Page name: The Stolen Child II [Exported view] [RSS]
2016-02-01 01:31:02
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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The Stolen Child

Several hours passed as they milled about looking for clues about Xeph, Conner proved he could be charming and personable with people. Within twenty minutes of talking to another sailor he found out another ship from Andor had docked on a private slip the day before he arrived. Details were fuzzy on who the slip belonged to, but the had a general idea of where to go. "Come on, we need to go and see what we can find out, maybe eve be home before dinner." Conner said walking in the direction they had been given. Vex knew she had to give the guild time to work which meant she had to distract Conner.

"Let's go this way it's a shortcut." Vex said taking the lead and control. She could get them lost for a while and that would give the Guild the time they would need. Even if she couldn't delay him with simple geography they would be hungry soon and she would stop them to get food. She let nothing slip of her intentions and looked as if she knew exactly... roughly were to go to get them closer to the dock they needed. Conner wouldn't question a thing, or shouldn't. But she could come up with something for that, she always had something she could use in her little powders.

When it became obvious that they were lost, Conner shimmed up a nearby pile of crates for a birds-eye view and pointed. "We aren't far and your sense of direction stinks lady blade." he said climbing down. He moved them along for a little while until they were three slips over and looking at the ship and warehouse in question. There were plenty of men milling about and Conner frowned, "too many to try getting in now, cover of night might be best." As he looked at Vex for input they saw two men walk a third out to the edge and take aim at him with crossbows that when the quarrels struck the exploded tearing at the fresh corpse. "Holy hell, what was that?" Conner hissed as he ducked to avoid being seen.

Vex covered his mouth with her hand and pressed him down and out of sight. She ended up with his head right below her breasts and she watched through a small peep hole at the men. She didn't try to silence him with sound, just her hand and bodily shoving him to the ground quietly was enough. She wasn't certain if they were from the Guild or just from another faction trying to get to the child but she certainly needed to know and now. If need be she could drug the Ravenwood boy, he would think he drank to much or fell asleep or was drugged she didn't care. This situation just got a little more out of control and she needed to keep him safe and herself alive first and foremost. Her grip left no room for any real struggles however and she was on full alert.

Conner was a Ravenwood after all and the whole time was trying to get Vex off of him and he reached out to push or pull the blade off, grabbing one hand on her buttock and the other on her breast, "mphhhh, mphuu shmmpopo gnmphe gofph gmme." However he froze realizing he was now pretty much felling up his security detail. The men did not hear them and turned going back to the warehouse, Vex did get a good look before Conner's hands distracted her, the men were from Acheron.

A little more than pissed she squeezed his jaw to the point of physical pain before releasing him with a signal for silence. She didn't move then just yet to be certain the men were away and inside. "Stay here. I'm going to see where that body originated. Stay silent and don't move at all." She warned in a whisper before she got off of him and was checking their location to make sure there were no lookouts. Acheron... what business did they have with the Ravenwoods, as far as Vex knew there wasn't one. But it was a clue. She needed to find out where the body came from, just a quick look should suffice she waited until she got confirmation from Conner to stay where he was out of sight and silent first though.

The body was moving with the tide out of the bay and for her to reach it she would either need a boat or go for a swim. Conner rubbed his jaw and watched as she slunk along the slip. Quietly he cast a spell and was truly happy he had thought to learn this one, while he could not see in the warehouse he got a good look at the men and even something Vex missed a sigil on their arm. Hopefully she would not be too angry with him for trying to dislodge her a few minutes ago.

Vex didn't wait to make a decision she simply dove into the frigid waters. She was a good swimmer and the ocean would drown out the noise of her swimming. She got to the body and turned it taking in all the details before she swam back and climbed back up onto the dock an made her way back to Conner. Once she was returned she signaled for him to follow her. She would steal a cloak along the way to a tavern and they would dine. Just in case he had become stupid from this little hiccup in his adventure she grabbed him by the bicep and dragged him along with her. she did know the way back to the tavern, she needed to report to Galin too about what she had found out.

"So, the water was really cold huh?" Conner asked about the time she took hold of him, "Ow, Damnt Vex, why are we leaving we should be surveiling them and making a plan. Cause right now I'm still on the idea we come back after dark and sneak in." He followed along only because her grip was firm and she had her thumb dug into a pressure point. This weapon the men from Archeron had was a little daunting, but Xeph was in there and come hell or high water, if he had to call Darryl he would get him back.

Vex sent Conner a glare telling him to shut up. Once they were in the stall area she found a robe hanging and deftly took it throwing it about her shoulders and clasping it on. Then she made their way immediately to the tavern. She wanted to warm up and food was the only way to do that quickly, food and Ale. Once seated at a table she released him. "This has gotten somewhat complicated." She said softly hailing a wench for two Ale's. "So you saw something?" Vex questioned Conner giving him her full attention, making a plan he had said... well she had a few idea's already. "full dark is in an hours time. Might as well eat our fill before we do anything. Tell me what you saw." Vex said this time she left no room for argument, she was deadly serious and if her lips weren't a little blue she would look somewhat frightening to ordinary people.

From his bag of holding Conner pulled two books, one the diary that he quickly drew the sigil in and the other was a condensed version of the book about his family. "I think this sigil and the fact the men are from Archeron, points to a wizard who had a unusual attraction to Fael when he and Elsa went there for something years ago. To make a long story short, an explosion killed the man, or so everyone thought. I think he survived and is focused on torturing my sister and brother-in-law." He then took out a ring and grabbed Vex's hand, "For the love of the gods, you will be of no use to me if you're chattering like that." The ring of warmth was a secondary idea to bring along, now seeing his companion's state he was glad he did, instantly Vex felt warmth chasing away the cold.

"Useful." Vex said about the ring before she took the diary in hand to get a better look at the sigil. "A wizard you say? perhaps he simply wishes to experiment... and if he can't get the father... why not take the son?" Vex said before handing the diary back to Conner. "Since those weapons are so powerful I think back up wouldn't be such a bad idea... But not your family. You may not like this but I know full well the Guild would like nothing better than to help the Ravenwood family. besides there are a few Illian natives among them I'm sure they would know of which area we speak." Vex said thinking out loud until the slave wench came and served them ale, getting their money she left to get their food as well.

"Oh no, no, no, no I'd rather go in naked then let the guild back me up. I don't buy my uncle's reformed, I just want to help the world line, been there to many times before. We will sneak back tonight and get a good look around, unless you'd rather wait for the guild to mobilize and move my nephew." Conner stated without a second's hesitation, like his parents when the mind was made up that was that.

"I have a great idea then." Vex said with a great smile, evil... and terrifying. "I will mobilize the Guild. They mobilize a lot faster than you might believe, and get ready to be naked soon... Ravenwood." Vex went quiet as the food arrived. Let him think she was eyeing the food but she touched her pin and called for Galin. She would need his help for this and she wasn't certain if he even knew of the wizard.

Conner looked at Vex unsure about what he had just heard, "Say huh?" He took a couple bites before thinking about what she had said, "They have one hour then I'm going to the warehouse back up or not."

Vex heard Galin's voice in her head, "You are to delay Conner by any means necessary I can not get enough men to assault a wizard stronghold. I will send word the the Guildmaster as when to expect back up."

Vex told him that faster would be a lot better, but that she would do her best. "If we're going to get inside... I'll make you a slave I'm willing to trade for the babe. So to get up your courage... Slave let's have another round!" She signaled for the bar slave and when Conner looked away towards the other woman, she slipped a mixture into the last of his drink on the table. It would basically triple the intoxication effect of the alcohol and she could take him to the guild and keep him safe all at the same time.

Conner had looked away and not seen Vex spike his drink, and shortly after drinking it the effects hit him like a weight. He however declined any more to drink as he had a mission to uphold. but, try as he might he could not walk in a straight line to the door and collapsed with a large 'whuff'. Now Vex had only had to get him back to the guild hall.

Vex smiled and paid for the meal and drinks. It wasn't a big problem to half carry him. If the guild couldn't get together quickly enough then... she had her training and she had saved up some money. It would only be a few good trades and she could get herself a warrior slave. Offer him freedom when they got back to Andor. All they had to do was... fight the wizard and all of his henchmen. She might have to kill but... she also might be able to use Darryl Ravenwood. If she could somehow get the child at least away from the wizard and out of the building he could get the child. Perhaps she could lure them all out of the building. She continued to think about it while mostly carrying Conner back to the guild. She could convince a few at the guild to go with her too.

Vex found herself a little too overconfident, when she arrived back at the guild hall she was informed that Master Ravenwood needed more time and she was not to make a move against the men at the slip. Nothing was said or offered about Conner who was now sound asleep and getting heavier with every step she took. Her decision was obvious obey and possibly lose the child or disobey and lose her spot in the guild. The journeyman who relayed the message offered no other insights into Master Ravenwoods plan.

Vex ended up just picking Conner up and carrying him across her shoulders like a lamb. Once inside the room she dropped him onto the bed without fines. That made her mind for her. The guild had plans of their own obviously, well... so did she. She sat and called out for Conner's brother, Darryl. She could probably count on the Ravenwoods to help out... since the guild didn't seem inclined to. This was her job and she would complete it to satisfaction, like all her other jobs.

Nothing happened, no audible pop and Darryl Ravenwood standing before her, he must be able to hear her unless he decided not to answer her. Conner rolled onto his side and lay motionless, if Vex wished she could use smelling salts to wake the young Ravenwood and they could continue the plan as he eluded to that he had. The vial was in her bag and the decision was her's, her mind drifted back to holding the little felid child with his tail wrapping around her wrist and him purring as his eyes memorized her face. And it all was going to rest on the man sleeping beside her.

"Better to keep my charge safe then." Vex said pulling out the vial and tucking it into Conner's hand gently, so as to not wake him. She then gathered her weapons and changed into some better armor, more specific to what she needed. Conner would wake himself with the vile or wake when he was ready, he would stay safe either way as she left to accomplish her own goal. If no one was willing to help she'd go on her own. Just like she had been all her life. So she left and made her way to where Conner and she had seen the body dumped. She would try the straight forward approach.

Vex arrived at the slip and watched for a time unseen by the guards, the regular roaming guards would make things difficult and she had almost decided how best to make her approach when she felt a tap on her shoulder. Conner was in a right foul mood with Vex, "So, when you kinda inferred that the whole drugging you thing was over was it before or after you decided to drug me?" He was dressed a little differently and Vex could see a small trickle of blood in the corner of his mouth. "I believe there is a lower entrance that we might use to get inside, if that is we work together agreed?" A quick assessment told Vex this Ravenwood had a plan or at least half of a plan.

"No. I drugged you, for payback mostly." Vex spoke lowly so her voice wouldn't carry, she only glanced at the Ravenwood heir, She had another plan. "If you go into the back... I will go into the front. While their attention is solely on me, you can grab the child. I will make it seem as if my attention is not on the child. The sorcerer should have no fear for the family coming for the child if I make a ruckus about something else." vex paused a moment. "Since you know how to get around traps, do you know how to set them up?" She asked after taking that moment to think. She didn't like doing this solo, but she didn't have much choice.

Conner smirked, "of course, however will you be ale to stick to your part if things don't go according to plan?" Already his plan in getting inside would change, "How about we both go in from below, then we get the surprise on them and in case things change we can work together." he countered. In truth he didn't care if the sorcerer knew about the families return or not, once Xeph was in their hands it was time to call Darryl and let him lay the filchers to waste. Reaching into his pocket he pulled out a couple items he figured would help in case of needing wits over force.

"What use would both of us going in and facing them in tight quarters help? You are not much of a fighter being a bard and all. Plus the child is probably close to the wizard, if I can draw out the wizard by taking care of his guards you can get to the child no problem." Vex paused a moment and sighed. "Should have brought a thief." She muttered under her breath. She was wasting time arguing with the Ravenwood heir, but she had to get him going to get the child. This was her chance to save the child, keep him safe and finish her first mission with the best possible outcome.

"I can footpad with the best of them." Conner said, "Besides if we are both inside perhaps we can steal Xeph and disappear before we are noticed." He much did not care if she did not wish to go with him then he would use the lower entry and see what befell him.

"Are you frightened? Is that why you wish for me to come with you instead of drawing the forces outside? Or is this some sort of misplaced Chivalry?" Vex asked, she wasn't certain he was aware just how valuable a Ravenwood child to experiment on was. They weren't a normal family, they were magical through and through, and for sorcerers and others of evil intent, they were perfect. Well guarded for certain which is why she would need some sort of distraction for them all.

"Fine, if you wish to separate forces then so be it. My plan is to get inside get Xeph and be gone before anyone knows the better, and if I am seen then I will edit my plan accordingly." he told her before trotting off towards the back of the wharf where one might find the drains. Vex was stubborn and if she had just waited to hear him out then this might go quickly and quietly, but like father said be flexible nothing ever goes as you plan it.

"Well... things are flammable, especially wood, even damp wood if enough oil is spilled." Vex pulled out a vial from about her person. He wanted her to come along. Then one fire that spreads to cured wharf wood would give them a slight distraction. She snuck closer to find the cured wood she was looking for. there were exposed beams all over, and the guards they were more concerned about the entrances. and the exits. So Vex spread the oil from her canteen across the boards in a line to the dry and treated wood that would burn hot and long, once she was certain the flame would travel and not be put out... she lit it. Then she followed behind the Ravenwood Heir. It wouldn't take long to catch up she was certain. Just in case she held a dagger in one hand loosely, close to her body so it wouldn't be noticeable right away.

Conner was waiting over by the grate leading underneath the warehouse, "Simple way in this will lead to probably a half dozen grates inside. Find one not being watched or out of the way then pop out find Xeph and time to head home." He managed to open the grate and climbed inside, he looked back and smiled at Vex before disappearing into the blackness beyond. Vex could hear the calls of alarm out on the wharf, and realized that if anything the drains would be a good hiding spot until they could act. The question was should she try calling to Master Galin for help since they were disobeying his orders after all.

Vex scowled at Conner. He was still a smug ass. He just happened to be right which meant some of his parents teachings were sticking a little. This pissed Vex off all the more. Entitled little rich boy spoiled by birth and parents and given every chance and opportunity... only to turn up a moron until it matters. To the hard working Vex who didn't have a family and grew up alone with no one helping and most people against her, it really did piss her off. But she followed behind if she ever learned anything it's you continue with your objective and complete your mission. Keeping Conner safe and retrieving the child was her mission. She didn't want to report to the guild until she had something to report, they were unwilling to help so she was on her own. Like she always was. Because Conner didn't count.

They crawled along for a little while the occasional grate above them giving them a look inside the warehouse, Conner would stop for a few seconds then shake his head and continue. Until they stopped at a somewhat dimmer area and he tested the grate above his head, it was loose enough to move it aside and he popped his head out to look around. Vex did not realize he had stopped until she almost ran into his legs, "I believe this is our entry point leave the grate sit in case this needs be our exit as well." Without another word he pulled himself up through the hole into the warehouse beyond to look around, they were in the back behind several crates that hid them from view of guards. As he waited for Vex he began to look around to see where someone would keep a toddler in a place like this.

"They couldn't hope to keep him quiet and the fire should be attracting more attention any moment." Vex whispered close to Conner, she too was looking around the warehouse. There should be rooms or even large crates would work. But she knew these little ones could be quite ferocious. And loud. The whole family would be even as babes. But they were dealing with a wizard. There might be magical restraints in play that they didn't know about.

Conner looked over at her and smirked, "Second floor there is a sizeable room or two and there is a catwalk leading from those stairs." He pointed and let Vex follow his finger to the areas he spoke of. "So, I'm going to sneak over and upstairs and you will cover me. Once Xeph is secured we get the hell out and either call for Darryl or get back to my ship." His plan was pretty simple, but Conner looked into an open crate and pulled out a small hand held crossbow with a case of darts they had seen the guards use on the prisoner yesterday. "Well, how might this be useful?" Conner remarked before slipping it into his cloak.

"Do you even know how to use it Ravenwood?" Vex quipped as she kept a sharp eye out for anyone who might spot them. She pulled out her more silent weapons, some of her throwing daggers and her small crossbow with poison tipped darts. "Just be quick and don't get caught by the wizard or whatever." Vex said as she followed behind him.

Conner turned around and smirked at here, "Some aren't hard to learn." Then he skulked off towards the stairs, Vex watched from her vantage point and say him make it to the catwalk and head to the door at the end. Most of the guards were outside taking care of the fire to notice the young bard sneaking into their base. By the time she looked back up there was a woman on the catwalk, Conner was nowhere to be seen as she walked a little way and called out to the guard, "Zimo, what is going on out there?" The man near the entrance called back up, "It seems a fire has broken out the men are handling it."

Vex wasn't certain if that was the wizard or if she was an assistant. Zimo was someone she knew would be trouble. She had the possibility for a sneak attack now, take out either the woman or possibly Zimo. Without knowing if the woman was the wizard or not she didn't want to blow this one chance she had. Either way she would only be able to take out one. If Conner walked out now either with or without the child the decision would be made for her but she hoped he was of the mind to stay stealthy and check everything. He didn't even know how to use the crossbow. She never should have let him walk off with it.

A great many things seemed to happen all at once, somewhere inside the upper room a cry of alarm went off and the woman at the door turned. The sounds of boots and drawing weapons were coming from the wharf. And then the wall which obscured the scene of Conner and whoever was inside the room exploded into shards and rained down upon Vex and anyone else on the ground floor of the warehouse. When Vex managed to look she saw an almost shocked expression on Conner's face about what had just happened, he stood there with Xeph in one arm and the crossbow held in the other before shoving past the woman and heading for the stairs. As she watched his flight, Vex could not help but stare at the crates around them, did all of these have such weapons inside them and what doom would that spell for Andor if they did?

Doom indeed but for Andor... or this island of slave trade? Vex had a little oil left on her and she had flint and steel. If she could get him into the tunnels and they would have to hurry... but things could get even more shocking for this wizard and the whole island for that matter. Get the Ravenwood children back safe... that was her mission. No one told her not to do anything else. As soon as Conner drew near enough for him to hear her, without shouting, she urged him. "Hurry up you incompetent ass! I have a plan!" It would take a moment to spill the oil and she used the time he was hurrying to her to do just that. It would be once he was passed and in the sewers that she would have to stop and light it. That would be the dangerous part. As well as trying to run to the sewers herself and get far enough out that they would be safely away from the blast area, but... far enough away was also just enough to call for Darryl Ravenwood.

The Stolen Child III

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