?" He was willing to bet this was one aspect that she over looked, but he changed his clothes and used the hat to give him a bit darker facial hair.

"Share, it's a double anyways. So as long as you can keep your hands to yourself... this time I'll not give you the option of sneaking off." She said turning around to face him again. She sighed. "Will you be able to concentrate enough to use that effectively?" She questioned, as a Blade she was trained to use her knowledge and skills before any magic. She quite frankly didn't see the point in magic really. "Do I need to look through all your things to make certain you don't have anything else up your sleeves?" She questions getting a little exasperated with all the under handedness this boy had, so much for a Bard playboy. More like a rogue in training! but with this they were just about ready to head out and do some checking around.

"Mission comes first, so no grabby hands I promise." Conner said crossing his heart. She might be looking out for his safety, but he would be damned if his nephew wound up being harmed or kept from his parents. Vex remembered Master Galin's orders, that the guild was to recover the babe if Conner found him that way they might kull favor with Andor. "If you wish to search me it would take all the fun and surprises out of what I can do dear Vex." Conner replied.

"While I am told I handle surprises well... that doesn't mean I like them, young master." Vex said his title in a girlish mocking impression. She rolled her eyes. She had already slipped a message to the guild about their search taking place. They would be tipped off with any news they got. The better the guild looked to the Ravenwoods the better Vex felt about being a double agent so to speak. "Let's go we are only wasting the day." Vex said opening the door after handing him a shirt sword to strap on. no one in Illian walked around without a weapon of some sort unless they were slaves.

The Stolen Child II

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