Page name: The Storyline of Terra Veneficus B.C.C [Exported view] [RSS]
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2007-07-02 08:50:04
Last author: Nazarath.93
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Chapter One: The Creation
 This story Begins, as these stories often do, with once upon a time...

 Before Time was called time there was a place created by the unseen forces that govern this world and all the dimensions in exsistance, assuming there are more, and this place was called Uitav Hdyva. This was governed by the Xviv Rytyv and their minions and denizens. The Great Deities the Xviv Rytyv combined their strengths to bind a material thing, a place of existance. They did it for reasons that any four deities would randomly create a plane of other words who the hell could possibly know why.
 Anyways the great god of the element Xeva (or fire) called Satan created a Fiery plane of Chaos, where flames danced forever. In this passion emotions were created, boundless and endless.
 The great God of Ayvtn (earth) Called Belial created a binding of the fires, creating celestial bodies, and a process by which they function.
 The great God of Lytav (water) called Leviathan created a deepness, a boundless material of nothing by which all life would rise.
 Finally the great god of Yev (air) called Lucifer created an enlightenment, a living force and a light. He gave shape to all things, and meaning. He gave the boundless universe of elements light.
 The four fathers or Xviv Rytyv created these four elements and watched them move, soon after there was a massive bellow from these elements and a Dragon Was born. The First Dragon called "Tna'Ravhavtux Tvayteuv", wound himself into a coil and began to consume these elements. He formed a mass of land now what we call "The Earth", and began to set in motion the forces of celestial nature.
When He had consumed to much he froze into a great center of this planet, after countless other planets and celestial bodies had been formed.
 Great Satan, the leader of the Xviv Rytyv, forced a breath of flaming life onto the planet, and from the waters of Leviathan a single being swam forth. It crawled on the Earth of Belial soon after, and breathed the breathe of Lucifer at its peak.
 Over millions of years the process of Evolution had fortuitously taken place, and Homo Sapiens stood up.

Chapter 2: Man

 This being called man baffled the Xviv Rytyv, they were astounded that such a thing like them could be born! They soon after gifted it with language, and let it create tools, agriculture etc.
 The language that all the primal tribes of Man spoke was the divine language called Askdern. Man still not knowing of his creators, continued to grow in existance and became more of a social animal, unlike all others. This fascinated the Xviv Rytyv in their eternal watch of their prized prodigy.
 They found that man had become like all other animals and saw they had natural functions (Like eating, Sex, etc) and saw, what christians would call sins, beginning to take root in them. The Xviv Rytyv were practicers of all these things, and supported them as natural actions, and encouraged anything any mortal would do, as long as they saw it harmed none that didnt deserve it.

Chapter 3: Rise of Man

 A Man named Vysyvytn Metnyad created a style of building homes other than caves. Over his 532 Year life he had built thatchroofed cottages, and found a way of using tools and agriculture to hold the social nature of man together. He found the use of metal, and built weapons. He bound together the entire continent of Europe under one kingdom, And became the first Wevk (king) of the Earth. On his 500th birthday he accepted his crown and proclaimed this Oayv Usa (Year one) and began to record History from there on.
 The Metnyad family ruled the planet, slowly conquesting from place to place until in Oayv Usa'Tlu'Tnvaa'Tlu (Year 1232) The King Rnyiv had finally finished the conquest, and ruled all the earth. (It was hard crossing the Atlantic but they did it!) All the Earth had been colonized and the people ruled.
 It was simple for these mere mortals because they had the forgotten force of Magic. Using the serpent in all humans and speaking Askdern they devised a system of Magic forces that exist in all humans, called the Magical Apparatus.
 Because Askdern caused magic to be used it was to often it was misused, so King Rnyiv commissioned a new language called "Tummuv" (Which will be equivelent to modern english to make this wiki accesible to people who dont speak a language that nazarath hasnt made up) that became an auxillary language at first, but eventually became a primary language and Askdern was only spoken by mages, nobles, and people who were intrested.
Chapter 4: Communion

 The Xviv Rynyv completly astonished by their beloved Mortals contacted a cousin of the current king in the year 1788, because king Orfimr was dying (and died a year later). They contacted Jarra Metnyad and told them everything, He spread the word and became the first High priest of the First religion.
  Higher ranks in the Religion could enter into Uitav Hdyva and talk with the gods directly. But many mortals payed little attention to the gods because the Xviv Rynyv demanded they not be worshipped.

Chapter 5: Betrayal the start of conflict

 Year 3356, the brother of King Tyev began to slip into madness. The brother named Tuvrtyvteva began hallucinating that there was one god, and he demanded that the Idolatry stopped and they obeyed his rules or forever burn in a place called "Nadd".
 He soon after gained followers, and strangly enough they were only laughed at. In the year 3444 Tuvrtyvteva murdered King Tyev and fled. The new religion was then persecuted and followers were executed.
 When it was thought the religion was nonexistant peace once again ruled the land.

Chapter 6: The first war of all time

 The followers had passed down a society, slowly gaining in secret. The followers practiced abstinence, and called earthly things sinful. Then in the year 4155 the society came out of hiding and claimed "It is Gods will the Xviv Rynyv are cast down!"
 Then the war started. The rebels had to many followers, and the first actual army. The kingdom of Earth had only guards and hunters, even though the rebels were outnumbered they had training and fighters.
 The rebels had destroyed all records of History and all religious papers etc. They quickly tried to replace it with a history of their own.
 The war lasted a bloody 53 years, and almost 3/5ths of the population was dead. In the year 4208 the war ended when king Myttnyl Fled into the realms of Uitav Hdyva. The power of the rebels had reached even there, and they layed upon the Xviv Rynyv a terrible curse.
 With their dying breath they placed themselves into The king, and Myttnyl rose to the earth. Using the spell of the gods he undid all human life, and returned it to its primal state.
 With the Gods now nothing more than a force in peoples hearts, mortals could no longer perform magic, and had to re evolve over again.
 The angered Dragon rose from the earth and demanded his children rule for the rest of eternity. Dinosaurs rose up. Then after all the ages of dinosaurs, all the mythical beasts were dead and all original dragons had evolved into dinosaurs. The earth became a shadow of what it is now.
 Then when the Gods had become strong enough they demanded the cosmos to destroy the Dragons children, and for their bones to lie in the earth forever. The Dragon became a ball of his own Flame and Mans second earliest ancestor rose again...this time without magic, or any knowledge of the earth's terrible history.

Chapter 7: Conclusion

 After the dinosaurs and the re-evolution of man, life started over...this time more boring. Mans life was no longer sustained by the gods and was shorter.
 Then they began to perceive the gods memetic legacy in their spirits as other gods and religions. Thousands of years later a Man named Abraham stumbled upon a very very old text that survived by magical means. It told him of the "True" god etc. It inspired him to father many sons and daughters, and started Judaism.
 Thus lead to Jesus, constantine etc...and so on and so forth. The oppression of the rouge religion had rose once again.
 Then in 1966 Anton LaVey realized the true meaning of the Gods Legacy, and founded the Left Hand Path and the Church of Satan. And in 2007 [Nazarath.93] realized the truth about the earth and here we are...

[and no I dont really believe any of this. Its amazing what you invent at 1 in the morning.]

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