Page name: Valusia XI [Exported view] [RSS]
2013-10-19 19:59:58
Last author: Sheamus Finn
Owner: Sheamus Finn
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Valusia X

The next morning Da'Karis woke her early and got her into position to watch for her target again then left her. Three hours later she spied the man going inside the building with two other men, and he remained in there for another two hours before exiting. They then began to travel west into the city, Lily would have to jump from building to building to follow him or get down to the street quickly. Da'Karis had told her how important it was for her to follow the man to his lair.

Lily decided rooftops would be best and if she jumped her longest then she might make the jumps no problem. If nothing else she could always use her magic to transform into her 'wolf' form. She could leap almost ten feet in length and seven feet straight up in that form. But she would see how well she could do for now going from roof to roof. Some were easy but some she did have to leap. She kept track of the man however and where they were going. Not only that but she was staying low and out of sight as much as possible.

A short time later and a few more leaps, Lily saw the man enter into a building that looked like a trading coster leaving his guards outside the gates. It was a little later than when he had left the temple yesterday so one could assume he had come here yesterday as well. Da'Karis had not told her to do anything else but follow him to his lair, would he remain there or would he leave to head somewhere else. Hours began to tick by and Lily was stuck in the sunlight or being spotted by the man's bodyguards.

Lily left the rooftops carefully, She sat in a darker alleyway and found some rags. She wrapped them carefully around her body to make herself look like a vagrant and stay under the body guards Radar's. This was a trick she learns from Uncle Lyle. She smudged her cheeks and hands with dirt to help make it convincing, but that was all she could do really. So she sat in the slight shade and watched the entrance.

It was hours later when the man left the coster holding a set of scrolls and walked along with his guards away from the traders row and toward the docks. His gait was unhurried and the men with him kept a good eye out, but Lily was well disguised, at least she hoped and followed easily. They passed all manner of people from Bards calling out news, guardsmen patrolling the city and even people heading about their daily lives. Things were just a tiny bit more dangerous than they were yesterday and the day before, she had been lucky to remain on the rooftops for the first two encounters now she was on a level playing field. A thought did pop into her head, how would Da'Karis find her or would she just wait until a certain time and head back to tell him what she had found.

Lily would wait until Kar came for her. She trusted him completely and utterly. She made herself shuffle as she walked and hunch a bit as if she needed to protect her stomach. Every now and then she asked for coins as she followed the man. She begged for scraps from an older man who just bought some food. She would slow down and catch up again with the man she was following. Letting her pace flow naturally. She kept her face down cast but never took her eyes off him for more then a moment or two.

Finally the men wound up not far from Gregor's home, Lily spied the burnt ruin as they headed up the street past it. In another twenty minutes of walking all three entered a nicely appointed manor house. From where she stopped Lily could see the house easily without having to get too close to it. So now she would have to sit and wait to see if the man left or this was his lair, the day was wearing on and clouds began to roll in from the sea. Soon a cold drizzle began to fall and most of the people on the street began to hurry home or at least indoors.

Lily found a little shelter from the rain, it wasn't fantastic but it kept her mostly out of the rain and she sat covering herself and curled around herself. She hoped she looked like she was sleeping, but she stayed where she was watching the building and waiting for Kar to come and find her. This was her mission that he had given her and she was going to complete it. Even if she didn't want to be near that house.

The chill set in even with the little coverage the shelter provided and the rain continued to fall around them, on occasion thunder rolled in the distance. It was almost an hour later that she heard a rustle behind her and knew Da'Karis had found her shelter and they would be able to go. "very good Lily, now we know where his base of operations is and we can move on to another lesson after we get back to the inn and you get out of your wet clothes and warmed by a fire." He was generally impressed that she held out due to how soaked her clothing was, the information was enough for him and her to move forward. Leading her they withdrew from the target and began to make their way back through the city towards the inn.

Lily shivered so hard her teeth shook it felt like. She was very cold, she knew right then that she was her fathers daughter. Only someone stupidly stubborn would stay in the freezing rain for hours all for the sake of some mission. Lily wondered if they had diseases here that they did not have back home and if she would get sick. But right now she just wanted a dry blanket a big fire and something to eat. She was starving too. She had no idea where she was and so didn't bother not huddling in on herself and keeping her face down and watching Kar's boots to know where they were going.

After a short trip through as many streets with some sort of overhead protection Da'Karis brought them to the inn's back staircase and opened the door. "upstairs to my rooms and get out of all of your wet clothes there is a towel beside my basin to dry yourself and a shirt folded on the bed. Then wrap yourself in the blanket in front of the fire while I tend to a few things." His tone reminded her of Altair in a way, without saying another word however he pulled off her cloak and hung it up then went back out into the weather. The cook had looked up when they entered, but realized it was none of his affair and put water on for tea and checked to see how near done the soup was.

Lily went upstairs. It was hard to make her legs work with how cold she was but she stripped her clothing once upstairs. Dried herself off as much as she could, wrapped the towel around her head holding her wet hair and knotted it on top of her head in the Baerlon fashion. She pulled his shirt on and it hung almost down to her knees. But then she sat near the fire and wrapped herself in Kar's blanket, she was getting warm quickly but she felt cold inside still. So she sat on the floor near the fire wrapped up and began to dose.

Da'Karis woke her gently and wrapped her still cold fingers around a steaming cup of tea with honey and lemon, "Drink this then you will get some soup and a good shot of elixir to stave away a cold." He had been sick before and had no help in fighting it, being ill was truly one of his most hated things in all of existence and this would help. Once she had a few sips of tea he gathered her clothes and set them with his that needed washed and got some dry clothes for himself as well, once changed he came back and drank from his mug as well then poured a spoonful of yellow colored elixir and moved it toward Lily, "The taste is unappealing, but you will not get sick and that is what matters." The fire was warm and cast a semi-circle of light that brightened the room even as the storm raged outside. Lily did realize they had yet to discuss what she had found during her mission up until the storm rolled in.

"The rain here... is much colder then home." Lily chattered softly, she did take the elixir though. She didn't have time to get sick. She might lose her will to fix what she had done and prove she was capable and take off her bracelet and it that happened Daryl would come and take her home. Then she would never see Kar again. She sipped the tea and it warmed her some more. She was starting to get drowsy again and she knew he would want the answers to her mission. She just hoped he asked her soon. Before she actually fell asleep. For once she was quiet without him embarrassing her to silence.

He next put a bowl of soup into her hands, "Fill your stomach and it will help keep the rest of you warm as well. I am impressed by your will to see the mission through, however you could have returned to the inn once you established that is where his lair was. We may wait a day or so before doing anything else with the information." He returned to his seat and picked up his bowl as well, it was a wonderful soup and would also help keep one from getting sick. "I will pull my bed closer to the fire and you can get some sleep while I keep the fire going before I rest as well."

"You never gave me permission to leave the mission until you came for me." Lily said softly she ate little of the bowl of soup. She was hungry she was cold and tired and wanted to sleep and be warm again. She sat the bowl down after a few bites and huddled into the blanket and scooted closer to the fire. She was simply so tired. She just wanted to sleep now.

He was not going to argue with Lily and make her upset, instead he put his soup down and went to move his bed closer to the fire. It was easy enough to move by himself and soon he had it in position where he wanted it, "Come Lily into the bed and under the blankets for a good night's sleep everything will be better in the morning." Once she was settled he sat with his back against the bed and opened his journal, he went over his notes and quickly made a notation about his true target. Never before had he been so close to figuring out where his truest enemy could be, and then he could fulfill his oath to his former master. He glanced over his shoulder at Lily, she was so different than the one who killed his master there was no underlying doubt that she would betray not like the other one.

Lily had climbed into bed and she snuggled into his pillow, it took seconds for her to fall asleep. She dreamt that night too. She dreamt of strange things, of shadowy conversations and evil grins in dark rooms. Flickering shadows in a candle lit subterranean room. But she was never afraid. Not with the smell of spices all around her. For some reason she felt fine even though she dreamt of these horrible things.

He added wood to the fire and kept watch over Lily while she slept until he lowered his chin to his chest and dozed lightly. The storm passed as they slept and the next morning the sun lit the horizon and dried out the city. A knock at the door roused him and Lily both as Rosi called out, "I have breakfast for you both and more tea are you both decent?" Her tone sounded as if she was trying not to laugh and still be believable in her desire not to walk in on them doing anything together. The door opened and inched forward a little bit so she could peek in at them before barging in with the tray and breakfast.

Lily pulled the covers over her head and she stretched under the blankets until her body popped in places. Then she sat up slowly. Her head felt foggy and thick. "Morning Rosi." She said softly stifling a yawn with her hand after her morning greeting to her friend. She didn't understand what her friend had meant by what she had said But it wasn't really important right now. "Morning Kar." She said remembering him to be beside the bed. She hoped he wasn't going to send her on mission anymore. Though she knew that was a lie, she would have many more mission if he had his way.

Da'Karis turned his head to regard Rosi, "Good morning to both of you and no everything is fine." He then stood and regarded Lily, she seemed fine after her mission last night. Rosi looked between them both and smiled, they were cordial and cute in the way they looked at each other, but given Lily's concern there was something underneath it all. Da'Karis washed his face and hands in the basin and replaced the water for Lily and then took a seat and grabbed his mug of tea and took a sip. Breakfast was warm porridge, sasuages, and bread, the cook knew the exact thing to send after a night when someone could get ill.

Lily washed her face and hands and emptied the water out of the basin. She then went for the porridge and the tea. She was ready to devour it all but she knew to take it slowly. After a really cold night like yesterday she would have to eat slow and warm things. "How's the tavern holding up Rosi? Is it awful busy without me there to help out?" Lily asked softly, politely while she was eating. She didn't even think about the fact that she was only wearing Kar's shirt.

Rosi was still all smiles, "A little hectic at times, but that is okay you are probably having a better time training then waiting tables. So, what are you guys going to do today other than probably change clothes." Da'Karis didn't really look up, Rosi was being playful but he hoped by not aknowledging the fact then Lily wouldn't change color. "Lily will make the decision about today, she may either have it to rest where and how she will or the assualt on Lucien Torval's house might begin. Again I will leave the decision to Lily, otherwise I might give you what we might like for lunch." He finally looked to Lily and gave her a wink, telling her he trusted her decision.

"How long will you need to prepare and make plans? If it would help you to take the extra time to be more sure of all the details then I would say wait until tomorrow. But if you are completely confident in your plans you've previously made then we can go tonight. Personally though my parents always said if you have the time use it wisely. If you are short on time never be short on your plans. I don't really know all of what they meant by that of course but I think they meant use any time you have you know constructively and well I'd like to help out the best I can. Maybe this is the way I can help..." Lily said holding onto the bottom of the shirt suddenly self conscious of how she was dressed as she spoke.

Da'Karis nodded, "I appreciate your vote of support we will use the day to rest and prepare then will strike tomorrow evening at our target. You should avail yourself to a hot bath sometime today and get into comfortable clothes. Rosi, could you see if the cook will send up something nice for lunch and keep the tea coming when he has a chance?" Da'karis stood and selected several books from the bookshelf and took them to his chair and sat down. Rosi looked at Lily and mouthed the question, "should I arrange a bath or clothes?" before begining to gather the dishes.

"Bath first I think so I can be clean for the clean clothes I'll be wearing." Lily giggled. She was very happy her suggestion would give Kar time he might not have had before to double check his plans. It was always best to double check your plans to make certain everything was prepared for. "I'm glad you are here to help out Rosi, I don't know what I would've done if there was only Kar to try and help me. He is the biggest of help to me, but he's not very sociable really. That's all right though my mother and father, always say those who are quiet are smart and those who are loud are slow, But it is the one that plans for the future that lives to see it happen. Of course I think they got that from Wisdom personally. She used to terrify me as a younger child. She still scares my mother though." Lily giggled at her own little joke. Lily wondered though how her mother was doing, she hoped she hadn't done anything rash.

Da'Karis was immersed in what he was reading and did not notice Rosi walk behind Lily and whisper, "Will you be using the hot springs and leaving his shirt here with him?" She patted Lily's shoulder and kissed the top of her head, "Da'Karis while I attend Lily you will have to get your own tea, but I will arrange for your lunch. The wet clothes from last night will be laundered and brought up after while, let's get you all cleaned up shall we Lily?" Da'Karis nodded to what Rosi had said, he was aware of how Lily was dressed and how beautiful she was but those were thoughts a normal person had not an oathbound assassin. Still when her back was turned Da'Karis did look at her bare feet and legs, Lily very well might be the death of him, but he would do as he said and teach her while protecting her.

"No... I... don't want to go out. I'll be back for lunch and I want to read a few of your books. I don't think you're nearly as boring as Rosi does Kar. C'mon Rosi let's go to my room so I can get a bath and get some real clothes on." Lily said blushing a little and grabbing Rosi's hand nearly dragging the poor woman along behind the young girl. "How come you have to say things like that when he's around? You know how much I blush!" Lily said once the door was closed behind them. She was waved and smiled brightly for Kar though before they had left the room. She was trying very hard to act the same way she did to everyone else around her. But he was very different. At least to her. But she really was ready for a bath and real clothes.turned around to Lily and smiled

Rosi smiled, "The springs are downstairs Kar uses them all the time. We will get the clean clothes and you can wash up." Once they got into Lily's room Rosi made her next comment, "You blushed less Lily, which means you are getting over the shyness you feel when around him. I do not mean to hurt you or make you angry I just think it will help you in the long run." She picked up some clothes and turned back to lily, "Come along I'll show you the way down and get you settled then come back up and help out in the kitchen for a little while." She led Lily to the stairs and down to the kitchen inside the wine cellar was another door that led to a stone room where a small bathing pool set. She spread rose petals and jasmine in to the hot water and stood aside for Lily to get in and wash.

"Only because of force of will trust me! I understand though... I just... I'm so embarrassed about the silliest of things! I am glad though that you and Kar are my friends." Lily said softly as she sank into the water. She wanted to just go under and stay there if she could it felt so good in the hot water. Almost like at home. Though the rose petals were... usually used for the married couples. Lily couldn't help but be happy and sad and grateful and embarrassed all at once.

Rosi sat by the pool and handed Lily a rag and soap, "We are your friends, but I feel something more is beneath the surface with you and Da'Karis. You have a good force of will and the more you work on it the better you will get." she explained. She stood up and set a towel on the stool, "I'm going upstairs to help out for a bit, relax here as long as you want I'll come down and check on you in a little bit." Lily could hear her footsteps fade into the distance and the door to the wine cellar open and close, she was alone with just the hot water and her thoughts.

"Beneath the surface... I bet if he wasn't afraid of my family he would take this bracelet off himself. Everyone wants rid of me... Because I'm too young... or not experienced enough... because I'm a noble... cause I'm a girl... too loud and talk to fast... and too emotional... and and useless!" Lily says after washing and sitting for a moment. She began to cry for a while. After some time passed she washed her face in the water dunked one last time and then stood to get out of the pool of water and dry off. They were probably wondering why she was taking so long in the water. She looked down at her skin as she dried off and wondered. Her skin was soft and supple, she had muscle but there was a fine layer of fat that gave her a certain roundness to her that couldn't let you call her toned. But she had a rare few scars. Kar was covered in scars. So were mother and father. Brother and sisters most of them too. But not her. Never Lily. Well maybe She would show them. Maybe she'd get some scars and lose her fat and become strong and then everyone couldn't say anything ever again. Though Lily as she wrapped the towel around herself and began to work on drying her hair.

Rosi came down and smiled at Lily, "Would you like some help with your hair? I had wondered if you were just going to spend the day in that water, it feels wonderful doesn't it? Da'Karis uses it when his fights get a little too close, the salt and heat helps ease bruises and injuries." Then she looked into Lily's eyes and wrapped Lily in a hug, "Dearest what happened I know what eyes that have let out tears?" It was confusing, Lily looked so fine and confident but then she would get upset so quickly. "Please tell me Lily what is it that upsets you so?"

"Nothing... Nothing that hasn't always upset me Rosi. I'm okay I promise. I'm going to make everything okay. Kar is going to teach me... and I'll help him and repay my debts and then I can go home after that. I just... had to think for a while that's all." Lily said everything softly and slowly and she didn't speak for very long. Kar was definitely influencing her, but she hugged her friend back and tightly. Resting her head on Rosi's chest because there was no where else she could put it. Her hair was already almost dry thanks to the shortened length of it, she wanted to get to her room and brush it out then have lunch and study some of Kar's books. The best and only way to improve herself was to work on it.

Rosi rubbed Lily's back and tried her best to sooth her friend, she did not understand why Lily thought she had a debt to repay to Da'Karis. "Dearest, if you are so sad here why not explain to him what is wrong and he will release you to return to your family. I do not believe that he would keep you here to repay him for helping you." She wondered thought if Da'Karis would miss Lily terribly like she would or just contiue on doing as he had for years. After a little while she let Lily go and put a dressing gown across lily's shoulders, "let's get you upstairs and comfortable then you can have lunch and study until dinner."

"No he wouldn't but I do. I'm not going to leave a life debt between me and a savior hopefully the only one. I want to be able to save myself... to not need saving I mean! That's what I hope he can teach me... How to be strong enough not to need a whole family to stand in front of me in battle or to save me like some kind of useless princess. Kar is a good good friend and he keeps telling me to just go home but I can't... not until I can do it on my own! you understand right Rosi?" Lily said quickly angrily and then implored of her friend. Sure Lily was young and had to life experience apparently, but she wanted to prove herself and it seemed she had been denied that for a long time and Kar was giving her the chance to do just that.

Rosi sighed, hugged Lily tightly again and led her upstairs to her room, "What happens if he saves you again? I mean he has been doing this for a great many years even as an apprentice he killed easily." She opened a drawer and pulled out a pair of pants that had a couple inches cut off and a warm sweater for Lily to wear. "I'm going to get lunch and bring it upstairs, how about you head on without me and clear the table." she said opening Lily's door.

Lily went upstairs and knocked waiting until Kar said to enter. When she did she smiled and waved at him and then went straight to the table. She started to clean it off already aware of where he kept things and how he liked them, she put everything away and in order. Once the table was cleared she sat in the chair and waited. She thought about what Rosi said, if Kar had been killing for years... even as a young boy... he had to be able to make her strong, even if it meant he killed a few men who were after her. He would have killed them anyways she was certain of it. So she didn't need to feel like there was more then one debt right? Right... right.

"You look a great deal more refreshed than you did when you left, I hope there is hot water left for the next time I need it." he said. It almost sounded like a tease or joke, something he rarely did. Lily looked more vibrant now then she did a while ago, he had already moved his bed back to where it had been and remade it. "The teapot is fresh if you wish some, I brought some lemon up with it to enhance the flavor." he said setting his mug on the table and taking a seat across from hers. It was something about her that drew his eyes to her today, he picked up his mug and took another sip and put it down when Rosi entered with lunch.

"Good timing Rosi!" Lily said having been watching Kar very carefully, she was positive he had told a joke. "I may not have left as much as you might have liked... but I feel much better yes and thank you Kar. For asking." She said while pouring herself a cup, while she loved tea she found that this tea was very spicy, not hot just filled with so many spices she couldn't name a single one. She never put anything in her tea at home and here she put only a little milk to not let herself b overwhelmed at the flavors. How anyone would want to add anything to this tea she just didn't know.

Rosi looked hard at Da'Karis and he actually looked away then she glanced at Lily something was going on, but she would not say anything about it. "The cook sent up ham, roasted potatoes, bread and pears poached in wine and sprinkled with cinnamon. He outdid himself I think, everyone knows that the great Da'Karis takes his meat raw and vegetables the same way." she smiled and winked at Lily. "Those are rumors, just like I am made of darkness and any woman I claim turns to smoke and I get younger every night." he repeated only a few of the rumors. Personally, he liked the one about him being a half-fiend half-dragon who consumed the blood of his victims.

"Oh you mean a succubus. Or a demon? Well geez you're not that bad I mean I've met a demon or two and yuck don't want to do that ever again. You aren't like that at all! mmmm Everything smells fantastic, I have to say this countries food is way better then mine! I would live here forever if you know I could and my family wasn't what they are and all. Besides staying young forever isn't fun, even if you kill people. Trust me I know people who've been around." Lily chatted away happily, she seemed comfortable and relaxed again, not like when she was at the baths just mere moments ago.

They both looked at Lily a little shocked at her confessions, her family was famous for killing evil but to that extent was almost unreal. And here Lily was telling them that the stories were true like she was recounting just another Tuesday in the family's history. Rosi looked at Da'Karis, "Maintenant, je comprends votre attirance pour elle, vous avez tous deux parlé de tuer des monstres comme ils sont normaux." Da'Karis chocked on his tea, "Que dans les Abysses est le problème avec vous? Dire quelque chose comme ça en face d'elle. Rosi stared back for a minute then took her tray and headed for the door, "Have fun studying, I will return with dinner."

"Hey that's not nice I know she asked a question about me! Why couldn't she had just asked? It isn't like I couldn't tell her anything you know. Well jeez think you know someone. What language were you speaking anyways. Are you alright? I mean it's not like I fought the demons. But there was a demon rat infestation and some imps and things. My grandfather made me and my brother study demons and the forms they took that's the only reason I know about them other then you know the imps and rats." Lily said as she set the table for the two of them and then poured Kar more tea.

"She was speaking Valusian and expressed her admiration about how casually you talked about something as frightening as demons. To be honest I too find your lack of fear even speaking about supernatural evil impressive." he said as he picked up his cup. He could scarcely believe Rosi had accused him of being attracted to Lily in that way, even though lately she was on his thoughts more and more often. He divided up the food leaving only the pears still in the crockery for them to eat later and motioned for her to dig in. As they began to eat he looked at Lily and wondered about Rosi's words, was he truly attracted to Lily Ravenwood?

"They are really scary... I was a child when most of it all happened. But I remember not being terribly frightened because I knew my family would protect me and keep me safe no matter what. But... they did that my whole life... they never let me try and keep them safe either. So I left... with someone I thought would protect me and needed me to protect them. I wish I was more like you Kar. Strong and able to do all kinds of things!" Lily spoke quickly, though not as fast as she usually did on one of her tirades. She was eating and that slowed her down some but she seemed to simply slow down in her talking whenever Kar was around in general.

Da'Karis set his fork down and looked at Lily, his eyes softened a little from their usual look, "I would not wish my life upon anyone Lily. I was a child of the streets and became apprentice to a man who sought to leave a mark upon history, my training brutual and made me as I am. I did not grow up having a family, having someone love me unconditionally I was raised to be a weapon." He then picked up his fork and continued with his lunch, it had been the first honest thing he ever spoke about his childhood to anyone. "To be truthful Lily I would wish to be more like you and your family, fighting for a reason just not a contract or an oath."

"Well... mom and dad in the beginning were really different too you know. My mom... She's a noble born... and they wouldn't let her do what she wanted either. Her dad died when she was a young girl... and she never wanted that to happen ever again so she left to become a strong person. She accidently met my father when she helped a halfing man get out of trouble. He owed her and refused to pay so she basically just came along with him. That's how they met through my uncle Lyle. Dad though... Dad's brother killed his own father my grandpa... then became a werewolf and tried to kill my dad. So he was on the run all the time and was trying to stay alive, he made a bunch of friends but he was super poor and took out contracts to tame the rest of the land and kill the beasts there. My mom eventually found out he was the real heir to the duke title and all the family's land and money... and businesses that she helped turn around eventually. I'm just a spoiled little girl running away from my parents." Lily spoke slowly so she didn't get anything wrong. Sometimes her family history was really confusing. "There's a book about us... but mom's been tracking down every copy and getting rid of them. It tells everything bout our family. The beginning, the Dragon Wars, everything." Lily said softly before dishing out the pears for both of them, with all this talking they had eaten dinner and Lily wanted to serve Kar. "At least you have a chance to go and find love. You could leave if you wanted to once you've finished. You're strong enough you don't have to stay in one place forever... and you don't have to depend on others either. I really envy that freedom." Lily said blushing softly before she sat back down to eat her own pears.

Da'Karis looked down at his plate, the had similar problems he and Lily. She knew how to follow her heart and was kept from doing so. He had freedom to do as he would, but did not know the call of his own heart. "Sometimes being trapped happens in different ways, it is to the same end however." he explained. There was more to say, but they were both thinking more along their problems and not the bigger picture. He finished his pears and drained his cup of tea, "If you wish I will suggest a couple books for you to read or you may choose at your whim."

"You know... it's okay to take time for yourself sometimes. Or do things that will make other people happy. I'll clean the table first okay?" Lily said before standing and gathering the plates and dishes to put on the tray to take downstairs. She wondered... if maybe she could help him... not with his killing and sneaking and such but maybe to have fun... or to go out and see the world without having to kill someone everyday. Maybe that's why he had come to her. But then again she was almost raped and sold and now her uncle was running around so she wasn't safe unless she was with him anyways. Maybe she could buy him something nice then. She was saving up for a ticket home but.. surely she could spend a little without harm. "I'll be right back." Lily said as she grabbed the tray and headed down the stairs. She would hurry this to the kitchen and be right back upstairs. She hoped her uncle didn't come back to the Inn it had been two days since he had shown up after all.

Rosi was in the kitchen and turned to see Lily come down the stairs with the tray in her hands, "No longer being a waitress and still running dishes. I apologize if I made him angry or embarassed him in front of you." she said taking the tray and putting the dishes in the sink to be washed. The cook mumbled something about the next tea pot was ready to go up since Lily brought the empty one down with her. Rosi could tell from the years of knowing Da'Karis how to read him and of course to her eye Lily was an open book. It would not surprise her to one day finding the two of them sleeping in a lover's embrace asleep in his bed.

"No not at all. He's been very kind to me, the way he teaches reminds me of my grandfather. I don't see how people think of him as so cold though." Lily said with a big smile as she thanks the cook and put the new tea pot on the tray so she could take it up with her. "Honestly I think I make him more embarrassed then anything else, but it's fine. He explained it to me and I know you mean well, you are the best friend he could have Rosi! I'm glad you are here for him and taking care of him! You all must think me so strange all the time with the things I do and say and how I act and such. But honestly I am trying to learn from you all and I want you all to be proud of me so I am trying my very best to make you all proud! Thanks again!" Lily blabbered on and on and on before walking out of the kitchen and back up the stairs.

Rosi watched her go and wondered if she knew the feelings she suspected Da'Karis was beginning to have for Lily. Otherwise it would be interesting to see where they go from here. When she arrived back upstairs he was sitting near the fire reading again, he looked up and thanked her for bringing new tea. "Did Rosi apologize for her outburst?" he asked closing the book for a short time and taking an interest in what happened. He had an idea how they would get into his target's lair and barring any problems he would have his information by the evening and Lily would have her adventure.

"Yes she did apologize, she also said she was sorry for embarrassing you, which I didn't really understand but I thought I would pass the message along to you. We have a new pot of Tea, let me pour you some and then you can pick out a book for me to read." Lily said chatting away happily, though she didn't give the big long winded fast talking speeches she normally did. She was calming down around him whether she realized it or not.

He thanked her for the tea, and got up to see about what book she might enjoy to read. "What would interest you Lily I have a extensive library with many good books. Perhaps you might like this one to start with." he said handing her a book of Valusian poetry. He held the book out to her and then took his seat again. "When you are done feel free to pick any you might like to look at." it was a starting point as he believed she would find poisons and the like boring.

"Sure, I've never been one for poetry myself but the men back home like to recite it for girls in court. I think that's rather silly but other nobles seem to like it. I would never have thought you were a poetry kind of person though." Lily said with a smile before opening the book and beginning to read. Mostly she was into the jousting and the fencing matches. Anything to show strength and the ability to take care of oneself was what she was looking for.

"The spoken word can carry a great deal of strength to it, the right kind of words can convey more than men with swords." Da'Karis said without looking up at Lily. After a little reading some of the poems were very good, not as flowery as the poetry back how but spoke volumes to her. "Did any of the men back home recite it for you Lily?" he asked politely, maybe she found it silly because she never was on the receiving end of those words. At one point Da'Karis had spent almost a week of nights watching an ampitheater for a target and acquired a taste for the poetry and prose he heard. Picking up his cup he took another sip and re-opened his book picking up what he was reading, but listening to Lily's response to his question.

"Yes but there's only so much you can take of your hair is like spring and your eyes like the starlight skye! Your skin like moon glow and your smile as radiant as the kings coffers. For one they've never seen the king's Coffers, and two what is all that nonsense! I'm not a druid to wear the forest. I like this much better, I didn't know there was more then one kind of poetry, of course my brother writes songs which I suppose is like poetry but his are hardly ever worth mentioning. Sometimes I feel like I was never supposed to be in Baerlon... like I accidently took someone else's place and that's why I never fit in right." Lily said softly at the end, she didn't know she was doing almost exactly what her mother had done right before she had left and during those first few months of having left Sildea.

"You belonged there, but now you need to grow and learn your place in the world around you." he mused hoping she felt a little better. "Valusian poetry deals less with symbolism and more with the feelings, some say it is a little darker than other countries." He pictured some Andorian noble on bended knee reciting words he found in a book or paid a bard to compose for him and it seemed almost laughable. He set the book aside and walked over to her, "I feel like reading some poetry as well, may I?" He held out his hand for the book and when he took it closed it, then recited his favorite from memory to her.

I arise from dreams of thee. In the first sweet sleep of night, When the winds are breathing low, And the stars are shining bright I arise from dreams of thee, And a spirit in my feet Has led me -- who knows how? -- To thy chamber-window, sweet! The wandering airs they faint On the dark, The silent stream, -- The champak odors fall Like sweet thoughts in a dream, The nightingale's complaint, It dies upon her heart, As I must die on thine, O, beloved as thou art!

O, lift me from the grass! I die, I faint, I fall! Let thy love in kisses rain On my lips and eyelids pale, My cheek is cold and white, alas! My Heart beats loud and fast Oh! press it close to thine again, Where it will break at last!

Lily listened as if caught in a trap. Kar's voice softened and somehow deepened... and it felt oddly... close to her as if he were reciting for her. In a dark room. And he was. There was just the two of them and what a poem! And Lily blushed bright red and bit her bottom lip tightly, her fingers worrying in her skirt on the fabric and she couldn't help but suddenly and unexpectedly be well aroused all of a sudden by Kar. "Beautiful." She managed to say softly trying her very best not to do anything silly. He didn't love her and he barely even liked her. He certainly didn't want her help... and yet he was always letting her help, he was always helping her. He gave her advice all the time and he had even chased off her uncle though for how long she didn't know. He was ever so attractive and his smell made her body do funny things. Things it had never done before even with the man she had thought she had loved. Maybe she was falling in love... but for real? Or maybe this was what they called lust. Like the do stupid things and nearly get killed kind. Maybe it wasn't love at all. Because A man like Kar would never love a silly girl like Lily she thought to herself.

"that is the difference in poetry from Andor and Valusia, Lily and how men there sometimes speak and men here do." he said softly. He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed the back of it then set it back down. He wondered if the man he killed that she so loved ever recited poetry to her, probably not he seemed more interested in purely physical pursuits. Lily needed better then that, better than them both but Da'Karis could not deny her being here was becoming familiar. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, Lily could see Da'Karis actually began to smile at her.

"Oh My Gods! You can smile!" Lily shouted in utter shock. First of all he had completely silenced her yet again and made her rather embarrassed by kissing her hand, then shock of all shocks he actually smiled at her. "Rosi said you couldn't! She said it was impossible here quick read another poem maybe it'll make you smile huger!!" Lily said grabbing the book quickly and opening it randomly and handing it to him. She thought, that it was the poem and the book that made him smile not her. She was thrilled to see him smile and even though it wasn't a real one yet she wanted to see a big real smile on his face even just once.

He set the book aside and whispered, "You will not tell Rosi, or I shall put you on the first boat home." Then he again sat close to Lily, "How shall I hold my soul, that it may not be touching yours? How shall I lift it then above you to where other things are waiting?
Ah, gladly would I lodge it, all forgot, with some lost thing the dark is isolating on some remote and silent spot that, when your depths vibrate, is not itself vibrating.

You and me- all that lights upon us, though brings us together like a fiddle-bow drawing one voice from two strings it glides along. Across what instruments have we been spanned? And what violinist holds us in his hand? O sweetest song."

Lily sighed sweetly, he made poems sound like love confessions or something that should be very private between two people and no one else. The threat she didn't believe for a minute, like he could make her stay on the boat. But she never knew he was so... playful? adorable? Tender? She didn't know what to call it but she liked this. This side of him and his secret smile that she got to see. "Read another please Kar?" Lily asks softly, her entire being paying attention to Kar.

"And many there were hurt by that strong boy, His name, they said, was Pleasure, And near him stood, glorious beyond measure Four Ladies who possess all empery In earth and air and sea, Nothing that lives from their award is free. Their names will I declare to thee, Love, Hope, Desire, and Fear, And they the regents are Of the four elements that frame the heart, And each diversely exercised her art By force or circumstance or sleight To prove her dreadful might Upon that poor domain. Desire presented her [false] glass, and then The spirit dwelling there Was spellbound to embrace what seemed so fair Within that magic mirror, And dazed by that bright error, It would have scorned the [shafts] of the avenger And death, and penitence, and danger, Had not then silent Fear Touched with her palsying spear, So that as if a frozen torrent The blood was curdled in its current; It dared not speak, even in look or motion, But chained within itself its proud devotion. Between Desire and Fear thou wert A wretched thing, poor heart! Sad was his life who bore thee in his breast, Wild bird for that weak nest. Till Love even from fierce Desire it bought, And from the very wound of tender thought Drew solace, and the pity of sweet eyes Gave strength to bear those gentle agonies, Surmount the loss, the terror, and the sorrow. Then Hope approached, she who can borrow For poor to-day, from rich tomorrow, And Fear withdrew, as night when day Descends upon the orient ray, And after long and vain endurance The poor heart woke to her assurance. —At one birth these four were born
With the world’s forgotten morn, And from Pleasure still they hold All it circles, as of old. When, as summer lures the swallow, Pleasure lures the heart to follow-- O weak heart of little wit! The fair hand that wounded it, Seeking, like a panting hare, Refuge in the lynx’s lair, Love, Desire, Hope, and Fear, Ever will be near."

"Do you think you'll always be out for revenge?" Lily asked softly, she was drowsy now, and she wanted to stay awake. Maybe just maybe he would talk to her... now that he had smiled and was sharing a part of himself he never had before. "It would be nice if you know you could take a break." She said softly blinking slowly, her eyes seemed to burn with her sleepiness now. She rubbed them and stood up to get them both fresh cups of tea. That should help.

"I would suppose once I fulfill my oath that I will either find a place to live the rest of my life or won't survive long after." his words were genuine. "Lily the one who lured you here, did you truly love him or were you in love with what he promised? A life of adventure in a far away place and love with him, only to betray you once here." The words he had said to her were more than just poetry, Da'Karis knew he was begining to have real feelings for Lily. He stood up and walked behind her as she poured herself a cup of tea, and gently put his hand on her shoulder. They had shared much in the short time she was here and he honestly felt he wanted to share more with her.

"I don't know. I don't know if I even know what love is... I know... I thought what I was doing was love. But now... I'm not really sure. It's like... It feels like I was just going through everything because that's what it was supposed to be... I mean sure it made daddy mad...and most of my brothers and sisters. But I liked the idea of someone wanting to run off with me. I feel so stupid looking back on it. How could I not see he was like everyone else? well like everyone else but worse. I guess I wanted to be normal for once and I just couldn't at home anymore. But the silly thing is... I feel normal here. Well out of place a bit... but normal." Lily said setting town the tea pot and turning to look at Kar over her shoulder. "If you ever need it... you will always be safe with me and my family. Hell my aunt is a dragon... I don't think you can get any safer in a family. Other then my uncle... and an alternate dimension great uncle...of course." Lily said trying to keep the facts straight and not embellish on anything. She didn't know Kar was developing feelings for her, she didn't know a lot about him but she knew he was kind and caring and that was enough for him to earn her complete trust.

He did not realize really what he was so close to her, almost like without a thought he leaned forward and brought his mouth to hers. Lily's lips were soft and he could smell her clean skin and hair, nothing had ever smelled so nice to him. Slowly his fingers intertwined with hers and he held her hand tight. Da'Karis parted only a fraction of an inch from Lily's lips, "I hope you are not offended Lily that I did this." Then he kissed her again this time longer and his other hand drew her close to him.

For a moment all Lily could smell was spice. Heavy thick spice, it made her a little dizzy. That and her body responding to the closeness of Kar. She couldn't have answered even if he had given her time to recover instead she clutched at his clothing tightly and just... held on. She was afraid she might swoon. Wouldn't she feel like a silly fool if she fainted in his arms after he kissed..... Lily moaned softly and her legs trembled.

He felt her legs tremble and he set her up onto the table his hands holding only to her bottom for a short time, they now encircled her. Da'Karis had never thought he would be so full of desire or that Lily would be willing to let him touch her. Nothing else mattered, no one just this moment in time with this woman. Lily was aware her legs were spread as Kar was between them as he held her and continued to kiss her, his fingers spread out across the small of her back. He parted from her long enough to whisper a question a single word to her that he would stop, "lily?"

"Yes." Lily responded moaning softly, her thighs quivered softly in anticipation, in uncertainty, and in hope and longing. Lily felt like she had never felt before and more embarrassing then anything else she was feeling wet between her thighs. Also to her acute embarrassment her nipples were tight hard buds that were scratching the other side of the fabric of her tunic. Seeing as they didn't have under things, and they didn't have corsets either she was left rather bare beneath. Her green eyes soft and unfocused she was panting after the kiss just slightly a strange longing in her feminen parts she had never before felt. Not to mention his spice filling her head. She hoped he would be gentle, she was after all a virgin and she didn't know if he had experience or not.

Da'Karis gently lifted her tunic up and off parting their kiss only for a second and his tunic followed suit, they would go slowly until she felt sure. His hands spread across her skin, firm but gentle Lily Ravenwood was a remarkable work of art and he committed her to memory then he began to loosen her skirt. The kiss had deepened between them, their lips never parting for long other than murmur something then Lily felt her skirt slip off as Da'Karis stepped back. His hands found her again and he lifted her off the table and took her to his bed, they would be more comfortable and if she wished there was a blanket. Gently he laid Lily on her back and then removed his pants and slipped under the blanket with her his hand slid down her side and hip drawing her leg tight against his hip.

Lily almost stammered to a stop when she was naked but he took her to the bed and covered her with the blanket. Giving her a false sense of modesty and coverage. Even when he joined her he was covered by the blanket and she wasn't so embarrassed, it gave her a small sense of... not being naked. She did flush brightly when her bare leg was pulled against his hips but... she ached between her legs and her small high breasts felt tight and stiff. Still her head was filled with he smell of spice and even the taste of it on her lips and in her mouth as she Gave herself freely to Kar. Her hands roamed over his shoulders and arms and back, lavishing great attention of gentle finger strokes to the scars she came across. She all but ignored the smooth flesh for that of the burns and sword scars covering his body. Her skin felt hot and she felt breathless and she really really liked this.

He kissed Lily again as his hands began to touch her with more urgency, his fingertips gently drug across her breasts and drew small circles around her nipples. Lily felt his other hand still massaging her bottom and outer thigh, then it was his manhood it nudged her opposite thigh and she could tell it was hardening with arousal. Da'Karis broke their kiss and lowered his mouth to her breast and after a long lick he enveloped her nipple into his mouth and suckled upon it as his hands roamed her lower body. Doubt crept into his eyes as he moved himself closer to joining with her, he wasn't sure that he should take her virtue as bad as he wanted to. "Lily, if I do this then you will no longer be a virgin, I want you but I will not unless you also want this." he stopped knowing she needed to think about this.

"My mom did it in the woods. Someone heard my mom and dad and attacked my dad... thinking he was raping my mom. She hit him with a tree branch and they had sex anyways. If that was how they started I think us doing it this way is fine. Unless you wanna find a priest of Pelor to wed us and then we can try having sex after that. though I don't know if he would be really comfortable with us like this... and I'm nervous so don't hurt me or I'll cut you. But yeah... I like this. I want it and if you stop again I will hit you in the face really hard and cry or die from embarrassment so make up your mind." Lily said the red steadily rising from her naval slowly up her body creeping the longer she spoke and the longer he waited to make up her mind. At this rate she would pass out.

He moved forward and slowly inserted himself inside her groaning as her body began to yield to him. And he did so until he felt her maidenhood and waited for her to be comfortable with him and pressed again as he kissed her. Once she was used to him he began to thrust more regularly as he kissed the side of her neck. Her story about her parents showed how nervous she was, but he doubted a priest would marry them given the circumstances.

Lily had to admit she barely felt a thing when he fully entered her... he felt gigantic though, inside of her and she had to breath careful or she felt she might become overwhelmed. She clutched at his arms as he began to move inside of her, soon seconds passed and suddenly each thrust inside of her made her feel and see stars everywhere. She began to whimper softly and then cry softly, more gasps with sounds then anything else. "D-Dar!! Karis! I... I can't s-stand it! I... I'm gonna EEEEEE!!!!" She actually did muster a real cry as she orgasmed her already tight virgin body clenching tightly around him even tighter and her back arching up off the bed.

Da'Karis could not believe how much tighter she became as she climaxed and he felt himself begin and quickly withdrew spilling his seed on a nearby towel he had near the bed. Then he laid beside her and wiped away her tears, "You are truly wonderful Lily, stay with me here tonight. We do not have to join again just be together after I remake the bed for us, I just want to be close to you." Leaning down he kissed her several times and gently rubbed her back, he hoped she was happy that they joined like this.

Lily panted heavily and moaned softly in agreement. She didn't know if she could move without help at the moment. But she was glad he had thought enough to pull out. The very very last thing they needed was for her to get pregnant. Then the reality set in of what they just did and she blushed heavily. "Kar! oh gods! I still can't even look at you without pants on! This is crazy!" Lily said hiding her face on Kar's chest as she blushed heavily. She regretted nothing but... the topic of sex still made her stammer and the sight of him made her go silent. How was this going to work?

He got up and offered her his hand, "You would have to get used to it if we intend on ever doing this again Lily. Go and wash up while I strip the bed and remake it then we can talk." It took a great deal of willpower to tear his eyes off of her standing nearby and he pulled the sheets from his bed and set them aside. More than likely he would dispose of them rather than having anyone try washing them, they would become bandages after a long soak in hot water with some soap or salt. Once that was done he wetted part of the towel and wiped himself clean then sat and waited for Lily to return to him.

Lily wiped the sweat from her body, and cleaned down there as quickly as possible. She pulled her tunic back on and decided it was enough for now. It hung to her knees anyways, so she waited patiently for Kar to finish the bed. He was very particular about how he wanted these things done so she let him do them without volunteering to help. When he finished she got into bed and got comfortable and patted the bed beside her. "So... Um... are we... together?" Lily asked softly blushing, she supposed she should probably have put more thought into this but when he said they might do it again she couldn't help but to look forward to it already.

He used the basin to wipe himself a little more than sat beside her on the bed, "As it is yes, but I fear it may put you in more danger than you should be while here. It now makes everything more difficult in regards to you going home." He put his hand upon her bare knee, he had yet to put anything on as he hoped Lily would become more used to him if he didn't cover up so quickly after joining. "Do you plan on telling Rosi about us?" he asked her looking her in the eyes. He moved to lay beside her and covered them both his hand coming to rest on her stomach, he had wondered how her skin felt and he found it remarkable and naturally beautiful.

"No. I know you don't like people prying. I don't mind keeping it a secret. I guess now you have something else to motivate you for my lessons huh?" Lily asked, she looked at his face very very hard until he got into bed and then she snuggled back against him happily. Though she was starting to feel sore now, it was still very much so... so little to what she thought it would be like. Mostly she still only felt happy and good and relaxed. Not at all like some of the court girls were saying, of course lily trained so she wasn't all soft. She liked being like this with Kar though.

Valusia XII

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